Ron Paul tied with Newt in Iowa


Paul closes in on Gingrich - Public Policy Polling

I love how the MSM tried shoving down everyone's throat the fairy tale that Gingrich somehow won last Sat's Yahoo/ABC debate while ignoring the beatdown Ron Paul gave him. Well apparently the actual voters disagree:

Gingrich has dropped 5 points in the last week and he's also seen a significant decline in his favorability numbers. Last week he was at +31 (62/31) and he's now dropped 19 points to +12 (52/40). The attacks on him appear to be taking a heavy toll- his support with Tea Party voters has declined from 35% to 24%.

Paul meanwhile has seen a big increase in his popularity from +14 (52/38) to +30 (61/31).
Paul closes in on Gingrich - Public Policy Polling

Just goes to show that when it comes to the MSM, take everything you hear with a grain of salt and always follow the money trail.
Awesome I think he is going to win in Iowa, it will be interesting to see what effect that wil have on the NH polls. The media will go into apoplectic shock which will be hiliarious in and of itself.
Looks possible for Paul to win Iowa, but we'll just have to wait and see.
If enough Democrats cross over to vote for Paul he might win the Iowa Caucus. That will be the high point of not just his campaign but his political career.
If enough Democrats cross over to vote for Paul he might win the Iowa Caucus. That will be the high point of not just his campaign but his political career.

Indeed. It's good to see people are starting to wake up!
Awesome I think he is going to win in Iowa, it will be interesting to see what effect that wil have on the NH polls. The media will go into apoplectic shock which will be hiliarious in and of itself.

There is no taking Iowa anymore. It's not winner take all, rather it proportional to districts they win. Therefore, 2nd and 3rd place mean a heck of a lot more now.
Awesome I think he is going to win in Iowa, it will be interesting to see what effect that wil have on the NH polls. The media will go into apoplectic shock which will be hiliarious in and of itself.

The biggest thing about Ron Paul winning Iowa would be that Newt didn't win Iowa. Romney then still has a good shot at winning NH and by then I'm guessing the knee-jerkers in SC and Florida who jumped from Cain to Newt will have decided to jump from a bankrupt 0-2 Newt to Paul or Romney. My guess is that since they originated as the non-Romney voters they will be jumping to Ron Paul :rock:
I'd love to see Paul win the nom.

Careful what you wish for. If registered Republicans fear four more years of Obama more than they fear non-interventionist foreign policy, Ron Paul would defeat Obama and it might not even be all that close. Assuming the demographics haven't yet reached the threshold where it's mathematically impossible for Obama to lose, Obama would be in for a rude awakening if Republicans are serious when they mean "anyone but Obama" and actually support their nominee Ron Paul in a general election by putting their votes where their mouths are because: everyone knows Paul owns the Independent vote; Paul will likely get the majority of first time voters when you consider his tremendous diehard support among college students; and Paul will even get a decent amount of votes from center-left Democrats. And lets not ignore the elephant in the room that got Obama elected in 08; the anti-war vote. Obama campaigned on peace around the world and ending foreign wars but anyone possessing a global awareness greater than Herman Cain's knows that Obama 2012 is anything but the anti-war candidate he painted himself as in 2008 if his 2012 opponent is Ron Paul. Those voters in 2008 whose #1 issue was ending foreign wars didn't go away, they've only increased in number and there couldn't be a more credible anti-war candidate than Ron Paul.

Obama's vulnerability to the anti-war issue opens up a bigger, more general dilemma for Obama. Obama ran in 08 against George Bush. He plans on running in 12 against the demonized Republican Stereotype. He basically said as much in the 60 Minutes interview last Sunday. Ron Paul is not the Republican Stereotype. Ron Paul is demonized by the MSM -- not for being the Republican Stereotype -- but for being 'crazy' enough to run for the (R) nomination as the genuine yet counterintuitive anti-Republican Stereotype.

Ron Paul essentially turns the tables and makes Obama the Status-Quo Stereotype that, along with Bush, has over 70% of Americans believing the country is headed in the wrong direction. Against Ron Paul, Obama is the big government neocon who picked up on the spending/corporatism/bailouts/war/myopia right where Bush left off. Against Ron Paul, Obama is George Bush. Against Obama, Ron Paul is Hope and Change.
If enough Democrats cross over to vote for Paul he might win the Iowa Caucus. That will be the high point of not just his campaign but his political career.

Iowa does not have open primaries.
I'd love to see Paul win the nom.

Careful what you wish for. If registered Republicans fear four more years of Obama more than they fear non-interventionist foreign policy, Ron Paul would defeat Obama and it might not even be all that close. Assuming the demographics haven't yet reached the threshold where it's mathematically impossible for Obama to lose, Obama would be in for a rude awakening if Republicans are serious when they mean "anyone but Obama" and actually support their nominee Ron Paul in a general election by putting their votes where their mouths are because: everyone knows Paul owns the Independent vote; Paul will likely get the majority of first time voters when you consider his tremendous diehard support among college students; and Paul will even get a decent amount of votes from center-left Democrats. And lets not ignore the elephant in the room that got Obama elected in 08; the anti-war vote. Obama campaigned on peace around the world and ending foreign wars but anyone possessing a global awareness greater than Herman Cain's knows that Obama 2012 is anything but the anti-war candidate he painted himself as in 2008 if his 2012 opponent is Ron Paul. Those voters in 2008 whose #1 issue was ending foreign wars didn't go away, they've only increased in number and there couldn't be a more credible anti-war candidate than Ron Paul.

Obama's vulnerability to the anti-war issue opens up a bigger, more general dilemma for Obama. Obama ran in 08 against George Bush. He plans on running in 12 against the demonized Republican Stereotype. He basically said as much in the 60 Minutes interview last Sunday. Ron Paul is not the Republican Stereotype. Ron Paul is demonized by the MSM -- not for being the Republican Stereotype -- but for being 'crazy' enough to run for the (R) nomination as the genuine yet counterintuitive anti-Republican Stereotype.

Ron Paul essentially turns the tables and makes Obama the Status-Quo Stereotype that, along with Bush, has over 70% of Americans believing the country is headed in the wrong direction. Against Ron Paul, Obama is the big government neocon who picked up on the spending/corporatism/bailouts/war/myopia right where Bush left off. Against Ron Paul, Obama is George Bush. Against Obama, Ron Paul is Hope and Change.

I have been paying more attnetion to Paul lately. Did a little reading up on him and I am intrigued. Yes, some of his ideas and visions concern me....but that does not mean he is wrong. It just means I never thought of it that way.

Knowing that congress keeps the President somewhat in check just as the power of the veto allows the President to keep congress somewhat in check..... a Paul presidency may be exactly what we need right now. Both sides of the aisle will have one thing to unite them.....keeping Paul in check.....and that may allow Paul to institute many of his policies, but within reason...and allow congress to start making decisions that are not just in the best interest of their respective parties, but in the best interest of the country moving forward.

Paul lacks the charisma and "electibility" that smeone like Obama and Romeny have.....but just curious...

how has that been panning out for us lately?
I am not much for polls but I know many are... Newt and Paul are tied in Iowa.

Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took third place with 16

Read more: Ron Paul ties Newt Gingrich in latest Iowa PPP poll | The State Column

Whoa! That is a surprise! Wonder what will happen with Newt and Ron going negative in their ads....understand the ads on TV are hot and heavy!
You assume too much, Imbalance.

I want Paul to win the GOP nod because I think he is less of a fuck-up than the other idiots that have been given strong support by nutters.

If the GOP is successful in stalling the economy for the remainder of Obama's term, the low info voting public might put your guy in the driver's seat. I'd could live with Paul for his liberal nature and general honesty and I'm pretty sure he'd never get any of his batshit crazy stuff accomplished.

Get it now?
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