Ron Paulbarians Are At GOP's Gate...

The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States..

The naive , the gullible and zombified never cease to amaze me:

The Bush Administration's Torture of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla

by Glenn Greenwald

The Bush administration's May, 2002 lawless detention of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla – on U.S. soil – was, as I recounted in my book, the first incident which really prompted me to begin concluding that things were going terribly awry in our country. The administration declared Padilla an "enemy combatant," put him in a military prison, and refused to charge him with any crime or even allow him access to a lawyer or anyone else. He stayed in a black hole, kept by his own government, for the next three-a-half-years with no charges of any kind ever asserted against him and with the administration insisting on the right to detain him (and any other American citizen) indefinitely – all based solely on the secret, unchallengeable say-so of the President that he was an "enemy combatant."

To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it – and even more trouble believing that there are so many blindly loyal followers of that government who defend that conduct. The outrage that it provokes when thinking about it has not diminished even a small amount and does not diminish no matter how many times one reads, writes or speaks about it. It is as profound a betrayal of the most core American political principles as one can fathom. "

The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States..

The naive , the gullible and zombified never cease to amaze me:

The Bush Administration's Torture of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla

by Glenn Greenwald

The Bush administration's May, 2002 lawless detention of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla – on U.S. soil – was, as I recounted in my book, the first incident which really prompted me to begin concluding that things were going terribly awry in our country. The administration declared Padilla an "enemy combatant," put him in a military prison, and refused to charge him with any crime or even allow him access to a lawyer or anyone else. He stayed in a black hole, kept by his own government, for the next three-a-half-years with no charges of any kind ever asserted against him and with the administration insisting on the right to detain him (and any other American citizen) indefinitely – all based solely on the secret, unchallengeable say-so of the President that he was an "enemy combatant."

To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it – and even more trouble believing that there are so many blindly loyal followers of that government who defend that conduct. The outrage that it provokes when thinking about it has not diminished even a small amount and does not diminish no matter how many times one reads, writes or speaks about it. It is as profound a betrayal of the most core American political principles as one can fathom. "


Lew Rockwell: The Huffington Post of the Narco-Libertarian Movement.
The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States..

The naive , the gullible and zombified never cease to amaze me:

The Bush Administration's Torture of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla

by Glenn Greenwald

The Bush administration's May, 2002 lawless detention of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla – on U.S. soil – was, as I recounted in my book, the first incident which really prompted me to begin concluding that things were going terribly awry in our country. The administration declared Padilla an "enemy combatant," put him in a military prison, and refused to charge him with any crime or even allow him access to a lawyer or anyone else. He stayed in a black hole, kept by his own government, for the next three-a-half-years with no charges of any kind ever asserted against him and with the administration insisting on the right to detain him (and any other American citizen) indefinitely – all based solely on the secret, unchallengeable say-so of the President that he was an "enemy combatant."

To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it – and even more trouble believing that there are so many blindly loyal followers of that government who defend that conduct. The outrage that it provokes when thinking about it has not diminished even a small amount and does not diminish no matter how many times one reads, writes or speaks about it. It is as profound a betrayal of the most core American political principles as one can fathom. "


Lew Rockwell: The Huffington Post of the Narco-Libertarian Movement.

You are kidding, right?

Is Illinois still in the union or not?

What a fucktard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I got tired of you fools trying to claim the story is accurate despite the witnesses and family contradicting your story. I figured rather than give you fools power to annoy me, Id let you alone in ignorance. Seems to be working well.
You made a claim, then ran away like the pussy you are when asked to back it up.

That's a FACT.

The fact is I was on this messageboard for barely any time this past weekend.

You're on now. Go back to that thread and either prove the lie you told, or man up.

If you ignore whatever it is you think I have falsely claimed, that's fine. I dont care what you think of a point I made on a 50 year old non-story. You dont have to believe it. Because guess what, that's not what this election is about.

You didn't make a "point". You made an assertion of "fact" that you fully knew was total bullshit. When you got called on it by Dick Tuck, you ran away.

You're an intellectual coward.
The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States..

The naive , the gullible and zombified never cease to amaze me:

The Bush Administration's Torture of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla

by Glenn Greenwald

The Bush administration's May, 2002 lawless detention of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla – on U.S. soil – was, as I recounted in my book, the first incident which really prompted me to begin concluding that things were going terribly awry in our country. The administration declared Padilla an "enemy combatant," put him in a military prison, and refused to charge him with any crime or even allow him access to a lawyer or anyone else. He stayed in a black hole, kept by his own government, for the next three-a-half-years with no charges of any kind ever asserted against him and with the administration insisting on the right to detain him (and any other American citizen) indefinitely – all based solely on the secret, unchallengeable say-so of the President that he was an "enemy combatant."

To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it – and even more trouble believing that there are so many blindly loyal followers of that government who defend that conduct. The outrage that it provokes when thinking about it has not diminished even a small amount and does not diminish no matter how many times one reads, writes or speaks about it. It is as profound a betrayal of the most core American political principles as one can fathom. "


Lew Rockwell: The Huffington Post of the Narco-Libertarian Movement.é_Padilla_(prisoner)

4.despite the legal precedent set by Ex parte Quirin, "the President lacked inherent constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief to detain American citizens on American soil outside a zone of combat". The Second Circuit relied on the case of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952), where the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that President Truman, during the Korean War years, could not use his position and power as Commander-in-Chief, created under Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, to seize the nation's steel mills on the eve of a nation-wide steelworkers' strike. The extraordinary government power to curb civil rights and liberties during crisis periods, such as times of war, lies with Congress and not the President. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants Congress, and not the President, the power to suspend the right of habeas corpus during a period of rebellion or invasion.

I'm sure Rabbi will be on here saying wikipedia is "The Huffington Post of the Narco-Libertarian Movement."
The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States..

The naive , the gullible and zombified never cease to amaze me:

The Bush Administration's Torture of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla

by Glenn Greenwald

The Bush administration's May, 2002 lawless detention of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla – on U.S. soil – was, as I recounted in my book, the first incident which really prompted me to begin concluding that things were going terribly awry in our country. The administration declared Padilla an "enemy combatant," put him in a military prison, and refused to charge him with any crime or even allow him access to a lawyer or anyone else. He stayed in a black hole, kept by his own government, for the next three-a-half-years with no charges of any kind ever asserted against him and with the administration insisting on the right to detain him (and any other American citizen) indefinitely – all based solely on the secret, unchallengeable say-so of the President that he was an "enemy combatant."

To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it – and even more trouble believing that there are so many blindly loyal followers of that government who defend that conduct. The outrage that it provokes when thinking about it has not diminished even a small amount and does not diminish no matter how many times one reads, writes or speaks about it. It is as profound a betrayal of the most core American political principles as one can fathom. "


Good to see at least one person here waking up how you cant reason with Gomer Pyle Ollie.He is as bad as Toto.
You made a claim, then ran away like the pussy you are when asked to back it up.

That's a FACT.

The fact is I was on this messageboard for barely any time this past weekend.

You're on now. Go back to that thread and either prove the lie you told, or man up.

If you ignore whatever it is you think I have falsely claimed, that's fine. I dont care what you think of a point I made on a 50 year old non-story. You dont have to believe it. Because guess what, that's not what this election is about.

You didn't make a "point". You made an assertion of "fact" that you fully knew was total bullshit. When you got called on it by Dick Tuck, you ran away.

You're an intellectual coward.

Oh wow. That hurt so badly. I am being called a name. Woe is me. My world is ending.

Seriously, it would be nice if once in your life you could respond without calling names.

And if i didnt have a point, how could i have asserted anything?

Forgive me if I dont believe a non-story that your evidence doesnt support. it's not my fault the Washington Post lied about the "witnesses" nor that they didn't bother talking to the family about it. Is it really my fault that they contradict the WP's claim?

Admit it. You can't run on Obama's record, so you have to run on stories you know are nonsense to divert attention with the hopes that people are too stupid to see right through your pretention.
Hey 911 nutjob, you need to STFU and stop trying to speak for someone else........

Yes Padilla was treated wrongly. Not his arrest, and I'm not so sure he was tortured but he should have been charged. And he should have been given all his Miranda rights. Bush and Rumsfeld screwed the goose on that one.

But they were wrong and the courts said so.......

So try another one where the courts have allowed an American to be denied their rights......
To this day, I have trouble believing that we have a Government that claims this power against American citizens and has exercised that power and aggressively defended it –

Article1, Section 9. United States Constitution.

Thank you for posting the section of the Constitution being violated.

We already knew that, but maybe you're coming around.

Some of us understand the conditions under which the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall be suspended, and other are just whiny young Libertines.
Article1, Section 9. United States Constitution.

Thank you for posting the section of the Constitution being violated.

We already knew that, but maybe you're coming around.

Some of us understand the conditions under which the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall be suspended, and other are just whiny young Libertines.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 9 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

attainder n. The loss of all civil rights by a person sentenced for a serious crime.

Ex post facto
ex post facto adj. Formulated, enacted, or operating retroactively.

I can't make things any more clear than that.
Thank you for posting the section of the Constitution being violated.

We already knew that, but maybe you're coming around.

Some of us understand the conditions under which the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall be suspended, and other are just whiny young Libertines.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 9 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

attainder n. The loss of all civil rights by a person sentenced for a serious crime.

Ex post facto
ex post facto adj. Formulated, enacted, or operating retroactively.

I can't make things any more clear than that.

You didn't even notice the relevant part of Article 1, section 9, dumbass, as it applies to conditions under which the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall be suspended.

The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Now, reasonable people can argue as to whether or not a particular situation warrants, justifies or merits suspension of a persons privilege to Writ of Habeas, but only delusional narco-Libertarians can pretend the Constitution does not make provision for it.
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Which is exactly why powermongers want to turn every problem we face into "War".

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