Rookie NYPD cop texted union before calling 911 after accidentally shooting innocent man


Gold Member
May 13, 2014
A New York police officer who shot a man dead in a Brooklyn housing project texted his union before calling 911, a new report has revealed.

Akai Gurley, 28, was gunned down November 20 by rookie cop Peter Liang. The officer then texted his union representative before calling paramedics to tend to the dying Gurley, sources told the New York Daily News.

Text messages received by the police union also showed both officers had no clue which building they were in, the source revealed.

Liang and Shaun Landau, his partner, encountered Gurley while on an interior patrol referred to as "verticals" by police.

A superior officer, Deputy Inspector Miguel Iglesias, had previously barred them from such patrols, the source added.

An attorney for Gurley's family has called the incident criminally negligent and told the Daily News he would be surprised if it does not reach a grand jury.

Rookie NYPD cop texted union before calling 911 after accidentally shooting innocent man -
Another Grand Jury? :dunno:

Well... we know where this is headed don't we? ;)
Imagine the choice before you.
You have disobeyed orders.
You have shot a man that is dying before you.

Do I call 911 for an ambulance and expose myself to the consequences of my actions or do I call my union and get all the coaching I need to minimize my actions.
We have so terrified the police that they think first of themselves then of the victim.

This happened in a stairwell of a New York housing project. This is one of the most dangerous places in the world. If the police are going into war zones they need military training.
We have so terrified the police that they think first of themselves then of the victim.

This happened in a stairwell of a New York housing project. This is one of the most dangerous places in the world. If the police are going into war zones they need military training.
Had the Officers not disobeyed direct orders, they would not have been in that building in the first place.
We have so terrified the police that they think first of themselves then of the victim.

This happened in a stairwell of a New York housing project. This is one of the most dangerous places in the world. If the police are going into war zones they need military training.

Out of curiosity what does leather taste like? You seem to do a lot of boot licking.
What was the Officer "terrified" of???
Becoming the next Darren Wilson.
So an Officer disobeys direct orders, shoots a man and according to you his first responsibility is to call his union instead of an ambulance for a dying man????

In what world is that acceptable conduct???
Not his first responsibility. His first thought. His first reaction is going to be himself. That's just the way human beings are.

I had not heard his direct orders. What were his direct orders and who gave them?
What was the Officer "terrified" of???
Becoming the next Darren Wilson.
So an Officer disobeys direct orders, shoots a man and according to you his first responsibility is to call his union instead of an ambulance for a dying man????

In what world is that acceptable conduct???
Not his first responsibility. His first thought. His first reaction is going to be himself. That's just the way human beings are.

I had not heard his direct orders. What were his direct orders and who gave them?

Liang and Shaun Landau, his partner, encountered Gurley while on an interior patrol referred to as "verticals" by police.

A superior officer, Deputy Inspector Miguel Iglesias, had previously barred them from such patrols, the source added.

"But Iglesias' philosophy was, 'I want a presence on the street, in the courtyards - and if they go into the buildings they were just supposed to check out the lobby," said the source.

Iglesias was reportedly furious the pair had gone against his wishes and entered the building, leading to the shooting incident.

Ohhhhh. The superior officer wanted the police to do only a little policing. Not too much.
Ohhhhh. The superior officer wanted the police to do only a little policing. Not too much.
Well, you can seek to minimize the orders of a superior officer, that's your choice.
Had this rookie Officer obeyed those orders would that man be dead now???
Ok guys...stay ON TOPIC without the personal attacks, and bringing each others mothers into the both know better.

Now, let's get back on track.
This officer has automatically made sure that a hefty wrongful death settlement is forthcoming and possible criminal charges.
Which he rightly deserves.
Now, let's get back on track.
This officer has automatically made sure that a hefty wrongful death settlement is forthcoming and possible criminal charges.
Which he rightly deserves.

That has NO BEARING on it be a RACIAL crime! WHICH IT ISN'T!
Now, let's get back on track.
This officer has automatically made sure that a hefty wrongful death settlement is forthcoming and possible criminal charges.
Which he rightly deserves.

That has NO BEARING on it be a RACIAL crime! WHICH IT ISN'T! flash!!!!!
Nobody EVER stated that it was a racial crime.

Not in here BUT on the outside, where it REALLY COUNTS they do!

Fatal New York police shooting stokes new criticism - LA Times

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