Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

What did Roosevelt know, and when did he know it.....and what did he do with the knowledge?

He knew this:

10. "The mass murder of seven million Ukrainians, three million of them children, and deportation to the gulag of two million more (where most died) was hidden by Soviet propaganda. Pro-communist westerners, like The New York Times' Walter Duranty, British writers Sidney and Beatrice Webb and French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, toured Ukraine, denied reports of genocide, and applauded what they called Soviet "agrarian reform."

Those who spoke out against the genocide were branded "fascist agents." Seven million died in the 'forgotten' holocaust - Eric Margolis

"...hidden by Soviet propaganda." Much of which came from the Roosevelt White House.

Roosevelt didn't just overlook these atrocities.....he swore to America that they weren't true! Yet Liberals/Democrats meet these facts with a shrug, or the lie seen in post #: 429 'you must like Hitler!!!'

FDR's lies and actions which served to cover and support Stalin's murderous regime had to be the belief that, either, FDR was a devotee of communism and anticipated imposing it on America...or, that he believed that he could incorporate Stalin into an organization with himself as CEO.

The former explanation would represent illimitable evil.....the latter, abysmal ignorance.

Roosevelt knew of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin.

Yet swore fealty to Stalin.

Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.
2. He became President in 1933, and rushed to embrace Stalin with recognition that same year....
It took seven years to begin to prepare for the war..

Why exactly do you think that HiItler should have been preparing for war with Hitler's Germany in 1933?

Have you admitted that you purposely made this post obtuse?

"Why exactly do you think that HiItler should have been preparing for war with Hitler's Germany in 1933?"
Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?
It is not a fact that Wallace was a communist. It is an opinion that Wallace was overly sympathetic and influenced by his Russian wife and friends. That is far different that an outright allegation that the WWII American VP was an actual communist.
No doubt you have a pre-designed cut and paste to continue this misinformation campaign of yours. That is how you will escape and deflect from the endless trashing you have already taken today. It's called changing the subject. So go ahead, tell us about our communist VP during WWII.
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

What are we betting.
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Of course I know I'm never wrong.

How about you get in on the bet....put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Of course I can.

Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

What are we betting.

I am betting that you will never bother to respond to a post with an actual answer.
What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?

Wow- I can almost see the spittle on your monitor from your angst.

Absolutely no doubt that FDR worst decision- and blemish on America- was the internment of American citizens of Japanese ancestry- something that many Conservatives to this day insist was the right thing to do. Hell my grandmother- and most Americans- unfortunately- thought it was the right thing to do.

'His spaghetti approach' to the economy? Worked- at least worked better than the absolutely nothing that Hoover had been doing.
Unemployment went from 25% in 1933 to 9% in 1941.
You hate social security and unemployment insurance- most Americans are grateful for these programs that help Americans.
"Sucking Stalin's" dick? That just shows you are an idiot.
His infidelity to his wife? How does that change how he was as President- such infidelity is something he shared with Eisenhower, Clinton and of course GOP hopeful Donald Trump- something I don't approve of- but doesn't change any of their performances as President.
The St. Louis? While I wish FDR had helped the passengers of the St. Louis- unlike the case of Japanese Americans, FDR was both following the law, and could argue that allowing the St. Louis passengers would have denied entry to thousands of German Jews who were in line to come into the U.S.
Quotas established in the US Immigration and Nationality Act of 1924 strictly limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted to the United States each year. In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370 and was quickly filled. In fact, there was a waiting list of at least several years. US officials could only have granted visas to the St. Louis passengers by denying them to the thousands of German Jews placed further up on the waiting list.
Campaign lies? Oh no a Presidential campaign with lies.....getting pretty desperate to find something to attack FDR eh?
Attempting to pack the court? Stupid politically but what he proposed was not only legal- but had been proposed before.
Running for a third and fourth term? Perfectly Constitutional- and the voters approved. Why exactly are you upset that the voters chose FDR?

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.

Look at how hard you have to work to play the shameless apologist.
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?

Wow- I can almost see the spittle on your monitor from your angst.

Absolutely no doubt that FDR worst decision- and blemish on America- was the internment of American citizens of Japanese ancestry- something that many Conservatives to this day insist was the right thing to do. Hell my grandmother- and most Americans- unfortunately- thought it was the right thing to do.

'His spaghetti approach' to the economy? Worked- at least worked better than the absolutely nothing that Hoover had been doing.
Unemployment went from 25% in 1933 to 9% in 1941.
You hate social security and unemployment insurance- most Americans are grateful for these programs that help Americans.
"Sucking Stalin's" dick? That just shows you are an idiot.
His infidelity to his wife? How does that change how he was as President- such infidelity is something he shared with Eisenhower, Clinton and of course GOP hopeful Donald Trump- something I don't approve of- but doesn't change any of their performances as President.
The St. Louis? While I wish FDR had helped the passengers of the St. Louis- unlike the case of Japanese Americans, FDR was both following the law, and could argue that allowing the St. Louis passengers would have denied entry to thousands of German Jews who were in line to come into the U.S.
Quotas established in the US Immigration and Nationality Act of 1924 strictly limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted to the United States each year. In 1939, the annual combined German-Austrian immigration quota was 27,370 and was quickly filled. In fact, there was a waiting list of at least several years. US officials could only have granted visas to the St. Louis passengers by denying them to the thousands of German Jews placed further up on the waiting list.
Campaign lies? Oh no a Presidential campaign with lies.....getting pretty desperate to find something to attack FDR eh?
Attempting to pack the court? Stupid politically but what he proposed was not only legal- but had been proposed before.
Running for a third and fourth term? Perfectly Constitutional- and the voters approved. Why exactly are you upset that the voters chose FDR?

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.

Look at how hard you have to work to play the shameless apologist.

Look at how you dodge to avoid having to deal with FDR's accomplishments

Now- let us review what FDR did accomplish while President
  • From the time he was elected- to the time he died- unemployment went from 25% to virtually zero.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by several factors- the most powerful economy in the world.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was by large measure had the most powerful industry in the United States.
  • At the time of his death- the United States had the most powerful Navy and air force in the world
  • While he was President- every 'modern' weapon system used by the U.S. in WW2 was developed- from the P-51 to the B-29- to the atomic bomb.
  • At the time of his death- the United States was on the verge of victory against the two remaining countries the United States was at war with- Italy had already been defeated.
  • Social Security was implemented- the primary retirement funding for most Americans today
  • Unemployment insurance was instituted
  • Bank Depositors insurance was instituted
  • One of the most radical programs was instituted- the GI Bill- which was one of the key programs that fueled American prosperity and growth in the 1950's.
No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Of course I can.

Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.

You're, lying.

You know I know soooo much more than you, that claiming said lie is your attempt to save face.

Not possible.

Here comes your latest thrashing:

1. ....the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge." Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States."
America's Worst Vice Presidents - TIME

  1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
    1. FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!!!
Last edited:
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

What are we betting.

I am betting that you will never bother to respond to a post with an actual answer.

Post # 455....

You lose again.

I almost feel sorry for you.

As a Liberal, you get no real education.
And....Liberalism is either the cause or the result of brain damage.

I said almost.
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Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.
Could explain why FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?
It is not a fact that Wallace was a communist. It is an opinion that Wallace was overly sympathetic and influenced by his Russian wife and friends. That is far different that an outright allegation that the WWII American VP was an actual communist.
No doubt you have a pre-designed cut and paste to continue this misinformation campaign of yours. That is how you will escape and deflect from the endless trashing you have already taken today. It's called changing the subject. So go ahead, tell us about our communist VP during WWII.

"It is not a fact that Wallace was a communist. It is an opinion that Wallace was overly sympathetic and influenced by his Russian wife and friends."

Don't, your hands hurt from holding on by a thread????

1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And about you.
No one can explain any of your idiotic claims.

Tell us more about how you regret FDR led the United States out of the Depression and to victory in World War 2

Care to explain why this is 'idiotic'?

FDR demanded a communist as his second vice-president....or he threatened not to run.

It is a fact, as are all of my posts.

Care to bet on it?

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.


Post #459, red-boy.

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