Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.

Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.
Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.

Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

"Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well.

The result would have been a deepening of Stalinist control of Europe, and a tough road that might well have made it impossible for the West actually to have won the Cold War and to have defeated Soviet expansionism. Moreover, as Gaddis suggests, new evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.
The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Wise up, you dope.

12. While there may be some question as to what the exact relaitonshiop between Stalin and Roosevelt was, there can be no argument that Stalin got exactly what he wanted from Franklin Roosevelt.

a. The attack at Normandy, instead of the Adriatic

b. Lend-Lease poured into Russia at the expense of Allied requirements (included uranium for a bomb).

c. An international socialist institution, the United Nations, where Russia got 3 votes to the US's single one. And a Soviet agent as first sec'y general.

d. Hegemony and control of all of Eastern Europe

e. Crushing of Germany, which might have stood in Stalin's way, following Stalin's order to Roosevelt never to allow surrender by anti-Nazi and anti-Communist Germans.

And....over 20,000 United States soldiers were captured and never returned by the USSR.
So.....who won WWII?

The import of the thread....Franklin Roosevelt was the very opposite of the greatest President in the last 100 year.....Ronald Reagan.

Franklin Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan.
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.

Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

"Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well.

The result would have been a deepening of Stalinist control of Europe, and a tough road that might well have made it impossible for the West actually to have won the Cold War and to have defeated Soviet expansionism. Moreover, as Gaddis suggests, new evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.
The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Wise up, you dope.

Again- waiting for you to actually prove one of the things you have posted- prove that FDR insisted on having a communist as VP.

Still waiting.
12. While there may be some question as to what the exact relaitonshiop between Stalin and Roosevelt was, there can be no argument that Stalin got exactly what he wanted from Franklin Roosevelt..

Why exactly did Stalin want the United States to be the most powerful country in the world in 1945?

Why exactly did Stalin want the United States to have the powerful industry in the world in 1945?

Who won?

Well in 2015, the United States is still the most powerful nation in the world- and the Soviet Union no longer exists.

Well done FDR.
Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

"Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well.

The result would have been a deepening of Stalinist control of Europe, and a tough road that might well have made it impossible for the West actually to have won the Cold War and to have defeated Soviet expansionism. Moreover, as Gaddis suggests, new evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.
The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Wise up, you dope.

Again- waiting for you to actually prove one of the things you have posted- prove that FDR insisted on having a communist as VP.

Still waiting.
She will fall asleep at her keyboard, wake up and repeat her cycle of lying instead of admitting a mistake. That is because her claims are not mistakes, they are purposeful lies and efforts at disinformation.
Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

"Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well.

The result would have been a deepening of Stalinist control of Europe, and a tough road that might well have made it impossible for the West actually to have won the Cold War and to have defeated Soviet expansionism. Moreover, as Gaddis suggests, new evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.
The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Wise up, you dope.

Again- waiting for you to actually prove one of the things you have posted- prove that FDR insisted on having a communist as VP.

Still waiting.


An 'is not, is noootttttttt' post from a Liberals!

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.

Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

Doesn't look so good for Wallace.
Yeah- PC can't even follow a conversation without reverting to your volumes of previous cut and pastes.

Why exactly did Stalin want the United States to be the most powerful country in the world in 1945?

Why exactly did Stalin want the United States to have the powerful industry in the world in 1945?

Who won?

Well in 2015, the United States is still the most powerful nation in the world- and the Soviet Union no longer exists.

Well done FDR.
Post #455 smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????

I love it!!!!
Nothing in Post #455 gives a shred of evidence or support to your claim that VP Wallace was a communist. You made the claim, but you can not substantiate it. Not even a close try. You called the VP a communist and accused FDR of insisting on a communist VP. That is a lie. You told the story. If you persist in sticking to it you confirm yourself as a liar.

Post #459, red-boy.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

Doesn't look so good for Wallace.

I think he will never get elected President.
There is nothing in you additional Post #459 that confirms Wallace as a communist and certainly not as a sitting VP communist. You are giving speculation and opinion, nothing more.
Lets have some perspective. You started out claiming FDR had a communist for a sitting Vice President. Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim, you are stretching your speculative theory out to years after his Vice Presidency was over and he was selected by the Progressive party as a Presidential candidate. The Progressives got an endorsement from the communist party. Hence you have concluded that America had a communist for a WWII VP.
You really are a joke PC.

"Unable to show a shred of evidence to support your outrageous claim,...."


1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

And....based on his overt actions.....
...what does that say about Comrade Roosevelt?

And again- where in all of that Conspiracy crap- is there 'proof' that Henry Wallace was a communist?

Once again- just you pulling crap out of your ass.

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

"Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well.

The result would have been a deepening of Stalinist control of Europe, and a tough road that might well have made it impossible for the West actually to have won the Cold War and to have defeated Soviet expansionism. Moreover, as Gaddis suggests, new evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.
The Real Henry Wallace, by Conrad Black, National Review

Wise up, you dope.

Again- waiting for you to actually prove one of the things you have posted- prove that FDR insisted on having a communist as VP.

Still waiting.


An 'is not, is noootttttttt' post from a Liberals!


Again- waiting for you to actually prove one of the things you have posted- prove that FDR insisted on having a communist as VP.

Still waiting.
11. And....never overlook the propaganda lie that either
a) we needed Stalin to defeat Hitler,
or b) without Roosevelt, Hitler would have beaten Stalin.
Nether comes close to the truth.

According to Stalin- without American assistance, Germany would have defeated the Soviet Union.

But I will humor you.

Tell me your alternative strategy on December 11, 1941- the United States is at war with Japan, Germany and Italy.

Tell me what you think FDR should have done differently.

Go for it.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

1. What could, should have happened?
When the (anticipated) event that Hitler would attack Stalin's Russia, as they did June 21st, 1941,America should have done more than relaxing restrictions on exports to the Russians...but at the same time securing a quid pro quo for further assistance! Lend-Lease should not have been the automatic and unlimited buffet that it turned into!

"Finally, should the Soviet regime fall,...we should refuse to recognize a Communist government-in-exile,leaving the path clear for establishment for a non-Communist government in Russia after the war." These were the words of Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

2. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, William Bullitt (Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936.)warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'

He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

3. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever thatit would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

BTW....note how those last two words apply to you.

But isn't this the debate tactics that both sides utilize ?

And the double standard is pretty clear on this.

I don't agree with you on several points.

As an example....While Wallace appears to have been playing with half a deck, I don't know that he was communist or that you can state Roosevelt had a communist for a VP. However, there has always pretty clear evidence of his sympathies. Additionally, from what I recall...Wallace was kind of a whackjob religious nut.

But, you can't produce absolute, lock down tight explicit proof that such was the case. Short of an explicit admission on his part (under oath, truth syrum, and threat of death....of course), everyone will sit there and say that "you've yet to produce any proof".

Which is technically correct......your counter is that if it quacks like a duck......which is valid....but still allows others to room to step back in the face of pretty good evidence and say...."you have no proof".

And yet these same lying asswipes will smugly state that "Obama saved us from a depression" know the one we were never in. And when someone says that's more a matter of probability than strict fact....they piss all over themselves to show you how it is absolutely true (even though you can't prove it because it was not allowed to play out).

So, every time I read the attacks (and BTW rightwinger and Dot Com post an attack...I have to laugh....while it requires a least you make an argument....again I don't always agree with you....they on the other hand can barely manage to get their Saul Alinsky approved BS talking points onto the board in one piece.), I have to laugh hard at their baboon type crap flinging methods.

I appreciate your efforts....even when you are wrong.

I do enjoy watching your opposition wet themselves in their rush to show you how wrong you are absent the same proof they want you to produce.
11. And....never overlook the propaganda lie that either
a) we needed Stalin to defeat Hitler,
or b) without Roosevelt, Hitler would have beaten Stalin.
Nether comes close to the truth.

According to Stalin- without American assistance, Germany would have defeated the Soviet Union.

But I will humor you.

Tell me your alternative strategy on December 11, 1941- the United States is at war with Japan, Germany and Italy.

Tell me what you think FDR should have done differently.

Go for it.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

1. What could, should have happened?
When the (anticipated) event that Hitler would attack Stalin's Russia, as they did June 21st, 1941,America should have done more than relaxing restrictions on exports to the Russians...but at the same time securing a quid pro quo for further assistance! Lend-Lease should not have been the automatic and unlimited buffet that it turned into!

"Finally, should the Soviet regime fall,...we should refuse to recognize a Communist government-in-exile,leaving the path clear for establishment for a non-Communist government in Russia after the war." These were the words of Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

2. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, William Bullitt (Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936.)warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'

He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

3. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever thatit would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

BTW....note how those last two words apply to you.

But isn't this the debate tactics that both sides utilize ?

And the double standard is pretty clear on this.

I don't agree with you on several points.

As an example....While Wallace appears to have been playing with half a deck, I don't know that he was communist or that you can state Roosevelt had a communist for a VP. However, there has always pretty clear evidence of his sympathies. Additionally, from what I recall...Wallace was kind of a whackjob religious nut.

But, you can't produce absolute, lock down tight explicit proof that such was the case. Short of an explicit admission on his part (under oath, truth syrum, and threat of death....of course), everyone will sit there and say that "you've yet to produce any proof".

Which is technically correct......your counter is that if it quacks like a duck......which is valid....but still allows others to room to step back in the face of pretty good evidence and say...."you have no proof".

And yet these same lying asswipes will smugly state that "Obama saved us from a depression" know the one we were never in. And when someone says that's more a matter of probability than strict fact....they piss all over themselves to show you how it is absolutely true (even though you can't prove it because it was not allowed to play out).

So, every time I read the attacks (and BTW rightwinger and Dot Com post an attack...I have to laugh....while it requires a least you make an argument....again I don't always agree with you....they on the other hand can barely manage to get their Saul Alinsky approved BS talking points onto the board in one piece.), I have to laugh hard at their baboon type crap flinging methods.

I appreciate your efforts....even when you are wrong.

I do enjoy watching your opposition wet themselves in their rush to show you how wrong you are absent the same proof they want you to produce.

And I appreciate your posts- even when you are wrong.

Like in this thread. I have enjoyed watching PC's fellow travelers and their efforts to explain how terrible that FDR left the United States the most powerful nation- and economy- in the world at his death.
11. And....never overlook the propaganda lie that either
a) we needed Stalin to defeat Hitler,
or b) without Roosevelt, Hitler would have beaten Stalin.
Nether comes close to the truth.

According to Stalin- without American assistance, Germany would have defeated the Soviet Union.

But I will humor you.

Tell me your alternative strategy on December 11, 1941- the United States is at war with Japan, Germany and Italy.

Tell me what you think FDR should have done differently.

Go for it.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

1. What could, should have happened?
When the (anticipated) event that Hitler would attack Stalin's Russia, as they did June 21st, 1941,America should have done more than relaxing restrictions on exports to the Russians...but at the same time securing a quid pro quo for further assistance! Lend-Lease should not have been the automatic and unlimited buffet that it turned into!

"Finally, should the Soviet regime fall,...we should refuse to recognize a Communist government-in-exile,leaving the path clear for establishment for a non-Communist government in Russia after the war." These were the words of Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

2. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, William Bullitt (Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936.)warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'

He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

3. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever thatit would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

BTW....note how those last two words apply to you.

But isn't this the debate tactics that both sides utilize ?

And the double standard is pretty clear on this.

I don't agree with you on several points.

As an example....While Wallace appears to have been playing with half a deck, I don't know that he was communist or that you can state Roosevelt had a communist for a VP. However, there has always pretty clear evidence of his sympathies. Additionally, from what I recall...Wallace was kind of a whackjob religious nut.

But, you can't produce absolute, lock down tight explicit proof that such was the case. Short of an explicit admission on his part (under oath, truth syrum, and threat of death....of course), everyone will sit there and say that "you've yet to produce any proof".

Which is technically correct......your counter is that if it quacks like a duck......which is valid....but still allows others to room to step back in the face of pretty good evidence and say...."you have no proof".

And yet these same lying asswipes will smugly state that "Obama saved us from a depression" know the one we were never in. And when someone says that's more a matter of probability than strict fact....they piss all over themselves to show you how it is absolutely true (even though you can't prove it because it was not allowed to play out).

So, every time I read the attacks (and BTW rightwinger and Dot Com post an attack...I have to laugh....while it requires a least you make an argument....again I don't always agree with you....they on the other hand can barely manage to get their Saul Alinsky approved BS talking points onto the board in one piece.), I have to laugh hard at their baboon type crap flinging methods.

I appreciate your efforts....even when you are wrong.

I do enjoy watching your opposition wet themselves in their rush to show you how wrong you are absent the same proof they want you to produce.

And I appreciate your posts- even when you are wrong.

Like in this thread. I have enjoyed watching PC's fellow travelers and their efforts to explain how terrible that FDR left the United States the most powerful nation- and economy- in the world at his death.

So sad you have no idea what is right and what is wrong.

Maybe Santa will bring you a working brain for Christmas.
While securing the creation of the most powerful and richest country in world history, FDR built infrastructure that continues to serve the public to this very day. This holiday weekend, 80 years and more after he began the New Deal work projects, paid for with public loans and paid back by workers returning from WWII, citizens will travel over bridges, highways and tunnels originally built during his administration. They will send and receive cards and packages that will flow through postal facilities built during his era, including hundreds of little post offices in small town America. We have one of those Post Office facilities in my town. A small little brick building with concrete and white painted wood trim. Classical little American hometown post office. Built by people with great pride and thanks for the jobs they were given during the Great Depression.
While securing the creation of the most powerful and richest country in world history, FDR built infrastructure that continues to serve the public to this very day. This holiday weekend, 80 years and more after he began the New Deal work projects, paid for with public loans and paid back by workers returning from WWII, citizens will travel over bridges, highways and tunnels originally built during his administration. They will send and receive cards and packages that will flow through postal facilities built during his era, including hundreds of little post offices in small town America. We have one of those Post Office facilities in my town. A small little brick building with concrete and white painted wood trim. Classical little American hometown post office. Built by people with great pride and thanks for the jobs they were given during the Great Depression.

The post office is loosing billions, and Social security is unsustainable. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Cut government, cut the bureaucracy, shrink the size of government. Our infrastructure would be in much better shape, if we used all that money supporting the leftist's big government, bureaucracy to improve it and repair it

Reagan the Un- Roosevelt:cool:

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