Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

What a crack up.

And Obama saved us from the next great depression - now, that's a fact.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?
More logical fallacy.
No, proof that money talks and bullshit walks. ......

Logical fallacy, you dope.
What is it with you miserable people that have constant needs to call other people names? Do you not realize it is like a flashing sign that gives away your insecurities and lack of emotional strength or confident ego? What possible gratification could you get from calling an unknown anonymous person on a message board a dope? Why would you think it had any meaning?

Stop being a dope anytime it gets too traumatic for you to hear the truth about yourself, dope.
Sorry you have to live such a miserable angry life. Try to find some happiness somewhere.

Try to find a class on logic somewhere.
Someone as adept at the art of cut and paste should understand about cutting the entire quote...

Patton was a moron. There was no other way to describe it. His political accumen was nowhere close to his military accumen

Patton shooting his mouth off about global political conditions he did not understand prevented him from getting promoted into positions of responsibility. Good thing we had Generals like Marshall and Ike who did understand

What is your problems with 'cut and paste'?

Is it the usual Liberal dodge, to avoid the facts presented....
...or is it jealousy in that you don't have the depth and breath of reading necessary to draw upon a multitude of sources?

Which is it?
your zany rw tinfoil cutnpaste jobs are read by exactly no one.

Everyone sees her kick your ass every time you make the mistake of trying to argue any point. That's why you have to hide away here to snipe from behind the couch.
You don't speak for everyone. You are one of a small number of anti-FDR folks who support her no matter what nonsense and lies she tells. You have made it clear you hate FDR. Unfortunately, other than the internment camps issue, you rarely give links to support your anti-FDR fervor.

Oh I'm sorry, is throwing over one hundred thousand innocent people - AMERICANS - into concentration camps not reason enough to label a fucking scumbag a fucking scumbag? Are his 'spaghetti on the wall' approaches to fucking with the national economy, creation of perpetual obligations that cannot be met forever, and sucking Stalin's dick necessary as well to round out the picture for you? How about his infidelity to his wife? How about sending a boatload of Jews back to the death that awaited them in Europe? Campaign lies? Strong-arming the Supreme Court? Fucking with the very foundation of our form of government? Requiring a Constitutional Amendment where personal character had served every president before him? How much do you need?
According to Stalin- without American assistance, Germany would have defeated the Soviet Union.

But I will humor you.

Tell me your alternative strategy on December 11, 1941- the United States is at war with Japan, Germany and Italy.

Tell me what you think FDR should have done differently.

Go for it.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

1. What could, should have happened?
When the (anticipated) event that Hitler would attack Stalin's Russia, as they did June 21st, 1941,America should have done more than relaxing restrictions on exports to the Russians...but at the same time securing a quid pro quo for further assistance! Lend-Lease should not have been the automatic and unlimited buffet that it turned into!

"Finally, should the Soviet regime fall,...we should refuse to recognize a Communist government-in-exile,leaving the path clear for establishment for a non-Communist government in Russia after the war." These were the words of Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

2. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, William Bullitt (Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936.)warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'

He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

3. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever thatit would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

BTW....note how those last two words apply to you.

But isn't this the debate tactics that both sides utilize ?

And the double standard is pretty clear on this.

I don't agree with you on several points.

As an example....While Wallace appears to have been playing with half a deck, I don't know that he was communist or that you can state Roosevelt had a communist for a VP. However, there has always pretty clear evidence of his sympathies. Additionally, from what I recall...Wallace was kind of a whackjob religious nut.

But, you can't produce absolute, lock down tight explicit proof that such was the case. Short of an explicit admission on his part (under oath, truth syrum, and threat of death....of course), everyone will sit there and say that "you've yet to produce any proof".

Which is technically correct......your counter is that if it quacks like a duck......which is valid....but still allows others to room to step back in the face of pretty good evidence and say...."you have no proof".

And yet these same lying asswipes will smugly state that "Obama saved us from a depression" know the one we were never in. And when someone says that's more a matter of probability than strict fact....they piss all over themselves to show you how it is absolutely true (even though you can't prove it because it was not allowed to play out).

So, every time I read the attacks (and BTW rightwinger and Dot Com post an attack...I have to laugh....while it requires a least you make an argument....again I don't always agree with you....they on the other hand can barely manage to get their Saul Alinsky approved BS talking points onto the board in one piece.), I have to laugh hard at their baboon type crap flinging methods.

I appreciate your efforts....even when you are wrong.

I do enjoy watching your opposition wet themselves in their rush to show you how wrong you are absent the same proof they want you to produce.

If one supports the aims and methods of the communists....said person is a communist.

Later in life, Wallace recanted....he actually wrote an apology for support of the above.

By every realpolitik metric, Wallace was a communist,and would have aided them in their every endeavor.

See the following, a letter of apology by Wallace:

"Up to a point, my analysis was sound, but it failed utterly to take into account the ruthless nature of Russian-trained Communists whose sole objective was to make Czechoslovakia completely subservient to Moscow.

Today, knowing more about Russia's methods, I am sure it was a serious mistake when we withdrew our troops. Russia may not want a hot war at tang time in the net ten years, but she certainly wants such a continuation of the Col War as will enable her, through her satellites and internally-planted subversives, to take over the greatest amount of territory possible. Russia is still on the march, and the question now is whether she will be able to take over all of Asia, including India and the Near East."
Henry A. Wallace (1952) on the Ruthless Nature and Utter Evil of Soviet Communism: Cold-War Era God-That-Failed Weblogging

And that's my point.

As you've said...if it walks like a duck.....

Wallace apparently was a big advocate of things like universal health care. He had concerns for the fact that people did not have the basics.

Most socialists I know start out as ideologues. But the realities of human nature just seem to get in the way.

And his admission is as close as you'll get....but those who scream about how it is so bloody "clear" that Obama saved us from a great depression (all speculation) won't accept your assertions without bloodwritten proof.

It's no longer about the's about them being to stupid and stubborn to admit they are wrong.

Look at Dot Com's constant bleating (generally one line turds)....what proof has he provided on anything ?

1. The progressive left, and the liberal left, .

I accept your admission that you lied about FDR having a communist vice president.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

So now you are admitting that Wallace was not a communist.

Why did you lie before?
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

What a crack up.

And Obama saved us from the next great depression - now, that's a fact.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

What a crack up.

And Obama saved us from the next great depression - now, that's a fact.
This thread is in the History forum. Perhaps you find it odd that history buffs and historians, in general, are insistent on how facts are presented. History is not a series of commentaries voicing subjective opinions to reach an analytical conclusive objective "historical fact". Ms. PoliticalChic is presenting a conspiracy theory whereby she is reaching conclusions by the method described. Her conclusions are subjective, not objective. She is demanding that her subjective opinion must be accepted as objective facts. Those who disagree are called liars and a series of immature name callings.

It is a free country, so you can accept her nonsense if you wish. You can even give the old "this is what she really meant" back peddle defense You can even deflect the topic into a relationship with Obama and some allegation of everyone giving him praise for preventing a new Great Depression. What you can not do is expect to be taken seriously making those lame excuses.

PC's conspiracy theory and the many posts of nonsense she presents does not hold up to the over 80 years of scholarly historical record that declares the exact opposite of her opinionated declarations, including the one about America having a sitting communist as a Vice President during WWII or FDR not doing a brilliant job of preparing America for WWII during the years leading up to WWII.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

"....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

You'll quickly see that your belief is simply more Leftist propaganda that simpletons like you bought like it was on sale.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?

I produced direct quotes of folks who knew the situation intimately.

That is hardly subjective.

Imagine how little you'd have to say if you eliminated lies.
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?

I produced direct quotes of folks who knew the situation intimately.

That is hardly subjective.

Since Wallace was never a member of the Communist Party- and never called himself a Communist- and instead belonged to other political parties his entire life- all you did was provide direct quotes of people who also never said that Wallace was a communist.

So your opinion is entirely your bigoted and subjective opinion.
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?

I win !

I bet this was the next question in the tactical effort to deflect from the message of the OP.
To Review:

Henry A. Wallace, by every measure, was a communist....
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

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