Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

using a source for his zany posts would prolly kill him

Please show us the last post where you used a source.
deflect much? You are a OldStyle/Redfish clone. They also spout a bunch of rw nonsense and also too lazy to source. You're in good company ASSCLOWN

ANOTHER rw n00b on ignore :thup:

Oh look......a request for some evidence....and Dot Com runs for cover.

OMGosh....I'm on will I ever live.

Quite fine since she does most of her posting in the Flame Zone from what I can tell.

But, I will make it clear I am not a right winger (Dot Bomb misses again). I detest the right as much as the left.

I don't agree with PC on a lot of things....but I appreciate that she, at least, brings some thought to the table.

Dot's little one line turds are the kind of posts that don't deserve attention.


This is a classic example of what I was saying. If the man didn't have a name plate on his desk saying (VP - Communist)....well, you just can't be right.

Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?

I produced direct quotes of folks who knew the situation intimately.

That is hardly subjective.

Since Wallace was never a member of the Communist Party- and never called himself a Communist- and instead belonged to other political parties his entire life- all you did was provide direct quotes of people who also never said that Wallace was a communist.

So your opinion is entirely your bigoted and subjective opinion.

Guess what: Karl Marx never carried a communist card either.

1. Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.”
(Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

2. When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

3. In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression. (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,”The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (Progressive Party (United States, 1948) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev,Haunted Woods, p. 119)

5. “…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

6. In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.
Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

You're not running off with your tail between your legs, are you, doggie?
using a source for his zany posts would prolly kill him

Please show us the last post where you used a source.
deflect much? You are a OldStyle/Redfish clone. They also spout a bunch of rw nonsense and also too lazy to source. You're in good company ASSCLOWN

ANOTHER rw n00b on ignore :thup:

Oh look......a request for some evidence....and Dot Com runs for cover.

OMGosh....I'm on will I ever live.

Quite fine since she does most of her posting in the Flame Zone from what I can tell.

But, I will make it clear I am not a right winger (Dot Bomb misses again). I detest the right as much as the left.

I don't agree with PC on a lot of things....but I appreciate that she, at least, brings some thought to the table.

Dot's little one line turds are the kind of posts that don't deserve attention.


I've seen your posts.

You may be more of a right-winger than you imagine.

Those on the right are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society, and endorse limited constitutional governance.

The left are those who worship unimpeded big government- no constitutional restrictions, and the collective.

using a source for his zany posts would prolly kill him

Please show us the last post where you used a source.
deflect much? You are a OldStyle/Redfish clone. They also spout a bunch of rw nonsense and also too lazy to source. You're in good company ASSCLOWN

ANOTHER rw n00b on ignore :thup:

Oh look......a request for some evidence....and Dot Com runs for cover.

OMGosh....I'm on will I ever live.

Quite fine since she does most of her posting in the Flame Zone from what I can tell.

But, I will make it clear I am not a right winger (Dot Bomb misses again). I detest the right as much as the left.

I don't agree with PC on a lot of things....but I appreciate that she, at least, brings some thought to the table.

Dot's little one line turds are the kind of posts that don't deserve attention.


I've seen your posts.

You may be more of a right-winger than you imagine.

Those on the right are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society, and endorse limited constitutional governance.

The left are those who worship unimpeded big government- no constitutional restrictions, and the collective.


I would say that true liberals defend those things too.

It's the far right and far left that tend to want to use government to shove things down our throats.
using a source for his zany posts would prolly kill him

Please show us the last post where you used a source.
deflect much? You are a OldStyle/Redfish clone. They also spout a bunch of rw nonsense and also too lazy to source. You're in good company ASSCLOWN

ANOTHER rw n00b on ignore :thup:

Oh look......a request for some evidence....and Dot Com runs for cover.

OMGosh....I'm on will I ever live.

Quite fine since she does most of her posting in the Flame Zone from what I can tell.

But, I will make it clear I am not a right winger (Dot Bomb misses again). I detest the right as much as the left.

I don't agree with PC on a lot of things....but I appreciate that she, at least, brings some thought to the table.

Dot's little one line turds are the kind of posts that don't deserve attention.


I've seen your posts.

You may be more of a right-winger than you imagine.

Those on the right are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society, and endorse limited constitutional governance.

The left are those who worship unimpeded big government- no constitutional restrictions, and the collective.


I would say that true liberals defend those things too.

It's the far right and far left that tend to want to use government to shove things down our throats.
Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

You made this false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

I chuckled, and wrote: 'As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.'

Am I correct that your example of an innocent American whose life was 'ruined' by false accusations, was.....

Owen Lattimore????????

Or was that erroneously added as part of the link you've quoted?

Be very, very careful here.....because my destruction of you will be even worse than earlier.

Are you naming Owen Lattimore as your example?
I'm about to teach you another important lesson: Leftist propaganda is rife with lies.
Liar. You still have not given evidence to one of the lies you are perpetrating in this thread. The Vice President of the USA during WWII was not a communist. To say he was based on your selective speculations to form an agenda driven opinion is a lie. Period, plain and simple. You are demanding people consider your conspiracy theory is factual and it is not.

Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

He is, once again, out of his depth.

He accepted the lies of the Left, and the false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

It will be interesting to see what happens when he finds he cannot support that.
I wonder if McCarthy didn't ruin his own life in a way? Did his guilt, his loss of ego with communism lead to even more drinking, more depression and finally one more bottle?
I wonder if McCarthy didn't ruin his own life in a way? Did his guilt, his loss of ego with communism lead to even more drinking, more depression and finally one more bottle?

What 'guilt' should he have been saddled with?

The great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarty, sacrificed his own life and career because he refused to do what you have done.....accept the lies of the Left.
Let's nail this down: he was as much a communist as you are a moron.

Proves I don't lie, huh?
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

He is, once again, out of his depth.

He accepted the lies of the Left, and the false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

It will be interesting to see what happens when he finds he cannot support that.

Joe the alcoholic.

Joe the liar.
I wonder if McCarthy didn't ruin his own life in a way? Did his guilt, his loss of ego with communism lead to even more drinking, more depression and finally one more bottle?

What 'guilt' should he have been saddled with?

The great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarty, sacrificed his own life and career because he refused to do what you have done.....accept the lies of the Left. drinking himself to death......
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The liar Joe- lied about Lattimore being a Russian Espionage agent.

And ruined Lattimore's life.

But that is what Joe did.
Donald Trump has been endorsed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Does that make him a KKK member?

I don't think so- but apparently according to your standards- it would.

Uh, I think we are talking about more than an endorsement.

But, I will say that if Trump espoused the policies of the KKK (and he may not be far off) but wasn't a member.....

I'd still call him a member.

Try again.

So- you think it is actually just entirely up to each persons interpretation- that identifying a person is entirely subjective- and that there is no actual definition of what a 'communist' is?

I produced direct quotes of folks who knew the situation intimately.

That is hardly subjective.

Since Wallace was never a member of the Communist Party- and never called himself a Communist- and instead belonged to other political parties his entire life- all you did was provide direct quotes of people who also never said that Wallace was a communist.

So your opinion is entirely your bigoted and subjective opinion.

He walked like a duck, quacked like a duck.....he was a communist.

Once again, I accept your admission that you cannot back up your claim that FDR insisted on having a communist as his vice president.
Your McCarthy era RED SCARE methods and tactics have become old worn out and boring. You have neither the skill nor academic expertise to pull your conspiracy nonsense off. You are making a claim that the Vice President during WWII was a communist. It didn't work over a half a century ago and it doesn't work now.

Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

He is, once again, out of his depth.

He accepted the lies of the Left, and the false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

It will be interesting to see what happens when he finds he cannot support that.

Joe the alcoholic.

Joe the liar.

Was Joe lying because he was an alcoholic ?

Can an alcoholic ever tell the truth ?

And is this thread about Joe ?
Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The liar Joe- lied about Lattimore being a Russian Espionage agent.

And ruined Lattimore's life.

But that is what Joe did.

Can you supply a link please ?
Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The liar Joe- lied about Lattimore being a Russian Espionage agent.

And ruined Lattimore's life.

But that is what Joe did.

Excellent! are now on record claiming that your best example of Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

Owen Lattimore.

The only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

Owen Lattimore was found to be "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."
His life was in no way ruined: in fact, as you prove, he became a hero to the Leftists who love communists

  • 1. "The State Department's Owen Lattimore was the man that McCarthy made the most allegations against. McCarthy went so far as to say that he would stake his entire reputation on the question of whether Lattimore was a Communist agent. Now, of course, we have absolute proof that McCarthy was right."
    Senator Joe McCarthy, anti-Communist

    2. Lattimore had conferred (during the Hitler-Stalin pact) with the Soviet ambassador about Lattimore's upcoming assignment as President Roosevelt's adviser to Chiang-Kai-Shek — then trying to fend off the Communist revolution in his country.

    a. Credible testimony revealed "five episodes" wherein Lattimore — within the Politburo of the Communist Party — "participated as a full participant in the conspiracy."

    b. A former brigadier-general in the Soviet military intelligence testified to having been told that "Lattimore was one of our men."

    c. On page 218 of the McCarran committee's voluminous report of its year-long investigation, this bottom line: "[T]he subcommittee can come to no other conclusion but that Lattimore was for some time beginning in the 1930s a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy." (Worthy of note was that a Democrat-led Senate subcommittee would later define Lattimore as "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy.")
    The documented truth about the McCarthy investigations
  • 3. "Even the truth about Owen Lattimore, the most famous of McCarthy's "victims," has finally come out, thanks to a former Chinese espionage agent's memoirs and declassified FBI files, which go a long way to vindicate McCarthy's original charges. In retrospect, the cause McCarthy made his own — anticommunism — has proved to be more valid and durable than the basic assumptions of his anti-anti-Communist critics.
    Joseph McCarthy
  • 4. Life "ruined"??????
  • Lattimore was found to be a “conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy” by a unanimous Senate committee (William F. Buckley and Brent Bozell, McCarty and His Enemies, p. 274, quoting the Congressional Record)
  • And, subsequently....he also lectured at Harvard!
  • The only thing ruined here is you.....
  • me.
Are you referring to that true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

He is, once again, out of his depth.

He accepted the lies of the Left, and the false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

It will be interesting to see what happens when he finds he cannot support that.

Joe the alcoholic.

Joe the liar.

Was Joe lying because he was an alcoholic ?

Can an alcoholic ever tell the truth ?

And is this thread about Joe ?

We don't know- we know he was an alcoholic and we know that alcoholism can impair judgement and can lead to various psychosis's.

Certainly- an alcoholic can tell the truth or an alcoholic can lie- this specific alcoholic lied.

This thread certainly is not about Joe or Wallace- yet here we are.
You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The liar Joe- lied about Lattimore being a Russian Espionage agent.

And ruined Lattimore's life.

But that is what Joe did.

Excellent! are now on record claiming that your best example of Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

Owen Lattimore.

The only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

Owen Lattimore was found to be "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."

Joe McCarthy claimed that he had proof that Owen Lattimore was a Russian espionage agent.

Joe had no such proof- never presented any such proof- Joe McCarthy was a liar.

You have much in common with him.
You mean the alcoholic Senator who lied to the American people and ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations?

Are we saying that an alcoholic can never state the truth.

Is that what this is saying ?

He is, once again, out of his depth.

He accepted the lies of the Left, and the false claim about Senator Joseph McCarthy...that he "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

It will be interesting to see what happens when he finds he cannot support that.

Joe the alcoholic.

Joe the liar.

Was Joe lying because he was an alcoholic ?

Can an alcoholic ever tell the truth ?

And is this thread about Joe ?

We don't know- we know he was an alcoholic and we know that alcoholism can impair judgement and can lead to various psychosis's.

Certainly- an alcoholic can tell the truth or an alcoholic can lie- this specific alcoholic lied.

This thread certainly is not about Joe or Wallace- yet here we are.

The thread has become an expose of how Leftists like you behave when there most closely held beliefs have been torn asunder.

I admit to schadenfreude.
Communism was illegal, as it's doctrine was the violent overthrowing of the Constitution.

Communism became illegal in August, 1954- yet we have a Communist Party of America to this day.

When was "Tail Gun" Joe at his most virulant and dishonest?

Well from the beginning-

McCarthy served a total tour of duty in the Marines lasting thirty months, or 2½ years, from August 1942 to February 1945, and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[27]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[

During the hearings, McCarthy moved on from his original unnamed Lee list cases and used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people: Dorothy Kenyon, Esther Brunauer, Haldore Hanson, Gustavo Durán, Owen Lattimore, Harlow Shapley, Frederick Schuman, John S. Service, and Philip Jessup. Some of them no longer worked for the State Department, or never had; all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity. Owen Lattimore became a particular focus of McCarthy's, who at one point described him as a "top Russian spy". Throughout the hearings, McCarthy employed colorful rhetoric, but produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.[citation needed]

In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.

Of course Joe had no proof- and despite numerous hearings- no proof was ever provided to show Lattimore was a 'Russian espionage agent"- but because of Joe's lies- Lattimore lost his consulting jobs with the State Department and his academic career was damaged.

But that is how Joe operated.

This was your claim:
Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

As I had so much fun stuffing the last bet that you lost down your throat....let's do it again.

Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The liar Joe- lied about Lattimore being a Russian Espionage agent.

And ruined Lattimore's life.

But that is what Joe did.

Excellent! are now on record claiming that your best example of Senator Joseph McCarthy "....ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations."

Owen Lattimore.

The only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

Owen Lattimore was found to be "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."

Joe McCarthy claimed that he had proof that Owen Lattimore was a Russian espionage agent.

Joe had no such proof- never presented any such proof- Joe McCarthy was a liar.

You have much in common with him.

"Joe McCarthy claimed that he had proof that Owen Lattimore was a Russian espionage agent.

Joe had no such proof- never presented any such proof- Joe McCarthy was a liar."

Hold on tight, and, at no time allow your arms outside of the ride!

Owen Lattimore was found to be "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."
His life was in no way ruined: in fact, as you prove, he became a hero to the Leftists who love communists

  • 1. "The State Department's Owen Lattimore was the man that McCarthy made the most allegations against. McCarthy went so far as to say that he would stake his entire reputation on the question of whether Lattimore was a Communist agent. Now, of course, we have absolute proof that McCarthy was right."
    Senator Joe McCarthy, anti-Communist

    2. Lattimore had conferred (during the Hitler-Stalin pact) with the Soviet ambassador about Lattimore's upcoming assignment as President Roosevelt's adviser to Chiang-Kai-Shek — then trying to fend off the Communist revolution in his country.

    a. Credible testimony revealed "five episodes" wherein Lattimore — within the Politburo of the Communist Party — "participated as a full participant in the conspiracy."

    b. A former brigadier-general in the Soviet military intelligence testified to having been told that "Lattimore was one of our men."

    c. On page 218 of the McCarran committee's voluminous report of its year-long investigation, this bottom line: "[T]he subcommittee can come to no other conclusion but that Lattimore was for some time beginning in the 1930s a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy." (Worthy of note was that a Democrat-led Senate subcommittee would later define Lattimore as "a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy.")
    The documented truth about the McCarthy investigations
  • 3. "Even the truth about Owen Lattimore, the most famous of McCarthy's "victims," has finally come out, thanks to a former Chinese espionage agent's memoirs and declassified FBI files, which go a long way to vindicate McCarthy's original charges. In retrospect, the cause McCarthy made his own — anticommunism — has proved to be more valid and durable than the basic assumptions of his anti-anti-Communist critics.
    Joseph McCarthy
  • 4. Life "ruined"??????
  • Lattimore was found to be a “conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy” by a unanimous Senate committee (William F. Buckley and Brent Bozell, McCarty and His Enemies, p. 274, quoting the Congressional Record)
  • And, subsequently....he also lectured at Harvard!
  • The only thing ruined here is you.....
  • me.
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