Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians

Now it is only a matter of time before Mueller grabs assets and bank accounts of Donald, Ivanaka, Jared, Donny Jr, Eric, and their buddies. :lol:

He’s making every effort to apprehend them. He just announced he is confiscating all of their available assets. This is a very good move by Mueller. He’s sending a very clear message. There is no place safe you can travel outside of your hole, and even though I don’t have your ass yet, I have your bank accounts and any property within my grasp.

This is a bad omen for the Trump crime family.
It's pointless bullshit ment to feed fools like you.

When will someone indict all the us presidents and state department employees who ALWAYS meddle in the elections or referendums of other countries?

damn good thing Benghazi fed RW idiots or they would have starved to death for 2 years

Are you F*ING Kidding Me?!

For going on 3 years the Democrats - to include Mueller - have been unable to produce any evidence to support their insane accusations of illegal collusion between the President and the Russians. They haven't been able to even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation, let alone a Special Counsel appointment.

So Mueller and the DOJ indict several Russians...but refuse to bring their court case to trial.

When the Judge asks to see their authorization to do what they are doing they tell him its classified 'G-14', so classified they can't tell him or show him. In fact, when even Congress demanded to see their Tasked Orders, as part of their Congressional Oversight, Rosenstein and Mueller Obstruct Justice and refuse to comply, claiming their orders are SO classified that Congress does not have the right to question them.


Desperate to come up with SOMETHING to justify years and millions of tax dollars wasted, Rosenstein Indicts THE RUSSIAN MILITARY'....



Already in trouble having been exposed for 'witness testimony tampering' and having a history of manufacturing - and hiding - evidence to support their cases, Rosenstein and Mueller are going to charge 'criminals' who will never be extradited to the United States, will NEVER have the opportunity to oppose what these 2 are going to claim...and we are supposed to take their word for it.....after all of the crime, corruption, Obstruction, witness tampering / evidence tampering, etc... it has been exposed they have been involved in.

And nowhere close to Trump


Sadly snowflakes will cling to this theatrical BS as 'more evidence of Trump's collusion' even though none of it comes close to Trump involvement. NONE OF IT.

What Rosenstein actually just did was to inform the American people that he has just FINALLY moved on a Russian Operation Obama knew about since 2015 yet did nothing about and proved even more that the accusations against Trump have once again been proven to be BS!
And nowhere close to Trump


Sadly snowflakes will cling to this theatrical BS as 'more evidence of Trump's collusion' even though none of it comes close to Trump involvement. NONE OF IT.

What Rosenstein actually just did was to inform the American people that he has just FINALLY moved on a Russian Operation Obama knew about since 2015 yet did nothing about and proved even more that the accusations against Trump have once again been proven to be BS!

They're too ignorant to grasp it

You left off some very important information. These 12 were GRU--Russian intelligence agents under the direct supervision of VLADIMIR PUTIN. They have been indicted for hacking into DNC databases. Meaning there is strong evidence that they did it.
Mueller probe: 12 Russians indicted for DNC hack - CNNPolitics

So much for Trump's 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed that did it. Mueller had indicted 13 other Russians, earlier in this investigation, but what's important now is that these are GRU intelligence agents.


I can't tell if they were coming out of a site known as DC leaks, but I know that is a popular site.

James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"

Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.


Russians did inundate social media outlets with Russian adds. Go to this link, you'll probably recognize some of them.
russian adds facebook - Yahoo Image Search Results

At this link on this board, you can read one article that James Clapper testified was correct, and watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.

This link then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Then a great book to tie it all together is.


For more information on this board.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Most damaging evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign released today
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More meaningless BS from Mewler that will go nowhere
Meaningless? Wait for the further disclosures over the next 4-8 weeks. The cauldron will be tilted further to spill more of its damning contents to cover the Trump-Putin criminal collusion group with guilt. Protest with further partisan ad hominem all you wish. At the end of this episode in America's history it won't amount to a tinker's damn, you bleedin' mouth!
"Russia, If you're Listening, I hope you're able to find.." (19 secs)

They found them, and when asked, released them thru Wikileaks.

Brad Sherman, democrat from California just said that the effect is the same as if we said the 12 couldn't go to Disneyland.

The indictments are just like the last indictments. Nothing. That eventually had to be dropped.
So, Rod and Rob announcement that they have indicted 12 more Russians...who they will never actually hold a trial against either.

Still not evidence of a crime warranting an investigation into Trump.


Thanks for nothing, have a great weekend.
How can they prove these Russians did it when they never investigated / analyzed the DNC server? It was just reported last week that the original server had been stolen and replaced.....

Memo confirms DNC server disappearance

"The memo, written in part by Paul Irving, the House’s sergeant at arms, detailed the disappearance of a server for the House Democratic Caucus following its marking as evidence in a cybersecurity probe."
Hillary told Mueller that her illegal servers were hacked
Barak Obama declared that foreign entities attempting to hack our election system happens all the time.

Congrats to the Democrats, Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, etc... for diligently tracking that down and proving 3 years and millions of dollars later that Obama was absolutely right.


Special kudos to Obama's administration who knew about this going on in 2015 yet not doing anything about it then, but sticking with it and finally taking action now.



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