Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and his Campaign

Nobody believes you anymore, Putin. Go home and go to bed. Drink a bottle of Vodka tonight. You sleep long time!

The more that Trump&Co. continue to be defended, and the more the DOJ, the FBI and the alphabet soup of national security agencies are demeaned, by those posting on social media (SM) the more likely these agencies will monitor SM and begin to develop profiles of potential terrorists and agent provocateurs in the employ of Putin.
Hillary lost any respect her crooked ass had left when she tried to fuck America up the ass with a bottle of Russian Vodka.

The more that Trump&Co. continue to be defended, and the more the DOJ, the FBI and the alphabet soup of national security agencies are demeaned, by those posting on social media (SM) the more likely these agencies will monitor SM and begin to develop profiles of potential terrorists and agent provocateurs in the employ of Putin.

You know, after more than a year of reading your statements I would expect something more than just more and more evidence of the shrialry's collusion. But so far that's all we have. And we have a BUNCH of that. But trump? Nope, not a bit.

First lady, Madam Secretary and Senator Clinton are titles to respect.

Your use of the childish pejorative "shrialry's" should embarrass other mods, as your comments embarrass me, an American Citizen, aware that people in other nations read your post and laugh at how foolish some American's are (if you really are an American, you would care that Russia attacked our democracy).
Hillary lost any respect her crooked ass had left when she tried to fuck America up the ass with a bottle of Russian Vodka.

The more that Trump&Co. continue to be defended, and the more the DOJ, the FBI and the alphabet soup of national security agencies are demeaned, by those posting on social media (SM) the more likely these agencies will monitor SM and begin to develop profiles of potential terrorists and agent provocateurs in the employ of Putin.

You know, after more than a year of reading your statements I would expect something more than just more and more evidence of the shrialry's collusion. But so far that's all we have. And we have a BUNCH of that. But trump? Nope, not a bit.

First lady, Madam Secretary and Senator Clinton are titles to respect.

Your use of the childish pejorative "shrialry's" should embarrass other mods, as your comments embarrass me, an American Citizen, aware that people in other nations read your post and laugh at how foolish some American's are (if you really are an American, you would care that Russia attacked our democracy).
Your Hillary / Russian connection is a Hannity/ Alex Jones type conspiracy theory.
You believe all the propaganda your extremist media shoves down your throat..
There are 4 Russian investigations and they all are focused on The Trump Crime Family.
It’s like the Judge tried
To say...

“That really wasn’t me
On that case, in that robe, on that bench!”

“It was an imposter or my twin brother. “

“I don’t have a twin brother but if I did, it was him on that case. Not me.”

Anyone ever hear of a Judge recuse Himself after the conclusion of a case he presided over?


This is hilarious..... The left wing media is going total nutso....

Rosenstein effectively guts Mueller's investigation and kills it as far as Trump or his campaign are concerned. Flynn's Judge has now made demands to see all relevant evidence on the plea agreement.... and the whole Russia collusion thing is collapsing in on top of itself....

This is better than a three ring circus...
You know that Flynn's judge is new. The judge that approved that plea agreement was told to recuse himself. He's been gone since December.

That is why malfeasance was a real killer of a reason to recuse him by his superior court judge.. Doesn't bode well for Mueller...
The worst part about that was the JUDGE ALLOWED the prosecution to withhold evidence.... and that is where Flynn's plea will now be thrown out... The Judge lost impartiality and was acting as a prosecutor for Mueller. IF communications with Mueller's team prove out that he was in some way compensated this thing is going to turn into a real mess real fast... Anyone involved will be charged criminally..
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.
No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.

No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?

Are you incapable of reading with comprehension? Trump denied Russian interference for months, and yesterday he flipped and flopped claiming Russian's attack on our democracy started in 2014.

Are you a liar, or too out of touch with reality to comprehend Trump's months long denial, deflections and efforts to change the discussion?
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.

No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?

Are you incapable of reading with comprehension? Trump denied Russian interference for months, and yesterday he flipped and flopped claiming Russian's attack on our democracy started in 2014.

Are you a liar, or too out of touch with reality to comprehend Trump's months long denial, deflections and efforts to change the discussion?
Too funny... Grasping at straws...

Trump Denied acting with Russia not the interference by... Moving the goal post again? Are you getting tired of digging new foundations yet?

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Cry Catcher:

You have been in here promoting Lies week after week, month after month.

And Russian Interference? You are a Cum Dumpster of Russian Interference

You bathe in it, brush your teeth in it, eat it and shit it!

You are on here every day sowing discord and division, and propagating the very Russian Propaganda Clinton and Obama paid
Millions for and Solicited The KGB for.

You are a damn Russian Troll...wittingly or unwittingly that’s what and who you are.

Lastly, you Schmuck, Trump never denied that Russian citizens didn’t try to voice their opinions on our presidential race...but that’s about the extent of it if you Ignore the Dossier. That is the very definition of “Information Warfare!”

The President denied Russian Collusion and called The DNC Butt Hurt Allegations a Hoax and the investigation and surveillance on him a witch hunt. That’s what it was because it was done on the behalf of Clinton for her and by her.

So STFU and sit down. No Soup For You!

When you come clean on Obama and Clinton’s Collusion with Russia, then we can have an honest discussion.

But you’re a dishonest Schmuck and a Shill so I can’t ever see that happening.

Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

Trump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.

No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?

Are you incapable of reading with comprehension? Trump denied Russian interference for months, and yesterday he flipped and flopped claiming Russian's attack on our democracy started in 2014.

Are you a liar, or too out of touch with reality to comprehend Trump's months long denial, deflections and efforts to change the discussion?

Reported for excessive flaming.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Ya, thats why all the porn stars in the news. Russia is dead. Look for unrelated charges around August.
Flaming? That’s your 24-7 job on here.

You should be reported for being a Russian Troll and Propagandist. It’s clear you aren’t here for an open and honest discussion.

Especially as evidenced by your running to Mommy Mod and clinging to her leg and crying like a child.

Name one thing I said that was not a FACT! You can’t.

This is why you are called deservedly so,

Cry Catcher!

Cry Catcher:

You have been in here promoting Lies week after week, month after month.

And Russian Interference? You are a Cum Dumpster of Russian Interference

You bathe in it, brush your teeth in it, eat it and shit it!

You are on here every day sowing discord and division, and propagating the very Russian Propaganda Clinton and Obama paid
Millions for and Solicited The KGB for.

You are a damn Russian Troll...wittingly or unwittingly that’s what and who you are.

Lastly, you Schmuck, Trump never denied that Russian citizens didn’t try to voice their opinions on our presidential race...but that’s about the extent of it if you Ignore the Dossier. That is the very definition of “Information Warfare!”

The President denied Russian Collusion and called The DNC Butt Hurt Allegations a Hoax and the investigation and surveillance on him a witch hunt. That’s what it was because it was done on the behalf of Clinton for her and by her.

So STFU and sit down. No Soup For You!

When you come clean on Obama and Clinton’s Collusion with Russia, then we can have an honest discussion.

But you’re a dishonest Schmuck and a Shill so I can’t ever see that happening.

Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

Trump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.

No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?

Are you incapable of reading with comprehension? Trump denied Russian interference for months, and yesterday he flipped and flopped claiming Russian's attack on our democracy started in 2014.

Are you a liar, or too out of touch with reality to comprehend Trump's months long denial, deflections and efforts to change the discussion?

Reported for excessive flaming.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Ya, thats why all the porn stars in the news. Russia is dead. Look for unrelated charges around August.
When you pay them 750,000.00 - 1.25 Million they will say and do anything.. just ask the Clinton's..
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Ya, thats why all the porn stars in the news. Russia is dead. Look for unrelated charges around August.
When you pay them 750,000.00 - 1.25 Million they will say and do anything.. just ask the Clinton's..

Lol, ahyup.
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.
No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?
“ knowingly”
Russians had help from “ unwitting “ members of the White House so says Bob Mueller’s indictment..
He was being nice about it. He should have said the WH staff that helped the Russians were too stupid to know they were being duped.... just like the dope at the top.
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.
No american was knowingly involved.... no intent.... no criminal charge... Or was that just for Hillary?
“ knowingly”
Russians had help from “ unwitting “ members of the White House so says Bob Mueller’s indictment..
He was being nice about it. He should have said the WH staff that helped the Russians were too stupid to know they were being duped.... just like the dope at the top.
SO... Is that why Obama was doing it since 2014?
Or when you are Obama and pay The Russians $1 Million and The Clintons and DNC Contribute $14 Million Dollars to throw in for The Russians with Obama Bucks laundered through COIE, you get a nice Fake Dossier, a British Double Agent and access to The State Department FBI and DOJ as allies to help you Rig an Election.

Here’s a shocker....Not one person involved in Fusion GPS Russian, British, or American appear on Mueller’s Hillarious reach of an Indictment!

Not even a Russian Ham Sandwich?

And we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, so indictments mean nothing.

Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Ya, thats why all the porn stars in the news. Russia is dead. Look for unrelated charges around August.
When you pay them 750,000.00 - 1.25 Million they will say and do anything.. just ask the Clinton's..
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

You people are so damned dense. All Rosenstein did was confirm what was in the indictment - which focused on Russian spies and a kid in Santa Paula, CA who sold them identities.

Exonerated my ass - Mueller goes one step at a time .. from the outside in.

Tick Tock :)

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