Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and his Campaign

Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

All these indicted Russians will spill their guts about which Americans knew what they were doing and possibly helped them..
Just like Flynn is now telling Mueller about all of Trump’s misdeeds.

Actually, they won't. They are probably laughing and drinking vodka with Putin right now. They are never going to be questioned or punished.

This was ceremonial, and likely a preface to something much bigger.
This proves Trump’s folly that it was China or a 300 lb blogger on his mother’s bed doing the hacking.
You so easily ignore Trump’s lies and bullshit.
Why is that?
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

All these indicted Russians will spill their guts about which Americans knew what they were doing and possibly helped them..
Just like Flynn is now telling Mueller about all of Trump’s misdeeds.

Actually, they won't. They are probably laughing and drinking vodka with Putin right now. They are never going to be questioned or punished.

This was ceremonial, and likely a preface to something much bigger.
This proves Trump’s folly that it was China or a 300 lb blogger on his mother’s bed doing the hacking.
You so easily ignore Trump’s lies and bullshit.
Why is that?

You said the Russians would spill their guts, which is, of course, ridiculous. Why would they? They are in Russia and under 0 threat of harm, in any capacity beyond that which they faced yesterday or the months before that. If anything, being named in this indictment will probably make them more popular.

I contradicted your erroneous assertion. Nothing more. So what exactly are you blathering about, Mr. Tinfoil Hat?
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

No Rosenstein didn’t exonerate Trump.
He knows about as much as you what damning evidence Mueller has on Trump, Junior, Sessions, Kushner, etc etc
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," does not mean that Trump&Co have been exculpated of anything.
"unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Keep on ignoring this at your own peril...
so you're saying they had no intent to help the russians?
They had NO INTENT!
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Once your brain digests exactly what today's indictments from Mueller were about - you're gonna feel really STUPID.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

All these indicted Russians will spill their guts about which Americans knew what they were doing and possibly helped them..
Just like Flynn is now telling Mueller about all of Trump’s misdeeds.

Actually, they won't. They are probably laughing and drinking vodka with Putin right now. They are never going to be questioned or punished.

This was ceremonial, and likely a preface to something much bigger.
This proves Trump’s folly that it was China or a 300 lb blogger on his mother’s bed doing the hacking.
You so easily ignore Trump’s lies and bullshit.
Why is that?

You said the Russians would spill their guts, which is, of course, ridiculous. Why would they? They are in Russia and under 0 threat of harm, in any capacity beyond that which they faced yesterday or the months before that. If anything, being named in this indictment will probably make them more popular.

I contradicted your erroneous assertion. Nothing more. So what exactly are you blathering about, Mr. Tinfoil Hat?
You’re responding to my post that trump was dead wrong when he pulled the shit out of his ass that it was China or a blogger that hacked our election and he was proven to be an idiot.
So your point?
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," does not mean that Trump&Co have been exculpated of anything.
"unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Keep on ignoring this at your own peril...
so you're saying they had no intent to help the russians?
They had NO INTENT!
no intent no crime.

so sayeth the democrats.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


Once your brain digests exactly what today's indictments from Mueller were about - you're gonna feel really STUPID.
if Mueller came to their homes and showed them the evidence and explained it to them they’ll still wait for what spin Hannity has on it.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

So is Rosenstein a mod now? Because it feels like he's a mod.
Key words " ... in the indictment ... "

The key words in the indictment include the nature of the charge(s), the name of the accused as well as any AKA's, the date, time and place that the crime occurred and to be signed under oath of perjury that every fact is true and correct.

so when they say no American was willingly involved (that would include Trump) they are not lying
Do you really think only 13 Russians TOTAL were involved in hacking our election?
You’re so willing to pronounce Trump innocent you lose your mind trying to do it.

produce the evidence wacko
Key words " ... in the indictment ... "

The key words in the indictment include the nature of the charge(s), the name of the accused as well as any AKA's, the date, time and place that the crime occurred and to be signed under oath of perjury that every fact is true and correct.

so when they say no American was willingly involved (that would include Trump) they are not lying

Trump is not implicated, but certainly not exonerated.

so are you saying that the oath of perjury has been broken today

It was stated that no American knowingly conspired with Russians in that particular indictment. He did not say that no Americans conspired with Russians, period. Which is why an American was indicted on the same day, except in a separate indictment.

Which was, of course, the very simple point I'd originally made in this thread.

splitting hairs pal

wonder if he was thinking of the clintons and crew
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

All these indicted Russians will spill their guts about which Americans knew what they were doing and possibly helped them..
Just like Flynn is now telling Mueller about all of Trump’s misdeeds.

Actually, they won't. They are probably laughing and drinking vodka with Putin right now. They are never going to be questioned or punished.

This was ceremonial, and likely a preface to something much bigger.
This proves Trump’s folly that it was China or a 300 lb blogger on his mother’s bed doing the hacking.
You so easily ignore Trump’s lies and bullshit.
Why is that?

You said the Russians would spill their guts, which is, of course, ridiculous. Why would they? They are in Russia and under 0 threat of harm, in any capacity beyond that which they faced yesterday or the months before that. If anything, being named in this indictment will probably make them more popular.

I contradicted your erroneous assertion. Nothing more. So what exactly are you blathering about, Mr. Tinfoil Hat?
Still afraid to answer my Q about why you accept Trump’s lies and bullshit I see.
Today’s news proves he’s been totally full of shit about who hacked America.
I just turned on Fox and Hannity has smoke coming out of his ears and his head about to explode because “ the MSM won’t cover my stories about Hillary and Uranium.”

Ha ha ha ha
The more that Trump&Co. continue to be defended, and the more the DOJ, the FBI and the alphabet soup of national security agencies are demeaned, by those posting on social media (SM) the more likely these agencies will monitor SM and begin to develop profiles of potential terrorists and agent provocateurs in the employ of Putin.

You know, after more than a year of reading your statements I would expect something more than just more and more evidence of the shrialry's collusion. But so far that's all we have. And we have a BUNCH of that. But trump? Nope, not a bit.

First lady, Madam Secretary and Senator Clinton are titles to respect.

Your use of the childish pejorative "shrialry's" should embarrass other mods, as your comments embarrass me, an American Citizen, aware that people in other nations read your post and laugh at how foolish some American's are (if you really are an American, you would care that Russia attacked our democracy).

You bet, and can you imagine what some of those people in other nations feel about a lot of the comments from liberals, dang, they must be rolling on the floor.

Dishonest ^^^ and denial, all wrapped in an ad hominem.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

All these indicted Russians will spill their guts about which Americans knew what they were doing and possibly helped them..
Just like Flynn is now telling Mueller about all of Trump’s misdeeds.

Actually, they won't. They are probably laughing and drinking vodka with Putin right now. They are never going to be questioned or punished.

This was ceremonial, and likely a preface to something much bigger.
This proves Trump’s folly that it was China or a 300 lb blogger on his mother’s bed doing the hacking.
You so easily ignore Trump’s lies and bullshit.
Why is that?

You said the Russians would spill their guts, which is, of course, ridiculous. Why would they? They are in Russia and under 0 threat of harm, in any capacity beyond that which they faced yesterday or the months before that. If anything, being named in this indictment will probably make them more popular.

I contradicted your erroneous assertion. Nothing more. So what exactly are you blathering about, Mr. Tinfoil Hat?
Still afraid to answer my Q about why you accept Trump’s lies and bullshit I see.
Today’s news proves he’s been totally full of shit about who hacked America.

What the fuck are you talking about? What lies have I accepted?
Got to love it...

Not one of the left wing ding bats addressed the finding of "knowingly" being rendered a big fat zero... so there is NO CRIME as if it was done it was done UNKNOWINGLY!

THIS MEANS THERE WAS NO INTENT, which is a required element of any CRIME..... and now that element has been deamed GONE!

Men's rea, yep is an element. So is Consciousness of Guilt:

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition. Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something).

rump's off the cuff speeches and tweets will be entered onto the record of any indictment or articles of impeachment.

Good luck with that. It is well known that he blabbers on, uncontrollably at times, and hyperbolicly most of the time. We have DECADES of him doing it. Consciousness of guilt flies right out the window when it is a well known pattern of speaking.
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

So is Rosenstein a mod now? Because it feels like he's a mod.

i think he's trying to save his ass.
The more that Trump&Co. continue to be defended, and the more the DOJ, the FBI and the alphabet soup of national security agencies are demeaned, by those posting on social media (SM) the more likely these agencies will monitor SM and begin to develop profiles of potential terrorists and agent provocateurs in the employ of Putin.

You know, after more than a year of reading your statements I would expect something more than just more and more evidence of the shrialry's collusion. But so far that's all we have. And we have a BUNCH of that. But trump? Nope, not a bit.

First lady, Madam Secretary and Senator Clinton are titles to respect.

Your use of the childish pejorative "shrialry's" should embarrass other mods, as your comments embarrass me, an American Citizen, aware that people in other nations read your post and laugh at how foolish some American's are (if you really are an American, you would care that Russia attacked our democracy).

The titles absolutely are, but the assholes that were inhabiting those august offices before trumps people took them over, aren't. They are despicable scumbags who were trying to turn this country into a third world shithole.
It’s like the Judge tried
To say...

“That really wasn’t me
On that case, in that robe, on that bench!”

“It was an imposter or my twin brother. “

“I don’t have a twin brother but if I did, it was him on that case. Not me.”

Anyone ever hear of a Judge recuse Himself after the conclusion of a case he presided over?


This is hilarious..... The left wing media is going total nutso....

Rosenstein effectively guts Mueller's investigation and kills it as far as Trump or his campaign are concerned. Flynn's Judge has now made demands to see all relevant evidence on the plea agreement.... and the whole Russia collusion thing is collapsing in on top of itself....

This is better than a three ring circus...
You know that Flynn's judge is new. The judge that approved that plea agreement was told to recuse himself. He's been gone since December.

That is why malfeasance was a real killer of a reason to recuse him by his superior court judge.. Doesn't bode well for Mueller...

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