ROTFLMFAO~Joe Walsh announces Trump primary challenge: 'I'm in'

Obama spent whatever he wanted because nobody was trying to impeach him. Nobody stopped him when he sent billions to Iran or overseas banks without congressional approval. But that was because nobody was accusing him of Russian Collusion. Much of what Obama did was illegal or unethical.....but every time he was caught doing something...he always had some schmuck claiming that some other president did it first.

Only in your bizarre world is making peace with Iran a bad thing.
Go do it then
Obama spent whatever he wanted because nobody was trying to impeach him. Nobody stopped him when he sent billions to Iran or overseas banks without congressional approval. But that was because nobody was accusing him of Russian Collusion. Much of what Obama did was illegal or unethical.....but every time he was caught doing something...he always had some schmuck claiming that some other president did it first.

Only in your bizarre world is making peace with Iran a bad thing.

Making peace with Iran would be a good thing, but that isn't what Obama achieved at all. Iran didn't even quit their "death to America" chants, and did nothing to denounce evil or nuclear weapons. They retained their leadership in the Axis of Evil.

All Obama achieved was making a huge payout to Iran- as a concession to his Iranian born advisor Val Jarrett, and getting nothing in return.

OK, you need get your facts straight! Jarrett was born in Iran to her American parents who were there because they were doctors! She has no allegiance to Iran.

There was enough wrong with Obama's regime that we don't have to make things up!
Obama spent whatever he wanted because nobody was trying to impeach him. Nobody stopped him when he sent billions to Iran or overseas banks without congressional approval. But that was because nobody was accusing him of Russian Collusion. Much of what Obama did was illegal or unethical.....but every time he was caught doing something...he always had some schmuck claiming that some other president did it first.

Only in your bizarre world is making peace with Iran a bad thing.

Making peace with Iran would be a good thing, but that isn't what Obama achieved at all. Iran didn't even quit their "death to America" chants, and did nothing to denounce evil or nuclear weapons. They retained their leadership in the Axis of Evil.

All Obama achieved was making a huge payout to Iran- as a concession to his Iranian born advisor Val Jarrett, and getting nothing in return.

OK, you need get your facts straight! Jarrett was born in Iran to her American parents who were there because they were doctors! She has no allegiance to Iran.

There was enough wrong with Obama's regime that we don't have to make things up!
I beg to differ. Jarrett loves Iran more than she loves America. She and John Kerry have close ties to Iran.

John Kerry's and Valerie Jarrett's Family Ties to Iran

Most do not know that John Kerry's daughter Vanessa who ran his failed presidential campaign in 2004 is married to an Iranian who still has the majority of his family living in Iran. Yes, Kerry's son in law is an American citizen who trained at Massachusetts General Hospital as a neurosurgeon. Dr. Vanessa Kerry and Dr. Brian Behrooz Nahed married in 2009.

Interestingly, this subject never came up during Secretary Kerry's Senate confirmation hearings. There is a report which has been denied by the Iranians (in my view still has merit) on Colonel Allen West's web site that Mohammad Zarif's son was best man at Dr. Vanessa Kerry's wedding to Dr. Brian Nahed. This makes the relationship of John Kerry that much closer than one might like from a Secretary of State deciding the fate of the United States of America, Israel, and the entire world.

It is much too close for comfort. It also explains how easily duped and railroaded the Secretary of State could be and was by Mohammad Zarif. The Secretary of State when asked about his son in law responded, "I am proud of the Iranian Americans in my own family and grateful for how they have enriched my life". To date he has not commented on whether Mohammad Zarif's son was at his daughter's wedding. In any case John Kerry's relationship with Mohammad Zarif goes back more than a decade ago at a Dinner Party hosted by George Soros in Manhattan. George Soros is also the main backer of "J" Street which has acted as the Jewish Poodle to President Obama for the past seven years and supports the Iran Deal even though the majority of American Jews and Non-Jews do not. All the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together.

Mohammad Zarif who is an extreme loyalist to the Islamic Revolution of 1979 came to the USA when he was 17 and was educated here. His two children were born in the US. He is the one person with the biggest laugh raising his head in rapture in the now infamous photograph of the signers of the Iran deal.

His disingenuous smile is worth 150 Billion Dollars for more Terrorism and a Nuclear Arsenal and he knows it better than anyone else. The emerging Family Affair gets even more shocking when you add the most powerful person next to the President in Washington to the mix. It is none other than senior presidential adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran. Her father, maternal grandfather, and father in law were Communists. Valerie Jarrett had been leading talks with Iran in secret for a year before formal negotiations in Geneva started.

She has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who in turn have close ties to Iran. The Extremely Bad Deal worked out by Secretary of State John Kerry, and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett has more to do with their family relationships than it has to do with stopping Iran from getting a Nuclear Bomb or stopping Iran from being the world's greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism. Congress should take note and vote to override the President's inevitable veto. John Kerry's and Valerie Jarrett's Family Ties to Iran
Obama spent whatever he wanted because nobody was trying to impeach him. Nobody stopped him when he sent billions to Iran or overseas banks without congressional approval. But that was because nobody was accusing him of Russian Collusion. Much of what Obama did was illegal or unethical.....but every time he was caught doing something...he always had some schmuck claiming that some other president did it first.

Only in your bizarre world is making peace with Iran a bad thing.

Making peace with Iran would be a good thing, but that isn't what Obama achieved at all. Iran didn't even quit their "death to America" chants, and did nothing to denounce evil or nuclear weapons. They retained their leadership in the Axis of Evil.

All Obama achieved was making a huge payout to Iran- as a concession to his Iranian born advisor Val Jarrett, and getting nothing in return.

OK, you need get your facts straight! Jarrett was born in Iran to her American parents who were there because they were doctors! She has no allegiance to Iran.

There was enough wrong with Obama's regime that we don't have to make things up!
I beg to differ. Jarrett loves Iran more than she loves America. She and John Kerry have close ties to Iran.

John Kerry's and Valerie Jarrett's Family Ties to Iran

Most do not know that John Kerry's daughter Vanessa who ran his failed presidential campaign in 2004 is married to an Iranian who still has the majority of his family living in Iran. Yes, Kerry's son in law is an American citizen who trained at Massachusetts General Hospital as a neurosurgeon. Dr. Vanessa Kerry and Dr. Brian Behrooz Nahed married in 2009.

Interestingly, this subject never came up during Secretary Kerry's Senate confirmation hearings. There is a report which has been denied by the Iranians (in my view still has merit) on Colonel Allen West's web site that Mohammad Zarif's son was best man at Dr. Vanessa Kerry's wedding to Dr. Brian Nahed. This makes the relationship of John Kerry that much closer than one might like from a Secretary of State deciding the fate of the United States of America, Israel, and the entire world.

It is much too close for comfort. It also explains how easily duped and railroaded the Secretary of State could be and was by Mohammad Zarif. The Secretary of State when asked about his son in law responded, "I am proud of the Iranian Americans in my own family and grateful for how they have enriched my life". To date he has not commented on whether Mohammad Zarif's son was at his daughter's wedding. In any case John Kerry's relationship with Mohammad Zarif goes back more than a decade ago at a Dinner Party hosted by George Soros in Manhattan. George Soros is also the main backer of "J" Street which has acted as the Jewish Poodle to President Obama for the past seven years and supports the Iran Deal even though the majority of American Jews and Non-Jews do not. All the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together.

Mohammad Zarif who is an extreme loyalist to the Islamic Revolution of 1979 came to the USA when he was 17 and was educated here. His two children were born in the US. He is the one person with the biggest laugh raising his head in rapture in the now infamous photograph of the signers of the Iran deal.

His disingenuous smile is worth 150 Billion Dollars for more Terrorism and a Nuclear Arsenal and he knows it better than anyone else. The emerging Family Affair gets even more shocking when you add the most powerful person next to the President in Washington to the mix. It is none other than senior presidential adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran. Her father, maternal grandfather, and father in law were Communists. Valerie Jarrett had been leading talks with Iran in secret for a year before formal negotiations in Geneva started.

She has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who in turn have close ties to Iran. The Extremely Bad Deal worked out by Secretary of State John Kerry, and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett has more to do with their family relationships than it has to do with stopping Iran from getting a Nuclear Bomb or stopping Iran from being the world's greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism. Congress should take note and vote to override the President's inevitable veto. John Kerry's and Valerie Jarrett's Family Ties to Iran
You beg to differ because you apparently cannot read.
Making peace with Iran would be a good thing, but that isn't what Obama achieved at all. Iran didn't even quit their "death to America" chants, and did nothing to denounce evil or nuclear weapons. They retained their leadership in the Axis of Evil.

You actually think the Axis of Evil existed?


Obama acheived exactly what we needed to do, get Iran to stop weapons development and agree to inspections... nothing more, nothing less. There's no reason for them to suddenly love us for all the shit we've pulled on them over the last century.

All Obama achieved was making a huge payout to Iran- as a concession to his Iranian born advisor Val Jarrett, and getting nothing in return.

We owed them that money, and we got a lot in return... or at least we did until Trump fucked it up.
We owed them that money, and we got a lot in return... or at least we did until Trump fucked it up.

We didn't owe the Islamo-terroristic jihadis in Teheran a God Damned thing.

It wasn't the mullahs money, it was the money for the people of Iran, once these evildoers are dethroned.

We didn't get shit for it either.
We didn't owe the Islamo-terroristic jihadis in Teheran a God Damned thing.

It wasn't the mullahs money, it was the money for the people of Iran, once these evildoers are dethroned.

We didn't get shit for it either.

Actually, Iran's leaders are the duly elected (Yes, Iran has elections) and legitimate leaders of their country.

The money we seized back in the 1970's, every court has ruled we need to return. Obama finally returned it in exchange of settling economic issues our coprorations had with Iran (We got money, back, too) and the whole inspection regime which was probably our best hope of keeping them from making nukes.
We didn't owe the Islamo-terroristic jihadis in Teheran a God Damned thing.

It wasn't the mullahs money, it was the money for the people of Iran, once these evildoers are dethroned.

We didn't get shit for it either.

Actually, Iran's leaders are the duly elected (Yes, Iran has elections) and legitimate leaders of their country.

The money we seized back in the 1970's, every court has ruled we need to return. Obama finally returned it in exchange of settling economic issues our coprorations had with Iran (We got money, back, too) and the whole inspection regime which was probably our best hope of keeping them from making nukes.

So in your myopic view, the Iranian regime- which is run by a Supreme Ayatollah is somehow legit?

Were you aware that there are no civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people in Iran? Did you know that they routinely refuse requests of Trannies in the Iranian officer corps for free sex change operations?

And you call their country somehow just?
So in your myopic view, the Iranian regime- which is run by a Supreme Ayatollah is somehow legit?

No more than Wall Street running this country...

Were you aware that there are no civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people in Iran?

So? Not that we do great in that department ourselves, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the government, which has an elected president and parliament, is legitimate or not.

And you call their country somehow just?

No, I call it one where the majority is happy with the way things are. The thing was, WE imposed the Shah on them, and he suppressed anyone who might have created a western style democracy. The Ayatollahs he couldn't touch, because of their religious status. It's not so much that they "Took" power, than it was that it fell to them.

The way to normalize Iran is to not isolate it. Isolating it as we have since 1979, puts it into a seige mentality, where anyone who questions the Ayatollahs must be aligned with the west.
So in your myopic view, the Iranian regime- which is run by a Supreme Ayatollah is somehow legit?

No more than Wall Street running this country...

Were you aware that there are no civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people in Iran?

So? Not that we do great in that department ourselves, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the government, which has an elected president and parliament, is legitimate or not.

And you call their country somehow just?

No, I call it one where the majority is happy with the way things are. The thing was, WE imposed the Shah on them, and he suppressed anyone who might have created a western style democracy. The Ayatollahs he couldn't touch, because of their religious status. It's not so much that they "Took" power, than it was that it fell to them.

The way to normalize Iran is to not isolate it. Isolating it as we have since 1979, puts it into a seige mentality, where anyone who questions the Ayatollahs must be aligned with the west.

Actually, you have it half ass backwards, Joe, as usual.

Actually, Jimmy Carter imposed the Ayatollah Khomeini on the Iranian people by allowing him and his ilk to return to Teheran.

I know Iranians, I used to play poker and drink with these guys from Iran during the 1990's, who are exiled here in America. They love the shah and the Pahlavi family, and want the restoration of the beloved Peacock Throne. In reality, the Iranian people are a modern, "with it" race. Bravo TV's "The Shahs of Sunset" gives the REALITY of what the Iranian people are really like.

Look at pics of Iran from the 1970's, the broads aren't in burqas, and the dudes don't wear towels on their heads.
So in your myopic view, the Iranian regime- which is run by a Supreme Ayatollah is somehow legit?

No more than Wall Street running this country...

Were you aware that there are no civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people in Iran?

So? Not that we do great in that department ourselves, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the government, which has an elected president and parliament, is legitimate or not.

And you call their country somehow just?

No, I call it one where the majority is happy with the way things are. The thing was, WE imposed the Shah on them, and he suppressed anyone who might have created a western style democracy. The Ayatollahs he couldn't touch, because of their religious status. It's not so much that they "Took" power, than it was that it fell to them.

The way to normalize Iran is to not isolate it. Isolating it as we have since 1979, puts it into a seige mentality, where anyone who questions the Ayatollahs must be aligned with the west.
It has been 40 years since the Ayatollahs took over. Its a long time in human politics. It is they being stubborn. Just like North Korea is stubborn. There has to be trust in the middle east. Whether you or I like it or not, Israel is there to stay. You can question how it got there, but it is not going anywhere. Domestically, if and when an economic downturn or massive tragedy happens all of the social justice agendas will end. Take it the way you want. People when impoverished will get ugly. and the blaming will escalate. Look how the Progs have blamed white guys and Christians with success. They using 95% of the globalist controlled media and entertainers to push those agendas and the introduction of extremist judges to deconstruct the United States of America and lead a less powerful nation into the new world order.
Actually, you have it half ass backwards, Joe, as usual.

Actually, Jimmy Carter imposed the Ayatollah Khomeini on the Iranian people by allowing him and his ilk to return to Teheran.

Dude, you are totally confused. There was nothing Jimmy Carter was able to do to stop the Shah from getting thrown out on his ass.

I know Iranians, I used to play poker and drink with these guys from Iran during the 1990's, who are exiled here in America. They love the shah and the Pahlavi family, and want the restoration of the beloved Peacock Throne. In reality, the Iranian people are a modern, "with it" race. Bravo TV's "The Shahs of Sunset" gives the REALITY of what the Iranian people are really like.

Look at pics of Iran from the 1970's, the broads aren't in burqas, and the dudes don't wear towels on their heads.

Guy, the SHITBALLS who fled Iran fled because their neighbors wanted them dead. They are a small, small fraction of the Iranian people, who universally hated the Pahlavis....No one wanted to see that corrupt regime restored the first time we did it in 1953.
It has been 40 years since the Ayatollahs took over. Its a long time in human politics. It is they being stubborn. Just like North Korea is stubborn. There has to be trust in the middle east. Whether you or I like it or not, Israel is there to stay. You can question how it got there, but it is not going anywhere. Domestically, if and when an economic downturn or massive tragedy happens all of the social justice agendas will end. Take it the way you want. People when impoverished will get ugly. and the blaming will escalate. Look how the Progs have blamed white guys and Christians with success. They using 95% of the globalist controlled media and entertainers to push those agendas and the introduction of extremist judges to deconstruct the United States of America and lead a less powerful nation into the new world order.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?
We went from: “Build That Wall” to: “It’s Better Than Nothin”

Walsh should hit Trump on not building the wall!
Actually, you have it half ass backwards, Joe, as usual.

Actually, Jimmy Carter imposed the Ayatollah Khomeini on the Iranian people by allowing him and his ilk to return to Teheran.

Dude, you are totally confused. There was nothing Jimmy Carter was able to do to stop the Shah from getting thrown out on his ass.

I know Iranians, I used to play poker and drink with these guys from Iran during the 1990's, who are exiled here in America. They love the shah and the Pahlavi family, and want the restoration of the beloved Peacock Throne. In reality, the Iranian people are a modern, "with it" race. Bravo TV's "The Shahs of Sunset" gives the REALITY of what the Iranian people are really like.

Look at pics of Iran from the 1970's, the broads aren't in burqas, and the dudes don't wear towels on their heads.

Guy, the SHITBALLS who fled Iran fled because their neighbors wanted them dead. They are a small, small fraction of the Iranian people, who universally hated the Pahlavis....No one wanted to see that corrupt regime restored the first time we did it in 1953.

So you are saying that people who opposed Iranian Islamonazism and the Axis of Evil are "SHITBALLS"?

Interesting take on it

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