Round up the Dissenters

If you see someone climbing through a broken window of your house in the middle of the night, you should stand your ground and shoot them.

But if a cop sees someone climbing through broken window in the middle of a riot, and the cop is the only person between the rioters and the entire legislative branch of government, they should... not shoot them?

anyways. she got shot because she was first in line, and ignored warnings from police. But she is a "martyr" because white privilege.

NO, you do NOT shoot someone climbing through a broken window in your house, even the middle of the night!
That is criminal murder.
You can arrest them or scare them away.
The ONLY time you can shoot them is if they threaten you with a weapon.

And are also wrong when you claim Ashli "ignored warnings from the police".
The cop who shot said absolutely nothing.
The cops next to Ashli did not know about the shooter and said absolutely nothing.
The only people who said anything were other rioters who saw the pistol being pointed.
You are stuck in the Twilight Zone. The Russian dossier CORRECTLY identified that Russia was interfering in our elections. It CORRECTLY stated that a Russian embassy employee was a spy. Also it alleged certain meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials. While those specific meetings have not been verified, several Trump campaign officials did have contact with Russians. Also Mueller detailed meetings between Manafort and a Russian tied in with Russian Intelligence. Internal polling data and other campaign information was turned over., The Russians bought pro-Trump ads on social media.

We know what a threat is. You are using right wing scare tactics when you are the ones attacking rights in this country.

The FBI found no Russian interference in the elections.

All embassy employees are always spies.

Meetings with Russians is not illegal or election tampering.

Giving Russians campaign data is not illegal or election tampering.

Russians bought ZERO Trump campaign ads.
She was not murdered. She was shot attempting to break into the legislative chambers through a smashed window.

Ashlie was attempting to get to the Speaker's Lobby, which is just an empty hallway.
It is illegal to shoot someone who is breaking in.
Legally you can only shoot if they are a deadly threat from a visible weapon.
I think you've missed a few things, bendog. Remember the IRS under Obama?

I know you have missed a few things. Liberal groups were targeted as well.

"The new report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) report found that the IRS potentially selected 146 cases for review based on a politically charged name. The audit covered 17 political terms like “Green Energy,” “Occupy,” “Progressive,” “Rally Patriots,” and “ACORN Successors,”"

Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
How long have you been suffering from paranoia?
NO, you do NOT shoot someone climbing through a broken window in your house, even the middle of the night!
That is criminal murder.
You can arrest them or scare them away.
The ONLY time you can shoot them is if they threaten you with a weapon.

And are also wrong when you claim Ashli "ignored warnings from the police".
The cop who shot said absolutely nothing.
The cops next to Ashli did not know about the shooter and said absolutely nothing.
The only people who said anything were other rioters who saw the pistol being pointed.
Shooting someone who breaks into your house is covered under Castle Doctrine. There are conditions which vary by state, and it would most certainly go to court.

Michael Byrd says he did warn her.
Ashlie was attempting to get to the Speaker's Lobby, which is just an empty hallway.
It is illegal to shoot someone who is breaking in.
Legally you can only shoot if they are a deadly threat from a visible weapon.

You are wrong.
She was a part of a large mob. That is a factor that makes it legal for them to use force. The Vice President of the United States was in the building as were members of Congress. Legally you can shoot if a mob of people are coming at you.
The FBI found no Russian interference in the elections.

All embassy employees are always spies.

Meetings with Russians is not illegal or election tampering.

Giving Russians campaign data is not illegal or election tampering.

Russians bought ZERO Trump campaign ads.

There is no doubt that the Russians bought pro-Trump social media ads.

Our intelligence agencies confirm the Russians interfered in our elections.

Meeting with the russians to discuss campaign strategy is unethical. It may not be illegal because no one ever thought that a American would do it. Laying out a road map is election tampering.
Nah, the democrats are as bad as the republicans, such as LBJ's war on Vietnam, Hillary supporting the illegal invasion of Iraq, Obama failing to get out of Iraq or Afghanistan and instead attacking in Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
The democrats are attempting to silence as much as the republicans.
Like on the irresponsible strategies for covid.

It is the Republican policies on covid that has led to the death of 800,000 Americans. The disinformation campaign Republicans are running on covid should be silenced.
School boards have always been fascist.
Why do you think there are so many school shootings?
School boards are supposed to do what parent say, not try to have parents arrested instead.

If a parent threatens the school board then they should be arrested.
You are wrong.
She was a part of a large mob. That is a factor that makes it legal for them to use force. The Vice President of the United States was in the building as were members of Congress. Legally you can shoot if a mob of people are coming at you.
No, everyone left via subway.
There was no one to defend.
There is no doubt that the Russians bought pro-Trump social media ads.

Our intelligence agencies confirm the Russians interfered in our elections.

Meeting with the russians to discuss campaign strategy is unethical. It may not be illegal because no one ever thought that a American would do it. Laying out a road map is election tampering.

Wrong. The FBI found no evidence of any Russian influence.

A road map is totally legal.
You are stuck in the Twilight Zone. The Russian dossier CORRECTLY identified that Russia was interfering in our elections. It CORRECTLY stated that a Russian embassy employee was a spy. Also it alleged certain meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials. While those specific meetings have not been verified, several Trump campaign officials did have contact with Russians. Also Mueller detailed meetings between Manafort and a Russian tied in with Russian Intelligence. Internal polling data and other campaign information was turned over., The Russians bought pro-Trump ads on social media.

We know what a threat is. You are using right wing scare tactics when you are the ones attacking rights in this country.
I love how you play the half truth game, BB. In the end, a half truth is a lie, dude, no matter how you present it.
It is the Republican policies on covid that has led to the death of 800,000 Americans. The disinformation campaign Republicans are running on covid should be silenced.
You do realize, don't you, that democrats have been running the show for months now? It's their policies that are killing more Americans this year than last, even with TRUMP! vaccines in place and readily available.
If the cops can shoot a woman like her they should be able to shoot BLM and Antifa rioters who are throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails at them. How would you like to be hit by a brick or set on fire?

Agreed, always.

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