Rubio Is Getting My Attention

From Rubio's tax reform white paper:
By simplifying the structure of the tax code, this proposal will also reduce the burden of confusing choices and excessive paperwork. Most itemized deductions will be removed, and those that remain will be accessible to all filers.

See, it isn't the lack of a flat tax that causes your tax returns to be bigger than a post card. If it all those tax expenditures you have to wade through. Exemptions, deductions, credits.

Those tax expenditures mask a gross inequality. Americans allow themselves to be bought off with a child tax credit (which is no different than an Obamaphone) while other players get much, much bigger advantages given to them.

Rubio is new enough to national politics that he isn't afraid to expose the rigging which has legislatively tilted the playing field.

The Internal Revenue Code includes an abundance of carve-out tax provisions that create advantages for special interests and distort the free market. Many of these tax provisions help certain industries to the disadvantage of others. Some of these tax provisions are included in permanent law, and others are temporary tax provisions that are regularly renewed. Despite remaining in the code for long periods of time, the temporarily renewed provisions are known as “tax extenders,” because Congress regularly reauthorizes these measures. Legislation maintaining “tax extenders” typically includes narrow, distortive tax provisions along with some tax provisions that are important to economic growth and do not create a market distortion.
The wealthy will never stand for that. Just one more reason Marco won't get major GOP support.
They will stand for it if he gives them the rest of his package. No taxes on capital gains, dividends, or estates.
Please read Rubio's tax reform white paper. He is on the right track.
It won't download right on my phone, but I'll check it out when I get home.
Always liked Marco. I worked with his Senate campaign when Martinez retired.
He's still too green to be President, though.
From Rubio's tax reform white paper:
By simplifying the structure of the tax code, this proposal will also reduce the burden of confusing choices and excessive paperwork. Most itemized deductions will be removed, and those that remain will be accessible to all filers.

See, it isn't the lack of a flat tax that causes your tax returns to be bigger than a post card. If it all those tax expenditures you have to wade through. Exemptions, deductions, credits.

Those tax expenditures mask a gross inequality. Americans allow themselves to be bought off with a child tax credit (which is no different than an Obamaphone) while other players get much, much bigger advantages given to them.

Rubio is new enough to national politics that he isn't afraid to expose the rigging which has legislatively tilted the playing field.

The Internal Revenue Code includes an abundance of carve-out tax provisions that create advantages for special interests and distort the free market. Many of these tax provisions help certain industries to the disadvantage of others. Some of these tax provisions are included in permanent law, and others are temporary tax provisions that are regularly renewed. Despite remaining in the code for long periods of time, the temporarily renewed provisions are known as “tax extenders,” because Congress regularly reauthorizes these measures. Legislation maintaining “tax extenders” typically includes narrow, distortive tax provisions along with some tax provisions that are important to economic growth and do not create a market distortion.
The wealthy will never stand for that. Just one more reason Marco won't get major GOP support.
They will stand for it if he gives them the rest of his package. No taxes on capital gains, dividends, or estates.
What? I thought he said he wasn't going to pervert the free market.
On immigration reform, Rubio has said out loud what the chickenshits in the GOP Establishment are too afraid to admit. Sooner or later, the illegals are going to be given legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

That's the Will of the People™.
Our economic problems are not due to rich people being taxed too much or too little. That entire argument is a gigantic red herring.

Our economic problems are due almost entirely to the massive public and private debt.

We don't have debt because the rich are taxed too little. We have debt because the American people have taken too much.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it."

The retards think that only applies to the poor on food stamps. They can't see their own government gifts are much bigger and therefore a much bigger contributor to the problem.

Taxing the rich more won't make a difference. Taxing the rich less won't make a difference. In fact, taxing the rich less might make it worse. But taxing them more might make it worse, too.

The solution is to level the playing field. Tax everyone the same. Not more. Not less. Equally.

We have an insane system where two people earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts of tax. This system leads to higher tax rates and heavy federal borrowing.
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Rubio can't be trusted , he was paling around and was a member of the IMMIGRATION ' gang of eight' !!

It's not that he can't be trusted. It's simply that he got his head all turned around on that issue.

There is not one candidate who will be scoring perfectly on any checklist of desired qualifications and positions on the issues.

So it is time to be a little bit pragmatic. As some lolberals once said, we can't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
Our economic problems are not due to rich people being taxed too much or too little. That entire argument is a gigantic red herring.

Our economic problems are due almost entirely to the massive public and private debt.

We don't have debt because the tax are taxed too little. We have debt because the American people have taken too much.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it."

The retards think that only applies to the poor on food stamps. They can't see their own government gifts are much bigger and therefore a much bigger contributor to the problem.

Taxing the rich more won't make a difference. Taxing the rich less won't make a difference. In fact, taxing the rich less might make it worse. But taxing them more might make it worse, too.
Right but doing away with their taxes certainly won't help.
The Democrat party... the party of old white women.
And blacks
And Hispanics
And the working middle income Americans
And the educated
And the hopeful
And the confident
And the level-headed
And young women
And the future....

It is the party of old socialist thinking in new packaging.

It is the party of yesterday.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?

White paper?

naw but thanks for the advice 'ilar' , no pragmatic from me since 'gwb' second run for president . Never going for the moderate ever again . Rubio is a liar , can't be trusted in my opinion !!
Our economic problems are not due to rich people being taxed too much or too little. That entire argument is a gigantic red herring.

Our economic problems are due almost entirely to the massive public and private debt.

We don't have debt because the tax are taxed too little. We have debt because the American people have taken too much.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it."

The retards think that only applies to the poor on food stamps. They can't see their own government gifts are much bigger and therefore a much bigger contributor to the problem.

Taxing the rich more won't make a difference. Taxing the rich less won't make a difference. In fact, taxing the rich less might make it worse. But taxing them more might make it worse, too.
Right but doing away with their taxes certainly won't help.
"Doing away with their taxes" is taxing the rich less. I already said that won't help.
naw but thanks for the advice 'ilar' , no pragmatic from me since 'gwb' second run for president . Never going for the moderate ever again . Rubio is a liar , can't be trusted in my opinion !!

So you'll favor endless in-fighting and so forth to insure that we get "Obumbler; the Third Term" in the form of Cankles McShrillary.
g5000 likes Rubio because he knows Hillary will beat him.
Hillary stands a good chance of beating any Republican.

Not because she is better, but because the Republicans are idiots doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Clinton is utterly corrupt. So what does it say about both parties she is the one way on top by double digits right now?
I actually liked the speech Rubio did yesterday. He has an approachable personality more so than the others the Koch brothers are sending out as their troops of Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida, and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin backing them to get their evil political agenda done..

I do not trust any of them or any of the runners the Koch brothers are involved with .
"the nonprofit group that oversees the network of fiscally conservative groups formed with help from the Kochs and their operatives"
Read more: 4 GOP hopefuls expected to attend Koch event - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

Koch brothers set $889 million budget for 2016 <<<<<<< This is not ok....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

They passed the law where there is no limit of money that can be given to the ones running for president or any political agenda ...evil just evil

It should not be this way for any political campaign
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.


g5000 is an Obama Kneepad Brigade first responder often arriving to Obamas defense well ahead of Starkey

You losers can't find anything wrong with Rubio's plans? Were there too many words for you tards?

One man can't make the changes no matter how good they sound. It will always require compromise from the other side. He can promise the moon(like all candidates before him) but will never be able to deliver them all.
g5000 likes Rubio because he knows Hillary will beat him.
Hillary stands a good chance of beating any Republican.

Not because she is better, but because the Republicans are idiots doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Hillary can beat any Republican for one single reason.

The state-run media.

She's totally unqualified, totally corrupted, and doesn't have the wherewithal to be a leader. It will be harder for the media to cover for her than Obama. She won't want to get off of her fat ass during her entire presidency. She will be the first president that will give most of her speeches sitting down.....aside from FDR.... and he had an excuse.
Rubio flip-flops more than a fish out of water. He's dumb and has elephant ears. I don't trust him. His so-called "white paper" may be a different color a month from now.


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