Rubio Is Getting My Attention

"G5000 likes this. I must find something wrong with it."

Marco Rubio has announced he is running for President. Not only has he said he is running for President, he is putting all of his eggs in one basket and has said he is not running for re-election to the Senate! His Senate term expires in 2016.

I don't think he has much of a chance of winning the nomination, much less the election, but he is starting to earn my respect. I will get to that in a moment. But first, some realities on the ground must be addressed.

Rubio is too inexperienced. Don't be an idiot and go all tu quoque about Obama having been a one term Senator blah blah blah. I detest Obama. In fact, his bumbling, stumbling, idiotic Presidency confirms it is a gross error to elect inexperienced people to the highest office in the land.

Rubio made a real stupid comment about this when asked. He said being President would be a great opportunity to learn stuff on the job.

Holy moley. We don't need an OJT President! Especially one that follows another OJT President who can't even reach apprentice qualifications after six years.

Rubio's real shot is at the vice presidency, which would season him for the top job eight years later. However, if Jeb Bush grabs the nomination, he is not going to select a fellow Floridian as his running mate. The demographics simply won't work.

Therefore, I expect Rubio is going to try to hamstring Jeb in some way. He is not going to be able to stay clean if he wants a real shot at a job in the White House.

Okay. Now why am I starting to like Rubio?

Because he is putting plans on the table. You all have heard me time and time and time again bemoan the fact that the GOP is a pack of cowards who cover up their lack of leadership with smears and personal attacks and mountains of manufactured bullshit about the opposition. I have spent more time on this forum unpacking and debunking the Right's manufactured bullshit than I have defending the Right's plans. And that is because the Right has no plans, but does have an astronomical amount of manufactured bullshit.

Rubio is actually putting plans on the table, and regardless of whether or not I agree with his plans, he gets major respect points from me for that. He is going old school. Good for him.

As it turns out, those plans of Rubio's I have looked at, I actually find myself mostly in agreement with them.

Here are two of them:

My three part plan for the post-ObamaCare era Fox News

The first one is a white paper. God knows how many times I have asked the jackals on this forum for a white paper from their favorite candidate, and all I have ever gotten were blank stares. I don't think most people have ever even heard the term before I asked for one.

Well, Rubio has issued a white paper on taxes, and I really like it.

It will shock a lot of the right wing welfare queens. He calls for the elimination of almost all tax expenditures. And he explains that it will allow us to lower tax rates for everyone.

EXACTLY what I have been saying for literally years on this forum.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. Rubio's plan is very good. It is not perfect. Perfect would be the banning of all tax expenditures, which is what I advocate. But I would gladly accept Rubio's proposal.

Now don't be an idiot and not read the white paper before expressing an opinion on it.

Read it.

Read. It.

Don't be a tl/dnr tard.

Next, how many times have I posted, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?"

Eleventy zillion times.

Rubio offers an answer to "then what". He's the first and only candidate so far who has.

Read his three part plan. It's isn't a white paper, so it will be easy to digest.

All in all, I think Rubio is off to a great start. I look forward to reading more white papers from him. I like what I see so far.

I think he's got a new "trickle down" tax plan.

Rubio-Lee tax reform plan would add trillions to the debt -
He may be more flip flopper than even Randian Paul.
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.


g5000 is an Obama Kneepad Brigade first responder often arriving to Obamas defense well ahead of Starkey
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?
Rubio obviously isn't really running for President. He probably thinks he has a shot at being Vice President though.
It feels that way to me.
He looks like he could be Hilary's grandson.

My grandfather could be Hillary's grandson.
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.


g5000 is an Obama Kneepad Brigade first responder often arriving to Obamas defense well ahead of Starkey

You losers can't find anything wrong with Rubio's plans? Were there too many words for you tards?
I think he's got a new "trickle down" tax plan.

Rubio-Lee tax reform plan would add trillions to the debt -
He may be more flip flopper than even Randian Paul.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow for lower tax rates. Of course, one has to do the numbers right, or the debt problem will be exacerbated. We need to see specific numbers. But Rubio's plan has all the right principles.
In many ways, it would shift the revenue code in the direction of a consumption tax.

Exactly what should be done.

I disagree with these parts:

Investment income from capital gains and dividends would be tax free.

Rubio and Lee dodge two big individual tax issues: They say tax treatment of health insurance should be addressed as part of broader health reform. Thus, they’d retain the exclusion for employer paid health insurance, a $2.6 trillion tax subsidy over 10 years.

Rubio is succumbing to the meme that "capital gains" are the result of really nice people creating jobs. It's total bullshit.

It is very unfortunate Rubio would retain the biggest tax boondoggle of all. Employer sponsored health insurance needs to go away. Keeping it tax exempt means it will never go away.

His plan for freeing up health insurance so it can be bought across state lines will die on the vine as long as he allows employer sponsored health insurance to live. You cannot have both.

They also say the fate of the Earned Income Tax Credit should be tied to future welfare reform and thus propose no EITC changes.

The EITC is probably the only tax expenditure which can be shown to serve a productive purpose.
Rubio can't be trusted , he was paling around and was a member of the IMMIGRATION ' gang of eight' !!
I like Rubio I think he would be better suited right now as the VP which I suspect is what he is aiming for.

I agree. He'd make a great VP and as G5 says the time for OJT training is over.

We all see how well that OJT worked for Barry. Six years in and he still sucks as POTUS and he's cost we taxpayers millions with his ACA and his fucking green shit. We need someone way more on the ball than either Barry or Rubio.

I read Rubio's white paper and he's got some good ideas though I don't think he's ready for prime time yet.
he sounds young and naïve , his membership in that Gang of eight is just evidence of his work with pro immigrant forces !!
I think he's got a new "trickle down" tax plan.

Rubio-Lee tax reform plan would add trillions to the debt -
He may be more flip flopper than even Randian Paul.

Eliminating tax expenditures would allow for lower tax rates. Of course, one has to do the numbers right, or the debt problem will be exacerbated. We need to see specific numbers. But Rubio's plan has all the right principles.
In many ways, it would shift the revenue code in the direction of a consumption tax.

Exactly what should be done.

I disagree with these parts:

Investment income from capital gains and dividends would be tax free.

Rubio and Lee dodge two big individual tax issues: They say tax treatment of health insurance should be addressed as part of broader health reform. Thus, they’d retain the exclusion for employer paid health insurance, a $2.6 trillion tax subsidy over 10 years.

Rubio is succumbing to the meme that "capital gains" are the result of really nice people creating jobs. It's total bullshit.

It is very unfortunate Rubio would retain the biggest tax boondoggle of all. Employer sponsored health insurance needs to go away. Keeping it tax exempt means it will never go away.

His plan for freeing up health insurance so it can be bought across state lines will die on the vine as long as he allows employer sponsored health insurance to live. You cannot have both.

They also say the fate of the Earned Income Tax Credit should be tied to future welfare reform and thus propose no EITC changes.

The EITC is probably the only tax expenditure which can be shown to serve a productive purpose.

the link is not working for me, but Jonathan Chait has a column "how Rubio got his mojo back"

Regardless, any tax plan that brings in less revenue and gives most to the boon to the top 10 or 1% is imo class warfare.
What gets me, g5, is that there is no doubt in mind that you voted for the scumbag TWICE and would probably vote for him again if you had the chance.


g5000 is an Obama Kneepad Brigade first responder often arriving to Obamas defense well ahead of Starkey
If you tell a lie, I will defend the truth. Even if the lie is about Obama.

Too bad you retards don't get that. But then again, no one expects lying retards to get it.
Regardless, any tax plan that brings in less revenue and gives most to the boon to the top 10 or 1% is imo class warfare.

That article ASSUMED that was the case. Thus, it is biased.

There are no actual numbers yet. It is only a white paper. A laying down of principles.

However, the non-taxation of capital gains is definitely a gift to the rich.
From Rubio's tax reform white paper:
By simplifying the structure of the tax code, this proposal will also reduce the burden of confusing choices and excessive paperwork. Most itemized deductions will be removed, and those that remain will be accessible to all filers.

See, it isn't the lack of a flat tax that causes your tax returns to be bigger than a post card. If it all those tax expenditures you have to wade through. Exemptions, deductions, credits.

Those tax expenditures mask a gross inequality. Americans allow themselves to be bought off with a child tax credit (which is no different than an Obamaphone) while other players get much, much bigger advantages given to them.

Rubio is new enough to national politics that he isn't afraid to expose the rigging which has legislatively tilted the playing field.

The Internal Revenue Code includes an abundance of carve-out tax provisions that create advantages for special interests and distort the free market. Many of these tax provisions help certain industries to the disadvantage of others. Some of these tax provisions are included in permanent law, and others are temporary tax provisions that are regularly renewed. Despite remaining in the code for long periods of time, the temporarily renewed provisions are known as “tax extenders,” because Congress regularly reauthorizes these measures. Legislation maintaining “tax extenders” typically includes narrow, distortive tax provisions along with some tax provisions that are important to economic growth and do not create a market distortion.
The wealthy will never stand for that. Just one more reason Marco won't get major GOP support.
Okay, the Mojo article pretty much says what I said. Rubio has caved to the teapers on a lot of his proposals, which means his spine is very weak.

I think he will suck off the teapers during the primaries, and if by some miracle snags the nomination, he will roar back to his first principles for the general.

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