Rubio Is Getting My Attention

I actually liked the speech Rubio did yesterday. He has an approachable personality more so than the others the Koch brothers are sending out as their troops of Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida, and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin backing them to get their evil political agenda done..

I do not trust any of them or any of the runners the Koch brothers are involved with .
"the nonprofit group that oversees the network of fiscally conservative groups formed with help from the Kochs and their operatives"
Read more: 4 GOP hopefuls expected to attend Koch event - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

Koch brothers set $889 million budget for 2016 <<<<<<< This is not ok....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

They passed the law where there is no limit of money that can be given to the ones running for president or any political agenda ...evil just evil

It should not be this way for any political campaign
Money in politics is a symptom, not the disease.

As you can see right here in this topic, our political system is weighed down by rubes who can't be troubled to read a few pages of text to learn about a candidate. The retards prefer bite-sized lies. And that is what the money responds to. The tards want simplicity. They have the intellectual capacity of bumper stickers.

Money also flows toward power. So it only makes sense that as we hand more and more power over to government, more and more money will flow in that direction to capture that power. It amazes me when I see retards demanding more power be given to the government and then they act all shocked when it gets captured and abused. Their solution? Give even more power to government!

The fact that much has been made out of a sip of water is testimony to the dumbing down of America.

Tards prefer a video loop to reading. They think this tells them something.

Jesus H. Christ.
Rubio flip-flops more than a fish out of water. He's dumb and has elephant ears. I don't trust him. His so-called "white paper" may be a different color a month from now.

You have white papers that describe your candidates position ?

Please share.

While I am still to early in my determinations (on either side), position papers at least provide a track for you to follow.

If Rubio's position changes, you'll be able to show it clear as day.

The rest of the flacks on both sides would spend a lot of time and money lying about what they said and didn't say.

Heaven forbid they actually have the balls to write something down.

Looking forward to your post.
g5000 likes Rubio because he knows Hillary will beat him.
Hillary stands a good chance of beating any Republican.

Not because she is better, but because the Republicans are idiots doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Clinton is utterly corrupt. So what does it say about both parties she is the one way on top by double digits right now?

Rand Paul passed her this weekend. Everyone knows the fat bitch is running. Once a repug announced they were running and them tells a journalist to STFU....their numbers jump above Hillary's.

The fact that much has been made out of a sip of water is testimony to the dumbing down of America.

Tards prefer a video loop to reading. They think this tells them something.

Jesus H. Christ.

It shows he's nervous. Lack of nerves is the only good quality Obama posesses.

Obama doesn't sweat......because he doesn't care about anything.
I read through the piece on Obamacare.

While I agree with some of his postion, I believe the leader who really the one who spells out what the goals of his plan are and what principles act as a guide as he or she implements them.

Point number 3 had to do with Medicare and Medicaid. These two programs are going to be hot talking points for a long long time. He suggests a "cap". I a point.

But he has laid them out and people can digest them.

I read through the thread.

Honestly, G5000, I don't know why you bother with this forum. I would take this to the "Clean Zones" so you don't have to put up with all this garbage.

Thank you for the INFORMATION provided in the OP.
Rubio flip-flops more than a fish out of water. He's dumb and has elephant ears. I don't trust him. His so-called "white paper" may be a different color a month from now.


Mindless modern American "liberals" think that getting any kind of dry mouth when engaged in public speaking means the speaker cannot be a worthy Presidential candidate?

I knew that modern American liberal political philosophy was a sign of disordered thinking, but Shitting Bull is in a minor league all his own.
This is from the article:

First, we should provide an advanceable, refundable tax credit that all Americans can use to purchase health insurance. The value of these credits should increase every year, and we should set the tax preference for employer-sponsored insurance on a glide path to ensure that it will equal the level of the credits at the end of the decade. This will prevent large-scale disruptions and reform one of the most significant distortions in our tax system.

This opens up a lot of questions, but I don't want to pick at it right now.

I'll just say it is a specifc proposal and has a lot of merit within our current system. There are a hundred details that would need to be addressed....but that will happen.

I also think that candidates should tell us who would be on their cabinets.
naw but thanks for the advice 'ilar' , no pragmatic from me since 'gwb' second run for president . Never going for the moderate ever again . Rubio is a liar , can't be trusted in my opinion !!

So you'll favor endless in-fighting and so forth to insure that we get "Obumbler; the Third Term" in the form of Cankles McShrillary.
yeah Ilars , for me its punishment for moderate rinos , probably a few moderates in this thread . A Conservative is good , like a Cruz but no rubios or bush or similar . He11 , I'll sit out the election or vote for Hilary if we get a moderate rino , republican nominee . Probably vote for 'hilary' !!
This is from the article:

First, we should provide an advanceable, refundable tax credit that all Americans can use to purchase health insurance. The value of these credits should increase every year, and we should set the tax preference for employer-sponsored insurance on a glide path to ensure that it will equal the level of the credits at the end of the decade. This will prevent large-scale disruptions and reform one of the most significant distortions in our tax system.

This opens up a lot of questions, but I don't want to pick at it right now.

I'll just say it is a specifc proposal and has a lot of merit within our current system. There are a hundred details that would need to be addressed....but that will happen.

I also think that candidates should tell us who would be on their cabinets.
I am very much opposed to the continuation of employer sponsored health insurance. This boondoggle bends the cost curve of health care upward. It needs to go.

I am also opposed to all tax expenditures, including the tax exemption for employer sponsored health insurance because they add to the debt and higher tax rates and perpetuate the existence of employer sponsored health insurance.

Rubio's tax credit idea is not new. This is what McCain floated in 2008 very late in the game as his answer to the Democratic health care reforms.

I suppose it would be better than what we have now, but it still sucks.
Apparently Rube thinks there are 56 states.
Apparently you think we give a shit for what you have to say.
We're discussing actual positions that a candidate has taken on certain issues.
You are already calling her President Clinton and can't provide us with a single policy proposal yet.
naw but thanks for the advice 'ilar' , no pragmatic from me since 'gwb' second run for president . Never going for the moderate ever again . Rubio is a liar , can't be trusted in my opinion !!

So you'll favor endless in-fighting and so forth to insure that we get "Obumbler; the Third Term" in the form of Cankles McShrillary.
yeah Ilars , for me its punishment for moderate rinos , probably a few moderates in this thread . A Conservative is good , like a Cruz but no rubios or bush or similar . He11 , I'll sit out the election or vote for Hilary if we get a moderate rino , republican nominee . Probably vote for 'hilary' !!

Well, that's not well thought out.

I live in the deep blue political wasteland called the Empire State.

No matter what I do in the polling booth, the lolberal Democrap candidate will get the win. But I still would never vote for Shrillary to protest even another inferior candidate like McCain.

Ever hear the phrase, "cut off your nose to spite your face?"

Voting to "punish" the disgraceful Republican Party by voting for Shrillary is akin to cutting off your own ball sack to spite your girlfriend. Yeah. You'll show HER!
yeah 'Ilars' heard the phrase many times . Course with a 'rubio' or 'bush' or similar I also get nothing that I want while they get my vote . I'll be voting to hurt the moderate repubs who might feel the pain in their pocket books and wallets if my vote helps Hilary . Heck , just saw one of these millennial beggars on Cavuto , I'll tell you what , they want money and 'hilary' will help them get it .
well 'rubio' was JWoodie , rubio was a member of the gang of eight who was for Amnesty of illegals before he was against Amnesty for illegals . I mean , he was paling around with the likes of 'dick durbin' , chuckles schumer' and other dirty politicians . Rubio can't be trusted in my opinion !!
When I vote, I am rewarding the person who is getting my vote. So I never have voted for a Democrat except one time, and that was at the personal request of William F. Buckley in 1988.

Since I don't vote for Democrats, then that just leaves me to decide whether or not the Republican Party deserves my vote.

As the GOP has allowed itself to be hijacked and overrun by liars, thieves, hypocrites, retards, and psychopaths, I would be a damn fool to give them my vote. My vote communicates, "You are doing something right."

I'll be damned if I am going to tell them that at this juncture.

Elections are going to be decided by how many voters are disgusted by their own party and stay home.
Hillary Clinton is the Eva Peron of American Politics. If elected, she will cement our future as a North American Argentina.

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