Rubio Is Getting My Attention

Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.

Rubio is kind of stupid. and he's a liar. that's why he has his attention.
Why not vote Constitution Party or Libertarian Party G5?

Why even bother voting if you're gong to vote for someone who has NO chance of winning?

It's called having principles. Try to acquire some.

Unfortunately, not voting puts someone in the same category dumb asses who can't find their polling places. I was not enamored with John McCain and voted for Alan Keyes in the 2008 Primary election, but I was not going to contribute to the Community Organizer's election by staying home.
Unfortunately, not voting puts someone in the same category dumb asses who can't find their polling places. I was not enamored with John McCain and voted for Alan Keyes in the 2008 Primary election, but I was not going to contribute to the Community Organizer's election by staying home.

What good did your vote do? You might as well have voted for the lying Cocksucker in Chief.

Tell me how voting for Keyes was better than not voting at all?

I just don't get the stupidity of that
Because I don't vote for who can win but who represents my views. :) You are a very angry person.

Cowards make me angry.

And -- Don't try to bullshit me, scumbag.

I know the bullshit by now.

scum of the earth dimocraps have their little fuckboys out and about trying to tell people there's no real difference in the parties because they know that Patriots and Conservatives don't like politicians in the first place.

We don't like politics, we don't like politicians so if scum like you can convince Patriots that there's no real difference, then you suppress the Patriot Vote and that's as good as attracting scumbag votes.

Get an idiot or two million to vote for someone that has NO chance of winning, get a couple million more to stay home out of frustration and you win.

Because we KNOW that scum of the earth dimocrap filth will vote. Even the dead ones.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. No matter what form they take
Interesting. But he still wants to keep a modified form of the EIC, Mortgage Interest deductions, and instead of standard or itemized deduction he wants to offer standard credits. But hopefully it will be a starting point for other candidates to talk about.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?
Rubio obviously isn't really running for President. He probably thinks he has a shot at being Vice President though.
It feels that way to me.
Rubio equals moderate rino , same as the 'bush' and 'christy' , none will get my vote !!
The Constitution does not allow the electors of a state to vote for a Presidential candidate and a Vice Presidential candidate from their own state. However, voters are allowed to vote for a VP and President from the same state. And the electors of all the other states are allowed to vote for a President and VP from the same state.

So if there was a Bush/Rubio ticket, the electors from Florida could not vote for both of them. But the electors of all the other states could.

This weird quirk could present problems in a close election, especially since Rubio and Bush are from the very important state of Florida which has 29 electoral votes. But this problem would only present itself if there was a Bush/Rubio ticket, which there is no way that will happen, as I said at the top of this topic.
Rubio equals moderate rino , same as the 'bush' and 'christy' , none will get my vote !!
Oh, that's another thing.

It's a common meme among the tards that Romney lost because he wasn't extreme enough. That is almost as hilarious as claiming Obama won "because gifts".

If Romney had been more extreme, he would have lost by an even bigger margin.
Interesting. But he still wants to keep a modified form of the EIC, Mortgage Interest deductions, and instead of standard or itemized deduction he wants to offer standard credits. But hopefully it will be a starting point for other candidates to talk about.
Like I said, the good is the enemy of the perfect.

The one saving grace about Rubio's business tax expenditures is that EVERYONE will be able to claim them. There will be no carve outs that only certain special interests will be able to claim, giving them a market advantage.
Rubio , bush etc won't get my vote . I'd vote Hilary , help her get elected to help punish the moderates 'g5000' . Moderate , that's worse than a hardcore dem as moderates have no principles /
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.

Rubio is kind of stupid. and he's a liar. that's why he has his attention.
Please explain the stupidity and lies in Rubio's white paper and three step health care reform plan.
Please read Rubio's tax reform white paper. He is on the right track.
But he's on the wrong track concerning most other issues, which is in essence what's wrong with the GOP.
Where is he on the wrong track?

Rubio has disappointed me by his caving in on immigration reform. He put a comprehensive plan on the table, and then caved to the psychopaths who are ignoring the will of the people.

80 percent of Americans, including a majority of Republicans/conservatives, want illegals to be granted legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

Rubio's bill provided a means to achieve that. But then he was attacked from the Right and he caved.

Now he's toeing the party line, which might win him some Tea Party votes, but would cost him in the general.
Rubio , bush etc won't get my vote . I'd vote Hilary , help her get elected to help punish the moderates 'g5000' . Moderate , that's worse than a hardcore dem as moderates have no principles /
You will find my stance on tax expenditures is to the right of most of the right wing welfare queens on this forum.
I see a lot of bloviating, but no evidence anyone has read Rubio's proposals in full. Opining from ignorance is not exactly a winning strategy.
Getting your attention doesn't sound very hard. Can get many women's attention by slowly turning a tiny piece of glass-like material so it reflects the light much like dangling keys over a baby gets their attention. Guess GOP attention is similarly easy to win.

"Obama bad! Me good!" all it seems to take for the GOP voters.
I see you did not bother to read the white paper.

Why am I not surprised?
Rubio obviously isn't really running for President. He probably thinks he has a shot at being Vice President though.
It feels that way to me.
He looks like he could be Hilary's grandson.

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