Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
did they spy on his campaign?
was anything ever found after 3 years on RUSSIA?
did pelosi at any time instruct the democrats to work with trump?

a simple yes or no will suffice.
Can you actually answer questions without deflecting?
That's funny coming from you.
Deflection noted. Care to take a stab at the actual questions/issues brought up?
You get pretty demanding for someone who refuses to answer any of my questions. Why should I put a quarter in this ride again?
Your concession is noted. As usual, discussion with you turns into a waste of time. Good bye :)
sigh - as usual, you miss the point i am making.

i give you the EXACT type of answer you give others, but you hate it done to you. yet somehow, an activity you hate done to you is OK to do to others.

i've asked you questions before with the sincere goal of trying to come to an understanding. you just get pissed off and pull this shit.

you do NOT want to discuss things, you want people to go "gosh, you are so humane and correct" and when it doesn't happen, you demonize those who don't follow your mindset.

you are pretty much a perfect example of why so few are getting along anymore.

Answer the question dumb ass.

He won't. He always resorts to this crap when confronted with questions he'd rather avoid. It becomes an exercise in futility and I should know better then to engage in the first place.

Pretty basic, direct questions on the transition, don't you think? Nothing to do with me being "humane" blah blah blah.

Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

How hard is that? :dunno:

Did they deny Trump and his team access?

Nope and yet Trump is being a childish brat while putting millions of lives at risk!
No, Trump is trying to protect America against a known national security threat (Joe race baiting Briben), that stem's back to the Obama white house. We also are knowledgeable of the domestic threats that the leftist Dems have posed to this nation internally, and externally. They (the Dems), cannot win in the war that is raging now in America. A war in which they have created, coordinated, and we're complicit in together.

You can believe what you want about whether we can win or lose, but the fact remains that Trump lost.
Not yet he hasn't. Federal law and investigation's from the federal level always trump's state laws or decision's, and just like it always does. An on going federal investigation into voter fraud, and election tampering if proven, will become for those guilty of such a thing to be a serious federal crime if proven, so state's should be waiting to see the outcomes of the investigations before certification of a contested election based upon the allegations of irregularities and election tampering in regards to the various state's in question.

You gotta have evidence before you can prove anything. So far all those Trump cases have been laughed out of court for no evidence. you lost. Get over it.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
did they spy on his campaign?
was anything ever found after 3 years on RUSSIA?
did pelosi at any time instruct the democrats to work with trump?

a simple yes or no will suffice.
Can you actually answer questions without deflecting?
That's funny coming from you.
Deflection noted. Care to take a stab at the actual questions/issues brought up?
You get pretty demanding for someone who refuses to answer any of my questions. Why should I put a quarter in this ride again?
Your concession is noted. As usual, discussion with you turns into a waste of time. Good bye :)
sigh - as usual, you miss the point i am making.

i give you the EXACT type of answer you give others, but you hate it done to you. yet somehow, an activity you hate done to you is OK to do to others.

i've asked you questions before with the sincere goal of trying to come to an understanding. you just get pissed off and pull this shit.

you do NOT want to discuss things, you want people to go "gosh, you are so humane and correct" and when it doesn't happen, you demonize those who don't follow your mindset.

you are pretty much a perfect example of why so few are getting along anymore.

Answer the question dumb ass.

He won't. He always resorts to this crap when confronted with questions he'd rather avoid. It becomes an exercise in futility and I should know better then to engage in the first place.

Pretty basic, direct questions on the transition, don't you think? Nothing to do with me being "humane" blah blah blah.

Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

How hard is that? :dunno:

Did they deny Trump and his team access?

Nope and yet Trump is being a childish brat while putting millions of lives at risk!
No, Trump is trying to protect America against a known national security threat (Joe race baiting Briben), that stem's back to the Obama white house. We also are knowledgeable of the domestic threats that the leftist Dems have posed to this nation internally, and externally. They (the Dems), cannot win in the war that is raging now in America. A war in which they have created, coordinated, and we're complicit in together.

You can believe what you want about whether we can win or lose, but the fact remains that Trump lost.
Not yet he hasn't. Federal law and investigation's from the federal level always trump's state laws or decision's, and just like it always does. An on going federal investigation into voter fraud, and election tampering if proven, will become for those guilty of such a thing to be a serious federal crime if proven, so state's should be waiting to see the outcomes of the investigations before certification of a contested election based upon the allegations of irregularities and election tampering in regards to the various state's in question.

You gotta have evidence before you can prove anything. So far all those Trump cases have been laughed out of court for no evidence. you lost. Get over it.
The states claiming no evidence or the lack there of is a state jurisdictional thing, but the feds over ride state's jurisdiction, otherwise if federal laws are perceived to have been broken. Stay tuned.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
did they spy on his campaign?
was anything ever found after 3 years on RUSSIA?
did pelosi at any time instruct the democrats to work with trump?

a simple yes or no will suffice.
Can you actually answer questions without deflecting?
That's funny coming from you.
Deflection noted. Care to take a stab at the actual questions/issues brought up?
You get pretty demanding for someone who refuses to answer any of my questions. Why should I put a quarter in this ride again?
Your concession is noted. As usual, discussion with you turns into a waste of time. Good bye :)
sigh - as usual, you miss the point i am making.

i give you the EXACT type of answer you give others, but you hate it done to you. yet somehow, an activity you hate done to you is OK to do to others.

i've asked you questions before with the sincere goal of trying to come to an understanding. you just get pissed off and pull this shit.

you do NOT want to discuss things, you want people to go "gosh, you are so humane and correct" and when it doesn't happen, you demonize those who don't follow your mindset.

you are pretty much a perfect example of why so few are getting along anymore.

Answer the question dumb ass.

He won't. He always resorts to this crap when confronted with questions he'd rather avoid. It becomes an exercise in futility and I should know better then to engage in the first place.

Pretty basic, direct questions on the transition, don't you think? Nothing to do with me being "humane" blah blah blah.

Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

How hard is that? :dunno:

Did they deny Trump and his team access?

Nope and yet Trump is being a childish brat while putting millions of lives at risk!
No, Trump is trying to protect America against a known national security threat (Joe race baiting Briben), that stem's back to the Obama white house. We also are knowledgeable of the domestic threats that the leftist Dems have posed to this nation internally, and externally. They (the Dems), cannot win in the war that is raging now in America. A war in which they have created, coordinated, and we're complicit in together.

You can believe what you want about whether we can win or lose, but the fact remains that Trump lost.
Not yet he hasn't. Federal law and investigation's from the federal level always trump's state laws or decision's, and just like it always does. An on going federal investigation into voter fraud, and election tampering if proven, will become for those guilty of such a thing to be a serious federal crime if proven, so state's should be waiting to see the outcomes of the investigations before certification of a contested election based upon the allegations of irregularities and election tampering in regards to the various state's in question.

You gotta have evidence before you can prove anything. So far all those Trump cases have been laughed out of court for no evidence. you lost. Get over it.
The states claiming no evidence or the lack there of is a state jurisdictional thing, but the feds over ride state's jurisdiction, otherwise if federal laws are perceived to have been broken. Stay tuned.

You be sure to hold your breath for that to happen.
I like this guy officer Tatum.... Started watching him recently, and he makes some great points.

Tucker Carlson towing the line for the traitorous Fox News is very disappointing to me and this Tatum feller so it seems.

Like Officer Tatum said (Tucker), well he's being paid big bucks by the network, so of course he has to be reeled back in if he's actually going or went rogue on the network. Look out Hannity and the rest of the agents supporting Trump who I also liked on Fox, because if Trump loses, then they will be next as the network will cower due to the pressure's that will be applied to those who supported Trump in the aftermath. Tucker may be turned already.


Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

Clearly not, not even possible as some cases have not even been filed yet.

So it's clear that you (even as a mod) are doing your part to "fix" the election (and discussions) towards a Biden win, yourself.

Damn those Mods to hell. How dare they deal in Truths. We need to rise up and take up arms against them. Well, maybe not. You Party of the Rumpers raise you arms and your armpit odor will knock over a bull moose so keep your arms at your sides.

I like this guy officer Tatum.... Started watching him recently, and he makes some great points.

Tucker Carlson towing the line for the traitorous Fox News is very disappointing to me and this Tatum feller so it seems.

Like Officer Tatum said (Tucker), well he's being paid big bucks by the network, so of course he has to be reeled back in if he's actually going or went rogue on the network. Look out Hannity and the rest of the agents supporting Trump who I also liked on Fox, because if Trump loses, then they will be next as the network will cower due to the pressure's that will be applied to those who supported Trump in the aftermath. Tucker may be turned already.

In response to your Vid, here is your new Mantra Vid. Learn it. There will be a test.

Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.

You've been watching too many movies.

Actually it is called research and reading. I haven't watched a movie in months. Movies are kind of boring for me. Just sit there like a blob and do nothing. And, you seen one, you seen them all...

Naturalnews is not research.

Better research then MSM who just read teleprompters brought to you by the Cabal.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!

Wake me up when you can win even a SINGLE case claiming widespread fraud in a court of law.


Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes being so weak in the head that you can't even face the reality of an electoral loss.

But I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.
Last edited:

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!

Wake me up when you can win even a SINGLE case claiming fraud.


Biden is done. And if he somehow pulls of the fake win, nobody is going to listen to the ass clown.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!

Wake me up when you can win even a SINGLE case claiming fraud.


Biden is done. And if he somehow pulls of the fake win, nobody is going to listen to the ass clown.

Biden is the duly elected 46th President of United States of America.

You should find some sane way to deal with that.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Rightwingers need to have uncle Tsarnayev's moment of clearity

Last edited:
Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

That's actually kind of retarded.

First, you have to PROVE FRAUD, not just allege it.

Secondly, you have to show that the Fraud made a difference. Just because there were 10 people who cast ballots when they shouldn't have been able to, if you lost a state by 12,000 votes, it really doesn't matter.

Then you have to prove it happened in enough states to make a difference. Again, if we were to give you AZ or GA, Biden would still win. You have to overturn AZ, GA, WI and at least one other state.

Fourth- A lot of this really shouldn't matter one way or the other. Biden decisively won the popular vote. The people made their preference pretty clear. That we are still using this archaic system that is subject to this level of gaming is the problem.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast. He claimed it in 2016 before he won, he claimed it after he won to refuse to accept that he lost popular vote and he claimed it many times before 2020 election.

He now lost and SURPRIZE! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud that somehow can't be formulated in the court of law.
You MAD ????

I'm laughing at you dupes. I'm sad for what Trump is willing to do to this country that he supposedly loves.

What did you do for our country besides whine like a little biatch?

You are the whiny bitch.

You lost at the ballot box and are too weak minded to accept that reality.

Fucking losers.

I don't vote because I am a researcher dooche. But anyone can plainly see that Trump atleast cares about our country. Biden is a sell out to China and should be prosecuted for treason. Yea the ballot box loss for Trump because all the Democrypts cheated. But their time is coming. They will be held to the fire.

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