Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

Clearly not, not even possible as some cases have not even been filed yet.

So it's clear that you (even as a mod) are doing your part to "fix" the election (and discussions) towards a Biden win, yourself.

States are in the process of certifying their votes.... Once they are certified...the filing of whatever case you're imagining becomes moot.

Not really.. There's still a couple weeks for most of them.. I imagine proving a case EXISTS could be done by then.. And certifications can have "stay" orders attached. Everyone's focused on the 4 states in contention -- but other states may decide to check out the evidence and slow their certifications.

And if enough of that happens and the Congress does not receive all the certifications by the Constitutional limit -- IT MIGHT go the remedy where the House VOTES on the next president..

All long shots of course -- but you can't say the "clocks' run out" until it actually has..

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections
Right down to the election of the dog catcher they all cheated!~

Again, no blobber can point out how Trump got 70M votes when the machines were "rigged" or why the Democrats didn't sweep the Senate races.
They are living on Fantasy Island.
I wonder how many Trumpsters have been watching this and wondering what they're not being told, what he's leaving out, what he might be misrepresenting, and what the other side of the argument is.


I'll go with zero.
Evidently an intelligent comment is beyond your ability.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

Clearly not, not even possible as some cases have not even been filed yet.

So it's clear that you (even as a mod) are doing your part to "fix" the election (and discussions) towards a Biden win, yourself.

States are in the process of certifying their votes.... Once they are certified...the filing of whatever case you're imagining becomes moot.

Not really.. There's still a couple weeks for most of them.. I imagine proving a case EXISTS could be done by then.. And certifications can have "stay" orders attached. Everyone's focused on the 4 states in contention -- but other states may decide to check out the evidence and slow their certifications.

And if enough of that happens and the Congress does not receive all the certifications by the Constitutional limit -- IT MIGHT go the remedy where the House VOTES on the next president..

All long shots of course -- but you can't say the "clocks' run out" until it actually has..

Its over. Maricopa is certifying tomorrow. Arizona will certify either by Thanksgiving or the week after. Courts are going to be closed Thursday and Friday.... Essentially you've got 96 hours to overturn an election. You've gotten nowhere in 3 weeks of bitching and moaning.

Time to face reality. Your blob lost.
Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

Look up the origins of Smartmatic.. The S/Ware that is a third party add-on to activate the "weighted voting" feature in Dominion machines..

I'll give ya a start here.. Y'all are looking as stupid as Russia Russia Russia if you don't actually look into the facts. You TDS'ers have been hit by ENOUGH oncoming freight trains in the past 4 years..

In 1997,[4] three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate, began collaborating in a group while working at Panagroup Corp. in Caracas, Venezuela.[5][6][7][8][9] Following the 2000 United States presidential election and its hanging chad controversy in Florida, the group proposed to dedicate a system toward electoral functions.[9][10] Smartmatic was officially incorporated on 11 April 2000 in Delaware by Alfredo José Anzola.[11][12][13] Smartmatic then established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida with seven employees.[7][8] After receiving funds from private investors,[7] the company then began to expand.

Following the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems, one of the leading US companies in automated voting products[99][100] from the British company De La Rue in 2005.[90] Following this acquisition, U.S. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney requested an investigation to determine whether the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had followed correct processes to green-light sale of Sequoia to Smartmatic, which was described as having "possible ties to the Venezuelan government".[101] The request was made after a March 2006 following issues in Chicago and Cook County, where a percentage of the machines involved were manufactured by Sequoia, and Sequoia provided technical assistance, some by a number of Venezuelan nationals flown in for the event.[102] According to Sequoia, the tabulation problems were due to human error, as a post-election check identified only three mechanical problems in 1,000 machines checked[102] while election officials blamed poor training.[103] Other issues were suspected to be related to software errors linked to the voting system's central computer.[104]

Following the request, Smartmatic and Sequoia submitted a request to be reviewed by the CFIUS while also denying links to the Venezuelan government.[105] The company disclosed that it was owned by Antonio Mugica (78.8%), Alfredo Anzola (3.87%), Roger Pinate (8.47%), Jorge Massa Dustou (5.97%) and employees (2.89%).[106] Smartmatic subsequently sold Sequoia and later withdrew from Cook County in December 2006.[107]

No interest in crawling down some rabbit hole with you. If you have a legitimate claim, it will be exposed in court. If not, it will be enshrined in the right's unified field of conspiracies to be repeated by Alex Jones and Hannity forever, along with all your other batshit crazy claims.

so lemme get this straight. Forget Guilliani and his hair dye.. You have NO CONCERNS WHATSOEVER about voting machines that are DESIGNED to "weight elections" as a feature. To go back to the 3/5ths of a person slave clause in the Constitution or in this case maybe 3/5ths of a vote.

And you have NO CONCERN about a Venuzelan company offering a 3rd party S/Ware package to ACTIVATE that feature on Dominion and maybe other machines??

What happened to assuring there's no foreign interference in elections? Didn't happen this time, but given that flaw in the system it could NEXT time.. What happened to the Democrat concern about Dominion when Pochahontas Warren and 2 other senators wrote a letter to Dominion in 2019 about issues with ttheir equip. in the 2018 elections -- INCLUDING VOTE SHIFTING...

Were Warren and Klobucher and the other guy CONSPIRACY NUTS BACK THEN?????

I hate you folks.. You have no consistent principles or positions.. Just spur of moment hypocrisy..

I'm not sure what 3/5 of a person might have to do with the subject other than your pathetic need to misdirect in every post you make. I have no concern that your crazy claims about all that might be true, or relevant to our elections. I have been wrong before, and realize there is an extremely slight chance I could be wrong this time, but I highly doubt it. If there is any reason a sane person should pay a bit of attention to such drivel, it will be come to light in the courts. Too many batshit crazy claims have rendered you less credible that that boy who kept yelling WOLF!!
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.


Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections

If you want to have an independent determined way to restore integrity to our elections and then to have a revote.

I'll go along with you on that.
It’s impossible to fully gather all evidence by Dec 7th
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.

These treasonous vermin should all be arrested and executed
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.

These treasonous vermin should all be arrested and executed

The result of Treason is punishable by death. I say send them to Guantanamo and let them suffer. Death would be to easy.
I wonder how many Trumpsters have been watching this and wondering what they're not being told, what he's leaving out, what he might be misrepresenting, and what the other side of the argument is.


I'll go with zero.
How about this. The fuck-o-crats cheated. No wonder Senile Biden did not campaign. The FIX was in. Meanwhile ,the Dem Governors are closing schools again.
Prove it.

Not much luck so far, huh?

You've been conned. By a buffoon. Well, TWO buffoons, if you count Rudy.
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.

You've been watching too many movies.
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
  • Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
  • Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
  • Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
  • Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world –
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
  • Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
  • Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
  • High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
  • Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
  • The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
  • Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
  • Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.

You've been watching too many movies.

Actually it is called research and reading. I haven't watched a movie in months. Movies are kind of boring for me. Just sit there like a blob and do nothing. And, you seen one, you seen them all...

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
did they spy on his campaign?
was anything ever found after 3 years on RUSSIA?
did pelosi at any time instruct the democrats to work with trump?

a simple yes or no will suffice.
Can you actually answer questions without deflecting?
That's funny coming from you.
Deflection noted. Care to take a stab at the actual questions/issues brought up?
You get pretty demanding for someone who refuses to answer any of my questions. Why should I put a quarter in this ride again?
Your concession is noted. As usual, discussion with you turns into a waste of time. Good bye :)
sigh - as usual, you miss the point i am making.

i give you the EXACT type of answer you give others, but you hate it done to you. yet somehow, an activity you hate done to you is OK to do to others.

i've asked you questions before with the sincere goal of trying to come to an understanding. you just get pissed off and pull this shit.

you do NOT want to discuss things, you want people to go "gosh, you are so humane and correct" and when it doesn't happen, you demonize those who don't follow your mindset.

you are pretty much a perfect example of why so few are getting along anymore.
Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

Look up the origins of Smartmatic.. The S/Ware that is a third party add-on to activate the "weighted voting" feature in Dominion machines..

I'll give ya a start here.. Y'all are looking as stupid as Russia Russia Russia if you don't actually look into the facts. You TDS'ers have been hit by ENOUGH oncoming freight trains in the past 4 years..

In 1997,[4] three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate, began collaborating in a group while working at Panagroup Corp. in Caracas, Venezuela.[5][6][7][8][9] Following the 2000 United States presidential election and its hanging chad controversy in Florida, the group proposed to dedicate a system toward electoral functions.[9][10] Smartmatic was officially incorporated on 11 April 2000 in Delaware by Alfredo José Anzola.[11][12][13] Smartmatic then established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida with seven employees.[7][8] After receiving funds from private investors,[7] the company then began to expand.

Following the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems, one of the leading US companies in automated voting products[99][100] from the British company De La Rue in 2005.[90] Following this acquisition, U.S. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney requested an investigation to determine whether the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had followed correct processes to green-light sale of Sequoia to Smartmatic, which was described as having "possible ties to the Venezuelan government".[101] The request was made after a March 2006 following issues in Chicago and Cook County, where a percentage of the machines involved were manufactured by Sequoia, and Sequoia provided technical assistance, some by a number of Venezuelan nationals flown in for the event.[102] According to Sequoia, the tabulation problems were due to human error, as a post-election check identified only three mechanical problems in 1,000 machines checked[102] while election officials blamed poor training.[103] Other issues were suspected to be related to software errors linked to the voting system's central computer.[104]

Following the request, Smartmatic and Sequoia submitted a request to be reviewed by the CFIUS while also denying links to the Venezuelan government.[105] The company disclosed that it was owned by Antonio Mugica (78.8%), Alfredo Anzola (3.87%), Roger Pinate (8.47%), Jorge Massa Dustou (5.97%) and employees (2.89%).[106] Smartmatic subsequently sold Sequoia and later withdrew from Cook County in December 2006.[107]

As ridiculous as it is using Wikipedia as a source for reference, your own Wikipedia link bitchslaps you...

2020 elections

Smartmatic was the subject of a hoax in the aftermath of the 2020 United States presidential election, notably promoted by the personal attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, who falsely asserted the company was founded by the former socialist Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez and that it owned and provided software to a company that is actually a competitor, Dominion Voting Systems. Giuliani baselessly asserted Dominion is a "radical-left" company with connections to antifa that sent American voting data to foreign Smartmatic locations.[124] Others falsely asserted that Smartmatic was owned by George Soros[125] and that the company owned Dominion Voting Systems, another company that was the subject of misinformation during the election period.[126] Smartmatic voting machines were not used in any of the battleground states that determined Joe Biden's election victory.[127][128]
Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

Look up the origins of Smartmatic.. The S/Ware that is a third party add-on to activate the "weighted voting" feature in Dominion machines..

I'll give ya a start here.. Y'all are looking as stupid as Russia Russia Russia if you don't actually look into the facts. You TDS'ers have been hit by ENOUGH oncoming freight trains in the past 4 years..

In 1997,[4] three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate, began collaborating in a group while working at Panagroup Corp. in Caracas, Venezuela.[5][6][7][8][9] Following the 2000 United States presidential election and its hanging chad controversy in Florida, the group proposed to dedicate a system toward electoral functions.[9][10] Smartmatic was officially incorporated on 11 April 2000 in Delaware by Alfredo José Anzola.[11][12][13] Smartmatic then established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida with seven employees.[7][8] After receiving funds from private investors,[7] the company then began to expand.

Following the 2004 Venezuelan recall election, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems, one of the leading US companies in automated voting products[99][100] from the British company De La Rue in 2005.[90] Following this acquisition, U.S. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney requested an investigation to determine whether the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had followed correct processes to green-light sale of Sequoia to Smartmatic, which was described as having "possible ties to the Venezuelan government".[101] The request was made after a March 2006 following issues in Chicago and Cook County, where a percentage of the machines involved were manufactured by Sequoia, and Sequoia provided technical assistance, some by a number of Venezuelan nationals flown in for the event.[102] According to Sequoia, the tabulation problems were due to human error, as a post-election check identified only three mechanical problems in 1,000 machines checked[102] while election officials blamed poor training.[103] Other issues were suspected to be related to software errors linked to the voting system's central computer.[104]

Following the request, Smartmatic and Sequoia submitted a request to be reviewed by the CFIUS while also denying links to the Venezuelan government.[105] The company disclosed that it was owned by Antonio Mugica (78.8%), Alfredo Anzola (3.87%), Roger Pinate (8.47%), Jorge Massa Dustou (5.97%) and employees (2.89%).[106] Smartmatic subsequently sold Sequoia and later withdrew from Cook County in December 2006.[107]

No interest in crawling down some rabbit hole with you. If you have a legitimate claim, it will be exposed in court. If not, it will be enshrined in the right's unified field of conspiracies to be repeated by Alex Jones and Hannity forever, along with all your other batshit crazy claims.
Come on now, you're being unfair. Who needs court when we have Wikipedia?


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