Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections

If you want to have an independent determined way to restore integrity to our elections and then to have a revote.

I'll go along with you on that.

Our elections have integrity. It's Impeached Trump who doesn't.
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.

Sounds a little too fantastic to me. If our voting machines are actually controlled b foreign governments as crazy right wingers here are claiming, why did Trump allow that to happen?

Nobody claims that foreign countries control them.. Would be very difficult.. The damage could be done LOCALLY at the tally center or remotely from anywhere in the world.. But NO ONE I KNOW is claiming that foreigners are doing this.. The fact IS both Dems And Reps have REJECTED THOSE MACHINES due to INHERENT "features" that could be used to steal races.. And SmartMatic is the tool they would COUPLE to these "fractional weighted races" machines to select the "cheat factors".

Apparently -- EVERYONE in D.C. WAS AWARE OF THIS and did not care.. Or BOTH parties decided that it might SOMEDAY be "useful"...

Evidently you haven't been reading the crazy accusations or listening to what Rudy had to say. If Trump allowed crooked machines then you should be complaining to Trump, don't you think?

Most of those machines have been in place since BEFORE Trump.. I think Pennsylvania is the only state in contention that bought them just prior to 2020.. And Trump cant TELL locals and states what machine to buy if the DOJ/FBI/Intel agencies were never TASKED TO LOOK INTO THE PROBLEM...

He could tell them the ones they had were crooked. Why did he allow that to happen?
Just on the 6.30 news they said pretty much all of Trump's lawsuits are or will be dismissed as no merit. Can every court in the country be crooked and lying to get rid of Trump?

You can't have any faith in Trump as he is a pathological liar and con-man. And it makes no difference to me as far as voting. You either vote for the con-man or get your guns confiscated and turn America into Mehico by voting dem.

Anyway, I will keep supporting Trump and all his lies. Every day of the con-man's presidency is one more day of not having to go to war with filthy Biden and his gun czar Beto.

Maybe this whole 4 year Trump aberration was to benefit Israel? They are the biggest winners of the Trump era.

Biden teacher nazi party llr.jpg
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Just on the 6.30 news they said pretty much all of Trump's lawsuits are or will be dismissed as no merit. Can every court in the country be crooked and lying to get rid of Trump?

You can't have any faith in Trump as he is a pathological liar and con-man. And it makes no difference to me as far as voting. You either vote for the con-man or get your guns confiscated and turn America into Mehico by voting dem.

Anyway, I will keep supporting Trump and all his lies. Every day of the con-man's presidency is one more day of not having to go to war with filthy Biden and his gun czar Beto.

Maybe this whole 4 year Trump aberration was to benefit Israel? They are the biggest winners of the Trump era.

View attachment 418577
oh the gullible,being taken in by the LAMESTREAM media the one lying here is you,trump has told the truth that the msm media is fake news plus had the balls to do what no president before him has done,tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit.grow up.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections

If you want to have an independent determined way to restore integrity to our elections and then to have a revote.

I'll go along with you on that.
Then when Trump loses again you'll want a best two out of three....
Have em fair using Jill.
Why? Biden already schlonged Trump.
And Hunter schlonged his 14 yr old niece piece of fuck meat and taped the incest.

Lot of schlonging going on these days

DId Trump record him and Ivanka? He certainly bragged about how hot her ass was.
Is this all you can muster up? Hunter got his love for kids from dad.
Rudy - Sweating like a pig (dripping literally) with spittle rolling out the corners of his mouth:

"Dems put Republican inspectors in pens and corrals!!"

Oh my fucking GOD - Lock up Drunk Uncle - PRONTO! "America's Mayor" has officially hit ROCK FUCKING BOTTOM -

I dislike Rudy completely.

I also dislike Trump for a lot of the same personal reasons.

However, unlike you apparently are. I am not so shallow as to fixate on the person or the personality of the messenger and then ignore the substance of what they are saying.

There is SUBSTANCE? :confused-84: :laugh:
I wonder how many Trumpsters have been watching this and wondering what they're not being told, what he's leaving out, what he might be misrepresenting, and what the other side of the argument is.


I'll go with zero.
How about this. The fuck-o-crats cheated. No wonder Senile Biden did not campaign. The FIX was in. Meanwhile ,the Dem Governors are closing schools again.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Well I was aware of it.. So actually were state's Sec States who borked the idea of buying from Dominion. So were Klobuchar, Warren and whatshisname.. ACTUALLY when I first told you that the highest levels of the FBI/Intel had hijacked the keys to the World's Greatest Domestic Spy Machine to spy on Trump associates -- you weren't buying THAT either.. That's a load of "unfinished business" that the Swamp is just gonna cover up..

THEY LOVE THEM SOME POWER. Even Trump disappointed me on the day the Patriot Act was scheduled for renewal.. 1st tweet in the morning was all about not SIGNING IT without Civil Liberty protections added in.. But inexplicably, BY NOON -- he renege on all that.. EVEN THO HE HAD BEEN THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF ABUSE of this system.. Know who else disappointed me? All the spineless Repubs who were SCREAMING (and still are) to INDICT and try all those who abused power and twisted truth to run a full out Intel op against the Trump campaign --- MOST of those morons voted for fast track of the Patriot Act with no revisions.. WHY? Because BOTH parties WANT that unbridled power.. And like the ring in Lord of Rings -- all these tools are useful "when elections have consequences"...

It's not a secret.. The power is too great for them to handle. And they LIKE IT that way..

Orange Bastard was too busy fulfilling promises. And fighting off witchhunts, impeachment and a fully hostile media..

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
If you knew anything about evidence, you’d know that Rudy and his fellow hacks don’t have any.

poor trump cultists
/——/ You don’t know squat. You have no idea what evidence Rudy has- but you will soon enough.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Well I was aware of it.. So actually were state's Sec States who borked the idea of buying from Dominion. So were Klobuchar, Warren and whatshisname.. ACTUALLY when I first told you that the highest levels of the FBI/Intel had hijacked the keys to the World's Greatest Domestic Spy Machine to spy on Trump associates -- you weren't buying THAT either.. That's a load of "unfinished business" that the Swamp is just gonna cover up..

THEY LOVE THEM SOME POWER. Even Trump disappointed me on the day the Patriot Act was scheduled for renewal.. 1st tweet in the morning was all about not SIGNING IT without Civil Liberty protections added in.. But inexplicably, BY NOON -- he renege on all that.. EVEN THO HE HAD BEEN THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF ABUSE of this system.. Know who else disappointed me? All the spineless Repubs who were SCREAMING (and still are) to INDICT and try all those who abused power and twisted truth to run a full out Intel op against the Trump campaign --- MOST of those morons voted for fast track of the Patriot Act with no revisions.. WHY? Because BOTH parties WANT that unbridled power.. And like the ring in Lord of Rings -- all these tools are useful "when elections have consequences"...

It's not a secret.. The power is too great for them to handle. And they LIKE IT that way..

Orange Bastard was too busy fulfilling promises. And fighting off witchhunts, impeachment and a fully hostile media..

oh boy. You've gone full whacko conspiracy theory on us. None of what you say is true ESPECIALLY that last sentence. Trump was fulfilling promises, like Ted Bundy was helping college girls with their homework.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Well I was aware of it.. So actually were state's Sec States who borked the idea of buying from Dominion. So were Klobuchar, Warren and whatshisname.. ACTUALLY when I first told you that the highest levels of the FBI/Intel had hijacked the keys to the World's Greatest Domestic Spy Machine to spy on Trump associates -- you weren't buying THAT either.. That's a load of "unfinished business" that the Swamp is just gonna cover up..

THEY LOVE THEM SOME POWER. Even Trump disappointed me on the day the Patriot Act was scheduled for renewal.. 1st tweet in the morning was all about not SIGNING IT without Civil Liberty protections added in.. But inexplicably, BY NOON -- he renege on all that.. EVEN THO HE HAD BEEN THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF ABUSE of this system.. Know who else disappointed me? All the spineless Repubs who were SCREAMING (and still are) to INDICT and try all those who abused power and twisted truth to run a full out Intel op against the Trump campaign --- MOST of those morons voted for fast track of the Patriot Act with no revisions.. WHY? Because BOTH parties WANT that unbridled power.. And like the ring in Lord of Rings -- all these tools are useful "when elections have consequences"...

It's not a secret.. The power is too great for them to handle. And they LIKE IT that way..

Orange Bastard was too busy fulfilling promises. And fighting off witchhunts, impeachment and a fully hostile media..

oh boy. You've gone full whacko conspiracy theory on us. None of what you say is true ESPECIALLY that last sentence. Trump was fulfilling promises, like Ted Bundy was helping college girls with their homework.

Where specifically is the Conspiracy theory in what I just said.. Drop your tiresome TDS for a sec...
Where specifically is the Conspiracy theory in what I just said.. Drop your tiresome TDS for a sec...

They've done a hand recount in GA, which cross checked the scanned votes in the machines.

And they didn't find anything material.

Yet you are still pushing this bizarre voting machine is rigged conspiracy nonsense.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?
You call the president a "fat orange bastard" ??? Then you got the nerve to say that someone else is nuts ??? What do you call that kind of outburst if not the fact that you could be losing it yourself ??
Where specifically is the Conspiracy theory in what I just said.. Drop your tiresome TDS for a sec...

It'd be less work to point out what isn't a conspiracy theory. Nothing to do with Trump, this is just plain, unprovable nuts.
You call the president a "fat orange bastard" ??? Then you got the nerve to say that someone else is nuts ??? What do you call that kind of outburst if not the fact that you could be losing it yourself ??

Well, two out of three ain't bad. He is fat. And he is orange. Looks like he's not a bastard though.
Got 18 posts marked for deletion.. 3 warnings written.. Thread is not about schlonging, kids, Ivanka or hot asses... If you're NOT INTERESTED in the press conference -- find something else that interests you.
All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

Probably because it wasn't as rampant, and no one gave a shit about McLame or Romney either so there's that.

This time the media didn't select the GOP candidate, in fact they obviously opposed him. A serious amount of people are foaming at the mouth pissed off and want to eat the ANTIFA worms who will come out and riot if/when Trump turns out to be the legitimate winner.

As far as fraud goes, it has long been substantiated, you just refuse to acknowledge it. There are hundreds of threads and videos posted on this forum you refuse to pay attention too, so I'm not going to waste time linking to them.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Well I can think of two reasons, maybe three.
  1. Trump is notorious for using the civil court system to browbeat and deprive his adversaries of some of their rights simply because he can afford to keep filing lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit and/or escalating them until his opponents simply run out of money with which to keep fighting him.
  2. The average citizen would be barred from filing any further lawsuits after X number of them had been thrown out on the premise that they are frivolous and only filed for the purpose of harassment. I guess these rules don't apply to Trump maybe because he's the sitting POTUS or maybe because the officials are afraid of repercussions and don't want him targeting them (I know this is not the way it's supposed to be but you know, 2020)
  3. In addition to the above there are some situations that our legal system has acknowledged is wrong or that a violation occurred however they have and can determine that the actual harm that these violations caused are miniscule or that they were not significant enough to change (negatively impact) the outcome that is being litigated. I can't think of a good example right off of the top of my head, but if I do, I'll post it.
I agree that any irregularities or violations that can be shown to have occurred should be investigated in order to prevent them from occurring again in the future however attempting to keep the election results from being certified in the hope that there are enough votes that were intended to go to Trump but didn't, is not realistic nor likely, in my opinion. I've heard that close to 2 dozen lawsuits have been filed in a variety of states by Trump's team and all but 2 have been dismissed by the courts for lack of evidence.

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