Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

I don't know what media you go by, but I try to stick with what is reputable.
We could argue for years about which paper is reputable. I don't think it would settle anything.
I certainly don't think self proclaimed beacons of truth like the NY Times or Washington Post are worth a crap.

Neither Rudy nor Trump are known for their truthfulness.
But Scranton Joe Biden is, huh?
He has a fifty year record of whoppers and lies including the lies that knocked him out of his first
presidential run. Or lies about Hunter's exploits and his employment record.
Trump's lies are mostly all gross exaggerations of how powerful and wonderful he is.
Biden's lies are a grab bag stretching from his association with China to where his money comes from.
You don't want that contest.

And, it's factual that all but one of his cases were either denied or withdrawn.
That has as much to do with Michigan or Pennsylvania judges with a grudge
than it does the case itself.
And as said, that won't matter in the big court. But keep hoping.
As already said if you hit a game winning home run your last time at the plate does it matter what happened
earlier? We both know it does not.
:yes_text12: :thankusmile:

you totally nailed it.I could not have said it any better word for word on trump and biden.I have said many times I dont like Trump,I did not want him in office,I only cheered him on because the alternative of a warmonger murderer was ten times worse so this one of the rare times i was relieved when a president won.

When Romney and Obama squared off,I did not give a crap which one won the fact they are both globalists that want to destroy america. Had my man i wanted in gary johnson had any chance to be elected,I would have dumped trump in a heartbeat but i knew better he had as much a chance of that as me being president so i was elated that trump won knowing he was not a career politician.

I did not know what to expect from Trump and expected him to start wars but he has done none of that and even though i think he could have done much better,he is a much refreshing change than the previous five corrupt administrations that were all warmongers,willing puppets to serve the elite so it is a no brainer that for the first time in my life,I voted for a president this time.:2up:

that is one of the things i dislike very much about trump as well is how he pats himself on the back all the time and as you said so very well,most of trumps lies is indeed his exaggerations of himself how wonderful a job he has done where lying bidens is as you said,his association with china where the money comes from.
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.

Sounds a little too fantastic to me. If our voting machines are actually controlled b foreign governments as crazy right wingers here are claiming, why did Trump allow that to happen?
Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

So show us your evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently he has evidence to prove his case, and is going to court with it.

You on the other hand, are just some asshole with an opinion.

Not my job to do that. Rudy and Trump are making serious accusations, but all they have to back it up is a bunch of statements. I can get tons of statements that Pepsi tastes better than Coke, but that is not proof.

You'll get to see the evidence when they take it to court.

And Pepsi tastes like donkey piss.

Soo what is the holdup? Rudy's silly speech today was an effort to try the case in public opinion, but he still didn't present any evidence. Why not?
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

best damn post on this thread bar none and there have been a LOT of them.:happy-1:
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.

Sounds a little too fantastic to me. If our voting machines are actually controlled b foreign governments as crazy right wingers here are claiming, why did Trump allow that to happen?

Nobody claims that foreign countries control them.. Would be very difficult.. The damage could be done LOCALLY at the tally center or remotely from anywhere in the world.. But NO ONE I KNOW is claiming that foreigners are doing this.. The fact IS both Dems And Reps have REJECTED THOSE MACHINES due to INHERENT "features" that could be used to steal races.. And SmartMatic is the tool they would COUPLE to these "fractional weighted races" machines to select the "cheat factors".

Apparently -- EVERYONE in D.C. WAS AWARE OF THIS and did not care.. Or BOTH parties decided that it might SOMEDAY be "useful"...
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.
yet the same scrutiny never happened on kavanaugh, russia, impeachment or the like.

when you get to the point where talking to someone is simply talking to the bullet points for another side and that person NEVER wavers, you have to wonder why you bother talking to them at all.
That's because these trolls do not have arguments. They are instructed on their bullet points and they dutifully parrot them as gospel without the ability to actually engage.

could not have said it better myself.:yes_text12:

I've read posts from both of you. I agree. I don't think either of you is capable of posting anything but silly crap like the above.
Even Fox News admitted that the Guiliani press conference was full of lies.

As told by the rolling stone mag.

You funny.
I guess you could have pressed the link and watched the video for yourself where the Fox reporter said exactly what Rolling Stone wrote she said. But that required too much effort apparently.
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And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.

Sounds a little too fantastic to me. If our voting machines are actually controlled b foreign governments as crazy right wingers here are claiming, why did Trump allow that to happen?

Nobody claims that foreign countries control them.. Would be very difficult.. The damage could be done LOCALLY at the tally center or remotely from anywhere in the world.. But NO ONE I KNOW is claiming that foreigners are doing this.. The fact IS both Dems And Reps have REJECTED THOSE MACHINES due to INHERENT "features" that could be used to steal races.. And SmartMatic is the tool they would COUPLE to these "fractional weighted races" machines to select the "cheat factors".

Apparently -- EVERYONE in D.C. WAS AWARE OF THIS and did not care.. Or BOTH parties decided that it might SOMEDAY be "useful"...

Evidently you haven't been reading the crazy accusations or listening to what Rudy had to say. If Trump allowed crooked machines then you should be complaining to Trump, don't you think?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
It's not really that. We just recognize sore-loser excuse-making when we see it. You fuckers don't care about the "sanctity of the vote". You're just grasping at straws. It's typical Trump - attack what you don't like, think up legal excuses later.

Trump lost -> therefore fraud -> make up excuses. Yawn.

Don't go away angry. Just go away.
This whole post is an excuse. Rotflmbo
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Rudy lies, rightards rejoice, news at 11.

And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...
Like other Trumpers, you apparently haven’t a clue what a “coup” is.
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.

Sounds a little too fantastic to me. If our voting machines are actually controlled b foreign governments as crazy right wingers here are claiming, why did Trump allow that to happen?

Nobody claims that foreign countries control them.. Would be very difficult.. The damage could be done LOCALLY at the tally center or remotely from anywhere in the world.. But NO ONE I KNOW is claiming that foreigners are doing this.. The fact IS both Dems And Reps have REJECTED THOSE MACHINES due to INHERENT "features" that could be used to steal races.. And SmartMatic is the tool they would COUPLE to these "fractional weighted races" machines to select the "cheat factors".

Apparently -- EVERYONE in D.C. WAS AWARE OF THIS and did not care.. Or BOTH parties decided that it might SOMEDAY be "useful"...

Evidently you haven't been reading the crazy accusations or listening to what Rudy had to say. If Trump allowed crooked machines then you should be complaining to Trump, don't you think?

Most of those machines have been in place since BEFORE Trump.. I think Pennsylvania is the only state in contention that bought them just prior to 2020.. And Trump cant TELL locals and states what machine to buy if the DOJ/FBI/Intel agencies were never TASKED TO LOOK INTO THE PROBLEM...

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

You're really going with this? Really?

At high noon on Thursday, Donald Trump’s crack legal team sauntered out for a showdown with destiny. They were there to demonstrate for America that Trump’s refusal to concede the election wasn’t a demonstration of infantile refusal to accept reality, but was really real. Really real. Oh, so real.

And in their presentation on why the press should never again say they were lacking evidence, what emerged before their own tech team appeared to pull the plug was a claim that Democrats engaged in a vast conspiracy to “inject” hundreds of thousands of Biden votes by using voting machines built by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, with the help of wealthy Jew George Soros, that sent American votes overseas to servers in Germany where they could be altered according to orders from antifa. And then, when even that proved inadequate to defeat Trump, Democrats brought in “garbage cans” full of votes that were marked for Biden. Then counted them three times each. That may sound like an exaggeration. It’s not. It’s only a subset of the claims that were made during this peek into an alternative reality. Also Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye began pouring off his head at a rate that made it look as if his brain might be leaking from his skull. Which seemed entirely possible.

And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

You're really going with this? Really?

At high noon on Thursday, Donald Trump’s crack legal team sauntered out for a showdown with destiny. They were there to demonstrate for America that Trump’s refusal to concede the election wasn’t a demonstration of infantile refusal to accept reality, but was really real. Really real. Oh, so real.

And in their presentation on why the press should never again say they were lacking evidence, what emerged before their own tech team appeared to pull the plug was a claim that Democrats engaged in a vast conspiracy to “inject” hundreds of thousands of Biden votes by using voting machines built by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, with the help of wealthy Jew George Soros, that sent American votes overseas to servers in Germany where they could be altered according to orders from antifa. And then, when even that proved inadequate to defeat Trump, Democrats brought in “garbage cans” full of votes that were marked for Biden. Then counted them three times each. That may sound like an exaggeration. It’s not. It’s only a subset of the claims that were made during this peek into an alternative reality. Also Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye began pouring off his head at a rate that made it look as if his brain might be leaking from his skull. Which seemed entirely possible.

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Your mischaracterizations not withstanding.

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