Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Honey, after 30 years of ruling us they grew so confident they never thought they'd lose to Trump. They were caught off guard...and then went apeshit for 4 years trying to smear him in every pathetic way imaginable to save face and get the ball back again.
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.

I really wish you would stop trying to compare apples and oranges for once.

What is happening now is completely out of synch with anything we've done before (in my lifetime). Regardless of what Pelosi did nor did not do - she DID NOT QUESTION OR PUBLICALLY DISPARAGE the very integrity of our entire electoral process. She did not refuse to acknowledge Trump as President Elect nor did the Republicans.

Unlike ANY OTHER CANDIDATE I'm aware of - Trump seeded unfounded doubt into the public view on elections from the start. In 2016 when he THOUGHT he might be losing - he did it. Rigged. And now when he DID lose, he is going gangbusters and even Republican electoral officials are saying there is no evidence of fraud. This is NOT something the Dems are doing - this is what Trump and the Republicans supporting him are doing and it simply is not comparable to your claims above.

And on this statement by you: but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

I call complete bullshit. "My Guy" LOST in 2016. It was a bitter defeat. But did I insist it was rigged? No. Did I claim fraud? No. It was a valid election and we lost - for a variety of reasons, but we lost. So move on. You can look at any statements I have made on this - they are consistent. I'm not the one trying to destroy our entire electoral process with unfounded accusations. Or damage our country's security by refusing a transition.

Honestly, I'm utterly aghast that you think it is or can't see it for the problem it is.
Hey, all I want is an explanation for why the votes seemed to switch at 4:00 am on Nov. 4. Give me a plausible explanation and I will drop it. So far, the only explanation provided is that it was a bunch of fraud. The response has been to gaslight me and tell me I didn't see what I saw.
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.

I really wish you would stop trying to compare apples and oranges for once.

What is happening now is completely out of synch with anything we've done before (in my lifetime). Regardless of what Pelosi did nor did not do - she DID NOT QUESTION OR PUBLICALLY DISPARAGE the very integrity of our entire electoral process. She did not refuse to acknowledge Trump as President Elect nor did the Republicans.

Unlike ANY OTHER CANDIDATE I'm aware of - Trump seeded unfounded doubt into the public view on elections from the start. In 2016 when he THOUGHT he might be losing - he did it. Rigged. And now when he DID lose, he is going gangbusters and even Republican electoral officials are saying there is no evidence of fraud. This is NOT something the Dems are doing - this is what Trump and the Republicans supporting him are doing and it simply is not comparable to your claims above.

And on this statement by you: but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

I call complete bullshit. "My Guy" LOST in 2016. It was a bitter defeat. But did I insist it was rigged? No. Did I claim fraud? No. It was a valid election and we lost - for a variety of reasons, but we lost. So move on. You can look at any statements I have made on this - they are consistent. I'm not the one trying to destroy our entire electoral process with unfounded accusations. Or damage our country's security by refusing a transition.

Honestly, I'm utterly aghast that you think it is or can't see it for the problem it is.
What's happening now is because of what we let happen before.

As for refusal to accept, people still think Trump collude with Russia.

Strange world we are creating.

That still holds true. You ask any number of USMB liberals and they'll agree that Trump to this very day is a "Russian agent." As are any other member who disagrees with them.

Many of them even slipped so far into paranoia as to accuse one of their own, Tulsi Gabbard, of being a "Russian asset."

I never saw so many phony flag-waving patriotic constitution-reciting Democrats as I have, after 2016. It's almost like they all became little Joseph McCarthy's en masse, overnight.

Most sensible people can see right through their little kabuki theater.
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Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.
The process will run its course in due time.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.

An objective logic minded observer would recognize fluctuations in the vote itself as an indication that some of these allegations have merit.

I'm specifically referring to the graphs from Michigan and Wisconsin. Though, I have no link to them now. Others have pointed to the use of computers to spot the likelihood of fraud, here on USMB, too.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections

If you want to have an independent determined way to restore integrity to our elections and then to have a revote.

I'll go along with you on that.
Then when Trump loses again you'll want a best two out of three....
he will be down 0 to 2. so he will have to go for best of five. like death with bill & ted.
These guys are a little short of a load so I figured I'd make it easy for them to figure it out.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.
The process will run its course in due time.
It will. I'm betting though that for a lot of people the process playing out will not change their mind. Nor do I believe that Trump will concede after the process has played out.

What I find amazing is that for the right, the fact that the process ( namely lawsuits ) aren't contending voting fraud on any scale, doesn't stop this OP and many like it keep on claiming it happened.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.
The process will run its course in due time.
It will. I'm betting though that for a lot of people the process playing out will not change their mind. Nor do I believe that Trump will concede after the process has played out.

What I find amazing is that for the right, the fact that the process ( namely lawsuits ) aren't contending voting fraud on any scale, doesn't stop this OP and many like it keep on claiming it happened.
I think whatever proof there is will be presented to the Supreme Court where some sort of decision will be made, and that is when it ends.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.

An objective logic minded observer would recognize fluctuations in the vote itself as an indication that some of these allegations have merit.

I'm specifically referring to the graphs from Michigan and Wisconsin. Though, I have no link to them now. Others have pointed to the use of computers to spot the likelihood of fraud, here on USMB, too.
And I've seen it and read the explanation for them. It happens when precincts, in this case in urban areas report their results in one big batch.

Objective logic by the way would also dictate that if foul play was suspected the incidents would find their way in the multiple ongoing lawsuits. Yet they have not.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.
The process will run its course in due time.
It will. I'm betting though that for a lot of people the process playing out will not change their mind. Nor do I believe that Trump will concede after the process has played out.

What I find amazing is that for the right, the fact that the process ( namely lawsuits ) aren't contending voting fraud on any scale, doesn't stop this OP and many like it keep on claiming it happened.
I think whatever proof there is will be presented to the Supreme Court where some sort of decision will be made, and that is when it ends.
That's not how it works. You don't hold back evidence in the lower courts that helps your case to do a grand reveal in the supreme court, for one thing the Supreme court can choose to simply uphold the lower court decision leaving your grand reveal somewhat useless.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
My God. All 50 states were defrauded. All the senate elections. House elections...Local elections

If you want to have an independent determined way to restore integrity to our elections and then to have a revote.

I'll go along with you on that.
Then when Trump loses again you'll want a best two out of three....
he will be down 0 to 2. so he will have to go for best of five. like death with bill & ted.
These guys are a little short of a load so I figured I'd make it easy for them to figure it out.
good save, dude. lol

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?
Maybe because if the only thing you require to not certify an election result is an allegation of voter fraud. You will not be able to certify ANY election result. I think requiring evidence to be presented and ruled on in a court of law is prudent. And if you can't produce that evidence you should simply concede.
The process will run its course in due time.
It will. I'm betting though that for a lot of people the process playing out will not change their mind. Nor do I believe that Trump will concede after the process has played out.

What I find amazing is that for the right, the fact that the process ( namely lawsuits ) aren't contending voting fraud on any scale, doesn't stop this OP and many like it keep on claiming it happened.
I think whatever proof there is will be presented to the Supreme Court where some sort of decision will be made, and that is when it ends.
That's not how it works. You don't hold back evidence in the lower courts that helps your case to do a grand reveal in the supreme court, for one thing the Supreme court can choose to simply uphold the lower court decision leaving your grand reveal somewhat useless.
wow. someone who knows the legal system. Giuliani seems to think that he only needs to start lawsuits, lose, appeal until he reaches the supreme court, and that he can then present his TRUMP card. WINNING

And your comment has NOTHING TO DO with the election Fraud--just a simple attempt at redirecting by smearing the messenger. Not going to work dear----you are underestimating the ANGER that is growing in America against the lying cheating MANIPULATIVE socialists.......

You LOST - Get the fuck over it please.

What a hypocrite ass,you jerks could not get over it for four years when your hero lost so fuck off hypocrite.:fu::ahole-1:

What are you gonna do without your dear leader? Ha Ha Hah!

Maybe you can sign up for Whiners Day Care.

i love how you constantly forget that YOU america haters whined on and on and on for four years about trump being in office far worst than the trump supporters did the 8 years hitler obama was in office.:ahole-1: hypocrisy at its worst.
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And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.

Just because Rudy made those claims doesn't mean they are true. Come back when you got proof.

Tell me why THIS doesn't disturb you.. Need an answer here...

What is smartmatic international?
Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments.
yet the same scrutiny never happened on kavanaugh, russia, impeachment or the like.

when you get to the point where talking to someone is simply talking to the bullet points for another side and that person NEVER wavers, you have to wonder why you bother talking to them at all.

It's worse than that. They have no interest in investing any brain calories to read or understand the allegations. All they want to do is post pix of Guillani's bad hair dye running... Did the same damn thing on the Hillary Russian Dossier misinformation that Putin loved and the following 3 years of witch-hunting,.

They got burned so many times but never figured out why.. It's their media sources that are nothing but PACs for the cause..
A justifiable question to Dems:

Do you REALLY think that the Democrat party cares one iota about you? The farmers? The retired? The homeless? The middle class or even the lower poor class? Newsflash. They want POWER, and you mean diddly squat to them once they get it.

if they would get away from the idiot box in the living room and read alternative news not controlled by the corporations,they would understand all of this.
Rudy's pretty persuasive; it's his job as lawyer to present just his client's side. I don't get that trucks at 4 am either, though. Didn't they need to get those ballots to the processing center so they could be counted? And if the Republicans were all in a corral, how do they know those were all Joe-only votes? All that whole thing shows me is that they worked through the night.

It would be great if the hearings on some of these suits he's filed could be live for us to watch. Having both sides of the argument presented without jumbling up different states and getting me all confused would be great.
Those ballots had to be marked quickly inside with just Sleepy's name and overnight too....
If all this was legit, doesn't it make sense to question WHY thousands of ballots ALL had Bidens name and not one was for Trump?

What if it were reversed? Ballots found/counted and not one was for Biden? Wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of it? Or is it because of the person in question? Forget party for a minute or two and THINK. Its fraud...regardless of party.
yep yep and yep.
Rudy's head is melting.
“You see f*ckin’ Rudy’s hair dye dripping down his face?” the first person remarked."

View attachment 418480
When you run out of arguments and facts you can always post the funny pictures.

I see you noticed that as well that thats what they always retreat to when they cant refute facts.LOL

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