Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Ya...funny that...since certain red states and REPUBLICANS have been DOING this for years....and suddenly now it's problematic.
Your uncorroborated anecdotal claim notwithstanding the Supreme Court always demands evidence as it did
in 2000 during the last presidential election settled at that level.

The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
Still, there were more than two thousand votes that weren't counted for Trump. The difference is around 12,000.
That's enough for concern, and you should be too. At some point, it could be your tribe on the short end.

Sure, and there were also several thousand votes not counted for Biden. And we have no idea how many there might be in the states Trump won where no one contested them. None of it was found to be due to fraud, but rather human error. It's cause for concern, sure - but it is not a new problem nor will it likely disappear since every jurisdiction is different.
That doesn't make the problem go away, does it? What it does do is raise red flags that in this day of technology
there are some sincere tech issues and some potential conflict of interests that need to be addressed.

And I think there are legitimate concerns there to be looked in to. I'm more concerned about moving towards all electronic or even online voting where there is no paper trail and hacking is a huge concern, jmo.
I'm sure some leftist functionary will come up all sorts of reasons for Biden's defeat that are exculpatory and
you all will have your talking points for the next 10-20 years.
Well...the problem is, they keep getting either denied or dropped (which is a nice way of the judge allowing the plaintiffs to save face).
You might get that impression from the lying lib news media

and many cases by third psrty litigants with no standing have been denied

but not on the facts but rather on “standing”

the lawyers who matter are Rudy and the others with him at the press conference

and they have yet to have their time at bat

I don't know what media you go by, but I try to stick with what is reputable.

Neither Rudy nor Trump are known for their truthfulness.

And, it's factual that all but one of his cases were either denied or withdrawn.
I don't know what media you go by, but I try to stick with what is reputable.
We could argue for years about which paper is reputable. I don't think it would settle anything.
I certainly don't think self proclaimed beacons of truth like the NY Times or Washington Post are worth a crap.

Neither Rudy nor Trump are known for their truthfulness.
But Scranton Joe Biden is, huh?
He has a fifty year record of whoppers and lies including the lies that knocked him out of his first
presidential run. Or lies about Hunter's exploits and his employment record.
Trump's lies are mostly all gross exaggerations of how powerful and wonderful he is.
Biden's lies are a grab bag stretching from his association with China to where his money comes from.
You don't want that contest.

And, it's factual that all but one of his cases were either denied or withdrawn.
That has as much to do with Michigan or Pennsylvania judges with a grudge
than it does the case itself.
And as said, that won't matter in the big court. But keep hoping.
As already said if you hit a game winning home run your last time at the plate does it matter what happened
earlier? We both know it does not.
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Ya...funny that...since certain red states and REPUBLICANS have been DOING this for years....and suddenly now it's problematic.
Your uncorroborated anecdotal claim notwithstanding the Supreme Court always demands evidence as it did
in 2000 during the last presidential election settled at that level.

The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
Still, there were more than two thousand votes that weren't counted for Trump. The difference is around 12,000.
That's enough for concern, and you should be too. At some point, it could be your tribe on the short end.

Sure, and there were also several thousand votes not counted for Biden. And we have no idea how many there might be in the states Trump won where no one contested them. None of it was found to be due to fraud, but rather human error. It's cause for concern, sure - but it is not a new problem nor will it likely disappear since every jurisdiction is different.
That doesn't make the problem go away, does it? What it does do is raise red flags that in this day of technology
there are some sincere tech issues and some potential conflict of interests that need to be addressed.

And I think there are legitimate concerns there to be looked in to. I'm more concerned about moving towards all electronic or even online voting where there is no paper trail and hacking is a huge concern, jmo.
totally agree
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.
And out of all those cases none of passed evidentiary muster. How long is this going to go on? Remember, you guys where screaming about it taking too long to count it's...well what is your constantly changing message?

The election is done. Trump lost. I hated the results of 2016, but I never entertained conspiracies of massive fraud. All this is doing - all Trump is doing - is destroying the public's faith in our electoral system, just as he TRIED to do in 2016, when he thought Hilary might win.

He is systematically destroying our institutions of democracy...and you buy right into it.
Yes and no... You seen that video about a system to stop election fraud? I've been posting that for a very long time... Even on the old boards. Which I assume are gone forever now. It's a old video.

This is just a great time for me to push it yet again... only... More people will hopefully pay more attention this time. We need this.

Really sad that so simple and basic an idea ten years old still has gone nowhere in election reform.
I don't know what media you go by, but I try to stick with what is reputable.

Neither Rudy nor Trump are known for their truthfulness.

And, it's factual that all but one of his cases were either denied or withdrawn.

I have not moved from my position on nov 4 that biden has not won yet and trump has not lost

we’ll see how all this plays put

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...
Trump would have been the only one to fix the problem. All future Presidents would cover everything up and it would be business as usual.
I hope you are wrong.

I'm not. If anyone thinks a Biden administration is going to have any kind of transparency or accountability, I seriously doubt them.

We already know the depths of his corruption, and he hasn't even fully disputed it. Hell, the slobbering media even refuses to ask him about it, which gives you a hint at how dishonest the entire bunch is.
Last edited:
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.

I really wish you would stop trying to compare apples and oranges for once.

What is happening now is completely out of synch with anything we've done before (in my lifetime). Regardless of what Pelosi did nor did not do - she DID NOT QUESTION OR PUBLICALLY DISPARAGE the very integrity of our entire electoral process. She did not refuse to acknowledge Trump as President Elect nor did the Republicans.

Unlike ANY OTHER CANDIDATE I'm aware of - Trump seeded unfounded doubt into the public view on elections from the start. In 2016 when he THOUGHT he might be losing - he did it. Rigged. And now when he DID lose, he is going gangbusters and even Republican electoral officials are saying there is no evidence of fraud. This is NOT something the Dems are doing - this is what Trump and the Republicans supporting him are doing and it simply is not comparable to your claims above.

And on this statement by you: but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

I call complete bullshit. "My Guy" LOST in 2016. It was a bitter defeat. But did I insist it was rigged? No. Did I claim fraud? No. It was a valid election and we lost - for a variety of reasons, but we lost. So move on. You can look at any statements I have made on this - they are consistent. I'm not the one trying to destroy our entire electoral process with unfounded accusations. Or damage our country's security by refusing a transition.

Honestly, I'm utterly aghast that you think it is or can't see it for the problem it is.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .
Biden will be president.
There have been 'mistakes' made that seemed to go against trump, even in the thousands.
Although, IMO, will not sway the election, it does give credence that our voting system IS broke.
And, there is no doubt, IMO, that with the electorate, there is enough evidence as to not trust what we have now.
A time for a change before the next federal election.
Globalists have undoubtedly played both sides, trying to cause pandemonium and turn Americans against each other to create a vacuum for a regime of their own. They made the Democrats their American base of operations though, because Democrats are tolerant of collectivism, communism, socialism, malignant progressivism and they back down from accusations of political incorrectness and let unqualified people lead for fear of appearing prejudiced or "socially unjust". The democratic party was therefore much easier to infiltrate across the board, and they extended the agenda to begin cultivating RINOs in the Republican party. That's what began to really tear America apart. And "politically incorrect" Trump with his mouthiness and arrogance became the scapegoat they were looking for...not to mention he stood in the way of their Deep State agenda and began to tell it like it is.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.

I really wish you would stop trying to compare apples and oranges for once.

What is happening now is completely out of synch with anything we've done before (in my lifetime). Regardless of what Pelosi did nor did not do - she DID NOT QUESTION OR PUBLICALLY DISPARAGE the very integrity of our entire electoral process. She did not refuse to acknowledge Trump as President Elect nor did the Republicans.

Unlike ANY OTHER CANDIDATE I'm aware of - Trump seeded unfounded doubt into the public view on elections from the start. In 2016 when he THOUGHT he might be losing - he did it. Rigged. And now when he DID lose, he is going gangbusters and even Republican electoral officials are saying there is no evidence of fraud. This is NOT something the Dems are doing - this is what Trump and the Republicans supporting him are doing and it simply is not comparable to your claims above.

And on this statement by you: but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

I call complete bullshit. "My Guy" LOST in 2016. It was a bitter defeat. But did I insist it was rigged? No. Did I claim fraud? No. It was a valid election and we lost - for a variety of reasons, but we lost. So move on. You can look at any statements I have made on this - they are consistent. I'm not the one trying to destroy our entire electoral process with unfounded accusations. Or damage our country's security by refusing a transition.

Honestly, I'm utterly aghast that you think it is or can't see it for the problem it is.

Nobody's refusing Biden a transition. President Trump has pulled some strings and talked the Walmart six miles away from the White House, into letting Joe's transition team use their parking lot.

They're all going to meet there and communicate by honking their horns.
The last election involved a MARGIN of a few HUNDRED votes in ONE state.
Extraneous details.
A contested presidential election is a contested presidential election.

None of the margins here are that close - Georgia is something like 14,000 and the others are in the tens of thousands. Not a good comparison.
I'm not comparing the two cases in are, for some reason.
This case will be argued on it's own merits and the Biden campaign will be found guilty of massive widespread
election fraud and many people will likely wind up in jail. As they should.

Votes in the tens of thousand were fraudulently cast and manufactured. That will all be demonstrated in
court to your dismay and many other's delight.

Completely unsubstantiated but don't let that stop you from trying to overturn the will of the people and install an unelected candidate.
well glad the left didn't pull that crap when trump took office 4 years ago.

if you don't like it done to you - stop doing it to others. pretty simple.

They didn't. There was Jill Stein's short lived attempt (which was heavily condemned by Trump and Republicans btw). Trump was acknowledged as president elect pretty quicky, the media's election call was accepted by the Republicans and Dems, and the president-elect's team was smoothly integrated into the important transition process with out delay. In fact, it was NOTHING like now.
name something pelosi cooperated on. or show me waters accepting trump. any of the biggies.

trump has simply never been accepted by the elite politicians but embraced by people TIRED of the elite politicians. to cry WILL OF THE PEOPLE is to ignore the will of those who believe there is in fact fraud in our system we need to look into. our voting systems are the same as maduro used in venezuela? and yet you wanna say they're fine, don't bother checking.

i can't do that. valid and fair elections are far more important than anyone currently in office. nothing needs to be rush and we have time to validate, or invalidate, the claims. but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

so i do wish you'd stop trying to sell the very things you'd refuse to buy.

I really wish you would stop trying to compare apples and oranges for once.

What is happening now is completely out of synch with anything we've done before (in my lifetime). Regardless of what Pelosi did nor did not do - she DID NOT QUESTION OR PUBLICALLY DISPARAGE the very integrity of our entire electoral process. She did not refuse to acknowledge Trump as President Elect nor did the Republicans.

Unlike ANY OTHER CANDIDATE I'm aware of - Trump seeded unfounded doubt into the public view on elections from the start. In 2016 when he THOUGHT he might be losing - he did it. Rigged. And now when he DID lose, he is going gangbusters and even Republican electoral officials are saying there is no evidence of fraud. This is NOT something the Dems are doing - this is what Trump and the Republicans supporting him are doing and it simply is not comparable to your claims above.

And on this statement by you: but you can't for a single second tell me that if this were the other way around, you'd say "gosh, my guy lost, it's the will of the people lets move on".

I call complete bullshit. "My Guy" LOST in 2016. It was a bitter defeat. But did I insist it was rigged? No. Did I claim fraud? No. It was a valid election and we lost - for a variety of reasons, but we lost. So move on. You can look at any statements I have made on this - they are consistent. I'm not the one trying to destroy our entire electoral process with unfounded accusations. Or damage our country's security by refusing a transition.

Honestly, I'm utterly aghast that you think it is or can't see it for the problem it is.
What's happening now is because of what we let happen before.

As for refusal to accept, people still think Trump collude with Russia.

Strange world we are creating.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

People expressed their fears and doubts the moment democrats began pushing democrats to go with mail in voting. Where the hell have you been? Oh yeah... Youre the guy with the broom smoothing the carpet out trying to hide the bump under it...or the mail man passing by pretending he doesnt see him doing it. Or the teacher who has everything to gain from being able to work virtually from home who smiles and looks the other way patiently waiting for that Democrat takeover that will take away her accountability while raising her salary.

Ya...funny that...since certain red states and REPUBLICANS have been DOING this for years....and suddenly now it's problematic.
See, I want ever legal dem vote to count. I don't want to disenfranchise them. But, I want it to be real and fair.

The difference here is that these ballots are not like absentee. It's a problem because they can't be verified. We've been over this.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

All allegations of fraud have been investigated or are being investigated. To date, none are substantiated.

What I find odd is how this wasn't an issue for Republicans before.

It was a issue but as long as Trump was winning they did not care but now Trump is not going to be President after January 20th 2021 now his voting care about possible irregularities and fraud...

How the left get the fringe right caring about stuff when the GOP loses the Oval Office...

The leftardz cared plenty about election fraud when they were convinced by NOW DISPROVEN allegations that Russia got Trump elected. . .

But now?

Not so much

This especially goes for the leftarded media. .


Did they claim fraud in the electoral process itself?
Did they say Trump was not president elect?
Did they refuse to provide Trump with the materials and access needed for a transition?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

1. YES. As substantianiated by the unrelenting (idiotic) drive to abolish the E.C.
2. Yes. +"not my president" - Bing images
3. No. But only because Dubummer's two terms were already up and he had to hand over the keys, regardless.

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