Rudy talking with the Jan6 committee about "testifying"

Why would anyone stop pleading the 5th? Further, the people aren't stupid, they can see that the committee is full of partisan hacks and the opposition has no say it in..

Lastly, people are more concerned about Biden's Inflation, his war with Russia, his crime wave in the liberal cities, etc., that they are about a mostly peaceful demonstration more than a year ago.

The Communists are going to get slaughtered next election and they know this quite well. They need to keep 1/6 alive longer than 911 to stand any chance at not losing so many seats that they'd be totally helpless to stop Republicans on any issue or bill. When Republicans takeover leadership of Congress we will have a real 1/6 investigation instead of this commie Trump witch hunt.

This is the first time in history that the party in charge chose their oppositions representatives. Piglosi stopped Banks and Jordan from being our representatives because they would call Piglosi and Shoemaker to the stand to testify under oath. These Nazi tactics are something this country never seen before. Their only mission is to stop Trump at any and all costs.
We`ll learn more when the Jan. 6th Committee gets the documents that are being hidden and traitors stop pleading the 5th. There`s more to the insurrection than what came out of his lying mouth the day of his riot.
When the televised hearings begin, you`re not going to be happy. The whole world will once again see the kind of vermin that trump attracts. This isn`t going away. Sorry.

Good. Bring it on. It will only help us next election. People are sick of Nazis running our country.
How did you find out that there are plans to send the Deplorables to the ovens? We must have had a security breech. Read a book and stop insulting our few remaining WW2 vets.
Amazon product ASIN 1451651686

Hey, you are what you are. Say it like it is. Your party has been using our federal agencies for the past couple of years to beat their political opponents. They also protect their criminals like Hillary and Hunter who never served a day in prison which they should have. Dementia even sent the FBI with warrants to enter the homes of people they thought might have his daughters stupid diary. Theft is a local police issue, not a federal agnecy issue unless the head Nazi is trying to hide something like inappropriate behavior with his daughter.

Now over a year later after the event, they are using the occasion to try and stop Trump from running because they are so scared to death of the man. First time in our history that an opposing Congress would do anything like that after a President left the office. But Nazis don't think that way. It's all about power for them.
"People are sick of Nazis running our country."
This is a tired and worn claim.
Worse than is a lazy claim made by those who are woefully ignorant about World War II, the Holocaust, and the associated tragedies.

It's about "Nazis" again.

Actually, what people are sick of are those partisan screechers who attempt to diminish and trivialize the tragedy of millions and millions of people who died under Nazism.

Some screechy partisans attempt to equate those who engineered the destruction of millions in gas chambers with some local mayor who pissed 'em off with new parking regulations, or garbage pick-up dates.

Or some Congressman who voted on a Clean Water bill they didn't like. Or some Health Official who asksfolks to social distance.

In the screechers world....all of that is equal to and no diffeent than Babi Yar, or Einsatzgruppen, or Auschwitz & Treblinka.

Yeah, I don't get it either.
They are folks who are ignorant of actual history.
And ignorant of an english language that allows for use of metaphors, similes, and allegories that are more accurate to the point trying to be advanced.

And yeah, I don't get that America has a reputation for a strong educational system.

But, I guess there is no accounting for individual failures ---- in study, in due diligence, in effort.

It is what it is.
Why would anyone stop pleading the 5th? Further, the people aren't stupid, they can see that the committee is full of partisan hacks and the opposition has no say it in..

Lastly, people are more concerned about Biden's Inflation, his war with Russia, his crime wave in the liberal cities, etc., that they are about a mostly peaceful demonstration more than a year ago.

Nobody has to take the 5th. Just lie about it like Democrats have.

Yeah, I find it tough to believe that he'd spill too much, even though he's like Graham, in and out of the orange orbit every other day.

People like this will do whatever it takes to save their ass, or at least mitigate damage they think is coming.

^^^The DNC's best corporate media lackey Mac1958 dutifully distributing their propaganda. Good boy!
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^^^The DNC's best corporate media lackey @Mac1958 dutifully distributing their propaganda.

I did not know the contributor, 'Mac1958' was a "corporate media lackey"! (Martian's words, not mine.)
How does Martian know that?

And part of the DNC too?
How would he know that?

And which corporation?
And how know that?

And what effect does it have on the discourse here?
After all, even corporate types can have political opinions that they are entitled to hold and share, if so willing.

Is being in "corporate media" a bad thing, poster Martian?
or Why not?

If you want to be considered a serious-minded responsible contributor here.....well, you gotta back up your word.

Not my rules.
It's the way it works in real-world reality.
And that's the problem with any testimony he provides in the first place.

His testimony would only have value if it included hard, indisputable evidence, and that would be surprising.
The left are such gullible idiots. They foam at the mouth at the thought of Rudy testifying to the committee, while completely ignoring the fact that Rudy went to Maro Lago to watch the Super Bowl with Trump.
The left are such gullible idiots. They foam at the mouth at the thought of Rudy testifying to the committee, while completely ignoring the fact that Rudy went to Maro Lago to watch the Super Bowl with Trump.
That had to be creepy as all hell
The left are such gullible idiots. They foam at the mouth at the thought of Rudy testifying to the committee, while completely ignoring the fact that Rudy went to Maro Lago to watch the Super Bowl with Trump.

And how many times have we watched these liberals go limp when their dream didn't come true? It's kinda like when you use a laser pen to keep running your cats head into the coffee table over and over again. Cruel? Yes. Fun? You bet it is.
And how many times have we watched these liberals go limp when their dream didn't come true? It's kinda like when you use a laser pen to keep running your cats head into the coffee table over and over again. Cruel? Yes. Fun? You bet it is.
LOL!! Great analogy. They have been chasing that laser pointer around for five years now and they still haven't caught on yet.
LOL!! Great analogy. They have been chasing that laser pointer around for five years now and they still haven't caught on yet.
Because the mentally ill orange pile of shit was able to hide behind the protections of the Presidency.

Less than one year out of office, his company and lead accountant were charged with multiple felonies.

Don't you think your comment sounds pretty damn stupid, in light of...facts and reality?
Because the mentally ill orange pile of shit was able to hide behind the protections of the Presidency.

Less than one year out of office, his company and lead accountant were charged with multiple felonies.

Don't you think your comment sounds pretty damn stupid, in light of...facts and reality?
There you go after the laser pointer again. You make me bust a gut laughing.

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