Rump to sue media for giving voice to women

The victims didn't just pop up, that's why Trump knew how to contact them.

PRECISELY......Trump even paid for some of those women to show up (well, Roger Stone did)...but these latest women against Trump are just popping up on their own AFTER the Trumpster stated that he "NEVER" abused or sexually assaulted any woman.
Only the terminally naive would believe they are "just showing up on their own."
"Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable."

Of course, Tramp's supporters aren't pretending.
How about Clinton suing the Trump campaign for using illegally obtained documents, from Wikileaks.
How is Trump liable for publication of those documents?

He's an accomplice to their acquisition. With the Russians.
ROFL! How is Trump an accomplice? You don't have the slightest evidence that the Russians are responsible. In fact, the American intelligence community is supplying the documents because they all despise Hillary and don't want her to become their boss.

Why would I need evidence? Say-so is ample proof according to you people.

When have any of us ever said that?

Quick Viginlante.....Go after the guy who is NOT running for president........:ahole-1:
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.
the times sent investigators out to find all of the people these women claimed they told about the event 20 to 30 years ago when it happened, and they verified they were told and what they were told....before the times printed the article...
Yeah, like the boob lady who claimed that Trump lifted the arm rest in first class to fondle her?

The TWO most important factors one needs to prove when filing a defamation allegation......

First how those publications HARMED your reputation......AND, that they were false....

And you think either of those points is difficult to prove? Here, look at this picture and explain why the defendant's story that Trump raised the arm rest to fondle her breast is a lie:


Are those the seats they were in?

Those are typical first class seats. That's where the boob lady says they were seated when this so-called assault occurred.

Never been in first class, have you?
"the boob lady"........Perfect.
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York times for defamation - Full article
"Lawyers for Donald Trump have called on The New York Times to retract a bombshell report in which two women claimed that Trump had touched them inappropriately."

At this point in time, shouldn't he be focusing more important matters? Also, didn't he claim to be worth $10 billion. Complete waste of time suing them. Plus there are hundreds of news sites that have probably made similar claims

Trump lost his lawsuit against media statement that he was not a Billionaire. O'Brien proved in court with Trump under oath that he was not a Billionaire.
The TWO most important factors one needs to prove when filing a defamation allegation......

First how those publications HARMED your reputation......AND, that they were false....

And you think either of those points is difficult to prove? Here, look at this picture and explain why the defendant's story that Trump raised the arm rest to fondle her breast is a lie:


Are those the seats they were in?

Those are typical first class seats. That's where the boob lady says they were seated when this so-called assault occurred.

Never been in first class, have you?

This took place 30 years ago or more. Want to see what those seats looked like?

Go ahead, show us a pick.


And you think either of those points is difficult to prove? Here, look at this picture and explain why the defendant's story that Trump raised the arm rest to fondle her breast is a lie:


Are those the seats they were in?

Those are typical first class seats. That's where the boob lady says they were seated when this so-called assault occurred.

Never been in first class, have you?

This took place 30 years ago or more. Want to see what those seats looked like?

Go ahead, show us a pick.


That obviously isn't first class.

Quick Viginlante.....Go after the guy who is NOT running for president........:ahole-1:
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.
It was our business and it was investigated...a lot....and he was impeached. Don't you remember?
He was impeached for lying under oath, and liberals were saying it's none of our business, but it is now all a sudden.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”
I think Trump should hire Hillary to represent him against these allegations. She would just destroy their lives and reputations. Then they would wish that Trump just sued them.

Actually he'd be far better served to hire Dimbart and Drudge and hired message board posters to make up bullshit stories that get pushed relentlessly even though they're easily debunked. You know, like "Bill Clinton has an illegitimate black child" and "Hillary had an affair with Yoko", stuff like that.

Oh wait --- they're already doing that, for free. Perfect.

I find it ironic that after the whole "he has an illegitimate black child" song and dance failed, it was recycled by the Bush campaign against John McCain in South Carolina. And apparently it worked there.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”
I think Trump should hire Hillary to represent him against these allegations. She would just destroy their lives and reputations. Then they would wish that Trump just sued them.

Actually he'd be far better served to hire Dimbart and Drudge and hired message board posters to make up bullshit stories that get pushed relentlessly even though they're easily debunked. You know, like "Bill Clinton has an illegitimate black child" and "Hillary had an affair with Yoko", stuff like that.

Oh wait --- they're already doing that, for free. Perfect.

I find it ironic that after the whole "he has an illegitimate black child" song and dance failed, it was recycled by the Bush campaign against John McCain in South Carolina. And apparently it worked there.
No Hillary destroyed the lives of the women Bill raped.
Either that or they heard Sexual Predator Trump lie about it only being talk and not deeds
The timing of this is suspect and so is your integrity.
It is timed exactly with Sexual Predator Trump's lie!
Why is that suspicious? If Trump hadn't lied first they would have said nothing.
The lie is the accusation

We wish you best of luck proving a negative. Oh and we'll need video. You know, since you were there and all.
It's already been prove to be a lie, douche bag.

Oh has it now.

Suddenly the dems are caring whether someone is pervert or not. Where have they all been all this time?

Further, where have the victims been all this time? Suddenly they just come up after the attack tape.

I think Trump may have a case.

File another one in the (circular) "Doesn't Get It" file ----

The whole issue, and topic, of this thread is not whether Donald Rump is a lecherous asshole. We do that elsewhere.
No, the point here is that Donald Rump thinks he can intimidate women into silence by threatening the vehicles that (finally) give them a voice. He's part of the whole perverse mentality that women should just take what's dished out and then shut the fuck up.

Whelp -- these media vehicles are providing them a way to stand up for themselves. And Rump hates that. And it's his own doing, since he invited them to speak up -- and gave far more gravity to their stories --- by standing on a debate stage and bald-orange-face denying that he had actually done the stuff he talked about with Billy Bush. And with Howard Stern. At least two of them mentioned that moment as a catalyst.

This all follows naturally from Rump's threat to dismantle the First Amendment by suing any media that reports something he doesn't like. And that in turn follows naturally from his requiring a nondisclosure contract with anyone he can get to sign it, to prevent them from saying something he doesn't like. Which also goes with shit like suing a book author for estimating Rump's net worth lower than he wanted, and trying to sue The Onion. He's a whiny little bitch.

And when he can't get his way by abusing the court system, he stays up all night on Twitter sending pathetic whines about how a beauty contestant was fat and how a moderator had 'blood coming out of her wherever'. Two more women he didn't get to control.

SEE the pattern.
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Well malice would be a walk in the park, especially with the NYT which has already broken federal law publishing his tax forms.

Completely irrelevant here.

You've never been in a courtroom I take it.

I believe his lawyers could tie it in easily to a defamation suit. I would think it would be up to the defense to prove absence of malice which at this stage with the NYT would be a bitch to prove.

Which, if you read the OP you'd know, the NYT lawyers can file for discovery on all sorts of cool Drumpf history.

Histories which he's gone out of his way to provide over the years.

Rump is like a kid who finds a hornet's nest and goes, "hey wonder what would happen if I smash this thing with a baseball bat...."
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.​
You said Rump but Hillary isn't suing them. And it would be based on libel, not for giving voice to women. You couldn't/can't get anything right.​

No one named "Hillary" is involved here.
Tip: learn to read. It opens up whole new worlds.
You said Rump, your words, not mine. If you didn't want to bring her up why mention her?

I didn't.
He was president when he was doing it, and liberals said it was none of our business. You have no credibility.

Check your "facts" again....but, don't worry, there's other right wing morons who think you're "great"...LOL

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