Rumsfeld Tweets about IRAQ...Hilarity ensues

It has not been disproven!

I just saw a Rumsfeld interview last night of him saying he "knew" where the WMD's were.

And we all know now, he didn't "know", yet he said he did.

Did BilL Clinton lie too? what about all the Euro intelligence services?

they want to forget and ignore all that

If Clinton and his people had launched the reckless invasion of Iraq that Bush and his team of monkeys had, I would have been just as down on Clinton.

Of course he wasn't quite that stupid and Bush and nearly as stupid as the people who still support that abortion of a plan ten years later.
^ This

He was more concerned about being proven correct than he was with the lives of the Soldiers he was sworn to protect.

The guy is and was a piece of garbage.

And he still has more honor and integrity in his hangnail than you've got in your whole body.

Keep telling yourself that, son.

I imagine you're always desperately trying to make you and your pathetic heroes look good.

Rumsfeld is an accomplished public servant (both youngest and oldest Sec Def in history). You're an ignorant drone on the internet.
And he still has more honor and integrity in his hangnail than you've got in your whole body.

Keep telling yourself that, son.

I imagine you're always desperately trying to make you and your pathetic heroes look good.

Rumsfeld is an accomplished public servant (both youngest and oldest Sec Def in history). You're an ignorant drone on the internet.

And how much time did you spend deployed in Iraq under your hero?

Oh wait, never mind, I already know that answer, tough guy.:cuckoo:
Did BilL Clinton lie too? what about all the Euro intelligence services?

they want to forget and ignore all that

If Clinton and his people had launched the reckless invasion of Iraq that Bush and his team of monkeys had, I would have been just as down on Clinton.

Of course he wasn't quite that stupid and Bush and nearly as stupid as the people who still support that abortion of a plan ten years later.

OK, so what about the Democrats in Congress who authorized it? What about Nancy pelosi who came into oiffice promising to stop it but continued to vote for funding?

You'll have some exuse because you're an ignorant hack pussy who likes to threaten senior citizens.
Keep telling yourself that, son.

I imagine you're always desperately trying to make you and your pathetic heroes look good.

Rumsfeld is an accomplished public servant (both youngest and oldest Sec Def in history). You're an ignorant drone on the internet.

And how much time did you spend deployed in Iraq under your hero?

Oh wait, never mind, I already know that answer, tough guy.:cuckoo:

Like that's relevant. What did you do? Shovel shit in some forward base?
By what possible criteria could we say that Rumsfeld is the best Secretary of Defense ever?


Did BilL Clinton lie too?
Only about Monica.

He told the truth about UBL and Bush ignored that warning for 8 months until 9/11 happened.

what about all the Euro intelligence services?
They told the CIA Curveball couldn't be trusted and that it was unlikely Hussein had WMD's, which Bush also ignored.

The Iraqi dictator, President Clinton warned that February, "threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region, and the security of all the rest of us. Some day, some way, I guarantee you, he'll use the arsenal." In October, the Iraq Liberation Act, which made regime change in Iraq official U.S. policy, passed 360-38 in the House and by unanimous consent in the Senate. In December, Mr. Clinton ordered Operation Desert Fox, a four-day bombardment of Iraq with the declared purpose of degrading Saddam's WMD capability

Wrong again, hairboy.
Rumsfeld is an accomplished public servant (both youngest and oldest Sec Def in history). You're an ignorant drone on the internet.

And how much time did you spend deployed in Iraq under your hero?

Oh wait, never mind, I already know that answer, tough guy.:cuckoo:

Like that's relevant. What did you do? Shovel shit in some forward base?


Well, I'll just put it like this: I wasn't sitting on a couch with Rumsfeld's nuts in my mouth like you were.

None of the three times I was deployed there, tough guy.

To paraphrase you, chickenhawks can be real brave when sitting on their couches.
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Rumsfeld is one of the very few people I would just walk up to and knock the shit out of, given the opportunity.

He would kick your fucking pansy ass if you even thought about it.

He was a BIG, BAD.....

Remember the pics of Rummie shaking Saddamn's hand?

And this gem:

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.

People like to ridicule what they dont understand.
In this case Rumsfeld was absolutely correct.


Gaddafi and Bin Laden are dead, ace.

And they died as a RESULT of the actions of President Barack Obama.

Catch up.
lol, with this thread you posted from all places, twitter...and you accuse others of lacking wisdom

how rich

Yeah, because Twitter has a low IQ :doubt:

no, because it could be anyone saying they are Rumsfied posting and there is no way to verify it..
but you knew that..but we can go with what you said about IQ if you want

He made the damned tweet, deal with it.

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