Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!
That’s a good set of wishes. Think about it. All the pain Med he needs, , pain free, and passes quickly. Lung cancer is not something you want to suffer through for a long time.

my grandfather suffered immensely with it for a year before he died.
So sorry for your loss. My mom died from it but she went quickly! It was a fast growing type, she had it in her brain too.
Sad news folks..still breaking... Sad...

Is this the thread where I'm supposed to feign outrage about the injustice of a 69 year-old rich guy with a history of terrible health decisions having cancer? Remember how most of the mouth breathers in here rooted for cancer and celebrated the death of McCain? How about rooting for Ginsberg's cancer? Do y'all remember that?

No? Then I guess I hope he lives forever.
Can you link it?
When the world lost Paul Harvey I thought his son would take over rather than lose the audience. He sounded just like his father. Itll be a shame (for REAL Americans) to lose those 15 hours a week of giving voice to Real America.
Rush is not dead yet

but 4th stage cancer is pretty serious

Rush didn't say he had Stage 4 on their air today, only "advanced".
I dont recall

but stage 4 has been reported

hopefully its not
Smoking cigars ain't healthy. He has worked at losing weight.

He is a national treasure. I hope they get the cancer in remission.
He's a lot thinner than he used to be.
The damage is often done years prior.
Like a micro-partical of asbestos may not fester for 30+ years after exposure.

Almost every roadside in this country and the rest of the world is saturated with centillions of microscopic asbestos fibers from decades of brake pads and shoes being ground into dust. The wind whips it up when the ground dries out, and the little fibers float like deadly butterflies, until lodging themselves deep in some poor unsuspecting soul's lung.

It doesn't matter that aside from some asbestos shoes and pads manufactured in China, the automotive industry no longer uses asbestos. Because the danger is still present, and will remain long after all life on earth has passed.

Ain't I a fuckin' ray of sunshine? :21:
I used to use one of these years ago:

Funny how the video shows no dust collection bag (they hardly helped) and the guy never shows it actually grind.
I was told more people that work next to intersections and off-ramps have higher chances of getting asbestos related cancer... or worse, mesothelioma, which is in the stomach.
Smoking cigars ain't healthy. He has worked at losing weight.

He is a national treasure. I hope they get the cancer in remission.

Cancer has to be the worst thing ever to inflict humanity, so many peoples have been lost through that monstrous disease, an equal opportunity plague on humanity that takes young and old, wealthy and poor. Fuck Cancer.

Standing Ovation!
Thanks for the info. Sad news, indeed. I am sending him a "get well" card and a carton of Camels.
He smokes cigars.

We Really Should Thank Smokers

RUSH: In our country, for the longest time, we have created a hatred for people who smoke. Some people actively despise them and hate them. We have not banned the product. We continue to sell the product, and we profit from the product. We fund children’s health care programs with the tax revenue from the sale of tobacco products. If tobacco is so deadly, if it is so bad, why does our government permit it to be sold? And the answer is —

CALLER: We tax everything. We tax everything in the United States. Everything is taxed. You’re making money from everything here.

RUSH: I’m telling you, there ought to be some measure of appreciation for people who buy tobacco products, despite the forces arrayed against them, It’s getting harder and harder to use tobacco products, unless you want to call marijuana tobacco, and you can do that anywhere, for the most part. But the fact of the matter is they have to endure a lot, the public hates them, they’re despised, they can’t smoke in places of comfort anymore, can’t even smoke outside in a park! And yet their actions and their taxes and their purchases are funding children’s health care programs. I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled. I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.

Smokers are dumb for smoking, no matter what their political affiliation.
Thanks for the info. Sad news, indeed. I am sending him a "get well" card and a carton of Camels.
He smokes cigars.

We Really Should Thank Smokers

RUSH: In our country, for the longest time, we have created a hatred for people who smoke. Some people actively despise them and hate them. We have not banned the product. We continue to sell the product, and we profit from the product. We fund children’s health care programs with the tax revenue from the sale of tobacco products. If tobacco is so deadly, if it is so bad, why does our government permit it to be sold? And the answer is —

CALLER: We tax everything. We tax everything in the United States. Everything is taxed. You’re making money from everything here.

RUSH: I’m telling you, there ought to be some measure of appreciation for people who buy tobacco products, despite the forces arrayed against them, It’s getting harder and harder to use tobacco products, unless you want to call marijuana tobacco, and you can do that anywhere, for the most part. But the fact of the matter is they have to endure a lot, the public hates them, they’re despised, they can’t smoke in places of comfort anymore, can’t even smoke outside in a park! And yet their actions and their taxes and their purchases are funding children’s health care programs. I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled. I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.

Smokers are dumb for smoking, no matter what their political affiliation.

"But pot is a harmless weed..."

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.

That's funny you saying something like that with the many on this forum wishing obama, hiilary , schiff and many other's on the left death. What goes around comes around.

I have yet to see anyone wish death on a particular person except for Trump.....plenty of people have called for his death, his beheading, blowing him up, shooting him in the head, beating him to death....Nah....all that shit comes from the left wing. I will admit to offering to piss on McCains grave though....but I'm a conservative and so was he not sure if that counts.

Hypocrisy admitted. So special.
You mean like this definition? Go back and read the tex reply.

leg·i·ble | \ ˈle-jə-bəl
Definition of legible
1 : capable of being read or deciphered : plain legible handwriting
2 : capable of being discovered or understood murder sweltered in his heart and was legible upon his face— Thomas Wolfe
Is there something illegible about the font used in this forum? No one else seems to have problem with it.
??? You are the moron. Twist twist and more twist.
lol... oxyboy was married 4x. so much for 'traditional' marriage 'eh? he tore sandra fluke apart for 3 straight days, calling her a slut because she testified about making birth control a mandated covered expense by insurance companies. pretty pathetic given that ED is covered & el rushbo was caught down in the dominican republic with a ton of it.

He's an asshole, there's no doubt. But this is a horrible way to go. He'd better have some docs on his side and a shitload of good weed.

Stoners are always so predictable

I don't smoke weed. Did a few times when I was in college and hated it.

But as I said in my first post, I had a friend who died from non-small cell lung cancer/stage 4 last year. And his docs knew he smoked pot and encouraged him to continue to help with pain management.

AND...he didn't have significant symptoms when he was diagnosed. A headache that wouldn't go away, like a bad migraine. They did a CT scan and found 22 tumors in his brain and the main tumor in his lungs. Not a typo. 22 tumors in his brain. They told him he was terminal.




He wouldn't have to smoke it there are many ways to consume.

True enough. My brother in CA was recently diagnosed with a latent mild form of epilepsy. So my sister-in-law is baking him a LOT of brownies with lots o' pot in them. And it's working great but he's awfully stoned most of the time. No seizures, though!

Results with mescaline if the weed doesn't help those seizures.
I’ve been told for years that Rush tells me what to think. Even though I’ve only watched his show a hand full of times.

Liberals are nuts of course. The fact of the matter is that whether Mr. Limbaugh beats the Big C or not, some day he will hang up the Golden EIB Microphone. But it really doesn't mean a damn thing about the Conservative Movement, and the desire for freedom, which will live forever.
I’d rather listen to Limbaugh than Hannity any day

Limbaugh does not take himself seriously, even though Conservatives do. Lung cancer is a bitch. Even though he made bad life decisions and would not have much sympathy for others......I still wish him well in his fight
Like I said in another thread. I thought people didn’t inhale cigar smoke, so I thought one can only get oral cancer from them?

Couldn't find if he smoked cigarettes but it seems he was not against it, here's a transcript of him and a caller about smoking.

We Really Should Thank Smokers
I remember when he gave up cigarettes some time ago. He seemed to be one of those who thought cigars were "safe."

Hell I had a neighbor a few years ago that quit smoking when he was 25 and died of lung cancer at age 66.
One of my good friends died of stage 4 lung cancer 5 years ago. I pressed a lot of hash for him through the years till he couldn't inhale any longer. Then the weed oil. Nothing could stop the cancer from spreading. And by the way, I am a cancer patient myself.

You are a cancer patient yourself? What would you like EVERYONE to make fun of you? Perhaps YOUR cancer is also the result of Karma?
Never sought out sympathy and could give a shit what you say. Most likely hereditary. Dad had it.
I remember when he gave up cigarettes some time ago. He seemed to be one of those who thought cigars were "safe."

Hell I had a neighbor a few years ago that quit smoking when he was 25 and died of lung cancer at age 66.
One of my good friends died of stage 4 lung cancer 5 years ago. I pressed a lot of hash for him through the years till he couldn't inhale any longer. Then the weed oil. Nothing could stop the cancer from spreading. And by the way, I am a cancer patient myself.

You are a cancer patient yourself? What would you like EVERYONE to make fun of you? Perhaps YOUR cancer is also the result of Karma?
Ok to spew rhetoric. KMA

Your cancer must be the result of Karma to you, as you have illustrated your hate in this thread and all that hate gets back to you in the end. God works in mysterious ways.

There are certain illnesses, certain diseases where those who have them feel for others that have them, you obviously being human shit are the exception and not the rule, I would think POLITICS is the LAST thing on those other cancer patients minds right now and they would probably have sympathy for this Rush Limbaugh who has unfortunately joined that terrible C Club.
I will bite... Never sought out sympathy and could give a shit what you say. Most likely hereditary. Dad had it. Dad beat it, which I am doing. So, Miz f'n know it all, KMA.
I will bite... Never sought out sympathy and could give a shit what you say. Most likely hereditary. Dad had it. Dad beat it, which I am doing. So, Miz f'n know it all, KMA.

DON'T BITE okfine … Rabies is contagious and you seem to be one rabid dude...
Sorry you are so offended. I'm not. I think Rush is the "rabid" one and his rhetoric is definitely contagious.
Thanks for the info. Sad news, indeed. I am sending him a "get well" card and a carton of Camels.
He smokes cigars.

We Really Should Thank Smokers

RUSH: In our country, for the longest time, we have created a hatred for people who smoke. Some people actively despise them and hate them. We have not banned the product. We continue to sell the product, and we profit from the product. We fund children’s health care programs with the tax revenue from the sale of tobacco products. If tobacco is so deadly, if it is so bad, why does our government permit it to be sold? And the answer is —

CALLER: We tax everything. We tax everything in the United States. Everything is taxed. You’re making money from everything here.

RUSH: I’m telling you, there ought to be some measure of appreciation for people who buy tobacco products, despite the forces arrayed against them, It’s getting harder and harder to use tobacco products, unless you want to call marijuana tobacco, and you can do that anywhere, for the most part. But the fact of the matter is they have to endure a lot, the public hates them, they’re despised, they can’t smoke in places of comfort anymore, can’t even smoke outside in a park! And yet their actions and their taxes and their purchases are funding children’s health care programs. I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled. I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.

Smokers are dumb for smoking, no matter what their political affiliation.

"But pot is a harmless weed..."


I read one time that smoking one pot joint is the same lung contamination as three packs of cigarettes.
I'm surprised it has taken him this long to get cancer, especially when you consider the vile disgusting crap that spews out of his mouth on a regular basis.
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