Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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While I don’t like his politics, Limbaugh makes me laugh
He does things to irritate the other side and Ditto Heads take him seriously.

I hope he recovers
When the world lost Paul Harvey I thought his son would take over rather than lose the audience. He sounded just like his father. Itll be a shame (for REAL Americans) to lose those 15 hours a week of giving voice to Real America.
No link

he just made the announcement on his radio show
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
Sure it isn't ass cancer?


View attachment 304283

^^^^ So okfine how much have you helped anyone during your worthless life?
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
No link

he just made the announcement on his radio show
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
Sure it isn't ass cancer?


View attachment 304283

^^^^ So okfine how much have you helped anyone during your worthless life?
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
Ehh... aren't you wonderful. Still a f'n bitch.
I’ve been told for years that Rush tells me what to think. Even though I’ve only watched his show a hand full of times.
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
Sure it isn't ass cancer?


View attachment 304283

^^^^ So okfine how much have you helped anyone during your worthless life?
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
Ehh... aren't you wonderful. Still a f'n bitch.

What have you done to help others? Zero probably.
In related news, Dastardly Dave Mustaine has been declared 100 percent cancer free!
Sure it isn't ass cancer?


View attachment 304283

^^^^ So okfine how much have you helped anyone during your worthless life?
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
Ehh... aren't you wonderful. Still a f'n bitch.

What have you done to help others? Zero probably.
Not handed down money, thats for sure. More time than substance, there squirmy one.
I’ve been told for years that Rush tells me what to think. Even though I’ve only watched his show a hand full of times.

Liberals are nuts of course. The fact of the matter is that whether Mr. Limbaugh beats the Big C or not, some day he will hang up the Golden EIB Microphone. But it really doesn't mean a damn thing about the Conservative Movement, and the desire for freedom, which will live forever.
Smoking cigars ain't healthy. He has worked at losing weight.

He is a national treasure. I hope they get the cancer in remission.

Cancer has to be the worst thing ever to inflict humanity, so many peoples have been lost through that monstrous disease, an equal opportunity plague on humanity that takes young and old, wealthy and poor. Fuck Cancer.
Smoking cigars ain't healthy. He has worked at losing weight.

He is a national treasure. I hope they get the cancer in remission.
He's a lot thinner than he used to be.
The damage is often done years prior.
Like a micro-partical of asbestos may not fester for 30+ years after exposure.

Almost every roadside in this country and the rest of the world is saturated with centillions of microscopic asbestos fibers from decades of brake pads and shoes being ground into dust. The wind whips it up when the ground dries out, and the little fibers float like deadly butterflies, until lodging themselves deep in some poor unsuspecting soul's lung.

It doesn't matter that aside from some asbestos shoes and pads manufactured in China, the automotive industry no longer uses asbestos. Because the danger is still present, and will remain long after all life on earth has passed.

Ain't I a fuckin' ray of sunshine? :21:

View attachment 304283

^^^^ So okfine how much have you helped anyone during your worthless life?
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
Ehh... aren't you wonderful. Still a f'n bitch.

What have you done to help others? Zero probably.
Not handed down money, thats for sure. More time than substance, there squirmy one.

Many with what you term handed down money give ZERO. It was instilled in me and my brothers and sister when we were children that part of our reason on this planet was to help those who were sick or in trouble and to consider this a duty to greater humanity and to certainly NOT wish DEATH on those who do not agree with us OR to laugh at those who have a terminal illness, the issue of Karma was also instilled in me and my brothers and sister.

You and Augustine should Repent for your comments and wishes in this thread, you should do this BECAUSE of Karma.
When the world lost Paul Harvey I thought his son would take over rather than lose the audience. He sounded just like his father. Itll be a shame (for REAL Americans) to lose those 15 hours a week of giving voice to Real America.
Rush is not dead yet

but 4th stage cancer is pretty serious
Sad, but the guy is almost 70 years old, used to smoke cigarettes, and for years has been a big cigar smoker. It's finally caught up to him.

It catches up with everybody who smokes. You don't see a lot of 80-year-olds with a cigarette. Not many 70-year-olds, either.

Not necessarily. My elderly aunts who lived in Grosse Pointe smoked pell mells into their 80's before dying of other, non-cancer related ailments. They drove like a bat out of hell, making the trip from Michigan to Youngstown to visit relatives regularly at very high speeds.
Thanks for the info. Sad news, indeed. I am sending him a "get well" card and a carton of Camels.
He smokes cigars.

We Really Should Thank Smokers

RUSH: In our country, for the longest time, we have created a hatred for people who smoke. Some people actively despise them and hate them. We have not banned the product. We continue to sell the product, and we profit from the product. We fund children’s health care programs with the tax revenue from the sale of tobacco products. If tobacco is so deadly, if it is so bad, why does our government permit it to be sold? And the answer is —

CALLER: We tax everything. We tax everything in the United States. Everything is taxed. You’re making money from everything here.

RUSH: I’m telling you, there ought to be some measure of appreciation for people who buy tobacco products, despite the forces arrayed against them, It’s getting harder and harder to use tobacco products, unless you want to call marijuana tobacco, and you can do that anywhere, for the most part. But the fact of the matter is they have to endure a lot, the public hates them, they’re despised, they can’t smoke in places of comfort anymore, can’t even smoke outside in a park! And yet their actions and their taxes and their purchases are funding children’s health care programs. I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled. I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.
When the world lost Paul Harvey I thought his son would take over rather than lose the audience. He sounded just like his father. Itll be a shame (for REAL Americans) to lose those 15 hours a week of giving voice to Real America.
Rush is not dead yet

but 4th stage cancer is pretty serious

Rush didn't say he had Stage 4 on their air today, only "advanced".
LOL. You have no idea. And you?

"You have no idea. And you?"

And me? Well I normally would not mention this as mentioning personal finances is VERY vulgar and is not what is done in polite society BUT as you are such a worthless POS and have asked I will make an exception this time.

Every year my family give 25 millions to various charitable organisations, this has been going on for many many decades well before I was born in 1990, my family have probably been doing this since approx 1970 and so add up how much has personally been given to help others.I myself associate with 16 charitable organisations from children's charities to charities that help those with depression including suicidal tendency, I personally give 4 millions a year from my own private finances to be spread across those 16 charitable organisations, so if you add that in then in total my family give 29 millions a year to charity and I have also been working for several years with two charities that help Yazidi women and girl children who were sexually abused and raped by ISIS.

So how much have you given to charity? How much have you helped someone? IF you have helped ANYONE do you FIRST ask what their POLITICS are, do you WANT to know if they are Left-Wing or Right-Wing?
Ehh... aren't you wonderful. Still a f'n bitch.

What have you done to help others? Zero probably.
Not handed down money, thats for sure. More time than substance, there squirmy one.

Many with what you term handed down money give ZERO. It was instilled in me and my brothers and sister when we were children that part of our reason on this planet was to help those who were sick or in trouble and to consider this a duty to greater humanity and to certainly NOT wish DEATH on those who do not agree with us OR to laugh at those who have a terminal illness, the issue of Karma was also instilled in me and my brothers and sister.

You and Augustine should Repent for your comments and wishes in this thread, you should do this BECAUSE of Karma.
So elitist of you to care.
Sad news folks..still breaking... Sad...

Is this the thread where I'm supposed to feign outrage about the injustice of a 69 year-old rich guy with a history of terrible health decisions having cancer? Remember how most of the mouth breathers in here rooted for cancer and celebrated the death of McCain? How about rooting for Ginsberg's cancer? Do y'all remember that?

No? Then I guess I hope he lives forever.
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