Rush Limbaugh's legacy

You’ve just exposed yourself as an idiot on this topic, and I don’t even like Rush. However he did listen to him for many years early in his career.
Yea the same with me, I stopped when he got busted for drugs just after he was bitching about how wrong it was to smoke cigs.
Before retirement, I worked in plants from Brownsville to south Florida, making that trip, mostly on I10 sometimes twice a week. He was about all you could get consistently on the radio. I am aware of limbaugh, and the crap he spouted.
Okay but it wasn’t racist. Don’t be like a typical dumb establishment dupe.
I was done with him after his support of W’s criminal war.
Yeah but his Legacy is great
Rush was a lot of things, many of them worthy of criticism. However he wasn’t racist. Dumb Democrats always call someone racist who they dislike.

In fact the guy who worked with him since his start in 1988, was black. Bo Snurdley aka James Golden.
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Yes. All you have to do is get you 1 black business associate and that will always be a panacea for your racism, and a "Get out of Racism Free" card for all racist remarks. I hear David Duke has had the same black guy mow his lawn for years. He can't be racist, right?
Yes. All you have to do is get you 1 black business associate and that will always be a panacea for your racism, and a "Get out of Racism Free" card for all racist remarks. I hear David Duke has had the same black guy mow his lawn for years. He can't be racist, right?
Oh Jesus, now you double down on dumb. How do you know Rush had only one black associate? Stop.

You’ve made an accusation. Smart people back up accusations with documented facts.
How old are you, 12 years old?

Air America don't ring a bell..
So, because you had one radio station that dared show his true color, that means that dear old limpballs was persecuted?

Talk about whining losers. Your side really has that down pat.
The alternate universe is Rush's legacy. A nation fractured by partisan ideology, families divided, our Capitol attacked, Americans existing within competing realities, trusting nothing, at war with itself, as our very democracy hangs in the balance.

Maybe this is what he wanted.
The Obama legacy......a deeply divided country.

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

And boy, did he.
So, because you had one radio station that dared show his true color, that means that dear old limpballs was persecuted?

Talk about whining losers. Your side really has that down pat.
No that one syndicated station tried to counter conservative talk radio and proved with out a doubt how ignorant about news and politics the left was, they would rather listen to music about rape, killing, murder, robbery, adultery, lust, sex ...
Oh Jesus, now you double down on dumb. How do you know Rush had only one black associate? Stop.

You’ve made an accusation. Smart people back up accusations with documented facts.
The existance of one black employee was put forth as proof limbaugh wasn't racist. I can only work with the crap you present. If you have more proof than one black guy working for him, then present it. Trump had lots of black people working for him, but he refused to rent any of his appartments to them.
The existance of one black employee was put forth as proof limbaugh wasn't racist. I can only work with the crap you present. If you have more proof than one black guy working for him, then present it. Trump had lots of black people working for him, but he refused to rent any of his appartments to them.
Where is your proof he had only one black employee and his racism?

Dumb people make unsubstantiated accusations.
Where is your proof he had only one black employee and his racism?

Dumb people make unsubstantiated accusations.
That one black person was presented as proof limbaugh wasn't racist. I have no idea how the existance of that one person could prove that, but it's not my job to prove the right's childish claims.
Yeah, I know, the mere mention of the word Republic is hateful to your ilk.

Not at all. I just hate ignorant morons like you that try and sound smart by saying "we are a Republic not a democracy"

That is like saying "this is a Chevy, not a car".

All you end up doing is highlighting your own ignorance. But then again so many of you seem so proud of being ignorant maybe that is what you are trying to do
The existance of one black employee was put forth as proof limbaugh wasn't racist. I can only work with the crap you present. If you have more proof than one black guy working for him, then present it. Trump had lots of black people working for him, but he refused to rent any of his appartments to them.
Where is your proof Trump didn't rent apartments to the ones that worked for him as president?
Trump represented 80 million Americans

it was the left that chose division rather than cooperation
80 millon still wouldn't have matched Biden's 81 million. Why did only 74 million vote for trump?

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