Rush Limbaugh's legacy

Not at all. I just hate ignorant morons like you that try and sound smart by saying "we are a Republic not a democracy"

That is like saying "this is a Chevy, not a car".

All you end up doing is highlighting your own ignorance. But then again so many of you seem so proud of being ignorant maybe that is what you are trying to do
See how upset you people get, I mean resorting to name-calling just highlights your aversion to the notion that we were founded as a Republic.

I know, I know, you prefer some type of mobocracy and it's people like me that get in your way....Too bad, so sad, you are going to have to put up with us a while longer.
Trump represented 80 million Americans

it was the left that chose division rather than cooperation

Just like the right choose division rather than cooperation with Obama and now with Biden.

The game never changes no matter who is in the White House. Division is the goal and you all are so very proud to help them do it
See how upset you people get, I mean resorting to name-calling just highlights your aversion to the notion that we were founded as a Republic.

Not upset at all, just stating the facts.

But I am sure your little buddies down a Wendy's think you are very smart
Just like the right choose division rather than cooperation with Obama and now with Biden.

The game never changes no matter who is in the White House. Division is the goal and you all are so very proud to help them do it
Yes, we are a deeply divided nation

the only non partisan leader in living memory was donald trump

which the left along with tweeners deeply opposed

He was a real should try that.

Now about Davis, your avi.....why'd he start a war to maintain slavery?

Because he was a Democrat????
Rush Limbaugh hated Political Chicks like you. Bigot Limbaugh often spoke against women's rights. If it were up to him, you wouldn't have any job, money, power or rights your husband master didn't allow. You would be a barefoot, pregnant, slave without voting rights.

Limbaugh coined the term “feminazi.” Defining feminism as an attack on the American way of life, and an attack the masculine idea about political power and strength. He wanted no place for women in leadership. Limbaugh believed women are slutty, ball busting, harpies that just want to take jobs, money, rights & power away from men. Don't allow them childcare, education, abortion, healthcare, SNAP, welfare or voting rights.
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