Rush Reports Zimmerman Arrested again

Well...I'm gonna eat some crow on this one. I now think Zimmerman picked a fight with Martin, then shot him, then pled stand your ground. In short...I think he got away with murder. This newest crap about him barracading himself in his girlfriends house, pointed a shot gun at her, then his mewling compliance with cops once they got there shows he is passive agressive and a danger to society. It is only a matter of time he that he kills someone else and it's going to be a shame because it could have been avoided if he was arrested the first time he murdered.
Zimmerman, 30, was booked for aggravated assault with a weapon, a felony, in addition to misdemeanor battery-domestic violence and criminal mischief.
The perfect idiot.

Apparently Zimmerman doesn’t care about losing his freedom and civil liberties, the right to own a firearm among them.

Everyone here just certain that this is what happened?

That's what I said but you just wanted to whistle and mess with your hair...

"Hey, I'm whistling "PoPoTroll" because I'm an intimidated moron with a limited vocabulary!"
What on earth does racism have to do with this situation.


There is no doubt that if he were black and the kid he murdered, white, the outcome would be different.

Just read the posts about the young black girl who was shot in the face when she rang a doorbell to ask for help. According to some here, she was just the first arrival of an entire gang.

As I've said before, I believe all people are racist to some degree. Its our nature to distrust those who look different, our nature to seek out others who are like us.

and yet the stats show you're wrong. blacks have used the same defense as zimmerman with equal results.

please stop lying luddley.

How about the fact in Florida you are more likely to get off using stand your ground if the the victim was black?

There is no doubt that if he were black and the kid he murdered, white, the outcome would be different.

Just read the posts about the young black girl who was shot in the face when she rang a doorbell to ask for help. According to some here, she was just the first arrival of an entire gang.

As I've said before, I believe all people are racist to some degree. Its our nature to distrust those who look different, our nature to seek out others who are like us.

and yet the stats show you're wrong. blacks have used the same defense as zimmerman with equal results.

please stop lying luddley.

How about the fact in Florida you are more likely to get off using stand your ground if the the victim was black?

Well, Mamamama Teety Jones disagrees with you:

"Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute(Stand Yo Ground), and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial."

What big Teety Mama doesn't explain to you is that while it's relevant as a precedently influential statute in Florida law it had no ACTUAL bearing in the case. That was an intentional maneuver by the defense partly because they knew they had a solid legal case(they really did) and they did not wish to invoke the statute unnecessarily(cool heads;)).

Do your homeywork holmes!
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Arrested again?

When will Florida stop persecuting Right Wing Hero, George (AKA Conservative Jesus) Zimmerman.

The man practically walks on water.

There is a short in your wiring.

No one thinks that. But if that's what YOU think, well, I think that is evidence you don't think very much beyond stereotypes.

And I'm giving you benefit of the doubt you actually have grown beyond the stage where you interpret everything emotionally, as is typical of liberals.

Zimmerman is indeed a hero to the right because conservatives perceive him – incorrectly, needless to say – as a ‘victim’ of the myth of ‘political correctness’ and a ‘liberal bias media’ where his arrest and prosecution were done solely to appease the African-American community and the ‘liberal’ political and legal ‘elite.’

The proof of this can be found on scores of rightwing websites and blogs addressing the Zimmerman case and on this very forum in the many Zimmerman threads.

Feel free to research it on your own.
The man is a proven killer but not a murderer.

He has trouble with being told "no" yet complies with overwhelming authority.

He is dangerous. To himself and others.

If he has done what is alleged, then convict him and take away his guns.
and yet the stats show you're wrong. blacks have used the same defense as zimmerman with equal results.

please stop lying luddley.

How about the fact in Florida you are more likely to get off using stand your ground if the the victim was black?

Well, Mamamama Teety Jones disagrees with you:

"Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute(Stand Yo Ground), and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial."

What big Teety Mama doesn't explain to you is that while it's relevant as a precedently influential statute in Florida law it had no ACTUAL bearing in the case. That was an intentional maneuver be the defense partly because they knew they had a solid legal case( they did) and they did not wish to invoke the statute unnecessarily(cool heads;)).

Do your homeywork holmes!

Yes we all know he waived his right to that defense. Your point?
And what the hell is Teety Jones?
Fucking weirdos around here lately. :cuckoo:
How about the fact in Florida you are more likely to get off using stand your ground if the the victim was black?

Well, Mamamama Teety Jones disagrees with you:

"Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute(Stand Yo Ground), and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial."

What big Teety Mama doesn't explain to you is that while it's relevant as a precedently influential statute in Florida law it had no ACTUAL bearing in the case. That was an intentional maneuver be the defense partly because they knew they had a solid legal case( they did) and they did not wish to invoke the statute unnecessarily(cool heads;)).

Do your homeywork holmes!

Yes we all know he waived his right to that defense. Your point?
And what the hell is Teety Jones?
Fucking weirdos around here lately. :cuckoo:

Mother Jones, it's a news thingamajiggy!

Get jiggy with it!

Fucking idiots around here since I got here. :cuckoo:
and yet the stats show you're wrong. blacks have used the same defense as zimmerman with equal results.

please stop lying luddley.

How about the fact in Florida you are more likely to get off using stand your ground if the the victim was black?

Well, Mamamama Teety Jones disagrees with you:

"Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute(Stand Yo Ground), and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial."

What big Teety Mama doesn't explain to you is that while it's relevant as a precedently influential statute in Florida law it had no ACTUAL bearing in the case. That was an intentional maneuver by the defense partly because they knew they had a solid legal case(they really did) and they did not wish to invoke the statute unnecessarily(cool heads;)).

Do your homeywork holmes!

As for my homework, try to follow posts, Holmes.
I don't think I stated Zimmerman used stand your ground. I don't think I mentioned Zimmerman at all?
And I think anyone who wasn't in a coma knows he didn't use stand your ground.

But good luck, lunatic.
Well, Mamamama Teety Jones disagrees with you:

"Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute(Stand Yo Ground), and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial."

What big Teety Mama doesn't explain to you is that while it's relevant as a precedently influential statute in Florida law it had no ACTUAL bearing in the case. That was an intentional maneuver be the defense partly because they knew they had a solid legal case( they did) and they did not wish to invoke the statute unnecessarily(cool heads;)).

Do your homeywork holmes!

Yes we all know he waived his right to that defense. Your point?
And what the hell is Teety Jones?
Fucking weirdos around here lately. :cuckoo:

Mother Jones, it's a news thingamajiggy!

Get jiggy with it!

Fucking idiots around here since I got here. :cuckoo:

Then say Mother Jones, weirdo.
You are not funny, just moronic.

Do you have an obsession with Will Smith?

I think I smell a dirty sock.

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