Russia,Iran warn Trump they will respond with force if Syria is attacked again

Oh and the link also explains in DETAIL why the US/Israel/Saudi Arabia have started the war in Syria. For those with critical thinking skills to question faux news propaganda.
The war drums they are a-beating. Be watching MIC stocks.

I hate this. I think the strike was a bad idea. Meanwhile, NeoCons are drooling all over themselves in anticipation.

Watch it come out in a couple days that it was definitely a false flag.

Russia has positioned a ship in between Syria and the US ships.
Putin appears to be trying to out alpha-male Trump for his audience back at home. He can't be serious.
Putin appears to be trying to out alpha-male Trump for his audience back at home. He can't be serious.
only difference is putin will go much further than trump will be allowed to and putin is ex kgb dump a RE and tax cheat
They can talk big, but they won't be leting that goofy slack-jawed ass Assad use any more chemical weapons.
who knows eh Weatherman ?? I'll bet that 'charw' will get all unconstpated in his pants when he hears about this newish development .
Nothing sums up the danger of this president more than the fact that he changed his stance on Syria 180 degrees and fired off missiles because he saw some pictures on TV.

I guess he hasn't seen the pictures of the children that were blown apart in his missile strike.
They issued a "joint statement," but Putin is curiously not quoted in that article. What exactly has Russia said? "We strongly condemn the illegitimate actions by the U.S. The consequences of this for regional and international stability could be extremely serious," is what Russia's deputy U.N. envoy, Vladimir Safronkov, told a meeting of the U.N. Security Council. "Could it?" It could, but I have to ask, "For whom?" If you ask me, there're two sides to "serious."

The fact of the matter is that over the past 20 years, the U.S. military has fought over and over again "with one hand tied behind it's back." Just let Russia declare war (or us against them) conventional war fought in a "proxy" battlefield like Syria wherein minimizing civilian casualties becomes a passing thought rather than a mission objective. I think the world would see a very different "US of A" fighting. What would they see? The same thing Iraqi Republican Guards saw that made a good number of them outright surrender and desert.
  • The M1 Abrams tank has seen more combat than just about any other tank on the battlefield today. It has never been knocked out by enemy fire. (Completely killed). Ever.
  • China has less than 500 Type 99 tanks, that have just been developed, and are not even close to being as good as the Abrams. We have 8,700 Abrams.
  • We have 10 aircraft carriers. The good kind. Everyone else has 10. Combined. And they are mostly small ships that can launch helicopters.
  • There are 8,400 attack helicopters in the world. The U.S. has 6,400 of them.
  • The United States has engaged in every type of ground warfare in the last 20 years. From mountains to jungles, and from desert to urban, we have the some of the most experienced warriors in the world. No other country comes close to the amount of combat veterans that we have.
  • We own all the satellites that guide GPS systems. We have all the advanced stealth technology. The latest sensors? U.S. The latest information systems? U.S. An Abrams tank can see a target, the tank commander can instantly send that target to every tank in his company.
  • Now you have 14 tanks looking for you. Oh, and it also uploads to every Apache helicopter in the area. Every indirect and direct fire system in the area knows what you are and where you are. Your survivability just dropped to 0. Instantly.
Fighting a conventional war against the U.S. would be like a 3-year-old child playing chess against Gary Kasparov. They wouldn't even know what they were supposed to be looking at. That may be something of an exaggeration re: Russian troops and materiel....but not too much. The short is that the only way one is going to have any chance of winning a war against the U.S. is to take it nuclear, and everyone knows it. Now I don't know what U.S. doctrine is in response to a nuclear attack against the U.S. mainland (or Hawaii) or territory, but something tells me it's not "cave-in and capitulate."
I'm not expecting another strike if chemical weapons aren't used again. So the ball is really in their court

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