Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

here martin, this belongs to you ..
View attachment 115257

Figures you can't answer my statement rationally.

And the use of communist propaganda by a command economy wanna-be is comical.

you didnt ask a question, you spewed conjecture down your damn leg ..

Figures you can't answer my statement rationally.

And the use of communist propaganda by a command economy wanna-be is comical.

you didt ask a question, you spewed conjecture down your damn leg ..

I said statement, reading, try it sometime.

Should I have used Retort instead?

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

you edited your comment dipshit.. or shall I call you Ivan ... sure I shall, IVAN.

No, i didn't.

Ask a mod to verify, or take back your accusation.

1. I not taking back anything
2. I woudnt waste a mods time
3. kiss my American Ass, Russian Lover.

any part of that coNufuse you, IVAN?

So you make an accusation, and when called out on it refuse to either back it up, or admit you are wrong.

What a fucking pussy you are. Congrats, you are now the biggest pussy on the board.

If all you got is "oh noes teh Ruzzians" for the next 4-8 years, enjoy the heart attack its going to bring.
Figures you can't answer my statement rationally.

And the use of communist propaganda by a command economy wanna-be is comical.

you didnt ask a question, you spewed conjecture down your damn leg ..

you didt ask a question, you spewed conjecture down your damn leg ..

I said statement, reading, try it sometime.

Should I have used Retort instead?

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

you edited your comment dipshit.. or shall I call you Ivan ... sure I shall, IVAN.

No, i didn't.

Ask a mod to verify, or take back your accusation.

1. I not taking back anything
2. I woudnt waste a mods time
3. kiss my American Ass, Russian Lover.

any part of that coNufuse you, IVAN?

So you make an accusation, and when called out on it refuse to either back it up, or admit you are wrong.

What a fucking pussy you are. Congrats, you are now the biggest pussy on the board.

If all you got is "oh noes teh Ruzzians" for the next 4-8 years, enjoy the heart attack its going to bring.

Grow up Ivan, ya damn Cossak.
you didnt ask a question, you spewed conjecture down your damn leg ..

I said statement, reading, try it sometime.

Should I have used Retort instead?

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

you edited your comment dipshit.. or shall I call you Ivan ... sure I shall, IVAN.

No, i didn't.

Ask a mod to verify, or take back your accusation.

1. I not taking back anything
2. I woudnt waste a mods time
3. kiss my American Ass, Russian Lover.

any part of that coNufuse you, IVAN?

So you make an accusation, and when called out on it refuse to either back it up, or admit you are wrong.

What a fucking pussy you are. Congrats, you are now the biggest pussy on the board.

If all you got is "oh noes teh Ruzzians" for the next 4-8 years, enjoy the heart attack its going to bring.

Grow up Ivan, ya damn Cossak.

I'm not the one making baseless accusations. Now prove I edited my post, or fuck off.
He said it had to do with Ukraine. Sounds like you two might be senile.
Is that crickets I hear?

were dems able to "recall" meeting with Russians or did the somehow forget and try to cover it up like Sessions did?

Since Session can't remember what the visit was about in his office, the we need to question his top aides, Stevens and Dearborn.

senile AG ?

glad you brought up the Ukraine, beslowtoo

TRUMP on Putin: "He's not going into Ukraine, OK. Just so you understand: He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right?"

THE FACTS: Putin did go into Ukraine. After Ukrainian protesters chased Viktor Yanukovych, their Russian-backed leader, from power in February 2014, Russian troops stationed at a base in Crimea seized strategic locations on the peninsula and replaced the local government with pro-Kremlin politicians. Russia annexed the territory after a widely discredited referendum a month later.

so Trump is a dumbass, and Sessions can't recall.

and those two are making decisions in the WH ?
you edited your comment dipshit.. or shall I call you Ivan ... sure I shall, IVAN.

No, i didn't.

Ask a mod to verify, or take back your accusation.

1. I not taking back anything
2. I woudnt waste a mods time
3. kiss my American Ass, Russian Lover.

any part of that coNufuse you, IVAN?

So you make an accusation, and when called out on it refuse to either back it up, or admit you are wrong.

What a fucking pussy you are. Congrats, you are now the biggest pussy on the board.

If all you got is "oh noes teh Ruzzians" for the next 4-8 years, enjoy the heart attack its going to bring.

Grow up Ivan, ya damn Cossak.

I'm not the one making baseless accusations. Now prove I edited my post, or fuck off.

no, you're a damn idiot .. stfu, and grow the fuck up, Ivan
You are twisting in the wind.
He said it had to do with Ukraine. Sounds like you two might be senile.
Is that crickets I hear?

were dems able to "recall" meeting with Russians or did the somehow forget and try to cover it up like Sessions did?

Since Session can't remember what the visit was about in his office, the we need to question his top aides, Stevens and Dearborn.

senile AG ?

glad you brought up the Ukraine, beslowtoo

TRUMP on Putin: "He's not going into Ukraine, OK. Just so you understand: He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right?"

THE FACTS: Putin did go into Ukraine. After Ukrainian protesters chased Viktor Yanukovych, their Russian-backed leader, from power in February 2014, Russian troops stationed at a base in Crimea seized strategic locations on the peninsula and replaced the local government with pro-Kremlin politicians. Russia annexed the territory after a widely discredited referendum a month later.

so Trump is a dumbass, and Sessions can't recall.

and those two are making decisions in the WH ?
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

And how many of those visits and conversations did Obama lie about?

We have the Attorney General (who has personally recieved the Russian Medal of Friendship from Vladimir Putin himself) lie about his contacts with the Russian government, the National Security Advisor lie about his contacts with the Russian Government, and the President lie repeatedly about his relationship with President of Russia. All while refusing to release his tax return, something no president has done in the modern era.

This after our intelligence services have found that Russia intervened in our election to help get Trump elected.

If this were Hillary, your ilk would be calling for impeachment and treason charges.
But with give the same cud chewing, glassy eyed stare you have this entire election cycle. Just obediently nodding with the same vacant smile at whatever you are told to think.

Republicans put party above country..... yet again.
No, i didn't.

Ask a mod to verify, or take back your accusation.

1. I not taking back anything
2. I woudnt waste a mods time
3. kiss my American Ass, Russian Lover.

any part of that coNufuse you, IVAN?

So you make an accusation, and when called out on it refuse to either back it up, or admit you are wrong.

What a fucking pussy you are. Congrats, you are now the biggest pussy on the board.

If all you got is "oh noes teh Ruzzians" for the next 4-8 years, enjoy the heart attack its going to bring.

Grow up Ivan, ya damn Cossak.

I'm not the one making baseless accusations. Now prove I edited my post, or fuck off.

no, you're a damn idiot .. stfu, and grow the fuck up, Ivan

Man up, bitch. You made up an accusation, now either confirm it (you can't) or admit you lied.

Did I mention you can fuck off?
What a giant load of horseshit. None of your claims are true. This whole thing is just one giant fiction. It's all fake news.
You are twisting in the wind.
He said it had to do with Ukraine. Sounds like you two might be senile.
were dems able to "recall" meeting with Russians or did the somehow forget and try to cover it up like Sessions did?

Since Session can't remember what the visit was about in his office, the we need to question his top aides, Stevens and Dearborn.

senile AG ?

glad you brought up the Ukraine, beslowtoo

TRUMP on Putin: "He's not going into Ukraine, OK. Just so you understand: He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right?"

THE FACTS: Putin did go into Ukraine. After Ukrainian protesters chased Viktor Yanukovych, their Russian-backed leader, from power in February 2014, Russian troops stationed at a base in Crimea seized strategic locations on the peninsula and replaced the local government with pro-Kremlin politicians. Russia annexed the territory after a widely discredited referendum a month later.

so Trump is a dumbass, and Sessions can't recall.

and those two are making decisions in the WH ?

hows that ?

Trumps covering for his pal Putin who was in the Ukraine killing his own people, and Sessions playing dumb covering up who knows what is far from twisting in the wind IMO...

now Russian lovers might call it that ...

American and Russian government officials meet and speak to each other and this has been happening longer than any of us have been alive but because Trump won an election most thought he wouldn't it's now a big deal.

No they don't, strawman knocker.

It is the LYING ABOUT THOSE MEETINGS that spreads suspicious.

Flynn lied about it and got fired for it. Sessions got caught doing the same thing. All in the context of administration knee deep in Russian thesis.

Why are they lying? That's the question without answer at this point.

Add to this the 64 Million Dollar Book deal the Obamas got from a publishing company with Russian ties, Podesta's ties to a Russian bank, and Clinton and Obama selling our Uranium to Russia, and giving money to Iran to buy it, and then the Russian donations to The Clinton Foundation.

If you want a real conspiracy with actual proof, there it is. I just handed it to you.
Gasp! The Obama White House openly meeting wh Russian diplomats ! Oh wait , that's what the White House is supposed to do !

Can't believe you rubes have the nerve to compare that to Sessions and the other Trump comrades meeting wh Ruskies behind president obamas back. And then lying about it .

Add to this the 64 Million Dollar Book deal the Obamas got from a publishing company with Russian ties, Podesta's ties to a Russian bank, and Clinton and Obama selling our Uranium to Russia, and giving money to Iran to buy it, and then the Russian donations to The Clinton Foundation.

If you want a real conspiracy with actual proof, there it is. I just handed it to you.

yeah Obamas book deal has a shitload to do with the Trump Cartel/Russian connection ...

American and Russian government officials meet and speak to each other and this has been happening longer than any of us have been alive but because Trump won an election most thought he wouldn't it's now a big deal.

No they don't, strawman knocker.

It is the LYING ABOUT THOSE MEETINGS that spreads suspicious.

Flynn lied about it and got fired for it. Sessions got caught doing the same thing. All in the context of administration knee deep in Russian thesis.

Why are they lying? That's the question without answer at this point.
Flynn got fired for not being straight with the VP Sessions had meetings with ambassadors from many countries besides Russia in 2016 as did other Senators. Grow up.
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

How many times did President Obama lie under oath to Congress about not meeting with any representatives of the Russian government?

"Sen. Franken, I am not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians,
It should not come as a shock that Obama is a traitor. This news does not surprise me in the least.

Yes because President Obama lied about meeting with the Russian Ambassador.....

But Senator Sessions was truthful when he testified to Congress about not meeting the Russians

"Sen. Franken, I am not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians,


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