Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

OMG! A Russian ambassador visiting the WH!! Amazing...I wonder if the Canadian ambassador visited the WH. Then the Chinese. Then the Japanese. Then the Australian.

What do you do for an encore? Post that foreign heads of state visited the WH during Obama's tenure? Unbelievable. Call the FBI!
What was the Russian Ambassador doing in Clev during repub convention AND why hasn't the protector of our country called for investigations into russian involvement in our election process?

Even if the russians were involved in our election process, it couldn't be any worse than that demorat hungarian jew soros with his billions being involved in our politics.
one is true the other fine repub bs

I see no problem with Trump wanting to be friends with Putin. And the voting machines in this country aren't online anyway, so I doubt that the Russians had anything at all to do with the election outcome. Hey, why not complain about Israel's influence instead? You know, the guys that tried to sink the USS Liberty, and kidnapped one of our congresswomen in international waters, and still get billions from the American taxpayers? They're always interfering in our politics.
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

OMG! A Russian ambassador visiting the WH!! Amazing...I wonder if the Canadian ambassador visited the WH. Then the Chinese. Then the Japanese. Then the Australian.

What do you do for an encore? Post that foreign heads of state visited the WH during Obama's tenure? Unbelievable. Call the FBI!
What was the Russian Ambassador doing in Clev during repub convention AND why hasn't the protector of our country called for investigations into russian involvement in our election process?

Even if the russians were involved in our election process, it couldn't be any worse than that demorat hungarian jew soros with his billions being involved in our politics.
one is true the other fine repub bs

I see no problem with Trump wanting to be friends with Putin. And the voting machines in this country aren't online anyway, so I doubt that the Russians had anything at all to do with the election outcome. Hey, why not complain about Israel's influence instead? You know, the guys that tried to sink the USS Liberty, and kidnapped on of our congresswomen in international waters, and still get billions from the American taxpayers? They're always interfering in our politics.
agree with your israel comments but friends with a murderer putin No way
I see no problem with Trump wanting to be friends with Putin. And the voting machines in this country aren't online anyway, so I doubt that the Russians had anything at all to do with the election outcome. Hey, why not complain about Israel's influence instead? You know, the guys that tried to sink the USS Liberty, and kidnapped one of our congresswomen in international waters, and still get billions from the American taxpayers? They're always interfering in our politics.

If politicians suddenly start denying they had any communications with Israeli officials it's time to investigate the connections.
Yep, and you say that with a certain amount of happiness that Soros can buy and sell Trump. But maybe Trump's not for sale like the clintons are.

Maybe Trump is being blackmailed into it, rather than being sold for cash.
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

OMG! A Russian ambassador visiting the WH!! Amazing...I wonder if the Canadian ambassador visited the WH. Then the Chinese. Then the Japanese. Then the Australian.

What do you do for an encore? Post that foreign heads of state visited the WH during Obama's tenure? Unbelievable. Call the FBI!
What was the Russian Ambassador doing in Clev during repub convention AND why hasn't the protector of our country called for investigations into russian involvement in our election process?

Even if the russians were involved in our election process, it couldn't be any worse than that demorat hungarian jew soros with his billions being involved in our politics.
one is true the other fine repub bs

I see no problem with Trump wanting to be friends with Putin. And the voting machines in this country aren't online anyway, so I doubt that the Russians had anything at all to do with the election outcome. Hey, why not complain about Israel's influence instead? You know, the guys that tried to sink the USS Liberty, and kidnapped one of our congresswomen in international waters, and still get billions from the American taxpayers? They're always interfering in our politics.
The problem is not hacking the machines DUHHH, it's the Russians hacking the DNC and Podesta- all that bs "Corruption" on those e-mails. All forgotten now.
The problem is not hacking the machines DUHHH, it's the Russians hacking the DNC and Podesta- all that bs "Corruption" on those e-mails. All forgotten now.

More and more people are getting their news from the internet. And the past election was fraught with fake news coming from russian affiliates.
Time for Trump to bring in Soros for questioning.
be careful of what you wish for ,,it might come true Soros can buy and sell trump
. Really now... So you are protecting Soro's eh ? Trump isn't the only one to worry about in all of this or all by his lonesome as you put it, but the Americans are, and can be his (Soro's) worst nightmare in all of this if he is involved in trying to control the Americans for his diabolical plans in the outcomes of the Americans future.
Time for Trump to bring in Soros for questioning.
be careful of what you wish for ,,it might come true Soros can buy and sell trump

Yep, and you say that with a certain amount of happiness that Soros can buy and sell Trump. But maybe Trump's not for sale like the clintons are.
All the Clinton "corruption" investigated and NOTHING, dupe. And now forgotten.
. Not forgotten... She wishes it was forgotten.
Yeah I do. What I do find interesting is that when it comes to the Russian ambassador The Orange Buffoon's acolytes have no memory of meeting him etc. Do you have evidence of the same with regard to the Obama admin?

the only explanation is that Sergey Kislyak used his jedi mind control over the Trump folks.
''you don't need to see his identification...these are not the Droids you are looking for''

Time for Trump to bring in Soros for questioning.
be careful of what you wish for ,,it might come true Soros can buy and sell trump
. Really now... So you are protecting Soro's eh ? Trump isn't the only one to worry about in all of this or all by his lonesome as you put it, but the Americans are, and can be his (Soro's) worst nightmare in all of this if he is involved in trying to control the Americans for his diabolical plans in the outcomes of the Americans future.
Pffft! You know so much stupid bs about Soros and Hillary it's ridiculous...only in dupe world. Poor America...
Time for Trump to bring in Soros for questioning.
be careful of what you wish for ,,it might come true Soros can buy and sell trump

Yep, and you say that with a certain amount of happiness that Soros can buy and sell Trump. But maybe Trump's not for sale like the clintons are.
All the Clinton "corruption" investigated and NOTHING, dupe. And now forgotten.
. Not forgotten... She wishes it was forgotten.
Only dupes believe it, and they're irrelevant. They just get wheeled out for elections...
President Obama was not open about Wire tapping Trump Tower Illegally.

In FACT why isn't Obama Bin Lying speaking to The Public defending himself on the Wire Tapping Accusation.

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