Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

again, nobody actually knows what the fuck Sessions said except what he tells you he said, and he's on record with "I dont recall"
Thank you. Now, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and the accuser has no proof. Case closed.


DA .. Mr Sessions did you meet with the Russians.

Sessions .. no

DA .. did you say anything about the Trump campaign

Sessions ... no

DA ... what did you say to them

Sessions .. I dont recall

DA ... you just said you didnt meet with the Russians but you admit you dont recall what you said to the Russians. Mr Session, you're lying.

. You wish Sessions was that stupid.
Here we thought it was Georgie Soros whispering in Our Kenyani President's ear and all the time he was reading love letters from Putin hand-carried by a Kremlin lackey with diplomatic immunity.....
I don't need proof. All 17 of our security agencies say they have proof. I figure they know more than you and me put together.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
. Did Obama and his corrupt team use the intelligence agencies to try and undermine the incoming administration ?? If he has done this, and has basically turned the U.S. intel agencies into internal spy agencies, and he did this so it would work to try to undermine the new President and his team, was this legal ??

Did Obama conseal Intelligence information that is to be leaked out by his surrogates in a drip, drip, drip Jullian Assange fashion in order to avenge Hillary ???? Did Obama corrupt the U.S. intelligence for a personal vendetta against the election results, and to get back at all whom he figured was critical of his style of politics, his corrupt dealings in the world, and is Hillary involved in this with him as well ???

Should Obama be brought in on charges along with Hillary for corrupting the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in order to destroy the next administration whom was critical of his style of leadership, and wanted to correct the problems created by Obama's style of leadership, and his blunders in foriegn policy issues ? Now I think a real investigation should start, and they should immediately bring in Obama, Hillary, and all people involved in this situation for questioning. The investigation should start by finding out why the Democrats were so dammed sure that corrupt Hillary had the win in the bag, and who in the media was involved in helping her corruptly steal an election possibly ? This explains everything when looking at the bigger picture now maybe.

Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.

That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
Here we thought it was Georgie Soros whispering in Our Kenyani President's ear and all the time he was reading love letters from Putin hand-carried by a Kremlin lackey with diplomatic immunity.....
And he never lied about it. Fire the liar Sessions. OP is irrelevant RW GARBAGE, for dupes only.
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.
you gd fool that's what ambassadors do Why was he in cleveland during repub conventions?
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.
you gd fool that's what ambassadors do Why was he in cleveland during repub conventions?
. Did Obama and his corrupt team use the intelligence agencies to try and undermine the incoming administration ?? If he has done this, and has basically turned the U.S. intel agencies into internal spy agencies, and he did this so it would work to try to undermine the new President and his team, was this legal ??

Did Obama conseal Intelligence information that is to be leaked out by his surrogates in a drip, drip, drip Jullian Assange fashion in order to avenge Hillary ???? Did Obama corrupt the U.S. intelligence for a personal vendetta against the election results, and to get back at all whom he figured was critical of his style of politics, his corrupt dealings in the world, and is Hillary involved in this with him as well ???

Should Obama be brought in on charges along with Hillary for corrupting the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in order to destroy the next administration whom was critical of his style of leadership, and wanted to correct the problems created by Obama's style of leadership, and his blunders in foriegn policy issues ? Now I think a real investigation should start, and they should immediately bring in Obama, Hillary, and all people involved in this situation for questioning. The investigation should start by finding out why the Democrats were so dammed sure that corrupt Hillary had the win in the bag, and who in the media was involved in helping her corruptly steal an election possibly ? This explains everything when looking at the bigger picture now maybe.

Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.

That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.

That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
. I'm trying hard to interpret your wording here. Part of it I get, but maybe you should look back at the way you word something.
That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
. I'm trying hard to interpret your wording here. Part of it I get, but maybe you should look back at the way you word something.
Obama denied trumps claim Trump also claimed obama wasn't a lawful president ,,,Can you not agree he has a screw loose?
Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
. I'm trying hard to interpret your wording here. Part of it I get, but maybe you should look back at the way you word something.
Obama denied trumps claim Trump also claimed obama wasn't a lawful president ,,,Can you not agree he has a screw loose?
. Nah he just listened to that idiotic Clinton campaign who started the birther issue, and thought there was something to it. He needs to becareful listening to alot of talk going on, because there is confusion flying from the left and from the right these days.
they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
. I'm trying hard to interpret your wording here. Part of it I get, but maybe you should look back at the way you word something.
Obama denied trumps claim Trump also claimed obama wasn't a lawful president ,,,Can you not agree he has a screw loose?
. Nah he just listened to that idiotic Clinton campaign who started the birther issue, and thought there was something to it. He needs to becareful listening to alot of talk going on, because there is confusion flying from the left and from the right these days.
This time it was Breibart,,,next FOX his game of divert divert divert is getting old
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

OMG! A Russian ambassador visiting the WH!! Amazing...I wonder if the Canadian ambassador visited the WH. Then the Chinese. Then the Japanese. Then the Australian.

What do you do for an encore? Post that foreign heads of state visited the WH during Obama's tenure? Unbelievable. Call the FBI!
Interesting, in July just after FISA refused the first warrant, and Bill met Lynch on the tarmac...
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

Your knees must be buckling under this, and the Reich wing paranoia is starting to show, and it should be about right now-lol

We know it's been one lie after another coming out of the Trump circle. 5 times the inner circle has denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season. THAT WAS A LIE.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

And it's been one lie after another ever since. Flynn first.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Sessions second: Sessions actually filled out a form before the confirmation meeting and checked a box that stated he had no contact with any Russians, which is why he is refusing to go back and testify under oath.

We know that not only did they have meetings with the Russian ambassador, but they were also on the phone with Russian intelligence officials and those phone calls were numerous, (especially via Trumps son-in-law) during the same time that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And the biggest liar of all is Donald Trump. Who continually denied the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies. Even at one point stating: "I know people, who know more than they do, and I'll get back to you next week." Of course, he never did. With his son-in--law continually in phone contact with Russian intelligence agents, he also knew during that one debate that it wasn't some 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed that was doing the hacking of DNC databases also.

When people are continually lying it's usually because they're trying to hide something.


And I'll leave you with two quotes:

Trump: "Russia if that's you, could you get Clinton's 30'K emails, you would be strongly rewarded by the media."

OBAMA: "I want this Russian investigation done BEFORE I leave office--LOL And you can be assured that Obama didn't turn it over to FBI director James Comey upon leaving office. As he is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

This is going to be very entertaining for quite some time to come.

These leaks are methodical, planned and well timed. Every time one of them lies, a leak shows up outing them for their lies. Trump & company has been outfoxed by Barack Obama.
He has cast a wide net and before it's all done, he's going trap all of them. Which would make any Reich winger paranoid.

I imagine when Democrats take over in 2018, he'll release the Kracken.
Last edited:
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

OMG! A Russian ambassador visiting the WH!! Amazing...I wonder if the Canadian ambassador visited the WH. Then the Chinese. Then the Japanese. Then the Australian.

What do you do for an encore? Post that foreign heads of state visited the WH during Obama's tenure? Unbelievable. Call the FBI!
What was the Russian Ambassador doing in Clev during repub convention AND why hasn't the protector of our country called for investigations into russian involvement in our election process?
. What would you do without the Boogeyman Russians ? Next it will be the Muslims or the illegals or the college kids or lex Luther or the riddler etc.
OBAMA denied Let the moron show proof like he did with his birther bs
. I'm trying hard to interpret your wording here. Part of it I get, but maybe you should look back at the way you word something.
Obama denied trumps claim Trump also claimed obama wasn't a lawful president ,,,Can you not agree he has a screw loose?
. Nah he just listened to that idiotic Clinton campaign who started the birther issue, and thought there was something to it. He needs to becareful listening to alot of talk going on, because there is confusion flying from the left and from the right these days.
This time it was Breibart,,,next FOX his game of divert divert divert is getting old
. Is it diversion or him sitting back in amazement as to how ramped up it all is ? The Democrats just keep on setting new bars in which will be impossible for their own to reach if they keep it up. They know how corrupt they have been, and how corrupt they still are in many cases, but they pick up a rock and throw it anyway ??
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

if true, it was on legitimate business, not to fix an election by colluding with russia.

now go away little loon
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

Did Obama commit perjury denying it?
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

Your knees must be buckling under this, and the Reich wing paranoia is starting to show, and it should be about right now.

We know it's been one lie after another coming out of the Trump circle. 5 times the inter circle has denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season. THAT WAS A LIE.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

And it's been one lie after another ever since. Flynn first.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Sessions second: Sessions actually filled out a form before the confirmation meeting and checked a box that stated he had no contact with any Russians, which is why he is refusing to go back and testify under oath.

We know that not only did they have meetings with the Russian ambassador, but they were also on the phone with Russian intelligence officials and those phone calls were numerous, (especially via Trumps son-in-law) during the same time that the Russians were hacking into DNC databases.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And the biggest liar of all is Donald Trump. Who continually denied the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies. Even at one point stating: "I know people, who know more than they do, and I'll get back to you next week." Of course, he never did. With his son-in--law continually in phone contact with Russian intelligence agents, he also knew during that one debate that it wasn't some 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed that was doing the hacking of DNC databases also.

When people are continually lying it's usually because they're trying to hide something.


And I'll leave you with two quotes:

Trump: "Russia if that's you, could you get Clinton's 30'K emails, you would be strongly rewarded by the media."

OBAMA: "I want this investigation of the Russian hacking done BEFORE I leave office--LOL And you can be assured that Obama didn't turn it over to FBI director James Comey upon leaving office. As he is also under investigation by the DOJ for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

This is going to be very entertaining for quite some time to come.

These leaks are methodical, planned and well timed. Every time one of them lies, a leak shows up outing for them for their lies. YOU'VE BEEN OUTFOXED BY BARACK OBAMA. He has cast a wide net and before it's all done, he's going to get them all.

I imagine when Democrats take over in 2018, he'll release the Kracken.
. Obama will be going to jail... Hillary along with all the cronies to, because the American people are innocent, and they will have the last word in all of this. Get ready, because the Americans are going to be viligent about jail time for everyone of the crooks. Obama couldn't frame the American people, and they will be left smokin mad about how the corrupt were hating on their candidate like they were. If the Dems think they were clean, then they aren't to smart, because those who are clean will be the last ones standing, and justice will prevail.

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