Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?
I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?

the uranium deal never happened ... uranus is talking for your pea brain
I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?

the uranium deal never happened ... uranus is talking for your pea brain
Of course it happened. Hillary doesn't even deny it.
I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?

the uranium deal never happened ... uranus is talking for your pea brain
. So the deal you say didn't profit her, but was 20% of the uranium from America transferred to Russia ?
I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?

the uranium deal never happened ... uranus is talking for your pea brain

Sorry but you are confused Moon Bat. Either confused or in typical Moon Bat denial. It did happen. Just because the lying Crooked Hillary campaign spun it as if it didn't happen doesn't change the reality. Crooked Hillary sold government influence and then had the money deposited in her money laundering foundation. The uranium deal with the Russians was just one of many. She helped to engineer the deal and the Russians gave her scam foundation millions and Slick Willy $600K for a stupid speech. Sweet deal, huh? That is how the Clintons went from "being dead broke and in debt" to being filthy rich while she was Secretary of State.

Crooked Hillary is a dishonest corrupt piece of shit. You Moon Bats were idiots voting for her. Good thing you lost or else that filthy ass bitch would be President now and we all would be facing another four years of a major disaster.
I wonder how many of those 22 visits were to help facilitate that sweet uranium deal for Crooked Hillary that resulted in millions being given by the Russians to the Clinton money laundering foundation?

the uranium deal never happened ... uranus is talking for your pea brain
. So the deal you say didn't profit her, but was 20% of the uranium from America transferred to Russia ?

Correct. The Russian gave millions to the Clinton money laundering foundation and gave Slick Willy $600K for a speech.

The Russians got the uranium.

Case closed.
For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases." The Kremlin was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer.

the author of Clinton Cash Peter Schweizer himself admitted that he doesn’t have "direct evidence" proving Clinton played a part.

poor ignorant Trumpbots, soooooooooooooooo fucking DUMB.
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Of course there have always been legitimate reasons to meet with the Russians. The difference is that Trump's campaign secretly did it while Russia was hacking our elections to help Trump, and then his campaign members lied about it.
. You have proof of this hacking ?

I don't need proof. All 17 of our security agencies say they have proof. I figure they know more than you and me put together.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
. Did Obama and his corrupt team use the intelligence agencies to try and undermine the incoming administration ?? If he has done this, and has basically turned the U.S. intel agencies into internal spy agencies, and he did this so it would work to try to undermine the new President and his team, was this legal ??

Did Obama conseal Intelligence information that is to be leaked out by his surrogates in a drip, drip, drip Jullian Assange fashion in order to avenge Hillary ???? Did Obama corrupt the U.S. intelligence for a personal vendetta against the election results, and to get back at all whom he figured was critical of his style of politics, his corrupt dealings in the world, and is Hillary involved in this with him as well ???

Should Obama be brought in on charges along with Hillary for corrupting the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in order to destroy the next administration whom was critical of his style of leadership, and wanted to correct the problems created by Obama's style of leadership, and his blunders in foriegn policy issues ? Now I think a real investigation should start, and they should immediately bring in Obama, Hillary, and all people involved in this situation for questioning. The investigation should start by finding out why the Democrats were so dammed sure that corrupt Hillary had the win in the bag, and who in the media was involved in helping her corruptly steal an election possibly ? This explains everything when looking at the bigger picture now maybe.

Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.
Even your Obama said there is no there there...just you ignorant plantation dwellers are left holding onto that fake news.....

Of course there have always been legitimate reasons to meet with the Russians. The difference is that Trump's campaign secretly did it while Russia was hacking our elections to help Trump, and then his campaign members lied about it.

Or Obama was colluding with the Russians to hack the DNC and get dirt on Hillary. We all know how much the Obamas and Clintons hate each other. Clinton blackmailed Obama in order to keep Biden from running, Obama wanted to get her back, so he did it through the Russians. After all the Russians owed Obama a favor, after he became "more flexible" and allowed them to take Crimea.

Yep. That's nuts too.

Is it? It's more plausible than your story.

No it's not.
The Trump haters are starting to understand just how absurd their witch hunt is getting. Polls show the American people aren't buying it.

It seems that the Trump haters have more brains than Trump supporters.

Their goal was to prevent any rapprochement between the USA and Russia, their goal was to prevent Trump from having good relations with Russia, and it seems that they have achieved their goal.

Now Trump accuses other politicians about "ties to Russia" and "McCartism", as if ties to Russia were something inappropriate.

Instead of calling his enemies "Commies", he is calling them "Nazis".

How stupid of Trump and his supporters to play the "Nazi" or "Fried of Russians" card!
Of course there have always been legitimate reasons to meet with the Russians. The difference is that Trump's campaign secretly did it while Russia was hacking our elections to help Trump, and then his campaign members lied about it.
. You have proof of this hacking ?

I don't need proof. All 17 of our security agencies say they have proof. I figure they know more than you and me put together.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
. Did Obama and his corrupt team use the intelligence agencies to try and undermine the incoming administration ?? If he has done this, and has basically turned the U.S. intel agencies into internal spy agencies, and he did this so it would work to try to undermine the new President and his team, was this legal ??

Did Obama conseal Intelligence information that is to be leaked out by his surrogates in a drip, drip, drip Jullian Assange fashion in order to avenge Hillary ???? Did Obama corrupt the U.S. intelligence for a personal vendetta against the election results, and to get back at all whom he figured was critical of his style of politics, his corrupt dealings in the world, and is Hillary involved in this with him as well ???

Should Obama be brought in on charges along with Hillary for corrupting the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in order to destroy the next administration whom was critical of his style of leadership, and wanted to correct the problems created by Obama's style of leadership, and his blunders in foriegn policy issues ? Now I think a real investigation should start, and they should immediately bring in Obama, Hillary, and all people involved in this situation for questioning. The investigation should start by finding out why the Democrats were so dammed sure that corrupt Hillary had the win in the bag, and who in the media was involved in helping her corruptly steal an election possibly ? This explains everything when looking at the bigger picture now maybe.

Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.

That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.
This is getting to be hilarious. These douche bags are going to wish they never opened this can of worms. When are they going to start calling Obama a traitor?

Sergey Kislyak appeared in the White House visitor logs dozens of times when Barack Obama was in office.

The visitor logs, which Obama made public in 2009 in a push for transparency, show that the long-time Russian ambassador to the United States visited the White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016.

Kislyak appeared in the logs as recently as September 2016 when he had a meeting scheduled with one of Obama’s senior advisers, John Holdren, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The other visitors listed at the meeting are Marina W. Gross, Alexander Ermolaev, Alexey Lopatin, Vyacheslav Balakirev and Sergey Sarazhinskiy. Though the appointment was scheduled to begin at 12:00 pm, it does not include an end time.

Kislyak was also listed on the logs in July 2016, March 2016, January 2016, August 2015, April 2014, February 2014, May 2013, February 2013, November 2012, December 2011, July 2011, December 2010, October 2010, May 2010, April 2010, February 2010, March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009.

This whole Russian Ambassador thing is nothing more than a load of BS! The democrats need to get over losing the election and get to work on fixing problems!
. You have proof of this hacking ?

I don't need proof. All 17 of our security agencies say they have proof. I figure they know more than you and me put together.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
. Did Obama and his corrupt team use the intelligence agencies to try and undermine the incoming administration ?? If he has done this, and has basically turned the U.S. intel agencies into internal spy agencies, and he did this so it would work to try to undermine the new President and his team, was this legal ??

Did Obama conseal Intelligence information that is to be leaked out by his surrogates in a drip, drip, drip Jullian Assange fashion in order to avenge Hillary ???? Did Obama corrupt the U.S. intelligence for a personal vendetta against the election results, and to get back at all whom he figured was critical of his style of politics, his corrupt dealings in the world, and is Hillary involved in this with him as well ???

Should Obama be brought in on charges along with Hillary for corrupting the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in order to destroy the next administration whom was critical of his style of leadership, and wanted to correct the problems created by Obama's style of leadership, and his blunders in foriegn policy issues ? Now I think a real investigation should start, and they should immediately bring in Obama, Hillary, and all people involved in this situation for questioning. The investigation should start by finding out why the Democrats were so dammed sure that corrupt Hillary had the win in the bag, and who in the media was involved in helping her corruptly steal an election possibly ? This explains everything when looking at the bigger picture now maybe.

Don't be silly. He took steps so it wouldn't be easy for Trump to make evidence of his collusion with Russia to be hidden. Trump's people already tried to get the FBI to lie and say there was nothing to the Russian connection.

That part is irrelevant. Bugging Trump's headquarters is a clear violation of the Constitution and blatantly corrupt.

Floundering around and grabbing at straws, aren't you? Trump is a traitor. Admit it.

they all are, they're Russian loving bitches what else can you expect.
WOW! 22 visits from the Russian Ambassador!

And NONE of these meetings were hidden or denied or lied about and ALL OF THEM out in the open!!!!!!

While ALL of the Trump campaigner's meetings were lied about, and done in secret....
No they weren't.
Huh? What do you mean?

If Pres Trump told us all MULTIPLE times that he and his campaign have NEVER met with the Russians, all meetings he and his team has had with the Russians were lied about, because there is suppose to be NONE.
Again, the question was whether there were any meetings about the 2016 election. They said "no". If the Democrats have evidence otherwise they should produce it instead of just accusing them of lying. Dems have been doing this since Trump won the election. Accuse, accuse, accuse, but produce no proof or evidence. It's all done to make you think Trump is corrupt. You're supposed to conclude where there's smoke, there's fire, and there isn't even any smoke. You're just told there is.
WOW! 22 visits from the Russian Ambassador!

And NONE of these meetings were hidden or denied or lied about and ALL OF THEM out in the open!!!!!!

While ALL of the Trump campaigner's meetings were lied about, and done in secret....
No they weren't.
Huh? What do you mean?

If Pres Trump told us all MULTIPLE times that he and his campaign have NEVER met with the Russians, all meetings he and his team has had with the Russians were lied about, because there is suppose to be NONE.
Again, the question was whether there were any meetings about the 2016 election. They said "no". If the Democrats have evidence otherwise they should produce it instead of just accusing them of lying. Dems have been doing this since Trump won the election. Accuse, accuse, accuse, but produce no proof or evidence. It's all done to make you think Trump is corrupt. You're supposed to conclude where there's smoke, there's fire, and there isn't even any smoke. You're just told there is.

again, nobody actually knows what the fuck Sessions said except what he tells you he said, and he's on record with "I dont recall"

its Trump Cartel horseshit.

The End.
again, nobody actually knows what the fuck Sessions said except what he tells you he said, and he's on record with "I dont recall"
Thank you. Now, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and the accuser has no proof. Case closed.
again, nobody actually knows what the fuck Sessions said except what he tells you he said, and he's on record with "I dont recall"
Thank you. Now, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and the accuser has no proof. Case closed.


DA .. Mr Sessions did you meet with the Russians.

Sessions .. no

DA .. did you say anything about the Trump campaign

Sessions ... no

DA ... what did you say to them

Sessions .. I dont recall

DA ... you just said you didnt meet with the Russians but you admit you dont recall what you said to the Russians. Mr Session, you're lying.

The Trump haters are starting to understand just how absurd their witch hunt is getting. Polls show the American people aren't buying it.

It seems that the Trump haters have more brains than Trump supporters.

Their goal was to prevent any rapprochement between the USA and Russia, their goal was to prevent Trump from having good relations with Russia, and it seems that they have achieved their goal.

Now Trump accuses other politicians about "ties to Russia" and "McCartism", as if ties to Russia were something inappropriate.

Instead of calling his enemies "Commies", he is calling them "Nazis".

How stupid of Trump and his supporters to play the "Nazi" or "Fried of Russians" card!
. Not smart, but rather they are devious demons straight out of hell is what they are. You can't win because they will start something, and then set it up to where there is no answer for it no matter which way one goes with it.
again, nobody actually knows what the fuck Sessions said except what he tells you he said, and he's on record with "I dont recall"
Thank you. Now, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and the accuser has no proof. Case closed.


DA .. Mr Sessions did you meet with the Russians.

Sessions .. no

DA .. did you say anything about the Trump campaign

Sessions ... no

DA ... what did you say to them

Sessions .. I dont recall

DA ... you just said you didnt meet with the Russians but you admit you dont recall what you said to the Russians. Mr Session, you're lying.

Let me know when you emerge from your fantasy.

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