Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks

"may have been"

Typical lies and fake outrage from the libtardos.

There is no may have been about it.

Russia has already altered emails. One of which trump read as if it was true.

Link the proof of such....we'll wait

If you had clicked the links provided in the OP you would have seen such proof.

Since you didn't read the one in the original post there's no reason for me to believe you'll read it if I post it.

I did, they are basing this on ONE leaked document containing a hyperlink error message that could have been due to translation.

Hardly proof of anything.....that and it's Daily Kook..good grief
Right, but you'll believe whatever is put out there by wikileaks --- fed to them by pedophile assange, that was illegally obtained by who the fuck knows who --- as if it is gospel, because it fits into you partisan hack agenda. Pathetic.

Oh so Assange is a pedophile now too?

Bwahahahahahaha! I hadn't heard that fabrication before.
Actually the most frightening issue of the 30,000 emails that were bleachbit by techs that were given immunity and still pled the 5th is that they have been hacked and are not being released, because they are more valuable to be used as blackmail material against a sitting president. Oh never mind, we all know that the Clintons would never put their personal interests before the country. LOL!
The really scary thing is that Putin and Assange may release some really, really FAKE emails right before the election - which wouldn't give media and fact-checkers enough time to debunk them. That's scary...
The Israeli owned "US media" is ignoring all of this, because they want Hillary to win, for the same reason they will never show us the video of the "plane" hitting the Pentagon on 911, nor will they allow the question "Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other..."
The really scary thing is that Putin and Assange may release some really, really FAKE emails right before the election - which wouldn't give media and fact-checkers enough time to debunk them. That's scary...
Run back to your wigwam scared little squaw.
When you've been exposed as being completely fraudulent, as the DNC has been, you have to come up with something -- anything -- to "explain away" that corruption. This is their something, and it's quite weak. I certainly don't buy it, and I doubt many on the fence do, either.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer just announced a few minutes ago that a Russian newspaper published Clinton emails BEFORE Wikileaks.
Instead of fighting Assange about releasing the material, it should be pointed out that not only is Assange using the Wikileaks platform in a personal vendetta against Hillary Clinton, he’s doing so with information that may have been altered and is therefore not trustworthy. First rule of real journalism: Make sure your sources can be trusted.

More: Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks

Democrats' new warning: Leaks could include Russian lies - Politico

Trump appears to have read an email doctored by Russian media

In other words, there is no way to verify that these emails have not been altered or doctored to support Putin and Assange's political agenda to influence the upcoming U.S. General Election for president against Hillary Clinton.

Anything to muddy the waters, right? Maybe Podesta should release all his email so we can compare them. Otherwise we have to assume they're accurate.
CNN is still talking about Russia using Wikileaks as a "launch vehicle".

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