Russian Movements in Crimea


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Got this infographic from Bring the heat, bring the stupid blog @ CRIMEA | Bring the heat, Bring the Stupid

And then comes this – HOUSE INTEL CHIEF: 'Putin Is Playing Chess, And We're Playing Marbles @ Mike Rogers: Putin Outsmarting Obama On Ukraine - Business Insider :mad:
It seems like the crisis has brought China and Russia much closer.


The crisis in Ukraine has strengthened Russia's strategic partnership with China, says Vassily Kashin from the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, according to Vedomosti, a Russian-language business daily.

China is currently the only nation on the UN Security Council to retain cordial relations with Russia after the latter moved its troops into Crimea, said Kashin. Even if the United States and other NATO countries do not impose sanctions against Russia, it will be very difficult for Moscow to continue normal economic relations with Western countries.

As Japan may become the only nation of the Group of Eight which will still seek cooperation with Russia, China's position as one of Russia's only trusted allies can be strengthened. Russia will seek to speed up its negotiations with China regarding both military and economic cooperation pacts, Kashin said, specifically suggesting that Moscow should sign contracts on the provision of natural gas and the sale of the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter to China before President Vladimir Putin embarks on a visit to Beijing in May.

To demonstrate Russia's sincerity towards China, Kashin believes that the advanced Su-35 fighters may be turned over to China earlier than expected. Russia may also launch more joint military exercises and even expand its military relationship with China, according to Kashin, who told Vedomosti that China may become the only beneficiary of the Ukraine crisis.

Ukraine crisis strengthens China's partnership with Russia?Politics?News?
Strength seeks strength. And weakness finds isolation.
Strength seeks strength. And weakness finds isolation.

And Commie 'run em over with tanks' buddies always stick together.

Boycott all things "China' and Russia"!

Buy 'made in America' or made anywhere but China and Russia.
Don't travel there, pretend they both don't exist.

You don't really need anything made in China or Russia.
You really don't need to travel there either.
So much emotions and no understanding on what is going on in Ukraine and what is Russia today.

Ukranian government (legally elected) was droven away by forces of terroristic nationalistic organisation...100 were killed by them (not by government!).
And this new government US considers to be legal.

People in Crimea who didn't want those terrorist to come and kill them (as they are russians, not ukranians) ask Russia to help. Russia doesn't help by troops but equipes crimeans so that they could protect themselves. Russian troops are legally based in Crimea since 1991 and they stay in their bases, ready to start any actions if needed, other russian military forces are near the ukranian any case. Quite like it was in 2008 near Georgia when Saakashvili started to bomb civil town Tskhinvali and russian army entered Georgia to save people.

In Kiev 100men were killed, several buildings were burnt, government was illegally changed...armed rebel still stay in Maidan.
In Crimea 0 killed and government is the same as it was before. Some changes were done by electing. People are happy as they feel safe.

So, which do you like more?
So much emotions and no understanding on what is going on in Ukraine and what is Russia today.

Ukranian government (legally elected) was droven away by forces of terroristic nationalistic organisation...100 were killed by them (not by government!).
And this new government US considers to be legal.

People in Crimea who didn't want those terrorist to come and kill them (as they are russians, not ukranians) ask Russia to help. Russia doesn't help by troops but equipes crimeans so that they could protect themselves. Russian troops are legally based in Crimea since 1991 and they stay in their bases, ready to start any actions if needed, other russian military forces are near the ukranian any case. Quite like it was in 2008 near Georgia when Saakashvili started to bomb civil town Tskhinvali and russian army entered Georgia to save people.

In Kiev 100men were killed, several buildings were burnt, government was illegally changed...armed rebel still stay in Maidan.
In Crimea 0 killed and government is the same as it was before. Some changes were done by electing. People are happy as they feel safe.

So, which do you like more?

A democratically elected Ukrainian Parliament impeached Yanukovych, who is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history.

Putin and Yanukovych had a design for the Ukraine that was disrupted by the protests in Kiev. This is a more accurate description of the situation from February 2014:

"Seen in this light, recent events in Ukraine look like a manifestation of Russia’s weakness, rather than of its strength. Mr Yanukovych’s repressive, corrupt government is drifting ever closer to Mr Putin’s, which it increasingly resembles; but many Ukrainians do not want to go any farther down that road. That is one of the reasons why Ukraine matters so much to Mr Putin. It is not just that without it, his vaunted Eurasian Union—a sort of Soviet Union-lite—would lose its point: it is also that, if Ukrainians succeed in rejecting the Putin-Yanukovych model, and set their country back on a democratic European path, they might inspire Russians to do the same"

Russia and the world: The triumph of Vladimir Putin | The Economist

Putin may already be headed for trouble at home. This happened in Moscow today:

“This was one of the biggest anti-government demonstrations in Moscow for two years, with tens of thousands of protestors marching from Pushkin Square to a broad avenue nearby for a rally. Unusually the government granted permission for the demonstration to take place and for up to 50,000 people to take part.”

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Moscow rally opposes Crimea intervention

Crimea is supposed to hold a referendum soon on whether or not to become part of Russia. See Crimea sets referendum on joining Russia
There is still military conscription in Russia, while the Ukraine has an all volunteer military. If the Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, its young people would be subject to conscription into the Russian army. That to me sounds like a good enough reason for a Crimean, even one of Russian ancestry, to reject annexation by Russia in the upcoming referendum.

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As I always say, WWIII is inevitable at some point.

It seems like Russians had enough with NATO. Reported killings of Russians in Kiev and now Donetsk is fueling lots of anger among Russians. Probability of nuclear exchange will increase if Russian and US military come face to face.
Russian propaganda is still king. Seems that the Tartars in Crimea are also pushing to join Russia...............................oops, my bad. Seems quite the opposite. Funny they don't seem to believe the neo-Nazi propaganda that the Russians are selling:

"But Mr. Khamzin said the Crimean Tatars were still opposed to any return to Russian rule. “Ukraine is closer to us because it has also suffered from the Tsars and under the Soviets. We want to build a country together with Ukraine.”"

Globe in Crimea: Tatars reject Russian rule despite Putin?s courting - The Globe and Mail

Too funny.

A democratically elected Ukrainian Parliament impeached Yanukovych, who is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history.
Ukrainian parliament was not reelected, it just sent away those members who are not agree with rebels. You call it legal? US&EU government does.
I do not try say Yanukovich is good but he is still legal.

Putin and Yanukovych had a design for the Ukraine that was disrupted by the protests in Kiev.
You are mistaken in:
- Yanukovich was not Putin's puppet. He ran from Russia to EU asking for more money. He was not pro-russian, he just was not pro-western like Yuschenko before. That's why you cannot say that "Putin had a design...";
- that was not protesting people who disrupted Yanukovich's power, but well trained, highly organised and armed groups of nationalists.

Regarding to the rest in your post,
You beleive that people in Ukraine did not want to fall dawn to the level of Russia. I am ukranian, live both in Kiev and Vladivostok (Russia). I often travel to Europe and Asia. And I can say for certain in Russia life is more comfortable than in Ukraine - less corruption, old people get pensions paid by state 2 or even more times higher than in Ukraine, easier to manage business, taxes are less... That's why crimean people wish to be a part of Russia, stabile in political and economical matters.
Why Eurasian Union is the USSR-lite? Why the EU is economical integration but Eurasion Union is rebuilding of new terrible Russian Empire?
What is democratic path? Can you show me democracy in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Lybia, Egypt...? US brought it to them, gave a great present...what is the result?

I often hear that there is no freedom in Russia?
What do you mean freedom? What I must have and I do not have now? Tell me please.
There are, I am informed, more people who identify themselves as RUSSIANS, than Ukrainians in CRIMEA.

Given that ethnically Ukrainians and Russians are essentially the same people, this entire thing looks to me to be nothing more than a squabble of the MASTERS.
Putin may already be headed for trouble at home. This happened in Moscow today:

“This was one of the biggest anti-government demonstrations in Moscow for two years, with tens of thousands of protestors marching from Pushkin Square to a broad avenue nearby for a rally. Unusually the government granted permission for the demonstration to take place and for up to 50,000 people to take part.”

What kind of trouble?
It is ordinary action. They wanted to express their feeling by marching and they did it.
Government always gives permission for demonstrations but not in any place. Each time when so called opposition leaders say to western press that they were not allowed to march it means that they did not wanted to march in permitted places.
I guess in US the situation is the same. Remember Occupy Wall Street?

As for that demonstration - people are really afraid to face world conflict. They know that aggressive west is right behind the door and they know that russian authority will never surrender. You, west, step away from us and everything will be safe and calm.
Crimea is supposed to hold a referendum soon on whether or not to become part of Russia.

There is still military conscription in Russia, while the Ukraine has an all volunteer military. If the Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, its young people would be subject to conscription into the Russian army. That to me sounds like a good enough reason for a Crimean, even one of Russian ancestry, to reject annexation by Russia in the upcoming referendum.

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Well, Israel has total conscription - everybody serve in, women... And what?
In Russia young fellows from 18 to 27 must serve for a year. But most of them are not conscripted as they become students of higher education, or have any health problems, or if they have small child...
Army becomes a very good school for many, it sometimes saves from criminal way of living.
I do not see why should we be afraid of it.
Russian propaganda is still king. Seems that the Tartars in Crimea are also pushing to join Russia...............................oops, my bad. Seems quite the opposite. Funny they don't seem to believe the neo-Nazi propaganda that the Russians are selling:

"But Mr. Khamzin said the Crimean Tatars were still opposed to any return to Russian rule. “Ukraine is closer to us because it has also suffered from the Tsars and under the Soviets. We want to build a country together with Ukraine.”"

Too funny.

In fact, US is a king of propaganda.
US propaganda works in Ukraine since 1990.
Most media are controlled by US, books on history for schools are written by US, a lot of so called non commercial organizations work there, teaching democracy, etc.

US media often lies. Ukraine today - mostly not true or only those sides are shown that are approved to be shown.
The brightest example of wester news' lie is Georgia 2008. Almost every of you is sure that it was russian agression agains Georgia but several international investigations proved that Saakashvili started fire against civil city Tskhinvali and only day after that russian army entered and saved them. That case is a shame of UN, US, EU! Nobody tried to save civilians dying but all of them blamed Russia as aggressor.
Check it in wikipedia, for example..
Eugene, Thank You. I know people who travel between the US and Russia all the time. I hear the same thing from them.

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