Russian platoon surrenders to Ukranian military

Doc7505 is a Putin Sympathizer!
Typical accusation of a Maoist Commie.
I took an oath decades ago to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.
I have not faltered nor will I in my love for this country, my liberty and freedom granted to me by God and the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.
Even at my age I am prepared to give my life for the freedoms this country has given me.
Are you?
You have to be a special kind of self-hating, insecure bootlicking cuck to say some goofy shit like this...

But this is par for the course for people like Dinesh.....they'll do whatever they can to get that pat on the head from white authoritarian fascists

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