Russian platoon surrenders to Ukranian military

Biff_Poindexter That's another thing--you riot when you don't get the verdicts you want = nazi Brownshirts. You just added proof to my point. You commit violence when you don't get your way = just like children and animals
By the way, I also never invaded a sovereign country because that country didn't do what I wanted them to do...

However, you are cheerleading people who did just that -- but what were you saying about children and animals, dick sucker?

Ukrainian Man Tries To Stop Moscow Military Convoy With His Bare Hands​

Now that's what people who love and are loyal to their country and freedom do. They don't sell out their country for ideological reasons as we have seen here in America
Perhaps you can thank the weakness of your Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie president.
Biden did not stand before the world and proclaim Putin is telling the truth while US Intel is wrong.

Maybe Putin is not the "genius" or as "savvy" and trump and plump pompeo claims. They are feeding RT and the Kremlin with their treasonous admiration of the murderer....putin.
Seems Trump was right to castigate Germany and other NATO members for not paying their share and building NATO forces. While your idol Joey Xi Bai Dung has shown his incompetence, weakness and bad decision making every day.
Biden did not stand before the world and proclaim Putin is telling the truth while US Intel is wrong.

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Big hairy deal, what, did you think that the Russians were not going to take initial casualties?

More to the point do you think they will care? The Ukraine of yesterday is gone, get used to that fact.

I just hope Putin realizes his goals before more on both sides are killed/wounded and Biden wrecks our economy for good and all.
Does Putin really think he can establish a puppet government in Ukraine that lasts? No, Ukraine will be free again. It may take some time, but they will be out from under putin's bloody thumb one day....even if they do fall in the coming days. As powerful as the Russian army is, the Ukrainians are standing up to them and it is taking a big toll on the Russian invaders.
Maybe Putin is not the "genius" or as "savvy" and trump and plump pompeo claims. They are feeding RT and the Kremlin with their treasonous admiration of the murderer....putin.

again, why bring Trump and Pompeo into the conversation at all?

Thay aren't involved in this Ukraine mess.

(except in your tiny, partisan mind.)

Why not discuss the great job Biden is doing instead?
again, why bring Trump and Pompeo into the conversation at all?

Thay aren't involved in this Ukraine mess.

(except in your tiny, partisan mind.)

Why not discuss the great job Biden is doing instead?
They are feeding RT and the Kremlin...providing "aid and comfort" to our enemy. AND VOTERS WILL NOT FORGET!
View attachment 606182
(Google translate) A whole reconnaissance platoon of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade surrendered near Chernihiv.

Moscow horde is losing war in Ukraine , pictures, videos the regular updates

didn't Trump send them weapons?


I have a relative whom I thought was conservative but for some reason he likes Putin... go figure..

I can't figure..
Does Putin really think he can establish a puppet government in Ukraine that lasts? No, Ukraine will be free again. It may take some time, but they will be out from under putin's bloody thumb one day....even if they do fall in the coming days. As powerful as the Russian army is, the Ukrainians are standing up to them and it is taking a big toll on the Russian invaders.
Not if Joey Xi Bai Dung has anything to do with it.
He's sold the Ukraine down the river just as he's done to America for his 30 pieces of silver.
Oh, they are very much Nazis....

Putin and the reactionary right-wingers on this message board told me so....

Must be true....

Or, Putin can just be lying about Ukraine being a government controlled by Nazis as a "savvy" way to invade.....

You should brush up on your right-wing talking points if you aren't aware that Ukraine are Nazis now

Nazi's with a Jewish leader? That's a new one on me.

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