Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg to miss second week on court

That would be in the american character and values system.

No. Then you are talking about sticking a leg out and tripping the old bitty, then stepping on her as you run over her at the bottom of the steps to go get a stretcher. OUT with the damn hag!

Ironic how the same element that was perfectly content to leave a seat vacant when its sitter was dead and a replacement named, now froths at the mouth to kill one off so they can name a replacement.

Having it both ways: Priceless
Ginsburg had her chance. But she was so sure that Clinton was going to win that they let it riide.

She was an octagenarian, so she has an excuse, but you?

Me? I'm consistent.
Maybe that's why I notice those who aren't.
No one cares about you. Seriously. I only take you as my equal when we're discussing the Phillies. Elsewhere, you're a-dime-a-dozen.
What anonymous chat board poster isn't? Get over yaselph.
That would be in the american character and values system.

No. Then you are talking about sticking a leg out and tripping the old bitty, then stepping on her as you run over her at the bottom of the steps to go get a stretcher. OUT with the damn hag!

Ironic how the same element that was perfectly content to leave a seat vacant when its sitter was dead and a replacement named, now froths at the mouth to kill one off so they can name a replacement.

Having it both ways: Priceless
Ginsburg had her chance. But she was so sure that Clinton was going to win that they let it riide.

She was an octagenarian, so she has an excuse, but you?

Me? I'm consistent.
Maybe that's why I notice those who aren't.
No one cares about you. Seriously. I only take you as my equal when we're discussing the Phillies. Elsewhere, you're a-dime-a-dozen.

You asked the question, you got the answer. Now you wanna complain that you asked the question.

Fly Iggles fly.
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Someone better get word to her that she answers to you.

Nothing in my post implied that I thought of myself as some sort of Authority that Ginsberg had to answer to.

If you really saw that, you are letting your partisan bile warp your perceptions.
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Still got a job as a manservant?

That makes no sense at all, what you just said.

ONe does not have to be a "manservant" to see that someone if too fucking old to be working, and should be spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Someone better get word to her that she answers to you.

Nothing in my post implied that I thought of myself as some sort of Authority that Ginsberg had to answer to.

If you really saw that, you are letting your partisan bile warp your perceptions.

On the contrary, you implied it so strongly I was expecting you to post the document that gave you her Power of Attorney.

Such as here:

It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
You don’t recall? How convenient LOL.

“Scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and other ailments, according to a letter from his Supreme Court doctor.”
..ailments including "sleep apnea, degenerative joint disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and high blood pressure,"

New details about discovery of Scalia's body, his many health issues released

LOL!!!! Suffering from obesity, is not normally the type of thing that makes one want to stop working and plan on how to spend one's last precious days.
No. Then you are talking about sticking a leg out and tripping the old bitty, then stepping on her as you run over her at the bottom of the steps to go get a stretcher. OUT with the damn hag!

Ironic how the same element that was perfectly content to leave a seat vacant when its sitter was dead and a replacement named, now froths at the mouth to kill one off so they can name a replacement.

Having it both ways: Priceless
Ginsburg had her chance. But she was so sure that Clinton was going to win that they let it riide.

She was an octagenarian, so she has an excuse, but you?

Me? I'm consistent.
Maybe that's why I notice those who aren't.
No one cares about you. Seriously. I only take you as my equal when we're discussing the Phillies. Elsewhere, you're a-dime-a-dozen.

You asked the question, you got the answer. Now you wanna complain that you asked the question.

Fly Iggles fly.
No, I'm just saying that you're an idiot, but at least you have some knowledge of baseball. So, what's going tto happenn with Herrera, Herrnandez, Franco and Kingery?
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
You don’t recall? How convenient LOL.

“Scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and other ailments, according to a letter from his Supreme Court doctor.”
..ailments including "sleep apnea, degenerative joint disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and high blood pressure,"

New details about discovery of Scalia's body, his many health issues released

LOL!!!! Suffering from obesity, is not normally the type of thing that makes one want to stop working and plan on how to spend one's last precious days.
Is Obesity the only medical term you understood?
Should be OK for a judge to get sick & miss work. was there a point you wanted to make? guess missed it, unless you just wanted to add a spoon full of hate to the pot.
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Someone better get word to her that she answers to you.

Nothing in my post implied that I thought of myself as some sort of Authority that Ginsberg had to answer to.

If you really saw that, you are letting your partisan bile warp your perceptions.

On the contrary, you implied it so strongly I was expecting you to post the document that gave you her Power of Attorney.

Such as here:

It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.

Wow. LOL. I was giving my opinion. What in there implied that she would be answering to me?

Do you mind if I start calling you Crazy Cra Cra, McCrazy?
It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
You don’t recall? How convenient LOL.

“Scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and other ailments, according to a letter from his Supreme Court doctor.”
..ailments including "sleep apnea, degenerative joint disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and high blood pressure,"

New details about discovery of Scalia's body, his many health issues released

LOL!!!! Suffering from obesity, is not normally the type of thing that makes one want to stop working and plan on how to spend one's last precious days.
Is Obesity the only medical term you understood?

Nope. But it was the most obvious point that obviously not serious.

Similar points could be made about sleep apnea, cad, degenerative joint disease, and COPD.
No further treatment, but it's time to give it up Ruthy.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from a cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.
  • But Ginsburg's recovery is on track, there is no evidence of remaining cancer in her body, and no further treatment is planned.
  • Ginsburg will continue to participate in the cases on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of oral arguments.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
I have a bombshell for you.

Justice Ginsburg Has No Remaining Signs Of Cancer, Will Return To Supreme Court

Ginsburg fans can rest a bit easier with the news; doctors say that her odds of long-term survival are in the neighborhood of 80 percent.
Did Scalia not work until his end?
Call of Duty seems to work for those dedicated to their jobs.

I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Someone better get word to her that she answers to you.

Nothing in my post implied that I thought of myself as some sort of Authority that Ginsberg had to answer to.

If you really saw that, you are letting your partisan bile warp your perceptions.

On the contrary, you implied it so strongly I was expecting you to post the document that gave you her Power of Attorney.

Such as here:

It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.

Wow. LOL. I was giving my opinion. What in there implied that she would be answering to me?

Oh I guess it was the way that opinion consists of telling people you don't know how they "should" be running their lives.
No further treatment, but it's time to give it up Ruthy.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from a cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.
  • But Ginsburg's recovery is on track, there is no evidence of remaining cancer in her body, and no further treatment is planned.
  • Ginsburg will continue to participate in the cases on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of oral arguments.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
I have a bombshell for you.

Justice Ginsburg Has No Remaining Signs Of Cancer, Will Return To Supreme Court

Ginsburg fans can rest a bit easier with the news; doctors say that her odds of long-term survival are in the neighborhood of 80 percent.

No way she is going to make to 2024.

She should retire now, and enjoy some retirement before the End.
Ironic how the same element that was perfectly content to leave a seat vacant when its sitter was dead and a replacement named, now froths at the mouth to kill one off so they can name a replacement.

Having it both ways: Priceless
Ginsburg had her chance. But she was so sure that Clinton was going to win that they let it riide.

She was an octagenarian, so she has an excuse, but you?

Me? I'm consistent.
Maybe that's why I notice those who aren't.
No one cares about you. Seriously. I only take you as my equal when we're discussing the Phillies. Elsewhere, you're a-dime-a-dozen.

You asked the question, you got the answer. Now you wanna complain that you asked the question.

Fly Iggles fly.
No, I'm just saying that you're an idiot, but at least you have some knowledge of baseball. So, what's going tto happenn with Herrera, Herrnandez, Franco and Kingery?

Good questions but not for this topic. If it were I'd have to say #2 and #4 are a bottleneck, they need to move on from César and let Kingery play his position, course that means you need a leadoff hitter but hello Jean Segura. I'm a Franco fan and I hope he's still there but if they sign Manny that may force a page turn, and the outfield will figure out itself as it always does. The real question is why are there so many second basemen. I hated that position.
No further treatment, but it's time to give it up Ruthy.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from a cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.
  • But Ginsburg's recovery is on track, there is no evidence of remaining cancer in her body, and no further treatment is planned.
  • Ginsburg will continue to participate in the cases on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of oral arguments.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
I have a bombshell for you.

Justice Ginsburg Has No Remaining Signs Of Cancer, Will Return To Supreme Court

Ginsburg fans can rest a bit easier with the news; doctors say that her odds of long-term survival are in the neighborhood of 80 percent.

No way she is going to make to 2024.
Neither is Trump.
No further treatment, but it's time to give it up Ruthy.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from a cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.
  • But Ginsburg's recovery is on track, there is no evidence of remaining cancer in her body, and no further treatment is planned.
  • Ginsburg will continue to participate in the cases on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of oral arguments.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned
I have a bombshell for you.

Justice Ginsburg Has No Remaining Signs Of Cancer, Will Return To Supreme Court

Ginsburg fans can rest a bit easier with the news; doctors say that her odds of long-term survival are in the neighborhood of 80 percent.

No way she is going to make to 2024.

She should retire now, and enjoy some retirement before the End.

See what I mean? You just did it again.
I don't recall him being so obviously ill and frail and sad.
Someone better get word to her that she answers to you.

Nothing in my post implied that I thought of myself as some sort of Authority that Ginsberg had to answer to.

If you really saw that, you are letting your partisan bile warp your perceptions.

On the contrary, you implied it so strongly I was expecting you to post the document that gave you her Power of Attorney.

Such as here:

It is her own hate that is making her hold on to her job, when she should be retired and spending more time with her family and any remaining friends.

Wow. LOL. I was giving my opinion. What in there implied that she would be answering to me?

Oh I guess it was the way that opinion consists of telling people you don't know how they "should" be running their lives.

Wow. That's utterly insane of you.

People do that all the time, without ANYONE thinking that that means they have some type of Authority or power over them.

It is quite insane of you to pretend to not know this.

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