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Sabra and Shatila: 30 Years Ago Today

try again IDIOT In fact I never stated that the poison nail bomb was SPECIFICALLY designed to knock out a specific organ-----I, CORRECTLY, stated----that ----the poison nail bombs islamo nazi pigs like you love ---HAPPENS TO, LIKE ALL INSTRUMENTS AND WEAPONS have a "best function" which to the delight of islamo nazi pigs like you----happens to have turned out to be KNOCKING THE BRAINS OUT OF LITTLE CHILDREN for the glory of islam, allah, and muhummad. One of the frying pans I own-----happens to be BEST FOR OMELETTES Air guns do a good job on BIRDS Cotton cloth is best for UNDERWEAR


You never mentioned when that had ever happened.
when what ever happened? your favorite murder of children? when you next lick the ass of a baby murderer for allah------ask his or her name
your trivializing of the thousands of children murdered by nail bombs is as typical of islamo nazi pigs as was mengele's approach to his wholesale murder of children as a nazi physician ---engaged in "scientific research" such as the dissection of all twins that came his way
you still made no point georgie-----except to attempt to come up with some BENEFIT to some greedy imperialist british pigs in the establishment of Israel I have no doubt that no matter what happens politically or demographically or economically in the world------SOME GREEDY LIMEY PIG benefits

Good point. That is why Britain was instrumental in the creation of Israel in Palestine.
The best laid plans of...

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country..."

"The records of discussions that led up to the final text of the Balfour Declaration clarifies some details of its wording. The phrase 'national home' was intentionally used instead of 'state because of opposition to the Zionist program within the British Cabinet.

"Following discussion of the initial draft the Cabinet Secretary, Mark Sykes, met with the Zionist negotiators to clarify their aims. His official report back to the Cabinet categorically stated that the Zionists did not want 'to set up a Jewish Republic or any other form of state in Palestine or in any part of Palestine'.[16]

"Both the Zionist Organization and the British government devoted efforts over the following decades, including Winston Churchill's 1922 White Paper, to denying that a state was the intention.[17] However, in private, many British officials agreed with the interpretation of the Zionists that a state would be established when a Jewish majority was achieved."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So? uhm I think that one happened in the early 1920s By that time the zionist project facilitated by OTTOMAN POLICY had already resulted in a functioning jewish society. with schools, hospitals, and many social institutions Balfour was essentially acknowleging that which already existed -------and recommending that---since it had demonstrated value as a FUNCTIONING society------that it be allowed to flourish. Interestingly----the new country SOUTHERN SUDAN-----came about in a similar way--------as a place with a function ------the peace and refuge of a people

of course I understand that for YOU----it would be far better to give the green light to KHARTOUM to continue its policy of murder, rape and enslavment------and for England to have given a green light for the continuation of dhimmia for jews in the middle east so sorry----the actions of england did create a problem for the local Imam in the land in which my mother -in-law was born-------his RIGHT TO ENSLAVE HER WAS COMPROMISED try to get over it
you still made no point georgie-----except to attempt to come up with some BENEFIT to some greedy imperialist british pigs in the establishment of Israel I have no doubt that no matter what happens politically or demographically or economically in the world------SOME GREEDY LIMEY PIG benefits
Why don't you ask Sharon if he can spot the point in this

"The British did not know quite what to make of President Woodrow Wilson and his conviction (before America's entrance into the war) that the way to end hostilities was for both sides to accept 'peace without victory.'

"Two of Wilson's closest advisors, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, were avid Zionists. How better to shore up an uncertain ally than by endorsing Zionist aims? The British adopted similar thinking when it came to the Russians, who were in the midst of their revolution. Several of the most prominent revolutionaries, including Leon Trotsky, were of Jewish descent.

"Why not see if they could be persuaded to keep Russia in the war by appealing to their latent Jewishness and giving them another reason to continue the fight?" ... These include not only those already mentioned but also Britain's desire to attract Jewish financial resources."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So? uhm I think that one happened in the early 1920s By that time the zionist project facilitated by OTTOMAN POLICY had already resulted in a functioning jewish society. with schools, hospitals, and many social institutions Balfour was essentially acknowleging that which already existed -------and recommending that---since it had demonstrated value as a FUNCTIONING society------that it be allowed to flourish. Interestingly----the new country SOUTHERN SUDAN-----came about in a similar way--------as a place with a function ------the peace and refuge of a people

of course I understand that for YOU----it would be far better to give the green light to KHARTOUM to continue its policy of murder, rape and enslavment------and for England to have given a green light for the continuation of dhimmia for jews in the middle east so sorry----the actions of england did create a problem for the local Imam in the land in which my mother -in-law was born-------his RIGHT TO ENSLAVE HER WAS COMPROMISED try to get over it
How did all those Jewish schools, hospitals, and social institutions function to expel over 700,000 Arabs and Christians from their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948?

Was that a consequence of the Jewish National Home or Jewish State?
your claim that 700,000 arabs and christians got EXPELLED from their "homes and businesses and bank accounts" -----is quite a joke------the overwhelming majority of arabs who fled were day laborer types who lived in mud floor huts and were squatters They were fleeing an arena of war---------something that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE faced in the same era-----you made no point. As to arabs----those who fled were generally leaving----virtually nothing. The lands many jews fled during that period of time were-----sometimes even more primitive------HOW DID THEY HAPPEN TO HAVE TO FLEE? In fact I would say that the land my husband's family fled was -----quite a bit more primitive than was Israel/palestine at that time

is sudan more civilized

your post is bizarre to the point of psychosis
So? uhm I think that one happened in the early 1920s By that time the zionist project facilitated by OTTOMAN POLICY had already resulted in a functioning jewish society. with schools, hospitals, and many social institutions Balfour was essentially acknowleging that which already existed -------and recommending that---since it had demonstrated value as a FUNCTIONING society------that it be allowed to flourish. Interestingly----the new country SOUTHERN SUDAN-----came about in a similar way--------as a place with a function ------the peace and refuge of a people

of course I understand that for YOU----it would be far better to give the green light to KHARTOUM to continue its policy of murder, rape and enslavment------and for England to have given a green light for the continuation of dhimmia for jews in the middle east so sorry----the actions of england did create a problem for the local Imam in the land in which my mother -in-law was born-------his RIGHT TO ENSLAVE HER WAS COMPROMISED try to get over it
How did all those Jewish schools, hospitals, and social institutions function to expel over 700,000 Arabs and Christians from their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948?

Was that a consequence of the Jewish National Home or Jewish State?
Why, Georgie, you are giving us the Arab version again. Most of the people who left did so when the other Arab leaders told them to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they destroyed the Jews. Then these people could come back and take the property that belonged to the dead Jews. After all, if the UN eventually said that anyone who was in the area for only two years could be considered a refugee, this must have sounded like a Godsend to those who had nothing. How much could someone without a great job accumulate in less than two years. Maybe Georgie sees those Hispanics in his own town who have been there for only five years and thinks they are filthy rich.
right HOSS----the arabs who left-----were MOSTLY those who did not own anything---------they hoped to CLEAN UP LATER in the pillage promised them by the ISLAMIC SCHOLARS
So? uhm I think that one happened in the early 1920s By that time the zionist project facilitated by OTTOMAN POLICY had already resulted in a functioning jewish society. with schools, hospitals, and many social institutions Balfour was essentially acknowleging that which already existed -------and recommending that---since it had demonstrated value as a FUNCTIONING society------that it be allowed to flourish. Interestingly----the new country SOUTHERN SUDAN-----came about in a similar way--------as a place with a function ------the peace and refuge of a people

of course I understand that for YOU----it would be far better to give the green light to KHARTOUM to continue its policy of murder, rape and enslavment------and for England to have given a green light for the continuation of dhimmia for jews in the middle east so sorry----the actions of england did create a problem for the local Imam in the land in which my mother -in-law was born-------his RIGHT TO ENSLAVE HER WAS COMPROMISED try to get over it
How did all those Jewish schools, hospitals, and social institutions function to expel over 700,000 Arabs and Christians from their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948?

Was that a consequence of the Jewish National Home or Jewish State?
Why, Georgie, you are giving us the Arab version again. Most of the people who left did so when the other Arab leaders told them to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they destroyed the Jews. Then these people could come back and take the property that belonged to the dead Jews. After all, if the UN eventually said that anyone who was in the area for only two years could be considered a refugee, this must have sounded like a Godsend to those who had nothing. How much could someone without a great job accumulate in less than two years. Maybe Georgie sees those Hispanics in his own town who have been there for only five years and thinks they are filthy rich.
"The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants." It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including 'expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area.' It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs."

Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman

At least the displaced Palestinians were treated better than the Canaanites.
Who knows, another 3000 years and ALL Jews might be civilized.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country..."
And then major arab immigrants decided to have it all for themselves, of course, promoting a strong point that living with them was untenable, and jews should think of something of their own. Someone should write a thesis on major arab immigtants' contribution to the creation of the state of Israel. That'll be hilarious, indeed.
Doc----you do not understand Georgie insists that the "civil and religious RIGHTS" of the arab/muslims in palestine included pogroms upon jewish communities----ie the massacres in Jerusalem in the 1920s were legal rights for arab muslims In a sense he is right since such actions are legal under shariah law and the "religion" of arab muslims is islam ALSO the civil and religious rights of muslims ARE VIOLATED by jewish ownership of land-----and of WEAPONS of any kind. Self defense is utterly prohibited to dhimmis Try to understand georgie's POV ----keep in mind----after many massacres jews did commit the worst of all Blasphemies against allah----they developed a militia and even obtained a few guns-----did you know that contrary to the shariah law upon which georgie insists----there was actually ONE PISTOL in the possession of the jews of Hebron ---1929?
Israeli Theft Of Palestinian Property By Stephen Lendman. "Adalah, meaning justice in Arabic, is the legal center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel advocating through Israeli Supreme Court petitions; lawsuits and appeals ... blahblahblah ... in a nation where only Jews have rights."
Funny, how then come that abdalla mustard-pot exists at all?
"It also prepares publications and reports on vital issues of concern to Palestinians"
How so, if palestinians were jews and arabs strongly preferred being referred to as just arabs?
"including two recent ones on the theft of their property, an ongoing international law violation since Israel's "War of Independence"
And what might that international law be?
"a six-month atrocity that expelled about 800,000 people, massacred many others, destroyed 531 villages, 11 urban neighborhoods in cities like Tel-Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem,"
While all the touted figures and events are highly suspect, as any pro-palistanian scribes should be, we may say that a possibility of a defeat has never occured to arab supremacists in their wars, and they hate facing the consequences, of course.
"and stole 78% of historic Palestine as the first step toward seizing it all for exclusive Jewish use."
It is common knoweldge that, if arabs develop great attraction to something it becomes "historic" to them, although being major immigrants from the hood they can hardly declare anything "historic" and dear to their romantic souls, except for their respective motherlands they drove their camels from, of course.
"Shortly after its "War of Independence," laws were passed to legitimize Palestinian land seizures for exclusive Jewish use."
So, who was that sheikh, shakh, imam, sultan, emir, pasha, president, prime-minister to back that "palestinian lands" and 78% of "historic" pastures allegation?
"Yassar Arafat saying: "Israel has always confiscated land from Arabs and dispossessed them of the property. The land always goes from Arabs to the Jews,""
Arabs, it seems, have yet to learn that wars have consequences.
" Israel violated their rulings and committed plunder in violation of the 1907 Hague Convention's Regulation 46 that explicitly prohibits expropriation."
That Hague-thumping is rather entertaining, since we don't hear about all that jewish property and holdings, confiscated in arab countries, of course.
"This action will deny refugees any hope of recovering their property and will violate their legal rights under international and Israeli laws"
Too many "refugees" and too little "property", since palistanians are the only so-called refugees in the world to pass their refugee status on to their children, royal occupational refugees. Besides, what property can major immigrants be talking about?
"This practice is excluded from public discourse, yet Israelis are puzzled by Palestinians' reluctance to recognize Israel as a Jewish state."
Of course, not. Israelis know that by recognizing Israel palistanians will put an end to their dreams of grabbing what's not theirs and otherwise redistributing jewish property and holdings.
Damn, that Stephen Lendman is a prolific driveler, of course.
How did all those Jewish schools, hospitals, and social institutions function to expel over 700,000 Arabs and Christians from their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948?

Was that a consequence of the Jewish National Home or Jewish State?[/QUOTE]

Hundreds of millions of people migrated about in the era sorrounding World War II and the break up of the British empire--------how did the IMAMS AND MOSQUES manage to expel almost a million jews out of shariah shit holes-----did they use their sluts with bombs tied to their stinking jihadista asses?. I have a particular interest in hospitals----to what MUSLIM HOSPITALS in what is today Israel are you citing----that existed in 1948? An interesting factoid----a person very close to me was hospitalized at that time ---in fact for a very prolonged time in the Jerusalem hospital for crippled children----That was an entirely jewish supported and run hospital-----but it had both jewish and muslim patients why do you imagine that the muslim polio victims would be in a jewish hospital?. I asked the former patient if there were any musim doctors or nurses working there and he said "no"

Schools? what schools?

can you cite some of those Businesses -----generally speaking-----the family donkey went with the family to wherever the family decided to go
How did all those Jewish schools, hospitals, and social institutions function to expel over 700,000 Arabs and Christians from their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948?

Was that a consequence of the Jewish National Home or Jewish State?

Hundreds of millions of people migrated about in the era sorrounding World War II and the break up of the British empire--------how did the IMAMS AND MOSQUES manage to expel almost a million jews out of shariah shit holes-----did they use their sluts with bombs tied to their stinking jihadista asses?. I have a particular interest in hospitals----to what MUSLIM HOSPITALS in what is today Israel are you citing----that existed in 1948? An interesting factoid----a person very close to me was hospitalized at that time ---in fact for a very prolonged time in the Jerusalem hospital for crippled children----That was an entirely jewish supported and run hospital-----but it had both jewish and muslim patients why do you imagine that the muslim polio victims would be in a jewish hospital?. I asked the former patient if there were any musim doctors or nurses working there and he said "no"

Schools? what schools?

can you cite some of those Businesses -----generally speaking-----the family donkey went with the family to wherever the family decided to go

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjEBQ_bE7uA&feature=related]Palestine Pre-1947 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGBoGKPZlQE&feature=related]Palestine before 1948 - YouTube[/ame]
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what do you think is depicted in those pictures? lots of scenes like that still exist in Israel----sorta --------and some of those people could be jews from middle eastern countries-------gee you are stupid the lady looks my husband's aunt who I met for the first time --------early this year. She is now 89 years old ----but she dresses in something like the OLD YEMENITE WAY gee you are stupid she seems to have a problem giving up those PANTS under the DRESS A freind of mine told me the same thing about her own mother seems like once you get used to PANTS under the dress--------giving them up makes you feel naked
what do you think is depicted in those pictures? lots of scenes like that still exist in Israel----sorta --------and some of those people could be jews from middle eastern countries-------gee you are stupid the lady looks my husband's aunt who I met for the first time --------early this year. She is now 89 years old ----but she dresses in something like the OLD YEMENITE WAY gee you are stupid she seems to have a problem giving up those PANTS under the DRESS A freind of mine told me the same thing about her own mother seems like once you get used to PANTS under the dress--------giving them up makes you feel naked

Keep grasping at straws.
what "straw" is that tinnie dear? I have described reality-----you have something against reality? I have seen may propaganda pictures from islamo nazi pigs which suggest that all of palestine was "MUSLIM" ------which show people dressed-----just like the jews of Tunisia, and Morocco and Algeria and Yemen etc etc dressed------even when they were in palestine I am really sorry that you so despise REAL RECORDED HISTORY One idiot showed a person leading a DONKEY ------to prove that palestine was all muslim---------my husband's family used a donkey in palestine/israel--------did that fact make them MUSLIMS? They had a goat too.------no car. some people are THAT STUPID

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