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Sabra and Shatila: 30 Years Ago Today

Arafat and his gang would never have existed if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine hadn't inflicted a Jewish state upon the majority of Palestinians in1948.

Think of it as Original (kosher) Sin.
Again the readers will notice that Georgie refuses to bring up the fact that the Hashemites received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The Hashemites are Muslims so Georgie possibly feels he better not bring up that fact of their receiving such a huge portion of the Mandate. It is better for him to just bring up the fact that the Jews got something which he can't stand. If you are not a Muslim, Georgie, are you a NeoNazi who is now working hand in hand with the radical Muslims since the Jews are the common enemy of both? You know that saying -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Arafat and his gang would never have existed if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine hadn't inflicted a Jewish state upon the majority of Palestinians in1948.

Think of it as Original (kosher) Sin.
Again the readers will notice that Georgie refuses to bring up the fact that the Hashemites received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The Hashemites are Muslims so Georgie possibly feels he better not bring up that fact of their receiving such a huge portion of the Mandate. It is better for him to just bring up the fact that the Jews got something which he can't stand. If you are not a Muslim, Georgie, are you a NeoNazi who is now working hand in hand with the radical Muslims since the Jews are the common enemy of both? You know that saying -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Leave georgie alone---he is longing for the GOOD OLD DAYS----when raping kaffirahs ws legal and HALAL
Democracy is a real bitch for Nazis like rosie.

What exactly entitles the Chosen People to land and water that belongs to their neighbors?

the bar against rape of children is a real bitch for depraved shariah loving pigs like georgie ----poor georgie so delighted that shariah law allows the confiscation of children and RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT TO HIS DEPRAVED DELIGHT-----and----people resist his filth and depravity
"The militiamen rampaged around Sabra and Shatila until Saturday morning killing indiscriminately: nurses were raped by the killer gangs and then shot, children were scalped, patients from two hospitals were dragged from their beds and knifed to death.

"The Phalangists left most of their victims where they killed them, in their homes or in the streets, but some of them borrowed Israeli bulldozers and tried to cover up their deeds by shovelling corpses into mass graves."

Ever wonder what it would feel like to watch you child being scalped as you were being raped?
'Hope it never happens to you or yours.

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Democracy is a real bitch for Nazis like rosie.

What exactly entitles the Chosen People to land and water that belongs to their neighbors?

the bar against rape of children is a real bitch for depraved shariah loving pigs like georgie ----poor georgie so delighted that shariah law allows the confiscation of children and RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT TO HIS DEPRAVED DELIGHT-----and----people resist his filth and depravity
"The militiamen rampaged around Sabra and Shatila until Saturday morning killing indiscriminately: nurses were raped by the killer gangs and then shot, children were scalped, patients from two hospitals were dragged from their beds and knifed to death.

"The Phalangists left most of their victims where they killed them, in their homes or in the streets, but some of them borrowed Israeli bulldozers and tried to cover up their deeds by shovelling corpses into mass graves."

Ever wonder what it would feel like to watch you child being scalped as you were being raped?
'Hope it never happens to you or yours.

Once again, it was not the Israelis who committed these atrocities.
Arafat and his gang would never have existed if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine hadn't inflicted a Jewish state upon the majority of Palestinians in1948.

Think of it as Original (kosher) Sin.
Again the readers will notice that Georgie refuses to bring up the fact that the Hashemites received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The Hashemites are Muslims so Georgie possibly feels he better not bring up that fact of their receiving such a huge portion of the Mandate. It is better for him to just bring up the fact that the Jews got something which he can't stand. If you are not a Muslim, Georgie, are you a NeoNazi who is now working hand in hand with the radical Muslims since the Jews are the common enemy of both? You know that saying -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Two-thirds of the human beings living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in 1948 had a Jewish state inflicted upon them by force of arms. Over 700,000 Arabs and others were divested of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts by Jewish aggression. Imperialist history that's similar to the millions of Asian civilians the US military murdered, maimed, and displaced during the US occupation of South Vietnam.
the bar against rape of children is a real bitch for depraved shariah loving pigs like georgie ----poor georgie so delighted that shariah law allows the confiscation of children and RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT TO HIS DEPRAVED DELIGHT-----and----people resist his filth and depravity
"The militiamen rampaged around Sabra and Shatila until Saturday morning killing indiscriminately: nurses were raped by the killer gangs and then shot, children were scalped, patients from two hospitals were dragged from their beds and knifed to death.

"The Phalangists left most of their victims where they killed them, in their homes or in the streets, but some of them borrowed Israeli bulldozers and tried to cover up their deeds by shovelling corpses into mass graves."

Ever wonder what it would feel like to watch you child being scalped as you were being raped?
'Hope it never happens to you or yours.

Once again, it was not the Israelis who committed these atrocities.
Israel was the Occupying Power responsible for everything that happened in those two camps. Not only that, Israeli flared illuminated the camps during the nights and allowed Phalagist reinforcements into both camps after details of their crimes were known:

"The following morning, at 11:30 a.m. on Friday 17 September, General Drori ordered the militiamen to stop their operation, but after a further meeting with Phalangist officers the Israelis agreed to let them remain in the camps until the following day.

"Hobeika was also given permission to use two battalions of fresh troops and in the afternoon another force of militiamen entered the camps where they began a new round of killing.

"The Israeli commander in Beirut, General Yaron, has since admitted that, in spite of the fact that Israeli officers had known for several hours that the massacres were taking place, the Phalangists were allowed to call up reinforcements and remain in the camps for a further thirty-six hours. The militiamen rampaged around Sabra and..."

On the 29th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre | Mondoweiss
yeah that is why Sharon was courtmartialed and sanctioned If Sharon had engaged in the same behavior ----as A MUSLIM in not interfering with attacks on jews-----he would have been REWARDED FINANCIALLY AND HONORS FOREVER as it was------the incident almost cost him his entire career------he did manage to recover Have you ever heard of a muslim court matialed for allowing someone to murder jews?

Have you ever wondered what it is like for the families of kids tortured to death for the glory of allah to know that the pigs who did it were named SAINTS FOR ISLAM and financially REWARDED and there are parks and streets name to HONOR THEM FOR THEIR BARBARIC ACTS-----the filthy and disgusting whore WAFA IDRIS has three girls schools name in her honor because she tied a bomb to her stinking ass. and MURDERED for allah------her victims have mothers too. Millions of sudanese christians were raped and murdered and/or enslaved ANY PROSECUTIONS? 1/4 million girls----hindus and muslims were raped in 1971 by the west pakistani army ANY PROSECUTIONS they all had mothers

btw-----the little girls raped and murdered in DAMOUR for the glory of allah----also had mothers
Arafat and his gang would never have existed if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine hadn't inflicted a Jewish state upon the majority of Palestinians in1948.

Think of it as Original (kosher) Sin.

Very amusing, Georgie: you did know, didn't you, that no such concept as 'original sin' exists in Judaism? (Nor did Jesus preach any such thing: it doesn't come in until a couple of hundred years later.....)
"On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade of the Jordanian Army) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa.
So what did Arafat palistanians do to deserve such attention?
Western capitalistic governments, owned by the richest 1% of their populations, created Pakistan, Israel, and Jordan in order to control resources like oil and natural gas. Why do racist conservatives constantly fail to recognize the cause of atrocities like Black September or Bhopal which is yet another example of rich western corporations placing profits over innocent lives.
Ah, occupy drivel.
Arafat and his gang would never have existed if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine hadn't inflicted a Jewish state upon the majority of Palestinians in1948.

Think of it as Original (kosher) Sin.
Again the readers will notice that Georgie refuses to bring up the fact that the Hashemites received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The Hashemites are Muslims so Georgie possibly feels he better not bring up that fact of their receiving such a huge portion of the Mandate. It is better for him to just bring up the fact that the Jews got something which he can't stand. If you are not a Muslim, Georgie, are you a NeoNazi who is now working hand in hand with the radical Muslims since the Jews are the common enemy of both? You know that saying -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Two-thirds of the human beings living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in 1948 had a Jewish state inflicted upon them by force of arms. Over 700,000 Arabs and others were divested of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts by Jewish aggression. Imperialist history that's similar to the millions of Asian civilians the US military murdered, maimed, and displaced during the US occupation of South Vietnam.
How about giving us your opinion regarding the Hashemites being handed over 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate to rule over? And you can also tell us why the UN said that anyone who was living in the area for only two years can be considered a refugee. Surely you are smart enough to realize that living in an area for only two years doesn't make someone indigenous to that area. Isn't it strange that millions of people were displaced during World War II who were actually indigenous to their areas and yet somehow they got on with their lives, having to learn a new language and a new culture. Georgie can't seem to restrain himself from bringing up the Viet Nam war, but it's funny how he can never admit that his Muslim friends (or maybe his own brethren) have murdered millions just in the 20th century alone. Why is that? Is it OK for Muslims to murder so Georgie just closes his eyes to that?
I don't believe England had the moral authority to "hand over" Arab land to Hashemites or Zionists.
Do you suppose the ratio of white-skinned Jews to Arabs had anything to do with that decision?

If the UN's stipulation of refugee applied to Jew and Arab alike, why would it matter?
You might also spell out the relationship between refugee and indigenous.

700,000 Arabs were evicted from lands that some had occupied for two or more generations, and I'm pretty sure if 700,000 Jews had been purged from Mandate Palestine in 1948, you wouldn't be so concerned about how long the "chosen people" had been living on their land.

This country is still the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, so clean your own sty first.
I don't believe England had the moral authority to "hand over" Arab land to Hashemites or Zionists.
Do you suppose the ratio of white-skinned Jews to Arabs had anything to do with that decision?

If the UN's stipulation of refugee applied to Jew and Arab alike, why would it matter?
You might also spell out the relationship between refugee and indigenous.

700,000 Arabs were evicted from lands that some had occupied for two or more generations, and I'm pretty sure if 700,000 Jews had been purged from Mandate Palestine in 1948, you wouldn't be so concerned about how long the "chosen people" had been living on their land.

This country is still the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, so clean your own sty first.
For the life of me, I can't understand why Georgie is still living here in America when he can go live in a Muslim country and congratulate them on their being responsible for murdering millions and millions since Islam had been invented. What's the death toll now in Syria, Georgie, where your friends are busy murdering each other? Are you really that dark skinned, Georgie, that you don't consider Arabs as Caucasians or do you belong to the Nation of Islam? I would say that the Arabs certainly didn't have any problems murdering the Black Muslims in Darfur and taking many of the women as slaves,
did they Georgie? Nor do they have any problem calling the Blacks slaves in Arabic. By the way, Georgie, I still go with what Winston Churchill said. You can call him a liar all you want, but no doubt the British officials in the area told him just what was going on with the Arabs coming from the surrounding poor countries for jobs that the Jews had for them. I think Georgie must be fast asleep at the switch if he doesn't see the population changes in his own city as the rest of Americans living in large cities can see in theirs. Is the population in your city, Georgie, the same as it was decades ago, or have more Hispanics moved in from their poor countries for jobs? Certainly you must have noticed more Middle Easterners and Asians unless you were comatose.
George must be a very good Muslim since Muslims are not allowed to blame other Muslims for anything. The Pakistani Army helped the previous King of Jordan murder thousands of Palestinians and he is blaming it on Western capitalistic governments (which makes you wonder why he immigrated to this country in the first place when he no doubt would be more comfortable in a Muslim country). As far as Bangladesh, you seem to have a problem with my mentioning that last year was the 40th anniversary of the atrocity committed by Muslims on innocent people who were mainly Hindus. Can't we remember the dead Hindus? I hope that in thirty years time, Georgie remembers the thousands and thousands of people in Syria being killed by Muslims. Who knows what the death toll will be when this is over since it is now approaching 30,000.
I'm neither Christian nor Muslim nor immigrant, and I've never killed an innocent human being for money, how about you? (still bitching about those parades?)

How many Pakistani troops were in Jordan in September of 1970?

"Jordanian army attacks

"On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade of the Jordanian Army) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa.

"Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division."

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Western capitalistic governments, owned by the richest 1% of their populations, created Pakistan, Israel, and Jordan in order to control resources like oil and natural gas.
Why do racist conservatives constantly fail to recognize the cause of atrocities like Black September or Bhopal which is yet another example of rich western corporations placing profits over innocent lives.
One thing we know for sure -- you are not a Hindu, Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews? Evidently Georgie doesn't believe that the Pakistani General who took over didn't bring some of the Pakistani Army with him. He traveled to Jordan all by his lonesome. Tell us, Georgie, just how much oil does Jordan actually have that Western capitalistic countries were behind this Black September atrocity? I would imagine that Georgie wants us to forget that Arafat and his gang wanted to take over Jordan.

Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Jordan?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Israel?
I'm neither Christian nor Muslim nor immigrant, and I've never killed an innocent human being for money, how about you? (still bitching about those parades?)

How many Pakistani troops were in Jordan in September of 1970?

"Jordanian army attacks

"On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade of the Jordanian Army) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa.

"Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division."

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Western capitalistic governments, owned by the richest 1% of their populations, created Pakistan, Israel, and Jordan in order to control resources like oil and natural gas.
Why do racist conservatives constantly fail to recognize the cause of atrocities like Black September or Bhopal which is yet another example of rich western corporations placing profits over innocent lives.
One thing we know for sure -- you are not a Hindu, Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews? Evidently Georgie doesn't believe that the Pakistani General who took over didn't bring some of the Pakistani Army with him. He traveled to Jordan all by his lonesome. Tell us, Georgie, just how much oil does Jordan actually have that Western capitalistic countries were behind this Black September atrocity? I would imagine that Georgie wants us to forget that Arafat and his gang wanted to take over Jordan.

Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Jordan?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Israel?
The Shadow knows.
I'm neither Christian nor Muslim nor immigrant, and I've never killed an innocent human being for money, how about you? (still bitching about those parades?)

How many Pakistani troops were in Jordan in September of 1970?

"Jordanian army attacks

"On September 15, King Hussein declared martial law. The next day, Jordanian tanks (the 60th Armored Brigade of the Jordanian Army) attacked the headquarters of Palestinian organizations in Amman; the army also attacked camps in Irbid, Salt, Sweileh, Baq'aa, Wehdat and Zarqa.

"Then the head of Pakistani training mission to Jordan, Brigadier Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (later Chief of Army Staff and President of Pakistan), took command of the 2nd division."

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Western capitalistic governments, owned by the richest 1% of their populations, created Pakistan, Israel, and Jordan in order to control resources like oil and natural gas.
Why do racist conservatives constantly fail to recognize the cause of atrocities like Black September or Bhopal which is yet another example of rich western corporations placing profits over innocent lives.
One thing we know for sure -- you are not a Hindu, Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews? Evidently Georgie doesn't believe that the Pakistani General who took over didn't bring some of the Pakistani Army with him. He traveled to Jordan all by his lonesome. Tell us, Georgie, just how much oil does Jordan actually have that Western capitalistic countries were behind this Black September atrocity? I would imagine that Georgie wants us to forget that Arafat and his gang wanted to take over Jordan.

Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Jordan?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Israel?
Why, Tinny, the Arabs armies told these people to leave so that they would be out of the way when they finished off the Jews. Then the people could come back and take the property which belonged to the Jews. The Arabs who stayed actually had money and property and are now living as citizens of Israel. In a way, it looks like Tinny had no problem with Arafat trying to take over Jordan for the "Palestinians," did you, Tinny? Can we mention here, Tinny, an anniversary for Black September, or would that be going against your delicate feelings? By the way, Tinny, many of the Arabs who left were not natives to the land. They came from surrounding countries, just like Arafat's family came from Egypt.
One thing we know for sure -- you are not a Hindu, Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews? Evidently Georgie doesn't believe that the Pakistani General who took over didn't bring some of the Pakistani Army with him. He traveled to Jordan all by his lonesome. Tell us, Georgie, just how much oil does Jordan actually have that Western capitalistic countries were behind this Black September atrocity? I would imagine that Georgie wants us to forget that Arafat and his gang wanted to take over Jordan.

Meanwhile, where is your complaint about Jordan getting 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. Is it because the rulers were Muslims and not Jews?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Jordan?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Israel?
Why, Tinny, the Arabs armies told these people to leave so that they would be out of the way when they finished off the Jews. Then the people could come back and take the property which belonged to the Jews. The Arabs who stayed actually had money and property and are now living as citizens of Israel. In a way, it looks like Tinny had no problem with Arafat trying to take over Jordan for the "Palestinians," did you, Tinny? Can we mention here, Tinny, an anniversary for Black September, or would that be going against your delicate feelings? By the way, Tinny, many of the Arabs who left were not natives to the land. They came from surrounding countries, just like Arafat's family came from Egypt.

Are you still pimping this crap?
How many natives were kicked off their land by Jordan?

How many natives were kicked off their land by Israel?
Why, Tinny, the Arabs armies told these people to leave so that they would be out of the way when they finished off the Jews. Then the people could come back and take the property which belonged to the Jews. The Arabs who stayed actually had money and property and are now living as citizens of Israel. In a way, it looks like Tinny had no problem with Arafat trying to take over Jordan for the "Palestinians," did you, Tinny? Can we mention here, Tinny, an anniversary for Black September, or would that be going against your delicate feelings? By the way, Tinny, many of the Arabs who left were not natives to the land. They came from surrounding countries, just like Arafat's family came from Egypt.

Are you still pimping this crap?
Yes, Tinmore. You can't deny the truth.

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