Sad news: Dick Cheney is still alive : (

Few people will shave more of the collective years off of the liberals' lifespan. Dick Chaney was a gift from God.

Tell that the families of all the soldiers who died in his profit driven war in Iraq.
3 Out of 4 U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Occurred Under Obama
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
Few people will shave more of the collective years off of the liberals' lifespan. Dick Chaney was a gift from God.

Tell that the families of all the soldiers who died in his profit driven war in Iraq.
3 Out of 4 U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Occurred Under Obama
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?
He must be thanking Medicare daily for underwriting his healthcare.

Is The Donald on Medicare?

Trump is eligible for Medicare. It's not a means tested program. That's the way the Dims wrote it.
Dick Cheney is what this country fucking needs
Cheney's favorite thing in the world was waking up to a fresh shipment of caskets draped in American flags. I suspect you share that common interest with him.

God, are you ever a douche bag.
Not totally his fault, remember the liberal media had to make a show of the caskets arriving in Delaware, but since obama took office, its like nobody has died.
Dick Cheney is what this country fucking needs
Cheney's favorite thing in the world was waking up to a fresh shipment of caskets draped in American flags. I suspect you share that common interest with him.

God, are you ever a douche bag.
Not totally his fault, remember the liberal media had to make a show of the caskets arriving in Delaware, but since obama took office, its like nobody has died.
Yep, the media just doesn't care about dead Americans killed by a Democrat president.
Tell that the families of all the soldiers who died in his profit driven war in Iraq.
3 Out of 4 U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Occurred Under Obama
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!

Maybe he thinks anyone captured is not a hero, like the draft dodging Donnie.
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.
Dick Cheney is what this country fucking needs
may the mf die a horrible death and then burn in hell
So compassionate
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Dick Cheney is what this country fucking needs
may the mf die a horrible death and then burn in hell
So compassionate
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??
Dick Cheney is what this country fucking needs
may the mf die a horrible death and then burn in hell
So compassionate
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??

Who have you supported? The killer Clinton or Obama? How about Clinton's wife, you going to support her? You fucking asshole!
may the mf die a horrible death and then burn in hell
So compassionate
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??

Who have you supported? The killer Clinton or Obama? How about Clinton's wife, you going to support her? You fucking asshole!
I voted for the same ah you did in 2000 and regret it You ,you pos keep voting for scum which makes you a scumbag too
So compassionate
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??

Who have you supported? The killer Clinton or Obama? How about Clinton's wife, you going to support her? You fucking asshole!
I voted for the same ah you did in 2000 and regret it You ,you pos keep voting for scum which makes you a scumbag too

Who did I vote for in 2000 or 2004? Do you fucking know ass wipe?

Tell me who I voted for? I bet you won't get it right.
I am compassionate but I despise republicans especially murderers like bush /cheney

You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??

Who have you supported? The killer Clinton or Obama? How about Clinton's wife, you going to support her? You fucking asshole!
I voted for the same ah you did in 2000 and regret it You ,you pos keep voting for scum which makes you a scumbag too

Who did I vote for in 2000 or 2004? Do you fucking know ass wipe?
No I don't know and don't care You're a fn idiot whoever you voted for
You aren't compassionate, you are an asshole. I'd never wish anyone to die a horrible death, you reveal how intolerant you are. Asshole!
Papa let me be the first to tell you you are a scumbag and a pos that supported fn murderers like cheney and bush Who else did you support ? Manson Son of Sam??

Who have you supported? The killer Clinton or Obama? How about Clinton's wife, you going to support her? You fucking asshole!
I voted for the same ah you did in 2000 and regret it You ,you pos keep voting for scum which makes you a scumbag too

Who did I vote for in 2000 or 2004? Do you fucking know ass wipe?
No I don't know and don't care You're a fn idiot whoever you voted for

So how the fuck can you say you voted the same as I did in 2000?

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