Sad news: Dick Cheney is still alive : (

And this dumbfuck op was just calling someone a lowlife in another thread for suggesting the same thing about a leftie. I posted that I remembered him saying the same thing about Cheney and the snowflake put me on ignore lol
To wish death on Cheney at this point is sick. He is in no position to do any more harm to the country, he does not matter.
now that obama is no longer in a position to harm the country, I do not wish him death, or suffering of any kind, I hope he goes on and lives a long and happy life out of the public eye from this point on. Its how adults should act.
I will never approve of the things he did, but those things can be fixed while leaving only a minimal scar. Same with Bush, and I suspect in 4 or 8 years, the same will be said about President Trump.
But as far as Dick Cheney goes? he can do nothing to anyone now, let him live out his life in peace. How hard could that actually be to do.

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