SAE Gets Shunned, yet...

Still waiting for a link to the black frats that openly discriminate.

So its only wrong if its in the open?

Would you be as forgiving to say a Country Club that doesn't have a de jure whites only policy, but does have a de facto one?

I doubt it.
OP said that black frats have discriminatory words and practices spelled out in their charters. I want proof. As for you CC example...I have seeen many whites in black fraternities...I haven't seen any blacks at a racially exclusive golf clubs (unless they are laborers). In other words...there is no policy to keep whites out of black frats...and your idea that it is unspoken is nonsense. Show me an example of a white person who wanted into a black fraterity and was not allowed.

I'm not the OP. So you are saying there are NO black frat chapters that discourage whites from joining?
Red herring. My premise what those kids said was absolutely horrendous and they deserve the public shaming, but losing their homes, not being allowed to live on campus and expelled from school over NON-VIOLENT SPEECH is WORSE that what they did.

And I presented the HYPOCRISY, black frats OPENLY discriminate based on race, Hispanic separatist that are all over campus openly talk about a violent revolution to steal the American southwest and Muslim students openly call for genocide of Jews and harass Jews whenever they can!

Yet the only the despicable acts of whites gets addressed!

They said they would hang blacks from a tree before they would ever let them in.

Of course racists like you are defending them, it's what you do. If OU did nothing, that would be more shameful and validation that they were okay in doing it.

It's not okay and your first amendment rights are not protected from being kicked off campus. They haven't been kicked out of school yet IIRC.

I'm sure they have said far worse things that have not been recorded.
There is a difference between defending them and castigating a mob overreaction to nothing more than stupidity. They didn't go out a lynching right after making the video.

and your last paragraph is a stretch and you know it.

But fine, lets play into the whole eventual rationalization these kids and their families will use. Nothing will be fixed except a bunch of people feeling all warm and fuzzy over "fighting racism," when all they are doing is perpetuating it. You've just turned a bunch of half assed moronic racists into more than likely full blown racists, except now they will be better at hiding it.

So ignoring it will end racism? If they don't punish them, they think they can continue to do it.

Racists are racists no matter whether they are overt or subtle. Letting them get away with it would be horrible.

So the best response to this episode of racism is to destroy their lives before they have even hit 25 years old?

Again, if you think they cannot be changed or helped, then just shoot them and be done with it.
So you don't think they should be responsible for what they do? If they rape a we just turn the other head because we don't want to ruin their lives?

Rape is an actual Crime, with criminal punishments.

Are you saying you want to make certain speech a crime?
What the SAE children, yes children, did is wrong and deserve to be shunned by the public, but a school Dean taking away their house, kicking them off campus, and seeking to expel them is absolutely wrong. First, this is speech and no action. This isn't even a call to harm anyone. It's unbelievable what the kids did, but it's far worse what the Dean is doing!

But the hypocrisy doesn't stop there. Muslims call for death and segregation of Jews. They preach hate on a daily basis on campus. They do it openly and without repercussions. Muslims say far far worst thing than these white kids.

Black frats say horrible antiwhite things that would be just as awful as these white kids and unlike white frats, Black frats OPENLY discriminate against whites and other races. My frat was mostly white, but we had a few blacks, a bunch of hispanics and a few Asian. Black frats ONLY have Blacks and that is done on purpose!

Hispanics openly call for Aztlan and white genocide.

Yet only the white and Jewish students get silenced!

When will the hypocrisy end?
It's never a good thing to start your post off with easily disproven lies...

Please post a link to a Black Frat that refuses admittance to anyone based on race.

HBCU's are seeing increasing white enrollment without any racial animus..

Where's a post to any of the lies...err...statements you have made???
Still waiting for a link to the black frats that openly discriminate.

So its only wrong if its in the open?

Would you be as forgiving to say a Country Club that doesn't have a de jure whites only policy, but does have a de facto one?

I doubt it.
OP said that black frats have discriminatory words and practices spelled out in their charters. I want proof. As for you CC example...I have seeen many whites in black fraternities...I haven't seen any blacks at a racially exclusive golf clubs (unless they are laborers). In other words...there is no policy to keep whites out of black frats...and your idea that it is unspoken is nonsense. Show me an example of a white person who wanted into a black fraterity and was not allowed.

I'm not the OP. So you are saying there are NO black frat chapters that discourage whites from joining?
I don't I supposed to assume it because YOU say so? Show me the proof. Wouldn't you ask for some proof if someone were to say white fraternties dscourage blacks from joining?

Amazing how its a two way street, huh?
They said they would hang blacks from a tree before they would ever let them in.

Of course racists like you are defending them, it's what you do. If OU did nothing, that would be more shameful and validation that they were okay in doing it.

It's not okay and your first amendment rights are not protected from being kicked off campus. They haven't been kicked out of school yet IIRC.

I'm sure they have said far worse things that have not been recorded.
There is a difference between defending them and castigating a mob overreaction to nothing more than stupidity. They didn't go out a lynching right after making the video.

and your last paragraph is a stretch and you know it.

But fine, lets play into the whole eventual rationalization these kids and their families will use. Nothing will be fixed except a bunch of people feeling all warm and fuzzy over "fighting racism," when all they are doing is perpetuating it. You've just turned a bunch of half assed moronic racists into more than likely full blown racists, except now they will be better at hiding it.

So ignoring it will end racism? If they don't punish them, they think they can continue to do it.

Racists are racists no matter whether they are overt or subtle. Letting them get away with it would be horrible.

So the best response to this episode of racism is to destroy their lives before they have even hit 25 years old?

Again, if you think they cannot be changed or helped, then just shoot them and be done with it.
So you don't think they should be responsible for what they do? If they rape a we just turn the other head because we don't want to ruin their lives?

Rape is an actual Crime, with criminal punishments.

Are you saying you want to make certain speech a crime?
I am saying that they violated the University's code of conduct...are you saying schools shouldn't have a code of conduct?
Still waiting for a link to the black frats that openly discriminate.

So its only wrong if its in the open?

Would you be as forgiving to say a Country Club that doesn't have a de jure whites only policy, but does have a de facto one?

I doubt it.
OP said that black frats have discriminatory words and practices spelled out in their charters. I want proof. As for you CC example...I have seeen many whites in black fraternities...I haven't seen any blacks at a racially exclusive golf clubs (unless they are laborers). In other words...there is no policy to keep whites out of black frats...and your idea that it is unspoken is nonsense. Show me an example of a white person who wanted into a black fraterity and was not allowed.

I'm not the OP. So you are saying there are NO black frat chapters that discourage whites from joining?
I don't I supposed to assume it because YOU say so? Show me the proof. Wouldn't you ask for some proof if someone were to say white fraternties dscourage blacks from joining?

Amazing how its a two way street, huh?

What I wouldn't do is imply it never happens, which is what you are doing in your posts.
I'm sure they have said far worse things that have not been recorded.
There is a difference between defending them and castigating a mob overreaction to nothing more than stupidity. They didn't go out a lynching right after making the video.

and your last paragraph is a stretch and you know it.

But fine, lets play into the whole eventual rationalization these kids and their families will use. Nothing will be fixed except a bunch of people feeling all warm and fuzzy over "fighting racism," when all they are doing is perpetuating it. You've just turned a bunch of half assed moronic racists into more than likely full blown racists, except now they will be better at hiding it.

So ignoring it will end racism? If they don't punish them, they think they can continue to do it.

Racists are racists no matter whether they are overt or subtle. Letting them get away with it would be horrible.

So the best response to this episode of racism is to destroy their lives before they have even hit 25 years old?

Again, if you think they cannot be changed or helped, then just shoot them and be done with it.
So you don't think they should be responsible for what they do? If they rape a we just turn the other head because we don't want to ruin their lives?

Rape is an actual Crime, with criminal punishments.

Are you saying you want to make certain speech a crime?
I am saying that they violated the University's code of conduct...are you saying schools shouldn't have a code of conduct?

I'm saying a code of conduct for a public university shouldn't violate the 1st amendment. Even for a private one speech should not be punished by people in power, however it is explicitly banned in a public institution.
Still waiting for a link to the black frats that openly discriminate.

So its only wrong if its in the open?

Would you be as forgiving to say a Country Club that doesn't have a de jure whites only policy, but does have a de facto one?

I doubt it.
OP said that black frats have discriminatory words and practices spelled out in their charters. I want proof. As for you CC example...I have seeen many whites in black fraternities...I haven't seen any blacks at a racially exclusive golf clubs (unless they are laborers). In other words...there is no policy to keep whites out of black frats...and your idea that it is unspoken is nonsense. Show me an example of a white person who wanted into a black fraterity and was not allowed.

I'm not the OP. So you are saying there are NO black frat chapters that discourage whites from joining?
I don't I supposed to assume it because YOU say so? Show me the proof. Wouldn't you ask for some proof if someone were to say white fraternties dscourage blacks from joining?

Amazing how its a two way street, huh?

What I wouldn't do is imply it never happens, which is what you are doing in your posts.
Where did I make that implication? I simply asked for a link to a black frat charter that has discriminatory language or prmotes discrimination. No implication there...a simple question.
So ignoring it will end racism? If they don't punish them, they think they can continue to do it.

Racists are racists no matter whether they are overt or subtle. Letting them get away with it would be horrible.

So the best response to this episode of racism is to destroy their lives before they have even hit 25 years old?

Again, if you think they cannot be changed or helped, then just shoot them and be done with it.
So you don't think they should be responsible for what they do? If they rape a we just turn the other head because we don't want to ruin their lives?

Rape is an actual Crime, with criminal punishments.

Are you saying you want to make certain speech a crime?
I am saying that they violated the University's code of conduct...are you saying schools shouldn't have a code of conduct?

I'm saying a code of conduct for a public university shouldn't violate the 1st amendment. Even for a private one speech should not be punished by people in power, however it is explicitly banned in a public institution.
Do you think that a white person screaming nigg3r in a hateful manner doesn't create a hostile environment?
What the SAE children, yes children, did is wrong and deserve to be shunned by the public, but a school Dean taking away their house, kicking them off campus, and seeking to expel them is absolutely wrong. First, this is speech and no action. This isn't even a call to harm anyone. It's unbelievable what the kids did, but it's far worse what the Dean is doing!

But the hypocrisy doesn't stop there. Muslims call for death and segregation of Jews. They preach hate on a daily basis on campus. They do it openly and without repercussions. Muslims say far far worst thing than these white kids.

Black frats say horrible antiwhite things that would be just as awful as these white kids and unlike white frats, Black frats OPENLY discriminate against whites and other races. My frat was mostly white, but we had a few blacks, a bunch of hispanics and a few Asian. Black frats ONLY have Blacks and that is done on purpose!

Hispanics openly call for Aztlan and white genocide.

Yet only the white and Jewish students get silenced!

When will the hypocrisy end?
It's never a good thing to start your post off with easily disproven lies...

Please post a link to a Black Frat that refuses admittance to anyone based on race.

HBCU's are seeing increasing white enrollment without any racial animus..

Where's a post to any of the lies...err...statements you have made???

Show me where any white kids are in a black frat if that is so easily proven wrong as you stated! If they allow white members then why don't they participate in rush week?
What the SAE children, yes children, did is wrong and deserve to be shunned by the public, but a school Dean taking away their house, kicking them off campus, and seeking to expel them is absolutely wrong. First, this is speech and no action. This isn't even a call to harm anyone. It's unbelievable what the kids did, but it's far worse what the Dean is doing!

But the hypocrisy doesn't stop there. Muslims call for death and segregation of Jews. They preach hate on a daily basis on campus. They do it openly and without repercussions. Muslims say far far worst thing than these white kids.

Black frats say horrible antiwhite things that would be just as awful as these white kids and unlike white frats, Black frats OPENLY discriminate against whites and other races. My frat was mostly white, but we had a few blacks, a bunch of hispanics and a few Asian. Black frats ONLY have Blacks and that is done on purpose!

Hispanics openly call for Aztlan and white genocide.

Yet only the white and Jewish students get silenced!

When will the hypocrisy end?
It's never a good thing to start your post off with easily disproven lies...

Please post a link to a Black Frat that refuses admittance to anyone based on race.

HBCU's are seeing increasing white enrollment without any racial animus..

Where's a post to any of the lies...err...statements you have made???

Show me where any white kids are in a black frat if that is so easily proven wrong as you stated! If they allow white members then why don't they participate in rush week?
Have you even bothered to do a search? There is always at least one wigger in black frats.

PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.

PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Address it all you want, perhaps instead of making it personal.

Better yet, play your little games with someone else, thanks.


PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Address it all you want, perhaps instead of making it personal.

Better yet, play your little games with someone else, thanks.

That's awfully PC of you.

PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Let's do a comparison:

Mainstream Racist Organization (Justified Title)
Black Frat White Only Frat
Congressional Congressional White Caucus
Black Caucus
Black Panthers KKK
Nation of Islam Aryan Nation
Apartheid Black Apartheid White South Africa
South Africa

The list goes and on! The left side are racist organization and they earn that title because they are racist organizations. Yet the right side are all composed of the black equivalent and they are main-stream!

PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Let's do a comparison:

Mainstream Racist Organization (Justified Title)
Black Frat White Only Frat
Congressional Congressional White Caucus
Black Caucus
Black Panthers KKK
Nation of Islam Aryan Nation
Apartheid Black Apartheid White South Africa
South Africa

The list goes and on! The left side are racist organization and they earn that title because they are racist organizations. Yet the right side are all composed of the black equivalent and they are main-stream!
They are minority organizations...your hate just blinds you from the truth.

PC is a one-way street only.

We'll see how much longer this lasts.

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Let's do a comparison:

Mainstream Racist Organization (Justified Title)
Black Frat White Only Frat
Congressional Congressional White Caucus
Black Caucus
Black Panthers KKK
Nation of Islam Aryan Nation
Apartheid Black Apartheid White South Africa
South Africa

The list goes and on! The left side are racist organization and they earn that title because they are racist organizations. Yet the right side are all composed of the black equivalent and they are main-stream!
They are minority organizations...your hate just blinds you from the truth.
YOU are the hater, An affirmative action suck-up, worm, incapable of making it on your own.

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