SAE Gets Shunned, yet...

PC, PC, PC...waaaaa. :lol: That is your excuse for everything.
This is a PC situation, tough shit.

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you make it personal.

Grow up.

Okay...PC. The situation shouldn't be addressed because you think it is PC?

You people always do this - instead of addressing the point, you revert to PC.

Grow up, grow a brain.
Let's do a comparison:

Mainstream Racist Organization (Justified Title)
Black Frat White Only Frat
Congressional Congressional White Caucus
Black Caucus
Black Panthers KKK
Nation of Islam Aryan Nation
Apartheid Black Apartheid White South Africa
South Africa

The list goes and on! The left side are racist organization and they earn that title because they are racist organizations. Yet the right side are all composed of the black equivalent and they are main-stream!
They are minority organizations...your hate just blinds you from the truth.
YOU are the hater, An affirmative action suck-up, worm, incapable of making it on your own.
So now you are blamng me for your personal failures?

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