Salma Hayek Said Trump Planted Fake Story About Her After She Refused To Date Him


Salma Hayek revealed that Donald Trump planted a story about her in the National Enquirer after she refused to go on a date with him many years ago, BuzzFeed first reported Friday.

During an appearance on the “El Show del Mandril” radio show on Friday, the actress told the hosts that she believed all the women who’ve accused the Republican nominee of sexual assault, before sharing her own experience with Trump.

“When I met that man, I had a boyfriend, and he tried to become his friend to get my home telephone number. He got my number and he would call me to invite me out,” Hayek said.

“When I told him I wouldn’t go out with him even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, he called — well, he wouldn’t say he called, but someone told the National Enquirer,” the actress said.

Allegedly, Trump (or ― just playing along here ― whoever made the call) told the outlet that it was in fact he who wouldn’t go out with Hayek. And the incredulous reasoning as to why he “wouldn’t” date her?

“It said that he wouldn’t go out with me because I was too short,” Hayek said.

Despite his unfortunate attempts to woo the actress ― and ill-fated attempt to spread a ridiculous lie ― Trump still continued to call Hayek.

“Later, he called and left me a message. ‘Can you believe this? Who would say this? I don’t want people to think this about you,’” the actress said. “He thought that I would try to go out with him so people wouldn’t think that’s why he wouldn’t go out with me.”

Listen to Hayek’s entire conversation about Trump here.

Salma Hayek Said Trump Planted A Story About Her In The National Enquirer After She Refused To Date Him

Shame on Trump. Salma has class - Trump has none.

the trumpsters won't believe her either.

at least dumb donald can't say she isn't hot enough to harass.
Trump said exactly what he did to women but yet the so called party of family values still supports him. Sick bastards.

So what? You supported Bill Clinton, and he literally raped women. And not just Salma, but a half dozen women.

You supported him, and claimed to be for women's justice. Right?

You really can't sit around and claim to have moral authority, while you routinely do exactly what you claimed others do.

Zero credibility buddy. Zero.

you know what, if the rightwingnut House and their shill ken starr hadn't spent 70 million of our tax dollars investigating bill clinton and getting nothing but a blue dress (consensual relationship) then maybe we'd give a damn about what you loons had to say.. .particularly given that a) the pigs newt gingrich and rudy giuliani are the ones pouring the pavement for the donald; b) bill left office with an almost 70% approval rating; and b) bill isn't running for president... and c) bill isn't running for president.

that the best you nutters can do.

and i'll repeat... tell us again why the only demographic dumb donald wins is uneducated angry white bigoted misogynist men...

awww... look... the paid trumpster shill thought the above was funny.

once mo time... tell us again why dumb donald can't win any demographic but angry white uneducated males.

Well at least you'll be safe from Bill Clinton darling. No one is coming for you hon.

Pretty easy to defend a rapist, when you know you'll never catch his eye, eh?

Salma Hayek revealed that Donald Trump planted a story about her in the National Enquirer after she refused to go on a date with him many years ago, BuzzFeed first reported Friday.

During an appearance on the “El Show del Mandril” radio show on Friday, the actress told the hosts that she believed all the women who’ve accused the Republican nominee of sexual assault, before sharing her own experience with Trump.

“When I met that man, I had a boyfriend, and he tried to become his friend to get my home telephone number. He got my number and he would call me to invite me out,” Hayek said.

“When I told him I wouldn’t go out with him even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, he called — well, he wouldn’t say he called, but someone told the National Enquirer,” the actress said.

Allegedly, Trump (or ― just playing along here ― whoever made the call) told the outlet that it was in fact he who wouldn’t go out with Hayek. And the incredulous reasoning as to why he “wouldn’t” date her?

“It said that he wouldn’t go out with me because I was too short,” Hayek said.

Despite his unfortunate attempts to woo the actress ― and ill-fated attempt to spread a ridiculous lie ― Trump still continued to call Hayek.

“Later, he called and left me a message. ‘Can you believe this? Who would say this? I don’t want people to think this about you,’” the actress said. “He thought that I would try to go out with him so people wouldn’t think that’s why he wouldn’t go out with me.”

Listen to Hayek’s entire conversation about Trump here.

Salma Hayek Said Trump Planted A Story About Her In The National Enquirer After She Refused To Date Him

Shame on Trump. Salma has class - Trump has none.

the trumpsters won't believe her either.

at least dumb donald can't say she isn't hot enough to harass.
Trump said exactly what he did to women but yet the so called party of family values still supports him. Sick bastards.

So what? You supported Bill Clinton, and he literally raped women. And not just Salma, but a half dozen women.

You supported him, and claimed to be for women's justice. Right?

You really can't sit around and claim to have moral authority, while you routinely do exactly what you claimed others do.

Zero credibility buddy. Zero.

you know what, if the rightwingnut House and their shill ken starr hadn't spent 70 million of our tax dollars investigating bill clinton and getting nothing but a blue dress (consensual relationship) then maybe we'd give a damn about what you loons had to say.. .particularly given that a) the pigs newt gingrich and rudy giuliani are the ones pouring the pavement for the donald; b) bill left office with an almost 70% approval rating; and b) bill isn't running for president... and c) bill isn't running for president.

that the best you nutters can do.

and i'll repeat... tell us again why the only demographic dumb donald wins is uneducated angry white bigoted misogynist men...

awww... look... the paid trumpster shill thought the above was funny.

once mo time... tell us again why dumb donald can't win any demographic but angry white uneducated males.

Well at least you'll be safe from Bill Clinton darling. No one is coming for you hon.

Pretty easy to defend a rapist, when you know you'll never catch his eye, eh?
Where Clinton is concerned. Jilly would help provide victims and then cover.
the trumpsters won't believe her either.

at least dumb donald can't say she isn't hot enough to harass.
Trump said exactly what he did to women but yet the so called party of family values still supports him. Sick bastards.

So what? You supported Bill Clinton, and he literally raped women. And not just Salma, but a half dozen women.

You supported him, and claimed to be for women's justice. Right?

You really can't sit around and claim to have moral authority, while you routinely do exactly what you claimed others do.

Zero credibility buddy. Zero.

you know what, if the rightwingnut House and their shill ken starr hadn't spent 70 million of our tax dollars investigating bill clinton and getting nothing but a blue dress (consensual relationship) then maybe we'd give a damn about what you loons had to say.. .particularly given that a) the pigs newt gingrich and rudy giuliani are the ones pouring the pavement for the donald; b) bill left office with an almost 70% approval rating; and b) bill isn't running for president... and c) bill isn't running for president.

that the best you nutters can do.

and i'll repeat... tell us again why the only demographic dumb donald wins is uneducated angry white bigoted misogynist men...

awww... look... the paid trumpster shill thought the above was funny.

once mo time... tell us again why dumb donald can't win any demographic but angry white uneducated males.

Well at least you'll be safe from Bill Clinton darling. No one is coming for you hon.

Pretty easy to defend a rapist, when you know you'll never catch his eye, eh?
Where Clinton is concerned. Jilly would help provide victims and then cover.

was that supposed to be an actual sentence? does this bigot get 8,000+ rating points??

Just goes to show you what a right-wing joke this message board is.

You're 33 posts into this board as of this quote and seem to be just another left wing screechy ****. I'm thinking a possible sock.

Your critical of me, yet have nothing to say about the racist Trump supporters on this board. Typical Repug lowlife.

Kindly go fuck yourself, loser.

You can't spell. You can't talk intelligently. You can't even make a point. In short you have no value to the entire forum. Congrats. You are hereby, and forever more, muted and ignored.

You can bug others, but you'll never again bother me. Bye bye troll!

View attachment 94735
And with a quick "ignore" click... the troll is gone forever!

In other words, you're a racist Trump supporter also. Ignore me like the little Repug pussy that you are, fine with me.
Racism has nothing to do with it. Nobody here knows your race as far as I can tell. What we do know is you're mentally retarded. And whatever your race may be doesn't tip the scales away from that fact. Black, white or anything other doesn't matter in the determination, you're an idiot and so your posts will be taken as not a racial reason to not take you seriously but a determination that you simply don't have the intelligence to participate in the conversations.

Golly, Repug goober...that really hurts.

The fact that you won't call out that racist poster for what he is shows that you are sympathetic to him and most likely a racist as well. You simply have no decency and you will come to the defense of any racist lowlife on this board as long as they hate Hillary and liberals in general. So go fuck yourself, Repug bitch.

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