Sanctuary cities release criminals back onto streets instead of notifying ICE

This is the main problem with sanctuary cities. They protect criminals and make sure they are not deported. This guy was deported 13 times and, like all of them, kept coming back. Without proper border security and sanctuary cities that coddle these scumbags, we can expect more attacks and murders. This guy raped a 65 year old woman and she has Oregon politicians to thank for it.

The man who murdered the woman in San Francisco was another piece of shit who should have been deported.

Of course, deporting them only temporarily keeps citizens safe because the lack of border security means they'll be back. And liberals support this.

65-year-old woman pays the price for Oregon's sanctuary state status; assaulted by illegal with 13 deportations - Allen B. West -
We have a federal Border; why is the State at fault?

The Obama administration all but erased that federal border. Sanctuary cities are unconstitutional but when illegals manage to relocate to them, they are kept safe from the feds by the states. It's bullshit.

Perhaps you would care to quote the Article of the Constitution that Sanctuary cities violate....
This is the main problem with sanctuary cities. They protect criminals and make sure they are not deported. This guy was deported 13 times and, like all of them, kept coming back. Without proper border security and sanctuary cities that coddle these scumbags, we can expect more attacks and murders. This guy raped a 65 year old woman and she has Oregon politicians to thank for it.

The man who murdered the woman in San Francisco was another piece of shit who should have been deported.

Of course, deporting them only temporarily keeps citizens safe because the lack of border security means they'll be back. And liberals support this.

65-year-old woman pays the price for Oregon's sanctuary state status; assaulted by illegal with 13 deportations - Allen B. West -
We have a federal Border; why is the State at fault?

The Obama administration all but erased that federal border. Sanctuary cities are unconstitutional but when illegals manage to relocate to them, they are kept safe from the feds by the states. It's bullshit.

Perhaps you would care to quote the Article of the Constitution that Sanctuary cities violate....

Says the man who refuses to talk about victims that pay the price for his love of criminal illegals aliens.
The feds can enforce their laws, and the other municipalities can enforce their laws. I do not expect to see the FBI handing out speeding tickets, and I do not expect cities to arrest IRS tax evaders.

Your desperate attempt to avoid discussing the fact that a woman was raped and that people like you are indirectly responsible is noted.

Deport them all.

Build the wall.

Protect our people.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!
The feds can enforce their laws, and the other municipalities can enforce their laws. I do not expect to see the FBI handing out speeding tickets, and I do not expect cities to arrest IRS tax evaders.

Your desperate attempt to avoid discussing the fact that a woman was raped and that people like you are indirectly responsible is noted.

Deport them all.

Build the wall.

Protect our people.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

Hell, yes!!!

A big argument is that a wall won't help because so many come here legally with Visas and just stay. At least those people went through some kind of process and background check. The majority just come in undetected and we have no fucking clue who they are or what they are really coming here to do.

We know terrorists are among the drug cartels, the human traffickers (who literally steal women and children to sell as sex slaves) and a bunch of other garbage that we don't want.

We have to stop the worst of the worst from coming in and that takes a secure border. Sneaking in and out with their kidnapped sex slaves requires minimum border security and no wall or fence. Sure, some will still get around it but then some prisoners escape jails despite the high security. There is no excuse for not minimizing the traffic as much as possible.


...and still no border wall. looks like yet another Trump fail!
This is the main problem with sanctuary cities. They protect criminals and make sure they are not deported. This guy was deported 13 times and, like all of them, kept coming back. Without proper border security and sanctuary cities that coddle these scumbags, we can expect more attacks and murders. This guy raped a 65 year old woman and she has Oregon politicians to thank for it.

The man who murdered the woman in San Francisco was another piece of shit who should have been deported.

Of course, deporting them only temporarily keeps citizens safe because the lack of border security means they'll be back. And liberals support this.

65-year-old woman pays the price for Oregon's sanctuary state status; assaulted by illegal with 13 deportations - Allen B. West -
We have a federal Border; why is the State at fault?

The Obama administration all but erased that federal border. Sanctuary cities are unconstitutional but when illegals manage to relocate to them, they are kept safe from the feds by the states. It's bullshit.

Perhaps you would care to quote the Article of the Constitution that Sanctuary cities violate....

Says the man who refuses to talk about victims that pay the price for his love of criminal illegals aliens.

I agree. It is a terrible shame! Every ICE agent having anything to do with that jurisdiction should be replaced by people who successfully do their jobs!
The feds can enforce their laws, and the other municipalities can enforce their laws. I do not expect to see the FBI handing out speeding tickets, and I do not expect cities to arrest IRS tax evaders.

Your desperate attempt to avoid discussing the fact that a woman was raped and that people like you are indirectly responsible is noted.

Deport them all.

Build the wall.

Protect our people.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.
Deportation does not work! Build that wall.

It would be so much cheaper to put towers every half mile equipped with a Ma Deuce or better yet Mini guns,a Barrett and night vision equipment.

Liberals don't even want a wall much less a gun turret, I think both would be great, we would only have to hit a few till the word got out.
And looking at Canada they seem to have more liberals than us, so we need to get turrets there too before it's to late.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The feds can enforce their laws, and the other municipalities can enforce their laws. I do not expect to see the FBI handing out speeding tickets, and I do not expect cities to arrest IRS tax evaders.

Your desperate attempt to avoid discussing the fact that a woman was raped and that people like you are indirectly responsible is noted.

Deport them all.

Build the wall.

Protect our people.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.

Discussing the victim solves nothing. The victim will remain a victim, no matter how much the victim is discussed. The only issue worth discussing is how to stop someone else being victimized. It seems obvious to me that the feds are not doing their jobs. The issue then becomes "why not?", and "How to change that". What I am seeing from Trump and his followers is along these lines: "We are not doing our jobs, for whatever reason, so somebody else should do our job, too and if they don't do our jobs, then it is all their fault".
Your desperate attempt to avoid discussing the fact that a woman was raped and that people like you are indirectly responsible is noted.

Deport them all.

Build the wall.

Protect our people.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.

Discussing the victim solves nothing. The victim will remain a victim, no matter how much the victim is discussed. The only issue worth discussing is how to stop someone else being victimized. It seems obvious to me that the feds are not doing their jobs. The issue then becomes "why not?", and "How to change that". What I am seeing from Trump and his followers is along these lines: "We are not doing our jobs, for whatever reason, so somebody else should do our job, too and if they don't do our jobs, then it is all their fault".

Trump's administration is leading to greatly increased deportations of assholes like this guy, AND fewer of them coming back.

Everything I have seen is that ICE is greatly upping it's game, motivated by a leader who supports their purpose.

Discussing the victim is important so that we don't lose sight of the cost of policies that people like you support.

Trump is the ONLY HOPE of taking any of the steps to reduce this source of victimization in America.

And you are completely opposed to him doing so.

Admit it. YOu want these rapists to stay.
This is the main problem with sanctuary cities. They protect criminals and make sure they are not deported. This guy was deported 13 times and, like all of them, kept coming back. Without proper border security and sanctuary cities that coddle these scumbags, we can expect more attacks and murders. This guy raped a 65 year old woman and she has Oregon politicians to thank for it.

The man who murdered the woman in San Francisco was another piece of shit who should have been deported.

Of course, deporting them only temporarily keeps citizens safe because the lack of border security means they'll be back. And liberals support this.

65-year-old woman pays the price for Oregon's sanctuary state status; assaulted by illegal with 13 deportations - Allen B. West -
We have a federal Border; why is the State at fault?

The Obama administration all but erased that federal border. Sanctuary cities are unconstitutional but when illegals manage to relocate to them, they are kept safe from the feds by the states. It's bullshit.

Perhaps you would care to quote the Article of the Constitution that Sanctuary cities violate....

Says the man who refuses to talk about victims that pay the price for his love of criminal illegals aliens.

I agree. It is a terrible shame! Every ICE agent having anything to do with that jurisdiction should be replaced by people who successfully do their jobs!

It is always very easy to blame the little guy.

They have new leadership, leadership that supports them and their mission. Give them a chance to redeem themselves.
Sounds to me like you have a problem with Trump. He is responsible for enforcing federal law with federal resources and federal taxes. And, like everything he is doing, he is failing.

More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.

Discussing the victim solves nothing. The victim will remain a victim, no matter how much the victim is discussed. The only issue worth discussing is how to stop someone else being victimized. It seems obvious to me that the feds are not doing their jobs. The issue then becomes "why not?", and "How to change that". What I am seeing from Trump and his followers is along these lines: "We are not doing our jobs, for whatever reason, so somebody else should do our job, too and if they don't do our jobs, then it is all their fault".

Trump's administration is leading to greatly increased deportations of assholes like this guy, AND fewer of them coming back.

Everything I have seen is that ICE is greatly upping it's game, motivated by a leader who supports their purpose.

Discussing the victim is important so that we don't lose sight of the cost of policies that people like you support.

Trump is the ONLY HOPE of taking any of the steps to reduce this source of victimization in America.

And you are completely opposed to him doing so.

Admit it. YOu want these rapists to stay.

It happened on Trump's watch. Maybe he needs to borrow Harry Truman's sign to put on his desk: "The buck stops here".
More deflections to avoid discussing the op, ie a woman raped because an illegal alien was detained by the police THIRTEEN TIMES, and THIRTEEN TIMES, instead of being deported the rapist was released onto us streets.

(Hey, do you think this was his first rape, or just the first time he got caught?)

What is bothering you is that you support rapists like this guy, being allowed to stay here.

And you don't like to see people openly and unabashedly discussing the real costs of your vile policies.

Deport them ALL.

Build the WALL.

Protect our people.

WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.

Discussing the victim solves nothing. The victim will remain a victim, no matter how much the victim is discussed. The only issue worth discussing is how to stop someone else being victimized. It seems obvious to me that the feds are not doing their jobs. The issue then becomes "why not?", and "How to change that". What I am seeing from Trump and his followers is along these lines: "We are not doing our jobs, for whatever reason, so somebody else should do our job, too and if they don't do our jobs, then it is all their fault".

Trump's administration is leading to greatly increased deportations of assholes like this guy, AND fewer of them coming back.

Everything I have seen is that ICE is greatly upping it's game, motivated by a leader who supports their purpose.

Discussing the victim is important so that we don't lose sight of the cost of policies that people like you support.

Trump is the ONLY HOPE of taking any of the steps to reduce this source of victimization in America.

And you are completely opposed to him doing so.

Admit it. YOu want these rapists to stay.

It happened on Trump's watch. Maybe he needs to borrow Harry Truman's sign to put on his desk: "The buck stops here".

Says that man that won't mention WHAT happened, and won't admit that he fully supports the release of rapists like the one in the OP, to be released back on the US streets and given full Citizenship and be allowed to live here forever.

That is what you are here trying to support, dishonestly because, you want to make your case.

And you can't, not directly.

So you deflect, spin, lie...
WOW! Arrested 13 times, yet the feds never got down there to take him under custody and prosecute him. Sounds like Trump should clean house over at ICE In fact, in my business career, if I had preformed that badly, I would have been fired on the third time!

The past performance of the agency is part of the current problem. An investigation as to how much of that was agents, and how much of that was from the TOP, ie past POTUSs, would probably be useless because congressmen on both sides of the aisle would sabotage any real findings.

But yes, that is certainly part of the problem.

I note that you still can't bring yourself to discuss the victims, nor really to admit that what you want is for such rapists to be released onto the streets.

Discussing the victim solves nothing. The victim will remain a victim, no matter how much the victim is discussed. The only issue worth discussing is how to stop someone else being victimized. It seems obvious to me that the feds are not doing their jobs. The issue then becomes "why not?", and "How to change that". What I am seeing from Trump and his followers is along these lines: "We are not doing our jobs, for whatever reason, so somebody else should do our job, too and if they don't do our jobs, then it is all their fault".

Trump's administration is leading to greatly increased deportations of assholes like this guy, AND fewer of them coming back.

Everything I have seen is that ICE is greatly upping it's game, motivated by a leader who supports their purpose.

Discussing the victim is important so that we don't lose sight of the cost of policies that people like you support.

Trump is the ONLY HOPE of taking any of the steps to reduce this source of victimization in America.

And you are completely opposed to him doing so.

Admit it. YOu want these rapists to stay.

It happened on Trump's watch. Maybe he needs to borrow Harry Truman's sign to put on his desk: "The buck stops here".

Says that man that won't mention WHAT happened, and won't admit that he fully supports the release of rapists like the one in the OP, to be released back on the US streets and given full Citizenship and be allowed to live here forever.

That is what you are here trying to support, dishonestly because, you want to make your case.

And you can't, not directly.

So you deflect, spin, lie...

Say, Correll, is everyone who refuses to be baited into the frame of discussion that you demand guilty of deflecting, spinning, and lies, or just me? I am very much aware that you want me to weigh into your emotional level of outrage at all illegal aliens because a woman got raped by one of them, but I prefer to think in terms of a solution to the problem, rather than to sink into xenophobia.
I have a question for everyone;
If you found out that an illegal alien that was released from jail in a SC killed your loved one, like a daughter or a son or maybe your spouse, What would you do?
I see how PACs corrupt the political will of America. Al Gore has eluded to that. How Trump and the petroleum industry has co-oped the moderate majority American voter. I also see how the pro-illegal alien PACs have also co-oped the will of the American voter. And, dare I bring up the "N" word? The NRA.
I have a question for everyone;
If you found out that an illegal alien that was released from jail in a SC killed your loved one, like a daughter or a son or maybe your spouse, What would you do?

Well, if I were a Trumpett, I would probably demand that all illegals be hanged, that the Southern border be protected by half a mile of land mines, that the Constitution be shredded, and that the federal government be empowered to shoot anyone on the spot who speaks Spanish.
Well, if I were a Trumpett, I would probably demand that all illegals be hanged, that the Southern border be protected by half a mile of land mines, that the Constitution be shredded, and that the federal government be empowered to shoot anyone on the spot who speaks Spanish
No you would just sink away and do nothing, you would just except it and forgive all who made it possible for the murder of your loved one. You and I are very different.
Well, if I were a Trumpett, I would probably demand that all illegals be hanged, that the Southern border be protected by half a mile of land mines, that the Constitution be shredded, and that the federal government be empowered to shoot anyone on the spot who speaks Spanish
No you would just sink away and do nothing, you would just except it and forgive all who made it possible for the murder of your loved one. You and I are very different.

Well, I did have a very good friend who was stabbed to death by a guy who had been paroled after serving time for a violent crime, but the guy who did it was a white American citizen. What do you think I should have done?
Well, I did have a very good friend who was stabbed to death by a guy who had been paroled after serving time for a violent crime, but the guy who did it was a white American citizen. What do you think I should have done?
Sorry to hear that. He did serve his time before he was released right? Did he get caught and sent back to prison? He wasn't released when he should have been held and that is the difference. He wasn't released just to make a political anti Trump point for example. But sorry you lost your friend.
This is the main problem with sanctuary cities. They protect criminals and make sure they are not deported. This guy was deported 13 times and, like all of them, kept coming back. Without proper border security and sanctuary cities that coddle these scumbags, we can expect more attacks and murders. This guy raped a 65 year old woman and she has Oregon politicians to thank for it.

The man who murdered the woman in San Francisco was another piece of shit who should have been deported.

Of course, deporting them only temporarily keeps citizens safe because the lack of border security means they'll be back. And liberals support this.

65-year-old woman pays the price for Oregon's sanctuary state status; assaulted by illegal with 13 deportations - Allen B. West -
We have a federal Border; why is the State at fault?

The Obama administration all but erased that federal border. Sanctuary cities are unconstitutional but when illegals manage to relocate to them, they are kept safe from the feds by the states. It's bullshit.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

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