Sanders admits he'd tax the middle class for universal healthcare

At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.

I wonder if anyone even realizes that the President cannot raise taxes or implement social programs?
at least the Dems are opening their opinion -

Republicans had 8 years to find an alternative to Obamacare, Trump has been in office over 2 years, that is over a decade of doing nothing but FUCKING BITCHING about healthcare.

when anyone else tables an option for healthcare its not good enough for them so what do they do ?


Really? Obamacare has been all but gutted. But you go on with your crazy self.
At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.
Really? I wonder if anyone even realizes that the President cannot raise taxes or implement social programs?
In presidential debates, presidential candidates list off policies and laws they would like to pursue if they win.

Obviously they would not be able to accomplish them by themselves, but they list them so we know what they would like to do.

Then we vote based largely on what we are expecting that person to pursue if they win.

You didn't know that?
At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.
Really? I wonder if anyone even realizes that the President cannot raise taxes or implement social programs?
In presidential debates, presidential candidates list off policies and laws they would like to pursue if they win.

Obviously they would not be able to accomplish them by themselves, but they list them so we know what they would like to do.

Then we vote based largely on what we are expecting that person to pursue if they win.

You didn't know that?
Of course. I also knew that they cannot accomplish any kind of crap that does not involve a EO or EA.

Of course, what they are doing is building a moving base that they hope will be influential enough to get more 'like-minded' people elected to Congress.

We all know that Bernie is crazy. Hillary was a fucking worthless human being, and that Obama was going to be divisive.

Yet people seem to take what these clowns say as something they can deliver on without regard to the fact that the only thing they can do is veto or sign.

It's worth pointing out to the left that this is the case, but as per their mind-numbing stupidity, they don't listen.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
The ruling class are the billionaires. They own most things including both criminal parties. They always get what they want from Uncle. They control the MSM too, which means they control the minds of many Americans.
So Bernie lies about how big the tax increase will be and you congratulate him.
Bernie knows he's gonna have to raise taxes so much to pay for his health care for illegals, single-payer, and free tuition....that we might as well stop working. Expect over 70% of our income to go to federal taxes. Not just the rich, but every working American.

Actually, we could tax the rich at Pre-Reagan levels and have enough for all of that.

We could also stop pissing away a Trillion a year on the Military-Industrial Complex.
I just love these leftist loons that cry "tax the corporations", then complain about the increase in consumer products. Duh!

Except they have to still compete with each other so they probably won't.

I'm personally not sold on corporate taxes. I think we should just go back to income taxes of 70% on the top 1%. That would work just fine.
If one of these Democrats get elected, our country will be foreever changed for the bad. The ignorant sheep that voted for the "free" stuff will likely remain just as ignorant and never actually recognize WHY the US failed. They will blame it on Trump or some other Republican who gets elected in the future who tries to correct the mess, however, it won't be correctable.

I sincerely hope we have not reached that tipping point the Democrats so desperately seek...more takers who will vote for "free" stuff than those who have to pay for it. Millienials may be the first generation to be eternally stuck in emotiional and intellectual adolescence.

Uh, guy, here's the thing.

Every other industrialized Democracy has the kind of social programs you whine about as "Free Stuff", and they go better than we do economically.

Your argument might hold some water if it had "never been tried", but the fact is, you have Germany, Japan, Italy, France, the UK who have all tried this stuff, and they are just fine.
Last time I looked, there were a million illegals crossing the border and 1.5 million are expected this year.

Then you probably need to get your glasses checked. IN fact, border crossing are down to only 20% of what they were in 2000.

None of the Democrats including Bernie Sanders have volunteered one red cent to prevent the humanitarian issues faced by the illegals, in addition to the homeless in San Francisco, the Demmie House Speaker's home base, are getting any attention from those who hold the keys to the national purse.

Uh, dummy, you guys have most of the keys now...
By the way, the Democrats also lie when they compare Single Payer to Medicare, calling it "Medicare for All".

They want to get rid of Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage, key components of the current overall Medicare system.

That's a pretty blatant lie right there, but they know they can get away with it, since most people don't know how Medicare works.

No, we just recognize that most of these are unnecessary corporate welfare giveaways. That's why we want to get rid of them.

There's really no good reason to pay a CEO an eight figure salary to administer how the government pays for these things.

One more time, the rest of the world has Single Payer, they spend less and get better results.
I just love these leftist loons that cry "tax the corporations", then complain about the increase in consumer products. Duh!

Except they have to still compete with each other so they probably won't.

I'm personally not sold on corporate taxes. I think we should just go back to income taxes of 70% on the top 1%. That would work just fine.
But they do raise prices to pay their taxes. The consumer pays corporate tax. Taxing the rich to make things "fair' is a pipe dream and Marxist propaganda.
But they do raise prices to pay their taxes. The consumer pays corporate tax. Taxing the rich to make things "fair' is a pipe dream and Marxist propaganda.

Funny, it worked just fine from 1940 until 1980, when we had the greatest prosperity in our history, and the rich paid confiscatory tax rates.

Works just fine in Europe, too.
But they do raise prices to pay their taxes. The consumer pays corporate tax. Taxing the rich to make things "fair' is a pipe dream and Marxist propaganda.

Funny, it worked just fine from 1940 until 1980, when we had the greatest prosperity in our history, and the rich paid confiscatory tax rates.

Works just fine in Europe, too.
And we have great prosperity now. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. The Federal government is involved in funding too many things that government shouldn't be funding.
And we have great prosperity now. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. The Federal government is involved in funding too many things that government shouldn't be funding.

Well, you guys keep saying that, but then when pressed, you guys never give me an itemized list of what we should cut.

I mean, you always want to go after the programs that help poor people, but those are only a drop in the bucket.

When it comes to the big ticket Corporate Welfare and Middle Class Entitlement items, you guys never really say, "We should cut those". You'd have a riot on your hands if you did.
And we have great prosperity now. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. The Federal government is involved in funding too many things that government shouldn't be funding.

Well, you guys keep saying that, but then when pressed, you guys never give me an itemized list of what we should cut.

I mean, you always want to go after the programs that help poor people, but those are only a drop in the bucket.

When it comes to the big ticket Corporate Welfare and Middle Class Entitlement items, you guys never really say, "We should cut those". You'd have a riot on your hands if you did.
Corporations provide jobs. Get a job and pay for your own healthcare insurance.
The only way you can pay for universal healthcare is by taxing the middle class.

Every nation on earth that has universal government-sponsored healthcare taxes the middle class for it.

It's a fantasy to think otherwise.
I just love these leftist loons that cry "tax the corporations", then complain about the increase in consumer products. Duh!

Except they have to still compete with each other so they probably won't.

I'm personally not sold on corporate taxes. I think we should just go back to income taxes of 70% on the top 1%. That would work just fine.

It sure would if your goal is to destroy the economy.
The only way you can pay for universal healthcare is by taxing the middle class.

Every nation on earth that has universal government-sponsored healthcare taxes the middle class for it.

It's a fantasy to think otherwise.

But that's the problem getting government involved; it can't be done without becoming political.

Another problem is leftists would use universal care as a control tool. If all we had in healthcare is government, then they would have the ability to control your life. They could tell you how to eat, how much you can drink, how much you can weigh, how much exercise you have to get. Just total control.

Nobody can say Democrats would never do such a thing. Look at what fat-ass did in schools by trying to force kids to eat garbage they didn't want. Kids were either not eating at all, or bringing in candy bars and snacks from home. Then we have Blooming idiot in NY who tried to have cup size restrictions on soft drinks. If not that, a tax on all beverages containing sugar like in CA.

Democrats are control freaks, and that's why we could never have total government healthcare. Another reason is that Democrats would use government healthcare as a weapon against their political enemies like DumBama did with Commie Care.

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