Sanders admits he'd tax the middle class for universal healthcare

We could vote in anything we want and turn this nation into a third world shithole. If a "real" democracy is what you want, then you don't know what you're talking about. A real democracy is a majority that determines what your rights are and not a Constitution. You don't really want that.

Uh, guy, a constitution is just a piece of paper, and if the majority wants me to suffer, I'm probably going to suffer.

The thing is, what we have is a plutocracy, where both parties are bought by the rich. So we've had 40 years of undoing the progress of the previous century on workers and consumer rights, and it shows.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.

Oh, is that so?

View attachment 266839

The number didn't quite double but looke at the huge spike from the 1979, to 1981.
The food stamp program is waste of money... definitely a mistake
I know that you like citing that statistic, but the actual caseload reduction was like 2 or 3 percent because MOST of the food stamp recipients are parents, and they're aleady working, and the case loads were already coming down because of rising employment.

Yes, they are parents. In fact I evicted those parents from one of my apartments a couple of years ago.

They kept getting later and later with the rent. So I called them up to my apartment to discuss the problem. They presented their case, and I came up with a solution for them.

The male of the unmarried couple refused to work more than 40 hours a week. He believed it was slavery to ask somebody to work more hours. She stayed at home with the two kids. So my solution was that if he didn't want to work more hours on the weekend, and she had to watch the kids, the answer to their money problems was simple: She can work weekends part-time while he was home with the kids.

Well, that would have been a perfect solution if not for the woman was a lazy pig, and the fact being unmarried with two children, she would have lost over 300 bucks a month in food stamps.

Bottom line, they chose eviction over losing their government stipend. I took the male to court, sued him, and had his wages garnished for a year. All because of food stamps.
Actually your head is up your ass.
When has any Democrat come thru on any promise only to tax the rich?

You mean other than Obama... and Clinton... and FDR?

Good gosh, you are one of those that have bought into that ridiculous talking point.

No, I'm one of those people who was actually alive during the time we did that and it was a better time than we have now.

I was working during both Obama and Clinton's tenure. I disagree with your assesment. I am doing much better now under this economy. If you live in one of the deep blue states or inner cities, it may be time to get out from under that cloud.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.

Exactly. The Republican plan is to encourage those on the bottom to move up. The Democrat plan is to bring those from the top closer to the bottom.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.

Exactly. The Republican plan is to encourage those on the bottom to move up. The Democrat plan is to bring those from the top closer to the bottom.

Nail meet head.
We could vote in anything we want and turn this nation into a third world shithole. If a "real" democracy is what you want, then you don't know what you're talking about. A real democracy is a majority that determines what your rights are and not a Constitution. You don't really want that.

Uh, guy, a constitution is just a piece of paper, and if the majority wants me to suffer, I'm probably going to suffer.

The thing is, what we have is a plutocracy, where both parties are bought by the rich. So we've had 40 years of undoing the progress of the previous century on workers and consumer rights, and it shows.
Bullcorn. Wealthy people aren't the problem. You haven't lost any rights in the workplace. Name one.
We could vote in anything we want and turn this nation into a third world shithole. If a "real" democracy is what you want, then you don't know what you're talking about. A real democracy is a majority that determines what your rights are and not a Constitution. You don't really want that.

Uh, guy, a constitution is just a piece of paper, and if the majority wants me to suffer, I'm probably going to suffer.

The thing is, what we have is a plutocracy, where both parties are bought by the rich. So we've had 40 years of undoing the progress of the previous century on workers and consumer rights, and it shows.
Bullcorn. Wealthy people aren't the problem. You haven't lost any rights in the workplace. Name one.

If we took all the lazy government dependents, put them on an island somewhere, not only would they would not be missed, but in fact, the country would improve.

If you took all the wealthy people and did the same, the country would collapse.
Funny, it worked just fine from 1940 until 1980, when we had the greatest prosperity in our history, and the rich paid confiscatory tax rates.

I’m always amused when tards bring up that time period as alleged evidence that high tax rates are good, thus confirming you have no understanding of economics, yet keep offering your opinion on it anyway
Uh, guy, a constitution is just a piece of paper,

That piece of paper is the law of the land. Saying it's just a piece of paper is like saying murder and rape are just silly laws not worth paying attention to.

That piece of paper is the foundation that built the greatest country in the world in less than a couple hundred years. There are many countries that wish they had such a piece of paper.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.
I’m doing well too, but unlike you I care about my fellow Americans. You can ignore if you like, but we have a problem that afflicts many Americans.

The extreme rich don’t exist in a capitalist environment. They have socialism. The rest us are on our own under capitalism. The Great Recession clearly proved this.

It’s all bs that we can’t afford it. That is a bogus argument used by the ruling class. Stop buying their bs.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.

Exactly. The Republican plan is to encourage those on the bottom to move up. The Democrat plan is to bring those from the top closer to the bottom.
Yeah that plan is really working well. Have you looked at the income inequality stats lately?
You are way off base Moon Bat.

We should reduce the size of the Federal government so that we don't need either an income tax or a corporate tax. In fact the two trillion dollar a year collected by those sources is just about the same amount that the government spends that we don't need.

Yeah, here's the problem with that. You guys have been singing this song since the 1980's.... and every time you've gotten into power, you've GROWN government and federal spending. You've added FOUR cabinet level positions to government.

Tell me on an itemized list what you would cut, with dollar amounts. My guess- you'll get nowhere near 2 Trillion.

Everything except Defense, state department, Federal courts etc. You know, only the necessary things. Not welfare, subsidies, bailouts, entitlements or grants. No Dept of Education, HUD, EPA or any of those other worthless government bureaucracy. Let people prepare for their own retirement and not have social security. We can continue with the tax on fuel because roads won't build themselves. Electric cars need to be taxed if they use the roads because they don't pay their share of the fuel tax.

With that money being spent in the productive economy instead of given to worthless bureaucrats then we would have a great economic boom. Family income would increase because you wouldn't have to work and then give the money to somebody else to spend for you.
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.

Exactly. The Republican plan is to encourage those on the bottom to move up. The Democrat plan is to bring those from the top closer to the bottom.
Yeah that plan is really working well. Have you looked at the income inequality stats lately?

What does income inequity have to do with it? All that proves is some people are trying harder than others.

If government taxed the wealthy at 50%, how does that help you or me? It doesn't. It only transfers money from the private sector to the public. As we all know, the public sector only wastes money when they have it available to them.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

That's one persons opinion, and he's been an advocate for social programs his entire life.

This all reminds me of several years ago when Obama first got into office. I was at the post office in a line of about fifteen people. A short older black lady in front of me said aloud "This is ridiculous! All of us standing here and they only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The postal worker just looked up and said nothing.

At that point I told the lady "Don't look now, but these are the very same people that want to run our healthcare." She (obviously an Obama supporter) gave me the dirtiest look.

There is a half-way solution to all this, but neither side would give in.

Not sure of how long the government will allow me to work, I checked into disability. I was told by a social security agent that if I got on disability, after two years, I could buy into the Medicare plan. The rates are reasonable ($180 a month to $300 a month depending on what coverage you desire).

So why just people on disability? Why can't we allow people like myself with preexisting conditions to buy into Medicare if private plans are unaffordable?

Think of how much lower private insurance would be without preexisting condition people on them. We could go on Medicare at an affordable price, and the people who keep their insurance could keep their plan, or even augment their plan for much less money.
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

That's one persons opinion, and he's been an advocate for social programs his entire life.

This all reminds me of several years ago when Obama first got into office. I was at the post office in a line of about fifteen people. A short older black lady in front of me said aloud "This is ridiculous! All of us standing here and they only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The postal worker just looked up and said nothing.

At that point I told the lady "Don't look now, but these are the very same people that want to run our healthcare." She (obviously an Obama supporter) gave me the dirtiest look.

There is a half-way solution to all this, but neither side would give in.

Not sure of how long the government will allow me to work, I checked into disability. I was told by a social security agent that if I got on disability, after two years, I could buy into the Medicare plan. The rates are reasonable ($180 a month to $300 a month depending on what coverage you desire).

So why just people on disability? Why can't we allow people like myself with preexisting conditions to buy into Medicare if private plans are unaffordable?

Think of how much lower private insurance would be without preexisting condition people on them. We could go on Medicare at an affordable price, and the people who keep their insurance could keep their plan, or even augment their plan for much less money.
It is not one man’s opinion. The column refers to a study commissioned by the neocon Koch Brothers. It proves Medicare for all is cheaper. Of course, the MSM ignored this study because they do the bidding of their bosses, the billionaires, and they don’t want it.

If O wasn’t entirely owned and controlled by the billionaires and big corporations, he could have enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. O was a fraud, warmonger, and a terrible elitist.
Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

That's one persons opinion, and he's been an advocate for social programs his entire life.

This all reminds me of several years ago when Obama first got into office. I was at the post office in a line of about fifteen people. A short older black lady in front of me said aloud "This is ridiculous! All of us standing here and they only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The postal worker just looked up and said nothing.

At that point I told the lady "Don't look now, but these are the very same people that want to run our healthcare." She (obviously an Obama supporter) gave me the dirtiest look.

There is a half-way solution to all this, but neither side would give in.

Not sure of how long the government will allow me to work, I checked into disability. I was told by a social security agent that if I got on disability, after two years, I could buy into the Medicare plan. The rates are reasonable ($180 a month to $300 a month depending on what coverage you desire).

So why just people on disability? Why can't we allow people like myself with preexisting conditions to buy into Medicare if private plans are unaffordable?

Think of how much lower private insurance would be without preexisting condition people on them. We could go on Medicare at an affordable price, and the people who keep their insurance could keep their plan, or even augment their plan for much less money.
It is not one man’s opinion. The column refers to a study commissioned by the neocon Koch Brothers. It proves Medicare for all is cheaper. Of course, the MSM ignored this study because they do the bidding of their bosses, the billionaires, and they don’t want it.

If O wasn’t entirely owned and controlled by the billionaires and big corporations, he could have enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. O was a fraud, warmonger, and a terrible elitist.

I found that there might be some room for compromise, and the problems we are facing are far more complex than the corporate media are letting on.

The biggest job sector in America is small business. Yet, small business is now creating on average, 1000 less jobs per month than it used to, due to health care costs. This trend is only going to accelerate due to automation and AI.

This exchange between Andrew Yang and Ben Shapiro, whose wife has studied 12 years to be a general practitioner has been very enlightening.

Relevant portion starts at minute mark 46:00

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

That's one persons opinion, and he's been an advocate for social programs his entire life.

This all reminds me of several years ago when Obama first got into office. I was at the post office in a line of about fifteen people. A short older black lady in front of me said aloud "This is ridiculous! All of us standing here and they only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The postal worker just looked up and said nothing.

At that point I told the lady "Don't look now, but these are the very same people that want to run our healthcare." She (obviously an Obama supporter) gave me the dirtiest look.

There is a half-way solution to all this, but neither side would give in.

Not sure of how long the government will allow me to work, I checked into disability. I was told by a social security agent that if I got on disability, after two years, I could buy into the Medicare plan. The rates are reasonable ($180 a month to $300 a month depending on what coverage you desire).

So why just people on disability? Why can't we allow people like myself with preexisting conditions to buy into Medicare if private plans are unaffordable?

Think of how much lower private insurance would be without preexisting condition people on them. We could go on Medicare at an affordable price, and the people who keep their insurance could keep their plan, or even augment their plan for much less money.
It is not one man’s opinion. The column refers to a study commissioned by the neocon Koch Brothers. It proves Medicare for all is cheaper. Of course, the MSM ignored this study because they do the bidding of their bosses, the billionaires, and they don’t want it.

If O wasn’t entirely owned and controlled by the billionaires and big corporations, he could have enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. O was a fraud, warmonger, and a terrible elitist.

It is one persons opinion because I can find studies that say just the opposite. Then the question would be how much less care and innovation would we have with Medicare for all? What are the problems it will create? After all, the reason we have so many foreign doctors here instead of where they came from is because they make a much better living in the USA. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When I go to their downtown campus, I'm the one who feels like a foreigner.

We have good doctors and not so good doctors. We have the best hospitals in the world, and some not so good. So if we are all on one program, who gets to choose what doctors or facilities we are allowed to have? We can't make that decision, because we would all decide on the best doctors or surgeons for ourselves and family.

Would that mean if Democrats are in charge, middle-class and wealthy people get the crap doctors? Or if the Republicans are in charge, the poor get the crappy hospitals and doctors? How would we do that?

After that, we need to examine how much more control will the government have over it's citizens if we are solely dependent on them to provide medical care. Right now, we all have a choice. Once government is a monopoly, those choices will be gone. So what could happen here with government healthcare? The same things that happened in other places.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
It is apparent that the most costly HC system in the world is not working for the American people. Life expectancy is dropping for the first time ever. Millions are uninsured and underinsured. Bankruptcies from the fraudulent HC system are high.

Medicare for all will save money...proof at the link. Time to do it. Is it a great solution? No. Just a better one than what exists now.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

That's one persons opinion, and he's been an advocate for social programs his entire life.

This all reminds me of several years ago when Obama first got into office. I was at the post office in a line of about fifteen people. A short older black lady in front of me said aloud "This is ridiculous! All of us standing here and they only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The postal worker just looked up and said nothing.

At that point I told the lady "Don't look now, but these are the very same people that want to run our healthcare." She (obviously an Obama supporter) gave me the dirtiest look.

There is a half-way solution to all this, but neither side would give in.

Not sure of how long the government will allow me to work, I checked into disability. I was told by a social security agent that if I got on disability, after two years, I could buy into the Medicare plan. The rates are reasonable ($180 a month to $300 a month depending on what coverage you desire).

So why just people on disability? Why can't we allow people like myself with preexisting conditions to buy into Medicare if private plans are unaffordable?

Think of how much lower private insurance would be without preexisting condition people on them. We could go on Medicare at an affordable price, and the people who keep their insurance could keep their plan, or even augment their plan for much less money.
It is not one man’s opinion. The column refers to a study commissioned by the neocon Koch Brothers. It proves Medicare for all is cheaper. Of course, the MSM ignored this study because they do the bidding of their bosses, the billionaires, and they don’t want it.

If O wasn’t entirely owned and controlled by the billionaires and big corporations, he could have enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. O was a fraud, warmonger, and a terrible elitist.

It is one persons opinion because I can find studies that say just the opposite. Then the question would be how much less care and innovation would we have with Medicare for all? What are the problems it will create? After all, the reason we have so many foreign doctors here instead of where they came from is because they make a much better living in the USA. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When I go to their downtown campus, I'm the one who feels like a foreigner.

We have good doctors and not so good doctors. We have the best hospitals in the world, and some not so good. So if we are all on one program, who gets to choose what doctors or facilities we are allowed to have? We can't make that decision, because we would all decide on the best doctors or surgeons for ourselves and family.

Would that mean if Democrats are in charge, middle-class and wealthy people get the crap doctors? Or if the Republicans are in charge, the poor get the crappy hospitals and doctors? How would we do that?

After that, we need to examine how much more control will the government have over it's citizens if we are solely dependent on them to provide medical care. Right now, we all have a choice. Once government is a monopoly, those choices will be gone. So what could happen here with government healthcare? The same things that happened in other places.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.
I think you are over thinking this. Medicare is already in place and has been for decades. Most who use it find it acceptable. If it works for Americans over 65, it will work for all Americans. Doctors will still make a great living, but now the profit motive is gone and the huge number of administrators and such are gone too.

Have you heard of Americans denied care under Medicare?

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